I do remember Norman Smiley being very well liked by the fans for being silly and goofy. I even remember when he wore a football uniform and when he tried to rid himself of the HC title. I hated the HC division in WCW and those shiny oldtimey metal trash cans and the kendo sticks Hak (Sandman) made vogue. I think the big guy yur talking about is either Big T (Ahmed John), that Smooth guy (if he was wearing a singlet with a charley brown pattern), or Stevie Ray.
What made me kinda start not liking WCW was ironically when I was able to first start watching kinda. Where I lived at we couldn't get cable so all my info came from Saturday Night, and school mates who I tried to get through anymeans to tape the show for me. I came in on the tail end of the boom in 1998. Odly because we only had two cable channels, TNT and TBS when I moved in 2000 i came i on the tail end of the attitude era too
I hated the revamped appearence in 2000.
The fingerpoke debacle does in hindsight i guess make sense but I felt like it made Kevin Nash look like a illogical kook. I felt like the NWO was a mid 90s kinda thing and I felt like it was time to keep the Wolfpac around post NWO so Nash couldn't veer to far away from his past because he had done too much to WCW to be a face and because it allowed him a middle path between heel and face. He was like a HBK/Diesel hybrid. It sucked when they threw Konnan out and i dont think Sting every formally ended his alliance with the wolfpac which confused the hell out of me. I Don't think Savage every formally left the Wolfpac either. They just never addressed the swerve which was bizarre.
There was another incident which I really really hated even as a young kid. Bret HART had done something to help Hogan get the WCW tile or when a match. I think he attacked sting and I always remember Hart rubbing his back after Hogan gives some dumb speech.
OMG then there was the Goldberg Gone BADDDD storyline.

They tried to put him on the mic and he sounded rediculous and he formed some alliance with bischoff and made declaration that he was gnna bedoing things his way or blah blah blah. I could see him being disalusioned with WCW but turning heel didn't look right. Sting didn't have to turn heel, they just let him hang out in rafters and become a loner. It just could never ever work..
Then there was Hart always competing for the U.S. title. While it has a rich history, unless they had put Hart in that age old Team Canada storyline he had no business holding a midcard title. He was still in his prime up until Goldberg had "kicked him much like a bucking horse" and ended his career. He just seemed like he was downsized in WCW and I knew enough about him to not understand why that was.
Of course Arquette, although in WCW's defeat I am sure it wasn't a clean win. It didn't make me hate WCW but I felt embarassed to watch wrestling because of it which isn't good.
There was Jarrett's rise to the to top. IF WE WERE HAVING EXPERIMENTAL WCW WORLD TITLE RUNS WHY NOT LET HALL GIVE IT A GO?! I am sure they could had tried it while the Bad Guy was having one of his good spells...
There was the constant un-maskings which I knew was disrespectful and ignorant. The constant downsizing of foreign talent like Ultimo Dragon.
There was Bagwell's mom getting a tag team title reign.
Goldberg being tazered.
But I watched til the last Nitro.