What Made You Stop Watching WCW?

I had only been watching WWF/E sporadically at the time, but had been watching WCW regularly. But, when Tony Schiavonne announced that Mankind had won the WWF/E championship from the Rock, I was one of the ones who turned the channel to watch the match. Really never went back to WCW. They too had already been becoming stale. I think...please correct me if I am wrong...that was the same night as the Fingepoke of Doom. So, I would have been done with WCW anyways. I missed the whole David Arquette thing. Did I miss anything with that?
What made me stop watching the original WCW was they went out of business :P
The booking etc. in the last few years was horrible, and following the jabs about Mankind becoming champion from that moment on they were doomed and they did nothing to quell the spiral if anything they made it even more unbearable to watch.

didn't help too that in Australia Nitro's weren't on every week sometimes they were reruns, sometimes there was no show at all.
Was a pitty, there were alot of good things and performers in WCW, still enjoy watching some of the PPV's i have stored away

Eventually everyone was put out of there misery, til TNA started up and WCW v2 has been revived sort of. Still watch it, even if i don't much like most of what goes on
So now i'm still watching WCW again :P

and ofcourse WWE does regularly on WWE Vintage Collection they show WCW matches, and with HOF next year being in the home of Goldberg and talks of a WCW related HOF who knows.
I do remember Norman Smiley being very well liked by the fans for being silly and goofy. I even remember when he wore a football uniform and when he tried to rid himself of the HC title. I hated the HC division in WCW and those shiny oldtimey metal trash cans and the kendo sticks Hak (Sandman) made vogue. I think the big guy yur talking about is either Big T (Ahmed John), that Smooth guy (if he was wearing a singlet with a charley brown pattern), or Stevie Ray.

What made me kinda start not liking WCW was ironically when I was able to first start watching kinda. Where I lived at we couldn't get cable so all my info came from Saturday Night, and school mates who I tried to get through anymeans to tape the show for me. I came in on the tail end of the boom in 1998. Odly because we only had two cable channels, TNT and TBS when I moved in 2000 i came i on the tail end of the attitude era too :(

I hated the revamped appearence in 2000.

The fingerpoke debacle does in hindsight i guess make sense but I felt like it made Kevin Nash look like a illogical kook. I felt like the NWO was a mid 90s kinda thing and I felt like it was time to keep the Wolfpac around post NWO so Nash couldn't veer to far away from his past because he had done too much to WCW to be a face and because it allowed him a middle path between heel and face. He was like a HBK/Diesel hybrid. It sucked when they threw Konnan out and i dont think Sting every formally ended his alliance with the wolfpac which confused the hell out of me. I Don't think Savage every formally left the Wolfpac either. They just never addressed the swerve which was bizarre.

There was another incident which I really really hated even as a young kid. Bret HART had done something to help Hogan get the WCW tile or when a match. I think he attacked sting and I always remember Hart rubbing his back after Hogan gives some dumb speech.

OMG then there was the Goldberg Gone BADDDD storyline. :lol: They tried to put him on the mic and he sounded rediculous and he formed some alliance with bischoff and made declaration that he was gnna bedoing things his way or blah blah blah. I could see him being disalusioned with WCW but turning heel didn't look right. Sting didn't have to turn heel, they just let him hang out in rafters and become a loner. It just could never ever work..

Then there was Hart always competing for the U.S. title. While it has a rich history, unless they had put Hart in that age old Team Canada storyline he had no business holding a midcard title. He was still in his prime up until Goldberg had "kicked him much like a bucking horse" and ended his career. He just seemed like he was downsized in WCW and I knew enough about him to not understand why that was.

Of course Arquette, although in WCW's defeat I am sure it wasn't a clean win. It didn't make me hate WCW but I felt embarassed to watch wrestling because of it which isn't good.

There was Jarrett's rise to the to top. IF WE WERE HAVING EXPERIMENTAL WCW WORLD TITLE RUNS WHY NOT LET HALL GIVE IT A GO?! I am sure they could had tried it while the Bad Guy was having one of his good spells...

There was the constant un-maskings which I knew was disrespectful and ignorant. The constant downsizing of foreign talent like Ultimo Dragon.

There was Bagwell's mom getting a tag team title reign.

Goldberg being tazered.

But I watched til the last Nitro.
well this thread was done a couple of months ago and ill give you the same response now that i did then, i didnt give up on WCW the WWE bought it and ended it , i would rather see WCW at its worst than any WWE programing.
Nothing – I never stopped watching. It was the WWF I stopped watching, because it was never as spontaneous or entertaining as the WCW. I watched the WCW to it's bitter end, right up to the day McMahon put one in the back of it's head (Alliance angle).

As Mikeyboy above me noted, I'd rather see WCW at it's worst than any of the WWE programming.
Nothing – I never stopped watching. It was the WWF I stopped watching, because it was never as spontaneous or entertaining as the WCW. I watched the WCW to it's bitter end, right up to the day McMahon put one in the back of it's head (Alliance angle).

As Mikeyboy above me noted, I'd rather see WCW at it's worst than any of the WWE programming.

I never stopped watching it either.

And why does the Fingerpoke of Doom get such a bad rap. The only thing I didn't like about it was the fact that they gave away the ending to that Rock/Foley match. Has many have said,they could have gotten some juice out of that angle.......if Goldberg hadn't gotten pissed and damn near lost his arm after putting his fist through that limo window.
I watched the WCW to it's bitter end,

Why do you always do that? Its WCW not "the WCW."
And why does the Fingerpoke of Doom get such a bad rap.
iT was simply idiotic. All it did was create one big NWO which was unpopular and overdone killing NWO Holywood and the Wolfpac where as they could had left it be and the Wolfpac would had still been at WCW Creative's disposal.

The only thing I didn't like about it was the fact that they gave away the ending to that Rock/Foley match. Has many have said,they could have gotten some juice out of that angle.......if Goldberg hadn't gotten pissed and damn near lost his arm after putting his fist through that limo window.
What don't you like? Its not like the hundreds of thousands who turned over for five minutes watched a whole two hours of Raw the following week.

As far as that stunt by Goldberg I never understood and still don't if creative told him to do or if the injuries were worse then they thought or if he lost his composure and did a shoot. Its been 11 or so years since the limo incident and I am still puzzled.
For me it was the departure of the Radicalz. I had been watching WCW or several years at that point, but always considered them a second priority behind the WWF. I remember really starting to get into WCW though around the fall of '99 and the beginning of 2000, I really liked the programs they were working with Benoit, Sid, and Jarrett (I was always a bit of a Jarrett mark) and I loved seeing Chris Benoit finally win the big one in January that year. But once he left with Guerrero, Saturn and Malenko and showed up on an episode of Smackdown, that was it for me for WCW, pretty much lost all interest in them after that. I would flip to Nitro during commercials on Raw and occasionally rent their PPVs when the VHS were released to my local Blockbuster, but outside of that I probably didn't watch another full episode of Nitro until the very last one, and that of course was because I had read online earlier that Vince had bought WCW. I remember enjoying the Sting-Flair main event though as a fitting closure to the company.

Yeah, the departure of Benoit and the others did it for me.
I used to tune in every week to watch Nitro (mainly because it was aired before RAW here in the UK on a Friday night if memory serves) but my interest in it was shaken badly by the one-two punch of Starrcade 1998 and 4th Jan Nitro - the combination of Goldberg losing his streak at the PPV, the whole "stalking" angle and the Fingerpoke of Doom was damning enough as I just did not see the point of it all but the trying to spoil Mick Foley's title win took the biscuit for me. Totally unnecessary and I am glad that it backfired.

After that I would occasionally check in on Nitro but the main event never held my attention and, like X, the defection of the Radicalz ended even that fleeting interest. The next Nitro I watched after that was the last one.
What made me stop watching WCW was the Fingerpoke of Doom. I watched WCW off and on after that but I realized the WWF/E was totally better during the Monday Night War and stuck with them. I did watch the Final Nitro which was a good Show the night they went out of business. However I do miss WCW when Im watching a Past Nitro or PPV. Id rather have WWE & WCW than TNA thats for sure.
I stopped watching WCW due to the New Blood angle.

The angle for me spelt the end of WCW, it didn't make sense, the direction was wrong and the focal points seemed to shift from the talent to Russo and Bischoff which finally ended my interest in the show.

I watched sparingly whenever WWE went to commercial and finally turned off when David Arquette took the title, I had no respect for the company so why watch it?.

But like X i tuned in for the final show once WWE made their intentions clear to purchase the company and to the final WCW days with the aliance.
It going out of business. I was a fan to the bitter end. The final episode was the final time I watched WCW, meaning I no longer watched the real WCW. Granted I was a late bloomer as well when it comes to wrestling. I didn't really start watching till late 2000 but I instantly loved WCW. I liked the 90's stuff better but I was still a fan of the 2000-01 material, not that it was that great in retrospect. I was just a big Kevin Nash mark and he kept me intrigued, I would also be lying if I didn't admit that I enjoyed the Magnificent 7 or whatever the fuck they were called.
"As far as that stunt by Goldberg I never understood and still don't if creative told him to do or if the injuries were worse then they thought or if he lost his composure and did a shoot. Its been 11 or so years since the limo incident and I am still puzzled."

Well,the story goes that they had some sort of protective covering on the window to protect him. But Goldberg got a little too aggressive and ended up breaking through it. I don't know why they thought it was a good idea to have him punch through a window. It almost cost him his arm.
It going out of business. I was a fan to the bitter end. The final episode was the final time I watched WCW, meaning I no longer watched the real WCW. Granted I was a late bloomer as well when it comes to wrestling. I didn't really start watching till late 2000 but I instantly loved WCW. I liked the 90's stuff better but I was still a fan of the 2000-01 material, not that it was that great in retrospect. I was just a big Kevin Nash mark and he kept me intrigued, I would also be lying if I didn't admit that I enjoyed the Magnificent 7 or whatever the fuck they were called.

I'll admit, Kevin Nash could still go in 2000, and he can still go to a lesser extent now. The Magnificent 7 was a great concept on paper, AND the member set lived up to the stable name, but to me it was a mere (albeit expanded) impersonation of the legendary 4 horsemen and THAT was an insult. It also cut off potential main event-caliber feuds (sans Animal and perhaps Rick Steiner, who I felt WAS ready to break that glass ceiling but apparently WCW disagreed) by putting Scott Steiner, Jarrett, Buff, Luger,and Flair in the same stable.
ooohhh gosh lets see...even though admittedly WWE has done some stupid things over the years (Mae Young's pregnancy, necrophelia, Paul Ellering walking around with a dummy, saying Hornswaggle is a real leprechaun...for **** sake people leprechauns don't exist) The thing that made me give up on WCW was turning it over and seeing Rick Steiner arguing with a Chucky doll. I'm like WTF is this ****ing crap, you've got to be kidding me.
Definitely had to be the rapid title changes between Jeff Jarrett, Ric Flair and Kevin Nash throughout mid 2000 and Goldberg's "funeral", which lasted a mere 30 minutes. Such a waste if you ask me and I was WCW all the way!!
I was never a big WCW fan. I only semi-reguarly watched because I loved wrestling, and it was the only show on Saturday night. Then later when Nitro came around and was on an hr before RAW, I usually watched that hour and flipped back when RAW was at commercial. I've just always been a WWE fan. As an 11 year old, I thought the idea of Hall and Nash invading on Vince's behalf was so awesome, so I would tape it or watch the replays that came on later at night. It wasn't until Hogan was revealed as the 3rd man that I finally started to put two and two together. I always had trouble following their story lines [and rightfully so, looking back] and once the nWo Wolfpack got established I really started losing interest. I didn't like their commentators [except when they got Heenan.] When Schiavone gave away the Foley title match, that's when I gave it up almost completely.
I loved WCW back in the late 90's, but it really went to shit from 2000 onwards, right up until its demise. It was great during the first nWo era and I even enjoyed Goldberg when he was at his best. I think it was at the point when they gave David Arquette the WCW Championship, or perhaps it was just because they started pushing god-damn awful wrestlers and changing the title every week.

As much as I want TNA to succeed, it reminds me too much of WCW when it went crap, which is why I gave up watching it a few weeks ago
Watched WCW until the end. My interest was beginning to drift when they put the title on Arquette and the other non-wrestler appearances. As well, I was concerned when guys like Jericho, Benoit, Eddie all started to leave. Had watched some NWA / WCW over the years so was familiar with the stars. I was hooked from the first Nitro, and every week it was exciting to see who was coming over. They had all the stars, plus I really didn't like DX all over WWE.When the Bret Hart - Montreal incident happened, I stopped watching WWE all together for approx 11 yrs.

Like the others I would watch a sub-par WCW then the WWE. (4 life.....)
i watched it until the end but it was god awful to me from 99 - on. but there were reasons it lost its luster in my eyes. the nWo went way to long. they buried Ric Flair time and time again out of spite from Bischoff and Russo. Hogan not putting Sting over clean at Starrcade 97. the finger poke of doom. Russos whole time in charge in general. the New Blood vs Millionaires Club had promise and they screwed that up. the egos in the dressing room holding guys down. the complete misuse of Bret Hart. Jeff Jarrett as "the chosen one". the changing of angles and storylines week to week making for shows that looked horrible with no flow to them. the list could go on and on and on.

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