What Made You Stop Watching TNA?

What made me stop was having Bishoff, Flair and hogan come in removed the 6 sided ring which made them unique from WWE and all the storylines focused around hogan and flair. TNA was good before the 3 of them came in now guys like Jay Leathal have become non important. Every promo Imortal did only heard from Bishoff Hogan and Flair they never let Aj Styles, Beer money or the rest of them do there own promos
I try to watch it when I can. Usually it's because I forget it's on. Or I will read the spoilers on here or Facebook and If it seems worth watching then I will watch it. That or watch it on YouTube. I used to go from watching it every Wednesday on PPV, to every Friday on Fox Sports Net, to watching it every Saturday night on Spike TV. Once Hogan and Eric Bischoff came into the mix I slowly lost interest. I still like the product. I am just not a die hard fan like I was in the beginning. I will always hope for the best for TNA since I am a fan. They still do catch my interest. Just hasn't been the same since Hogan and Bischoff came into the mix. Also has to do with the Impact Zone. I wish they would tape Impact other places besides the Impact Zone.
I try to watch it when I can. Usually it's because I forget it's on. Or I will read the spoilers on here or Facebook and If it seems worth watching then I will watch it. That or watch it on YouTube. I used to go from watching it every Wednesday on PPV, to every Friday on Fox Sports Net, to watching it every Saturday night on Spike TV. Once Hogan and Eric Bischoff came into the mix I slowly lost interest. I still like the product. I am just not a die hard fan like I was in the beginning. I will always hope for the best for TNA since I am a fan. They still do catch my interest. Just hasn't been the same since Hogan and Bischoff came into the mix. Also has to do with the Impact Zone. I wish they would tape Impact other places besides the Impact Zone.

TNA is taking steps in that direction. The impact on March 3rd is gonna take place in Fayetteville, NC. The step to going on the road with Impact is a huge step and it takes well invested time and money.
In all honesty, the fact that everything is taped made me stop watching. I watch Raw every Monday because it's live and I don't know what's gonna happen. With TNA, they tape two weeks at a time, why spend 2+ hours watching it when I can read about it in 5 minutes. I try to catch the PPVs from time to time, but overall it's a bland product. They promote names and not talent (I despise Hogan, Hardy and Bischoff, even when they were in WWE). The only time I'd really watch is when the younger guys (like MCMG) wrestle cause they are talented. And I also read the Smackdown spoilers as well.

Also, the NBC/CBS lineup on Thursdays will always trump TNA.
I've already said this plenty of times, but what REALLY made me stop watching TNA is the lack of wrestling. There's no balance of wrestling and entertainment in that 2-hour show. It's more entertainment than anything and I got tired of it over time. Here's my other reasons as to why I stopped watching TNA.

  • Rehashing of old storylines (The nWo, Four Horsemen, and ECW).
  • Hogan and Bischoff ruined TNA.
  • "WWE-Lite" style presentation with way too many former WWE names as a bonus.
  • TNA is not an alternative to the WWE. They've completely ruined their chances of being a direct alternative.
  • Veterans not moving out of the way and retiring.
  • Vince Russo still works for TNA.
  • The "iMPACT! Zone" was becoming annoying and tiresome.
  • The devalue of their title belts and divisions.
  • The ridiculous booking decisions on the show.
  • Jeff Hardy as their world champion. RVD beating Sting in record time in his debut.
  • Empty promises like how TNA was taking over Monday nights, changing the wrestling world with the 1/4/10 iMPACT! show.
  • Misuse of good, deserving talent such as Christopher Daniels and Awesome Kong.
  • Gimmick matches and the devalue of the Ladder Match.
  • The people that run TNA.
Nothing, because I still watch it every week.

I can tell you what made me stop watching WWE, though:

1. Not enough personality. Guys like John Morrison, Kofi Kingston, etc. being championed for their ring work despite having the personality of a fuckin' door knob.

2. PG. Yup. PG. No, I don't want to watch John Cena "kick butt". Butt is a word four-year olds use to substitute for "ass" or "the living shit out of" because they're too young to be using adult language. Keyword: adult. I'm an adult. Not a four year old. Listening to another adult use childish language like "butt" insults my intelligence.

3. Guest Hosts. Remember when RAW was edgy and featured some of the most classic and controversial angles in history? Me too. I also remember none of them being during the time when no-talent dickwads who call SummerSlam SummerFest were hosting the show to plug their shitty movies.

4. Hornswoggle. A midget leprechaun? Really? Jesus Christ...

5. WWECW. What a way to pay homage to one of the most important influences in modern wrestling history — give a title retaining said company's name to Mark fuckin' Henry. :rolleyes:

The list goes on and on...


TNA may not be your cup of tea, but did you really think posting a thread in the TNA section asking TNA fans why they stopped watching a show most haven't actually stopped watching (including the marks who bash it every week) was the best idea, son?
I stopped watching TNA the moment all of you came on here and bashed it the moment after Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan took over. Before that, I watched off and on depending on the posts i'd read about Vince Russo. If posters here weren't bashing him one week i'd watch but then if i read any negative Vince Russo comment i'd stop watching the product altogether. I'd also pay close attention to the ratings. If .0001 of households didn't watch one week when they normally would, i'd strongly consider whether of not I too should be watching TNA. I analyze the breakdowns very carefully, to check for which 15 minute period i should usually look to switching stations and for which 15 minute segment i should tune in. In fact, i was hoping to get a rating tracker on my TV so i could accurately switch back and forth with the rest of America. Nevertheless, i still watch TNA (although i come on here and say i don't) because ratings have stayed more or less the same and I will keep watching off and on and saying i'm not until ratings and public opinion goes way up or way down. I like to watch TNA only so i know what to bash TNA about when i come on here. TNA's only getting those ratings, from wrestling fans who hate TNA and want it to die.

Here's the thing i really hate about TNA. After enjoying a typical episode of TNA Impact I'll log in to wrestlezone and read posts from obsessed WWE marks ripping TNA to shreads because it isn't like their parental guidance WWE. It's at that point that i realize i didn't enjoy TNA Impact whatsoever. I love to bond with other wrestlezoners and disagreeing with what appears to be a consensus is just not in my positive optimist nature. There's nothing better than watching a product like WWE where a wrestler gets fired from a fake sport for strangling someone with a tie. Where you cannot pick up a chair and hit someone in the head like you could in any other period in wrestling history, a place where pretending to beat someone up is ok as long as nobody bleeds like in real life fights. I stopped watching TNA when all of you extremely intelligent honours grads convinced me that watching something that is adult oriented and therefore terrible wasn't exciting. Watching a bunch of charismatic old geezers in their 30s and 40s isn't entertaining, duh, watching a bunch of green 20 somethings with no personality is. I didn't realize this until all you intelligent WWE wrestling fanatics convinced me with your eloquent wrestlezone posts. If it wasn't for all you diehard *****es, i'd still be sitting in front of my TV on Thursday nights getting dizzy watching extremely boring matches between great wrestlers doing amazing moves, getting nauseous watching non wrestling segments, and puking whenever someone gets hurt really bad or bleeds. WWE obsessed smarks and WZ columnists like Mark Madden have convinced me with their God-like intelligence that i like the imitation of fighting, but i don't in any way want it to seem too real or i might pee my pants and have nightmares. The last thing i need is to get picked on in grade school.

By the way, I hate Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan just in case you all didn't know. Hulk Hogan ruined wrestling the way The Beatles ruined music. Down with TNA. Heil McMahon! Let's make money WZ, let's appease young WWE fans and rile up the old fans who prefer TNA. TNA fans and older fans should just ignore WZ's lame attempts to rile up its posters. We should just stop posting until WZ hires some intelligent columnists and not smarky hacks who know shit and are getting paid to lazily brainwash impressionable brats into being life long WWE smarks. This site needs hits, it needs WWE's existence. The economy is bad enough as it is, the last thing WZ wants is anybody legitimately turned off of WWE (and therefore wrestling). So down with TNA cause no one is watching it anymore because some lameass poster brainwashed by pro WWE WZ staff writers who need jobs said so.
All this talk about TNA not sticking to the script has got me thinking.... Last year Edge returned to the Royal Rumble as a face. Then 3 months later hes a heel for ONE feud. Then Nexus comes along and he's a tweener. Then he gets sent to Smackdown to become a face.

In 1 1/2 years time he went from heel, to face, to heel again, to tweener, to face again. WTF! lol

Dude TNA does it every week or every other week, while wwe is not perfect its more consistent with their story-lines. This not about TNA bashing, its just the reality of it. To be honest I want them to improve their product so wwe can have some pressure on them and make the wrestling world interesting again. Its been almost 10 yrs and TNA is still stuck on park, lets step on the gas and speed out of that garage they call the impact zone. They really don't have a excuse for what they doing they have the talent a cable network and some cash backing also.
I stopped watching TNA the moment all of you came on here and bashed it the moment after Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan took over. Before that, I watched off and on depending on the posts i'd read about Vince Russo. If posters here weren't bashing him one week i'd watch but then if i read any negative Vince Russo comment i'd stop watching the product altogether. I'd also pay close attention to the ratings. If .0001 of households didn't watch one week when they normally would, i'd strongly consider whether of not I too should be watching TNA. I analyze the breakdowns very carefully, to check for which 15 minute period i should usually look to switching stations and for which 15 minute segment i should tune in. In fact, i was hoping to get a rating tracker on my TV so i could accurately switch back and forth with the rest of America. Nevertheless, i still watch TNA (although i come on here and say i don't) because ratings have stayed more or less the same and I will keep watching off and on and saying i'm not until ratings and public opinion goes way up or way down. I like to watch TNA only so i know what to bash TNA about when i come on here. TNA's only getting those ratings, from wrestling fans who hate TNA and want it to die.

Here's the thing i really hate about TNA. After enjoying a typical episode of TNA Impact I'll log in to wrestlezone and read posts from obsessed WWE marks ripping TNA to shreads because it isn't like their parental guidance WWE. It's at that point that i realize i didn't enjoy TNA Impact whatsoever. I love to bond with other wrestlezoners and disagreeing with what appears to be a consensus is just not in my positive optimist nature. There's nothing better than watching a product like WWE where a wrestler gets fired from a fake sport for strangling someone with a tie. Where you cannot pick up a chair and hit someone in the head like you could in any other period in wrestling history, a place where pretending to beat someone up is ok as long as nobody bleeds like in real life fights. I stopped watching TNA when all of you extremely intelligent honours grads convinced me that watching something that is adult oriented and therefore terrible wasn't exciting. Watching a bunch of charismatic old geezers in their 30s and 40s isn't entertaining, duh, watching a bunch of green 20 somethings with no personality is. I didn't realize this until all you intelligent WWE wrestling fanatics convinced me with your eloquent wrestlezone posts. If it wasn't for all you diehard *****es, i'd still be sitting in front of my TV on Thursday nights getting dizzy watching extremely boring matches between great wrestlers doing amazing moves, getting nauseous watching non wrestling segments, and puking whenever someone gets hurt really bad or bleeds. WWE obsessed smarks and WZ columnists like Mark Madden have convinced me with their God-like intelligence that i like the imitation of fighting, but i don't in any way want it to seem too real or i might pee my pants and have nightmares. The last thing i need is to get picked on in grade school.

By the way, I hate Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan just in case you all didn't know. Hulk Hogan ruined wrestling the way The Beatles ruined music. Down with TNA. Heil McMahon! Let's make money WZ, let's appease young WWE fans and rile up the old fans who prefer TNA. TNA fans and older fans should just ignore WZ's lame attempts to rile up its posters. We should just stop posting until WZ hires some intelligent columnists and not smarky hacks who know shit and are getting paid to lazily brainwash impressionable brats into being life long WWE smarks. This site needs hits, it needs WWE's existence. The economy is bad enough as it is, the last thing WZ wants is anybody legitimately turned off of WWE (and therefore wrestling). So down with TNA cause no one is watching it anymore because some lameass poster brainwashed by pro WWE WZ staff writers who need jobs said so.

Lo, that's a good one. I admit I'm a WWE guy, but listen to be frank, that's a generalization you're making. There's a reason BFG isn't as big as 'Mania, not because of "better" wrestling per se but wise decisions McMahon has made over the years despite being a meglomaniac. I want TNA to succeed, it means competition for 'E and that means they're gonna up their game. Everyday I hope to god that Paul or JR take over TNA instead. Wrestling as an industry is a dying industry. MMA is booming because young guy, that's right YOUNG guys are kickin' it. The reason there's a 2.5 rating is because nobody cares about Hogan anymore despite what HE thinks. TNA should push the young guys, make it urban, doesn't have to be PG either. In fact, I prefer it not to be PG. Give us the highfliers, the tag teams, the divas. But as of now, it's a company that will be sold for $5 if it goes on like this.
10/10/10 is what made me stop. I paid actual money for the PPV and I felt completely robbed of not just my cash, but I lost 2 hours of my life that I can never get back.

I have since reconsidered to watch TNA with fresh eyes.

I'm still seeing a lot of the same things that angered me 4 months ago. I don't need the wrestlers on TNA acknowledging that Bischoff and Hogan destroyed WCW. I already know that. I don't want to see months of inconsistancy just for a guy to acknowledge it. That is not "making up" for bad writing. It's bad writing for months followed up by a "we acknowledge we fucked up" segment. I am tired of that because it's being done over and over again since the 3 Stooges (DC/HH/EB) all banded together.

Personal Thoughts
-Joe gets his ass handed to him and tossed and then taps out to Jarrett?! Now...Joe is doing what? Helping Pope turn heel? Saywhat?
-Anderson gets a concussion and it's a month long serious storyline. Eric Young gets a "concussion" and it's a funny haha thing. What, huh?
-Orlando Jordan is gay or bi. Nobody cares about your orientation, broseph. How about you wrestle a good match?
-The 3D feud could have ended 2 PPVs ago IMO.
-What did the feud with Flair do for Lethal? Nothing.
-X-Division. What is the X-Division? I don't even know what the X-Division is supposed to be now.

Raising the bar, changing the face of wrestling forever, taking you places you've never been before....all those things that TNA came out and said and did not deliver.

It's almost as if the creative team sits there with 2 fishbowls. 1 has wrestlers names, the other 1 has scenarios. They pull names out of each, lay them next to each other on a table, and say "Okay, this is what we're doing tonight. Book it".

To me the only consistant things have been them not delivering on their promises and their terrible nonsensical writing. Out of 10 things they try, they maybe get 2 or 3 right.

It is such a shame too. Their talent is superb. Their in-ring skills are astonishing. Their mic work is crisp. The athleticism is top-notch. I really believe that TNA can "fix" themselves within a month. If they can do that, they can be the alternative to other televised wrestling programs and quite possibly end up being real competition. The talent deserves to be showcased.

P.S. It’s Damn Real and ilapierre, please try to stay on topic. This is not a bash TNA thread. This is an honest assessment of why many of us stopped watching or lost interest. If you two want to bash WWE please make a thread for it and do it there. If you two want to state why you stopped watching WWE please make a thread for it and do it there.
I actually was being honest about why i stopped watching TNA. I really did stop because of all you intelligent TNA bashers and your ability to logic better than TNA lovers. There is another reason i stopped too. That reason is because i think Samoa Joe and Jay Lethal should retire. They've been around for some time now, they've hogged the spotlight for too long and it is time for Robert Roode and Matt Morgan to shine. Roode and Morgan only have a few years left to shine, they are getting close to Edge's age and we all know Edge is old and should retire soon. I am just sick of watching old guys in their early 30s wrestling. Wrestling should be a fake sport for 20 year olds, old guys in their 30s and 40s should be retired or at least off my TV so i don't have to look at them and their 30 and 40 year old bodies in wrestling trunks. Eww.

to be frank myself when it comes down to what is wrong with TNA, this is the only way i can put it. Desperate Housewives and CSI Miami's ratings are booming and shows with artistic quality aimed at 30 somethings like MAD TV have been forced off air. The production quality and financial contribution to a show like American Idol makes the show marketable while it leaves shows with much less financial resources like TNA Impact appearing less worthy and therefore is less marketable. People watch American Idol or WWE RAW or Superbowl Sunday because they believe everyone in America is watching. They want to be where everyone else is. If everyone else isn't there watching what they're watching, then why would they waste their time watching something they can't talk to a whole lot of people about afterward.

There's this pro-teenage/education-lacking 20 something programming trend in America aimed at women and sissyboys. It's won over millions of viewers in football, MMA, and to some extent in WWE. Athletes are marketed as young and sexy to get women watching and men follow women and will watch it because they are watching it (and vice versa). Everybody wants to be 'in' and watching what their peer group is watching keeps them in the know. This is why wrestling boomed in the late 90s, it was the only way girls could be with guys on Monday nights. That's why MMA, football and WWE (compared to TNA) have the big ratings. They have the financial backing to create the illusion that everyone is watching, they have young sexy people to sell their product instead of older less sexy people. The production quality alone of these programs with piles of financial backing adds to the illusion that the show means something and is worth watching. If you can't convince a nation's high school dropsouts and education lacking boozers, then your word of mouth advertising is down the toilet and you lose on your investment. The world of television has turned anti-anything adult oriented. To hear good music, you don't tune in to MTV. You can't even tune into MTV2. You have to go underground or find an adult oriented station on some obscure channel. MTV is all about image, image sells, and that's why America watches dumb ass shows like Jersey Shore and doesn't watch anything with a shred of intelligence or artistic quality. But, since everyone is watching MTV, does this mean MTV and all its dumbass shows and god awful music is better or worth watching than some adult oriented program (on some obscure station with poor ratings) because it survives the ratings game and appeals to a mass audience of 25 years and younger who isn't busy all day working in the real world? TNA is like the VH1 of wrestling. RAW and Smackdown are like MTV and MTV 2. TNA cannot survive until it dumbs down its product and enhances its production value. Sad but true. Only an elitist could fault TNA for their predicament.

Unlike the 1990s, television is completely 100 percent about presentation to appease corporate sponsoring. There's cutthroat competition now, there's no room or time for anything except a formula for success. In the world of television of the past decade there is no room or time for artistic quality, a long drawn out storyline, there is no room for anything intelligent with swerves designed for people with above 80 iqs. The only thing that matters with TV shows is the sponsor's bottom line which is make more money and get high ratings or get thrown off air. Lots of great shows have been squashed over the past decade while the most awful shows targeting the lowest common denominator like American Idol, Saturday Night Live, WWE RAW, Jersey Shore survive. The artistic quality that existed in the 1990s has been removed completely, it's all about image. There is no depth, there is no real emotion. All there is is the simulation of reality and the generation 10 years younger than me are robots emotionally compared to my generation who didn't give a rats ass about ratings or production quality. I grew up in an age when people looked like they never looked in the mirror. People wore funny glasses, their hair looked funny, and the average person was much uglier and not overly concerned with their appearance. Wrestling fans have been purposely bred to be elitists more concerned with appearance and ratings than actual product or artistic quality. Today's television audience are a bunch of robots who don't have enough creativity to program their own television viewing day by going to youtube and living in the past when wrestling actually mattered.
10/10/10 is what made me stop. I paid actual money for the PPV and I felt completely robbed of not just my cash, but I lost 2 hours of my life that I can never get back.

I have since reconsidered to watch TNA with fresh eyes.

I'm still seeing a lot of the same things that angered me 4 months ago. I don't need the wrestlers on TNA acknowledging that Bischoff and Hogan destroyed WCW. I already know that. I don't want to see months of inconsistancy just for a guy to acknowledge it. That is not "making up" for bad writing. It's bad writing for months followed up by a "we acknowledge we fucked up" segment. I am tired of that because it's being done over and over again since the 3 Stooges (DC/HH/EB) all banded together.

Personal Thoughts
-Joe gets his ass handed to him and tossed and then taps out to Jarrett?! Now...Joe is doing what? Helping Pope turn heel? Saywhat?
-Anderson gets a concussion and it's a month long serious storyline. Eric Young gets a "concussion" and it's a funny haha thing. What, huh?
-Orlando Jordan is gay or bi. Nobody cares about your orientation, broseph. How about you wrestle a good match?
-The 3D feud could have ended 2 PPVs ago IMO.
-What did the feud with Flair do for Lethal? Nothing.
-X-Division. What is the X-Division? I don't even know what the X-Division is supposed to be now.

Raising the bar, changing the face of wrestling forever, taking you places you've never been before....all those things that TNA came out and said and did not deliver.

It's almost as if the creative team sits there with 2 fishbowls. 1 has wrestlers names, the other 1 has scenarios. They pull names out of each, lay them next to each other on a table, and say "Okay, this is what we're doing tonight. Book it".

To me the only consistant things have been them not delivering on their promises and their terrible nonsensical writing. Out of 10 things they try, they maybe get 2 or 3 right.

It is such a shame too. Their talent is superb. Their in-ring skills are astonishing. Their mic work is crisp. The athleticism is top-notch. I really believe that TNA can "fix" themselves within a month. If they can do that, they can be the alternative to other televised wrestling programs and quite possibly end up being real competition. The talent deserves to be showcased.

P.S. It’s Damn Real and ilapierre, please try to stay on topic. This is not a bash TNA thread. This is an honest assessment of why many of us stopped watching or lost interest. If you two want to bash WWE please make a thread for it and do it there. If you two want to state why you stopped watching WWE please make a thread for it and do it there.

I don't know why you are asking them to stay on topic. This is a TNA forum. Which means there is no one in here who stopped watching TNA. Maybe this topic should be in a general forum and not this one. Also if people stopped watching TNA and are now commenting on it they have not right to comment on current events. No one should be saying I stopped watching 2 years ago and then start naming current events as the problem. Since you are not watching how can someone comment on it.

IMO this shouldn't even be allowed in here and all this does is show the double standard of wrestling fans.

TNA - You complain about the X Division in TNA.
WWE- What the fuck happened to their Tag Division?

TNA - Samoa Joe gets beat by Jarrett and is now helping the Pope turn heel.
WWE - Since Sheamus has won KOTR how many matches has the "King" won exactly?

TNA - What did the feud with Flair do for Lethal?
WWE - How come Jerry Lawler is getting his second title match in a span of 2 months and what does that say about the Miz?

Maybe we should be asking why any of you watch the WWE since they do the exact same shit, but on a larger scale. However since WWE gets to be the exception and not the rule we have topics like this.
The thing that made me stop wrestling is it's just not a good television show.

There's also a few people I personally do not like, Eric Bischoffand Matt Hardy. Bischoff should not be on television, PERIOD. I will not condone the "King of Douchebags," Matt Hardy!

They have this stupid fued between two 50 year old fat man who came from a defunct wrestling company and were only relevant in WWE.

They also have this thought process of this is not a television show, but a horror movie, example, Abyss being stabbed by Janice, and RVD being "murdered."

Just to many things going on right now just make me not like it. And especially with WWE upped everything for Wrestlemania season and their youth movement and 2/21/11. It's just much better to watch.

Sorry TNA.
I don't know why you are asking them to stay on topic. This is a TNA forum. Which means there is no one in here who stopped watching TNA. Maybe this topic should be in a general forum and not this one. Also if people stopped watching TNA and are now commenting on it they have not right to comment on current events. No one should be saying I stopped watching 2 years ago and then start naming current events as the problem. Since you are not watching how can someone comment on it.

Please read my 3rd sentence. In fact, if you reply to any posting you should read the post in its entirity. Don't be a fucking moron. I know you didn't read the entire post because if you did, you would have made it to the 3rd sentence and wouldn't have wrote what you wrote. It seems you missed the point where I threw heaps of compliments to TNA. The reason why I asked them to stay on topic is because they went off topic. I hope that clears up your confusion.

Let me answer a few of your points/questions.

TNA - You complain about the X Division in TNA.
WWE- What the fuck happened to their Tag Division?

Tag Team division sucks ass in the WWE. WWE Tag Division = X-Division

TNA - Samoa Joe gets beat by Jarrett and is now helping the Pope turn heel.
WWE - Since Sheamus has won KOTR how many matches has the "King" won exactly?

Not enough to justify him being a King of the Ring. But Jarrett/Joe and heel Pope are way more outrageous than Shemus being a lame KOTR.

TNA - What did the feud with Flair do for Lethal?
WWE - How come Jerry Lawler is getting his second title match in a span of 2 months and what does that say about the Miz?

I actually have no idea. I'm guessing he's gonna retire soon. But even after this is all over, I cannot say I see the Miz jobbing to someone like Robbie E.

IMaybe we should be asking why any of you watch the WWE since they do the exact same shit, but on a larger scale. However since WWE gets to be the exception and not the rule we have topics like this.

If you make a thread about it and I see it, I will come and comment on it. WWE might do similar (read: not same) shit, but it is all about the presentation, the timing, and the right people. WWE seems to be able to do that more frequently than TNA. Maybe that's why.

You and those like you seem to forget that the majority of us want TNA to succeed. We don't have a problem with what is in the ring. It's almost as if you not fans of TNA, rather you are fans of attacking those people who have a problem with TNA.

Again, please stay on topic. If you do not understand things or understand reasons, do not post to the topic unless you are looking for actual answers. The internet is full of places for trolling. This thread is not one of them.
There was one reason that I stopped watching TNA and it was a long time ago. It is only recently, with the move to Challenge and free-to-air TV in the UK, that I have started watching again. Luckily, the problem that really plagued the show last year is now gone... Or at least it is not that bad.

What is that problem, I hear you ask? Well, when I watched it last year, TNA were trying to push too many people at the same time and it ruined the show. I mean, you should be pushing a few people at the same time but there is simply no need to be pushing every single member of the roster. Every show needs their jobbers and people to put over the actual talent who stand a chance of getting somewhere and TNA just couldn't grasp that concept. Given that the last time I watched was only a short time after Hogan and Bischoff took over TNA, I suppose it was understandable. They didn't know how their talent was best utilized and it came back to haunt them.

However, when watching it last year, I was completely put off by the fact that they thought they could push everyone at the same time. The show was completely unstable with all of the talents coming in at once and as AJ said, they didn't even belong in there. The Nasty Boys?! Seriously? That being said, they seemed to have ironed out the kinks in the show and are now working towards stabilising the show and finding out where their talents should fall. The roster has been pruned and it leaves a talent base that could make things happen. The problems with TNA, for the most part, are starting to be cleared up and that is why I have started watching again.
There are a lot of factors to consider whenever you're trying to analyze the popular success or failures of a wrestling company. Factors that tend to lie outside the realm of general regard. The talent and creative teams involved with TNA are established in the world of wrestling for being "less than". These are the guys that destroyed a wrestling program that beat the WWE for what, two years straight?

Bishoff has this tendency to stick with what he thinks will work, and not deviate until the concept is dead in the water in a way that's apparent to him, like the show being canceled. He thinks a power struggle is the way to go in every wrestling success story regarding programming and viewership ratings. Great. That can be true to an extent. He doesn't take any of the myriad of contributing factors or variables into consideration when he's implementing this idea, he's just sticking with the basest possible formula he thinks he can work with. Which brings us the same old recycled garbage we're forced to endure when we watch TNA.

That would be one reason.

I agree with the original poster of this thread in that the Jordan storyline with the gay stalker bit on Rob Terry? Yeah. That killed my interest. TNA actually condoned simulated semen to be utilized to disturb Terry, on Jordan. I mean... what do you do with that? My kid was watching with me, I had to turn it off and wasn't able to watch with my family for quite a while. Not to mention the great language iMPACT utilizes and gets away with (really? The FCC's cool with "dick" "asshole" "bitch"). I get that it's a more adult show than the PG WWE, but still. It can get excessive in its' attempts to try and "shock" and "awe" their audience.

It's like TNA feels obligated to always take that one extra step over the crazy line and into the realm of grossly inappropriate. Which is another reason.

I'll just list one more as this could get lengthy. I've got a lot of beef with TNA.
Their decisions are among the worst possible. Turn AJ heel. Turn Jeff Hardy heel. Utilize a marital complication between people in an incredibly deprecating light. Bring on Bishoff/Hogan/Flair/Russo. Push any older wrestler other than Kurt Angle (since he's the only one that I've seen that still has capability in the ring on par with his younger days). Remove the focus on Knockout wrestling and place it on appearances (The Knockout division was the most visually appealing female wrestling I've seen, from a sheer wrestling perspective, where now it's just bad timing and no intensity, like they're afraid to get hurt). Removing focus from the tag team and x divisions and placing it on the Heavyweights and power struggles (These smaller divisions of TNA were what made them fun to watch, and they've dropped their focus to try and emulate the current creative team's vision of what makes a wrestling organization successful...since they would know so well...).
That's just a couple of examples, there are obviously more.

The point is that TNA is just a low class show with even lower standards now. I'm not a huge fan of the direction that the WWE has, and is heading, but at least I can watch that program and enjoy an aspect of it here and there. Everything that made TNA stand out and be great on it's own merit have been taken away. The Knockouts pretty much just focus on Velvet and Anjelina with a partial focus on Mickie from time to time. The Tag Team division is dead except for two teams....which is fun to watch them wrestle each other a million times...woo. And of course the fun that is the X Division. Oh wait. Nevermind.

Creative direction isn't hard to nail down. While you might bitch and moan that you're doing a great job because you hit a record in your ratings history and that the internet fandom is just a small portion of your unimpressed fan base, you're not exactly taking into account the fact that the ratings bump was not...really...impressive. It was also focused on people wanting to see the MEM, which didn't happen, but at least we got to see AJ turn back to face. Even if he's still trying to be a new nWo with that gang hand symbol horseshit. Trust me, you're not going to get numbers like that again unless you were to do something interesting. Like publicly fire Bishoff/Hogan/Russo..etc. That'd be a great draw. You could brag about your accomplishments then too, and it would'nt even be that hollow. It would genuinely be worthwhile programming.

It's not the same show anymore. And if there was ever a negative connotation attached to a sentence, that would have been one of them.
Hey 3/4 facelock, why should anyone stay on topic in the TNA forum about why we stopped watching TNA? Nobody on a TNA forum should have stopped watching TNA. Maybe disillusioned can comment here, but not people who have flat out stopped watching. It's hypocritical.
Those commenting on a TNA forum would most likely be watching and enjoying TNA. Your calling other people 'fucking morons' and going off topic and then hypocritically telling people poking fun at hypocrites like you to 'stay on topic' is flat out stupid. The topic makes absolutely no sense, how can you stay on a topic that isn't logical. Only a WWE obsessed smark who hates TNA could make sense of something so illogical. Sure, your third line says you have since watched TNA with fresh eyes since whenever it was you became disillusioned..but that doesn't excuse this stupid thread. The thread is about what made you and me stop watching TNA. I declared that i stopped and you declared that you didn't. Under this thread's faulty logic, i'm allowed to comment here (don't know why) and you are not (don't know why). 1) nobody who comments in this thread should be posting about why they stopped watching because they watch TNA hence why they are on the TNA thread and not a general one and 2) you haven't stopped watching according to your 'third line' therefore you have no reason to be posting here. You haven't stopped watching. MB1025 never stated that 'you' specifically stopped watching, he's making a general statement about the type of people posting here who aren't watching but are still referring to recent events they've obviously watched.

And by the way i stopped watching TNA a few days ago because Kevin Nash went to WWE. Nash was an old fart that didn't matter but now he means something and looks great in a WWE ring. Double standard? I don't know. I don't know what those words mean. I flunked junior high.
Wow, what a cesspool of TNA bashing this thread is. No, I don't think every negative opinion about TNA is "TNA bashing", but this truely is a fly trap for TNA haters/bashers. I mean some of the thing people are saying on here is just absolutely stupid and ridiculous.

For example:
I actually was being honest about why i stopped watching TNA. I really did stop because of all you intelligent TNA bashers and your ability to logic better than TNA lovers.

Really? You're so brainless and mindless that you can't form an opinion for youself and not let others influence your opinion? Here is an example of why the ICW is hurting the wrestling buisness.

I'm not going to waste my time picking apart everthing people are saying here. It's not worth it. It won't affect anything. I bet people commenting(not everyone, but most people) haven't watched TNA much at all and are just going off of what they read on the internet. You can tell by all the "Russo, Bischoff, Hogan" typical crap. What a joke. Trust me, the day Hogan, Bischoff, and Russo are gone you will still find another reason to bitch and complain. People did it before Hogan and Bischoff, and they'll do it after.

I'm not the biggest WWE fan these days, and thats why I stay away from that section. Unless I have something I actually want to dicuss. I don't go over there just to be negative or to bash it, because that is stupid. No wonder people who are actually in the wrestling buisness think the internet wrestling fans for the most part are so stupid.
Please read my 3rd sentence. In fact, if you reply to any posting you should read the post in its entirity. Don't be a fucking moron. I know you didn't read the entire post because if you did, you would have made it to the 3rd sentence and wouldn't have wrote what you wrote. It seems you missed the point where I threw heaps of compliments to TNA. The reason why I asked them to stay on topic is because they went off topic. I hope that clears up your confusion.

Let me answer a few of your points/questions.

TNA - You complain about the X Division in TNA.
WWE- What the fuck happened to their Tag Division?

Tag Team division sucks ass in the WWE. WWE Tag Division = X-Division

TNA - Samoa Joe gets beat by Jarrett and is now helping the Pope turn heel.
WWE - Since Sheamus has won KOTR how many matches has the "King" won exactly?

Not enough to justify him being a King of the Ring. But Jarrett/Joe and heel Pope are way more outrageous than Shemus being a lame KOTR.

TNA - What did the feud with Flair do for Lethal?
WWE - How come Jerry Lawler is getting his second title match in a span of 2 months and what does that say about the Miz?

I actually have no idea. I'm guessing he's gonna retire soon. But even after this is all over, I cannot say I see the Miz jobbing to someone like Robbie E.

If you make a thread about it and I see it, I will come and comment on it. WWE might do similar (read: not same) shit, but it is all about the presentation, the timing, and the right people. WWE seems to be able to do that more frequently than TNA. Maybe that's why.

You and those like you seem to forget that the majority of us want TNA to succeed. We don't have a problem with what is in the ring. It's almost as if you not fans of TNA, rather you are fans of attacking those people who have a problem with TNA.

Again, please stay on topic. If you do not understand things or understand reasons, do not post to the topic unless you are looking for actual answers. The internet is full of places for trolling. This thread is not one of them.

No I don't have a problem with people who call out TNA if they are doing it in a mature and logical way. I do have a problem with "wrestling" fans coming into a TNA forum and asking people why they stopped watching because if you interact in this forum you haven't stopped watching. If you have stopped watching then no one should be in here commenting on the current product. Like I said this should be in the general forum.

The phrase I just want TNA to succeed gets thrown around so much. If that was true you and the countless others who use that phrase would stick through the bad, just like you do with the WWE, to see the company succeed.

If you don't watch anymore that means you don't care anymore. If you don't watch anymore you obviously don't want them to succeed because by not watching you are not helping. However you would be the first in line to mark out if TNA found that one story line that worked and helped the company take off.

I honestly don't care if you compliment TNA or not. This topic of discussion doesn't belong in the TNA forum and if I started a similar thread in the WWE section many people over there would feel the same way I do.
No I don't have a problem with people who call out TNA if they are doing it in a mature and logical way. I do have a problem with "wrestling" fans coming into a TNA forum and asking people why they stopped watching because if you interact in this forum you haven't stopped watching. If you have stopped watching then no one should be in here commenting on the current product. Like I said this should be in the general forum.

The phrase I just want TNA to succeed gets thrown around so much. If that was true you and the countless others who use that phrase would stick through the bad, just like you do with the WWE, to see the company succeed.

If you don't watch anymore that means you don't care anymore. If you don't watch anymore you obviously don't want them to succeed because by not watching you are not helping. However you would be the first in line to mark out if TNA found that one story line that worked and helped the company take off.

I honestly don't care if you compliment TNA or not. This topic of discussion doesn't belong in the TNA forum and if I started a similar thread in the WWE section many people over there would feel the same way I do.

I really don't get your point. The topic is called "What made you stop watching," and most people are talking about stuff mostly done last year, the destruction of the tag-team, X-divison, and Knockout's divisons, Jeff Hardy heel, thing's like that. The addition of Hogan, Bischoff, the "underpush" or Joe and Lethal.

Oh, and the bolded statement, you don't know how many people I see comment on the current WWE product on Youtube and forums, when it's obvious they don't even watch it. They just assume it's bad becuase it's PG and there's no Stone Cold.
Itsoeasy: I don't watch WWE and most people my age and of my intelligence don't anymore because it's the MTV of wrestling. It's not gonna change. Most people with intelligence and age get that and don't look back. They don't need Stone Cold to become fans of something that isn't about real entertainment anymore. And the term PG is synonymous with another world called suck. Only children and iq lacking idiots who don't understand that 'bolded statement' could watch something so intellectually demeaning.

PS i stopped watching TNA when itssoeasy said that only mature people have moved on and enjoy WWE's current product. Ahem, illogical reasoning..ahem..
Jersey Shore anyone. What! lol..
For the record, I just want to say that I still watch TNA. There were a number of times that I would be doing other things while it was on, still listening so I could catch what parts I wanted to, but recently it has become a little more exciting and I'm paying attention more.

That being said, it's too hit and miss IMO. They get you excited about something that might happen, you think it's going to change, but they convolute things just as quickly.

New creative, new creative, new creative!!! Can't stress that enough. We've seen what these guys can do, we see what they're doing the same again this time around, and it's time they were put out to pasture. Or sent to the slaughterhouse.

And I've noticed a couple people dogging the PG rating of WWE. I'm sorry, but are adults the only people that should be allowed to watch wrestling? If that's the case, myself, and a great number of others, would never have become fans during the beautiful 80's era of wrestling that gave us many, many names and memories that are still alive today. So do we bash the 80's because they were PG also? Do we criticize the great legends that the era gave us? Do we become selfish and want something solely aimed at our immediate, present demographic? PG is actually accessible across the board by young, middle, and old alike. Adult oriented material is based on a just a section of the demographic (see: ECW). Sure, it's necessary to have options, but w/the limits on wrestling options these days, I would much rather be accessible to a larger part of the population.

Why in the world would they segregate the child market? Kids are prone to get their parents to shell out money for merchandise. Just a fact. Making it fun and accessible to kids is what breeds a new generation of life-long fans. If you didn't, you'd get "fad" viewers who would watch during one age range. The kids couldn't watch because it would be too teen-young adult oriented, and when they got older they'd grow out of it and become disenchanted w/it. (Plenty of attitude era fans have done this, btw).

Don't get me wrong, I watched during the attitude era and loved it. But they did do some things that, as a parent now, I wouldn't want my 6 yr. old emulating or seeing if it was happening today, and I really want him to be a wrestling fan just like his good ole dad.

I know I got off topic, but wanted to address that part of the discussion. As for not watching TNA? I still do because there are talents there that I just enjoy seeing and like a different wrestling perspective. That being said, though, I seriously hope they re-think they're long term decision concerning the booking staff. Can they make a bit of progress w/who they have? Sure, it's not ENTIRELY unfeasible. However, to get to a higher standard, you're going to have to have a changing of the guard because these guys have already proven they can only do so much. They might have a small burst of success, but they've already shown they can't sustain it. So why take the risk?
I haven't stopped watching TNA per se, but I have stopped going out of my way to watch. The show *can* be entertaining with quality matches, but there are quite a few things that just don't work for me:

Inconsistent Booking: I find that TNA simply lacks the ability to push someone to the level needed to be a big time main event player. They tend to do alright with the heels, but the tendency to shuffle the faces all over the card on a month by month basis needs to stop. A wrestling company needs a "hierarchy" of sorts when it comes to the talent. It can be maleable, but it needs to exist. Fans need to be able to get behind a main eventer over a period of time, not just on a monthly basis. Without the opportunity for a some sort of measuring stick, he end up with random feuds, where a guy is a mid carder one day, a main eventer the next, and then back to the mid card.

Factions for the sake of factions: The WWE went through this many years back, where there were so many factions it boggled the mind. TNA isn't at that level, but they have created a silly dynamic when it comes to Immortal, Fortune, and the now defunct EV2. Sometimes factions make sense, but you have to prepared to work them into the show at multiple levels. The nWo at the peak of popularity did this well. Multiple feuds at multiple levels of the card. Immortal hasn't picked up on it. (Before it's mentioned, yeah, The Nexus is very guilty of this as well. It remains to be seen if the Corre can avoid this).

Announcing: TNA made the perfect decision of getting Don West away from commentary. It just wasn't his forte. However, Mike Tenay has to go. The man is so incredibly bad at telling a story, it just isn't funny. He doesn't anger me the way Cole does these days, but at least Cole can call a match when he isn't "heeling" it up. Tenay just can't. He just does his Mike Tenay reaction to everything heelish. Why a company that has Mick Foley on the payroll continues to use Mike Tenay is beyond me.

Knockout Division: At one point, I thought the Knockout division was the highlight of TNA. Incredibly talented girls that proved you could wrestle as well as look hot. But now? It just feels like a mess.They still have a lot of good pieces, but they don't know how to use them. Madison Rayne has improved greatly, but there still needs to be diversity. And that leads to...

WHERE THE HELL IS DAFFNEY???: Give the girl some time on Impact! The crowd pops huge for her, she is one of the better knockouts in the ring, and we haven't been overexposed to her. Plus she's so, so, so damn hot.
ilapierre & MB1025, if the both of you have issues with where this thread is, please contact the site moderators and explain your issues to them. Maybe you can even get a hold of the OP to inform them of your displeasure. Do this instead of attacking the posters and you might get somewhere.

Just because this is a TNA forum doesn't mean any of us need to start licking TNA nuts. We can have legitimate gripes with the direction or performance of TNA. You don't control the internet nor do you control WZ. File a grievance elsewhere.

ilapierre, it is obvious to me that you are trolling. I wish you all the luck in the world to move past all the restrictions life has placed on your mental faculties.

Can we please stop making this a you vs me kind of thing and continue on with the thread?

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