What next for Daniel Bryan?

He needs to take time off and go to acting school. Brian needs to learn how to play a character so they can have some kind of role for him. If not he will be on the brink of jobber.
They need to repackage him. Get rid of that stupid music they gave him. He needs to go back to being that intense type like a Benoit. He was that when he first made his debut on raw with Nexus and spit on Cena, and when he came back at Summerslam.

Then they changed his music and he started the dumb segments with the bella twins & gail kim and wwe turned him into a goofball, its been down hill ever since.
They need to repackage him. Get rid of that stupid music they gave him. He needs to go back to being that intense type like a Benoit. He was that when he first made his debut on raw with Nexus and spit on Cena, and when he came back at Summerslam.

Then they changed his music and he started the dumb segments with the bella twins & gail kim and wwe turned him into a goofball, its been down hill ever since.

agreed they need to bring back the Bryan who was cocky of his ring skill ability (rightfully so), as we saw in NXT, and a short time in RAW....the ladies man gimmick was entirely lame and corny

people like to crap on his mic abilities, TBH I dont think they were all that bad their is some potential in his mic work....his promos in NXT were solid, and his back and forth with Cole/Miz were one of the most memorable moments of the series since it has debuted
The music fits him. He's a goofy bastard. He had Final Countdown in ROH for christ sake. He just needs to be more intense. He needs to spit in people's faces and be more confident. The fans respect his ability, you can see that, he just needs a little more fire to get them behind him.

I think a heated feud with anyone will do just fine.
Sin Cara basically just took over daniel bryans spot in the US title hunt. I could see Bryan having a fued with either the Miz or Cena , but since Cena already posted on twitter hes going to see the Miz this monday , i guess thats not gunna work at the moment. I wish hed turn heel and be allowed to do the moves he actually can do. I watched a video on him last night and I was pissed watching it because i see a great wrestler whos not allowed to be one.


I could see Brian taking some acting classes and being entertaining. The whole no charisma thing is not working for him. He is not Chris Benoit because Benoit looked like a tough ass missing teeth. Brian looks like an out of place jobber that doesn't fit in any place in the WWE. Needs FCW, and Acting Classes. Nexus would have been the same group regardless.
I'm actually curious if Vince's whole push to dump wrestling from the vernacular of WWE is going to have a negative effect on the pure wrestlers like DB. Combine that with the lack of a push he's been getting and he could be a major surprise release (hey it's happened plenty of times in the past).

I really hope I'm wrong because DB is an amazing in ring talent and with the right gimmick he can go far, he is a modern day chris benoit with his style and i personally like him on the mic. He can be as intense as anyone as was seen in the nexus attack and his attack on michael cole. He just needs a better program to help show off his true talent.
I'm actually not seeing Bryan out of the US title picture as a bad thing. He's got new colors, the chance to repackage himself, a chance to replace his music. Hell, he could even resume feuding with The Miz, even get a title shot. If JoMo has heat on him, and Bryan is stagnant, considering the chaotic nature of the E atm that could be an easy way to push him.

Actually, thinking about it, he could be put in with Lawler as the foil to Cole/Swagger; would allow them a blow-off for the Bryan/Cole feud along with ending the Lawler angle as well.
That would be phenomenal.

Daniel Bryan has no direction, sticking him in with Swagger/Cole/Lawler would be a great way to even the odds.

Not to mention, think of the matches between Jack Swagger and Daniel Bryan? If that doesn't sound amazing, IDK what does.
With WrestleMania over and the summer coming around, I'd say WWE's about ready to start their "testing waters main eventers" as I like to call them... and Daniel Bryan is high on that list IMO. I see the guy being put into a small quick feud with Miz over the next month or so, that way Miz can get a few credible wins and DB can look relevant. Then, if they're still around, I can see Daniel Bryan being thrown into the Randy vs. Nexus feud. If not, then maybe a program with him and Ziggler.
Now that he's lost the US title rematch to Shaemus, where do you think Daniel Bryan will go from here?

For me, I think they're gonna throw him into a 3 way with someone else, probably Shaemus and Sin Cara or Ziggler and Morrison.

What do you think?

He may be a great in ring wrestler, but he's so damn bland.

I can see him going to Smackdown in the draft and hopefully get repackaged or at least get some personality.
I know I said this was a weekly series but its's half term, i have broken my leg and i'm bored..

What is next for Daniel Bryan?

Daniel Bryan started in NXT then entered a fued with Miz straight after re-debuting. Won the US Title in his first PPV and held the title for a long time. Put on some good matches and was a strong US Champ and if he continued with that steam he was a shoe in to become a maineventer on Raw in a year or so....

But whats happening now? He lost the US Title which was so incredibly stupid, getting beat by Sheamus, part of team Apple and he match with Sheamus at Mania became a dark match...

What next for the multi talented superstar?

As Raw is becoming more crowded and creative are mad to push R Truth before Bryan I think Bryan needs to moved to Smackdown. Make him fued with Swagger if a heel, Rhodes or Wade. Make him a strong midcarder and make him hold the IC Title.

What do you think?
I think Daniel Bryan should move over to Smackdown too. He hasn't been used in any storylines lately, and I'm afraid that the crowd isn't behind him like they were back when he was riding on momentum. Without the US Championship and no real opponent to feud with, I think DB is getting lost in the shuffle. They didn't even bother to create a storyline feud between Sheamus and DB. It was so abrupt how Sheamus won the title and that was it. There was no development before or after. On Smackdown, DB has a chance to shine again and he can probably fight Drew McIntyre or Jack Swagger. I want to see the fire back and I want to see more German suplexes! DB could be a great Intercontinental Champion. Maybe he can get in line and feud with Wade Barrett for it with the two exchanging victories. These days, that's hard to come by in mid-card territory with mid-card titles. It's like once a wrestler wins a mid-card title, he never wins it again by defeating the same guy that beat him. That annoying pattern must end.
He'll be a mid-carder and a jobber at some point. He's teaming with Santino and friends right now so that has to tell ya something. Bryan Danielson doesn't even care if he gets pushed in WWE, as long as he can showcase his skills to the world. Give him 5-10 minutes and he'll give us good matches. I believe the interview is on youtube where he says he doesn't care if he makes it in WWE. Its still a dream come true for him to be here. It would be awesome if WWE did decide to push him to the main event scene but I won't bet on it.
I think he should be in a tag team with Derrick Bateman, they have good comedic chemistry and remind me a lot of Edge and Christian. Bryan deserves to hold tag team gold in WWE, and Bateman already has a lot of superstar qualities.
how do you figure that? Chris Benoit couldn't talk for shit and they pushed him to the moon because he was a great in ring performer...not to say hes as good as Benoit was in the ring just saying he dont have to be a jobber just cuz he dont talk
Benoit could talk just enough to get by combined with his amazing in ring ability. Daniel Bryan can talk enough too, BUT he's not as much of a badass as Benoit. Benoit was more credible because he was bigger (roided up) and carried himself with a colder, more sadistic demeanor. Its gonna be tough for Bryan to get to where Benoit did. If he keeps doing his unassuming smiling dorky thing, he's gonna go nowhere.
He is probably one of the best wrestlers in WWE and his mic skills aren't amazing but they definitely aren't horrible either.

The best thing for Daniel Bryan would be to go to Smackdown. He can have 10 minute matches rather than 2 minute squash matches on RAW and we can really be impressed by in-ring skill. He could feud with Barrett for the IC Championship since they have history together with the Nexus and that could hopefully lead him to the World Heavyweight championship feud, Smackdown could really use a guy like him.

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