What's next for Daniel Bryan?


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Well we've all just seen the 1000th episode of Raw. Bryan has continuously lost to Punk (although sources all have said he was considered to win the title 3(?) times), he's now lost AJ who is the new Raw GM, and he was rock bottomed by the Rock and may have a match against Charlie Sheen (-___- really WWE?) at Summerslam. Assuming that last bit is hopefully false what's next for Daniel Bryan? Will he fade on over to Smackdown more now that AJ will probably torment him on Raw? The title picture is a mystery at the moment since Punk has apparently turned heel now, and sadly I don't think he'd get a 4th(?) chance at the title anyway. I was actually really hoping to see him challenge the Rock to a match at Summerslam but now it looks like Rock has other plans on his agenda. So what do you all think will happen with Bryan in the upcoming months? Personally I'm still hoping for him to get a WWE title reign. Also Punk and Bryan work very well together, and the promo with the Rock was surreal. Definitely those 2 are mainstays for a LONG time. Thoughts?
I think it showed him in the #1 contender match for Smackdown in the highlights. I doubt they rehash the Sheamus feud. I think he will be tormented for amusement by AJ on Raw and have some random matches while that goes down. Maybe he will take the US Title from Santino which does nothing for the title. He could put on some good matches with face contenders for the title.
One nice thing is that Bryan right now, after that failed wedding, isn't fully established as being either a heel or a face: he could easily turn either way with just a quick promo and it would fit nicely.
So this basically means that he's "able" to feud with just about anyone.

I don't want him to drop back to midcard titles, but I'm not sure if he should stay in the world titles pictures either - he's been chasing the WWE title for a long while already.

I'd like Creative to get creative and make a good storyline for Bryan to feud with Rhodes, keeping both of them relevant as upper midcard wrestlers.
Your comment made my day....

on the daniel bryan news,only time can tell.

Well, it's true. The WWE has a knack for doing that to their talents. Unfortunately, "YES" is getting a little stale and right now there aren't any titles for him to feud for seeing as how he has just finished feuds with Punk and Sheamus.

I truly feel he is a main-event talent. Tonight I was impressed with his ability to sell his character, again. He is a great heel who draws a reaction and can out wrestle 99% of the roster. I don't see any reason why he shouldn't stay in the ranks of the top guys, but I think we all know it wont happen.
I would like to see Bryan somehow get back into the title picture. However, after tonight, I have a horrible feeling that he's gonna be stuck in some angle with Charlie Sheen that will culminate in a match at Summerslam. And I really thought he was going to get involved in the WWE Championship match tonight. Le sigh.
I hope he keeps along with this whole AJ as GM thing as she keeps throwing opponents at him and gets him a really good personal feud, maybe with someone like Orton when he returns soon or even bring kane back into the mix and have them feud for awhile until Bryan can get thrown into a new feud for the title or just move on and go onto someone different... Personally I would love to see Bryan v Orton for awihle cuz Orton kind of has a crazy head of his own and him and AJ could do well together
One nice thing is that Bryan right now, after that failed wedding, isn't fully established as being either a heel or a face: he could easily turn either way with just a quick promo and it would fit nicely.
So this basically means that he's "able" to feud with just about anyone.

I don't want him to drop back to midcard titles, but I'm not sure if he should stay in the world titles pictures either - he's been chasing the WWE title for a long while already.

I'd like Creative to get creative and make a good storyline for Bryan to feud with Rhodes, keeping both of them relevant as upper midcard wrestlers.

I think getting embarrassed by the Rock pretty much means he's a heel.

Bryan dropping back to midcard belts is a huge a possibility. Miz, a RAW guy, just won SmackDown's Intercontinental Championship. We could see Bryan, a SmackDown guy, squash Santino for the United States title to save face after being humiliated, and switch the two midcard belts around (even though the brand split doesn't mean much anymore).

AJ is the GM of RAW, and Bryan returns to SmackDown (if they're done with the SuperShows), and they are done with each other, a fitting end to the Bryan/AJ romance.
You don't have to be in the title picture to be at the top of the card... just ask Cena. With AJ in control now, Bryan can be very relevant still with a lover's quarell feud between him and the new GM AJ. Bryan vs. Ryback? Bryan vs. Brodus? Who knows, but Bryan will be still in the upper mid card and on tv every week, that we as fans can count on...
I'm furious at what they are doing with Bryan now. He had so much momentum after Wrestlemania where he was probably the top 3 most over guy in the whole company. What did they do? They fed him to Sheamus at Extreme Rules, then proceed to feed him to Punk for 3-4 PPVs in a row, failing to capitalize on his support at that time that could have made him a star. After the failed AJ marriage it looks like he's going to have a match with Charlie Sheen and if that happens he will definitely lose, as celebrities always wins. That would have made Bryan rock bottom losing to someone like Sheen.

How have the WWE managed to screw up on someone who had everything going for him so badly?
I would of loved if he became WWE champion but since that's not going to happen for the time being. I'm hoping he gets into a feud with the soon debuting Dean Ambrose. That's only wishful thinking though. :)
lol, a feud with Charlie Sheen is great for Daniel Bryan right now. Sheen is a major name, he's gonna get Bryan more attention then he's ever had in his career. The title picture doesn't need him anymore, especially if Punk's going heel. There's no point feeding him back to Sheamus. If you guys really want him to stay in the spotlight, then a feud with a big celebrity like Charlie Sheen, who was the most talked about guy in the world for a good while just last year, is gonna do wonders for him. It'll get him exposure in the media, a good place on the card and a lot of hype.

After SummerSlam, who knows what's next for him. I guess without the brand split, there's quite a few guys he could go up against. Cena, Rey, Jericho, Orton, there's a fair few possibilities for feuds. Personally, I'd love a full-on rivalry with Jericho (assuming the Ziggler feud turns him face/tweener).
AJ is the GM of RAW, and Bryan returns to SmackDown (if they're done with the SuperShows), and they are done with each other, a fitting end to the Bryan/AJ romance.

That sounds right. I really wasn't figuring the Daniel-A.J. relationship would end last night; yet all indications are that it has. She has now officially been moved to the Raw brand (and Creative had better have something in mind for her aside from issuing pronouncements from above.....her strength comes from her interactions with others, not being an authority figure. On the other hand, she's surprised us already with her versatility; maybe she can do it again).

Meanwhile, Daniel is left alone, with nothing foreseeable on the horizon except Charlie Sheen? What, is Mark Henry about to come back and get involved with Daniel again? Is Big Show going to step away from the top of the card and join Daniel in the mid-card for another program? Doubtful.

Someone earlier mentioned Rock being an opponent for Daniel. Are they kidding? At his best, Daniel never possessed the "oomph" necessary to inspire interest in that kind of program.

Oh, Daniel will still be used by the company, don't worry about that. But he's exhausted his one-word slogan ("YES!") and apparently finished his go-around with the girl. Management is going to have to create something totally new for him.....and it had better be good, lest Daniel lapse into mid-card irrelevancy.
Bryan just had an awful lot of time on the 1000th Raw, I don't think for a second he's going to be depushed, if anything AJ will persecute him as GM.

First though it looks like he is going to have a "match" with that scrawny crackhead idiot Sheen at Summerslam. Now it will be utter dogshit but it will also put Bryan in a mainstream spotlight, I personally think WWE have a lot of faith in him.
I don't look for Bryan to be back in the WWE Championship picture for a while. Let's face it, it's going to be Cena, Punk & Show that'll be the fixtures there for the next few months. Cena himself will almost certainly be within the title picture going forward as it's a definite possibility that Cena will face either Rock or Punk at WrestleMania.

As for Daniel Bryan, it's hard to say where he goes from here but there's no lack of options I think. They can certainly continue the storyline with AJ to some degree. Personally, I'd like to see Bryan regain the United States Championship and go on a good strong run with it before dropping and heading back up into the main event picture. Bryan being a relevant United States Champion won't be a step down in my view as he'll be doing his part to restore relevance to one of the current mid-card titles. There's a roster full of guys in the mid-card picture that have tons of potential and ability, so it wouldn't be hard to find Bryan some interesting feuds in that area.
I'm furious at what they are doing with Bryan now. He had so much momentum after Wrestlemania where he was probably the top 3 most over guy in the whole company. What did they do? They fed him to Sheamus at Extreme Rules, then proceed to feed him to Punk for 3-4 PPVs in a row, failing to capitalize on his support at that time that could have made him a star. After the failed AJ marriage it looks like he's going to have a match with Charlie Sheen and if that happens he will definitely lose, as celebrities always wins. That would have made Bryan rock bottom losing to someone like Sheen.

How have the WWE managed to screw up on someone who had everything going for him so badly?

RKO, I respectfully have to disagree with you as I think what they have done with Bryan has been one of the best things. Bryan hasn't been fed to anyone and since WM has been in a World/WWE title match since. To be a top player doesn't mean you have to have the title. The fact that he has been seen as a very dangerous and cerebral threat to a 6 foot 6, 275 wrecking machine and the "Best in the World" and looked like he could have beat either guy at any time only just to fall short (call it expereince factor perhaps) is only making a guy under 6 feet tall, indy darling look a true legitimate possible World Champion.

Think about all the guys like Piper, Jake Roberts, Ted Dibiase etc. are now hall of famers and fought tooth and nail for the titles. Bryan is already a former World Champion, and yes is one of the most over guys still on the roster. Patience my friend. He is still very prominent on both Raw and SD every week and now will be having a feud witht he new GM. Also he was just in the ring with the Rock! I think the WWE has big plans for him and he is only new in the whole scheme of things. We have the Punk heel turn in the works and all sorts of things happening including the Rock wanting the title and Rock/Cena two possibly in the works.

His popularity has been a bolt of lightning and has reached more heights than guys like Ziggler, Rhodes and Barrett already. I think they haven't screwed him up at all. His matches with punk have been great and he will continue to be a big time player and more so as the years goes on. :)
I think that Bryan Danielson (the person) would love to help Dean Ambrose to get over. They were ROH buddies? I could see Ambrose being AJ's lover, and have him be as unstable as she is, and beat down DB one Raw 1,001.
Maybe that are going to start a storyline like the Edge and Vickie Guerrero storyline a couple of years ago with A.J. now being the General Manager Daniel Bryan can manipulate her into giving him title matches and they can rule raw together.
Someone earlier mentioned Rock being an opponent for Daniel. Are they kidding? At his best, Daniel never possessed the "oomph" necessary to inspire interest in that kind of program.

I can't even believe they let Daniel Bryan set foot in the same ring as The Rock. There's a 0% chance he'll face Rock. Nobody is saying Rock is this great technical wrestler but he's a MEGA-Star. Daniel Bryan does not have the star power to be involved in a feud with Rock, and keep the audience interested.

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