That would be a great match and all but with rumors of Sting and Kurt Angle debuting/returning to the WWE I think this is the perfect chance for somewhat of a dream card.Rock vs Bryan is not technically a dream match.I would rather the card look somethink...
Rock vs Orton (Falls Count Anywhere)-One of the only dream matches that hasn't happened but still can.Besides Rock shouldn't face Lesnar because they faced off one-on-one before.Making this Falls Count Anywhere makes it better because both Rock and Orton delivers in these matches.Rock could return to except his HOF induction but Orton comes out and RKO him stating he is better than The Rock and he should be going in the hall not The Rock.
Cena vs Reigns (WWE hvt. title)If they push him right he could feud with Ambrose and Rollins at Extreme Rules and Payback.At Battleground and MITB he feuds with a begans a feud with The Authority and feuds with Kane leading to a match with Triple H at Summerslam he would then feud with Randy Orton from Night Of Champions to Survivor Series where it could see Team WWE (Reigns,Cena,Bryan,Cesaro,Big E) vs The Authority (Orton,Batista,HHH,Ambrose,Kane.)At TLC he has a feud with a heel Angle ending at EC.He wins the RR moves on to face Angle one more time at EC where Cena (the new world champ) would congratulate him on his victory only to turn heel on him setting this up.
Taker vs Sting After Taker defeat Lesnar,Sting appears setting this up.
Lesnar vs Batista (Last Man Standing) I would have Lesnar win this seeing how his record at Mania after XXX will be 1-3.Besides Batista in their first battle.This is
Angle vs BryanAngle appears to turn face and forms a friendship with Daniel Bryan after EC.Have him team with him for 3 weeks and turn on him the third week Angle slamming him and putting him in submissions.
Triple H vs Bray WyattTriple H turns face again and announce he is entering the RR because he wants one more world title.The week before RR Wyatt takes him out.At EC HHH returns with a vengeance costing Wyatt the match.Wyatt tells HHH to put his career on the line Hunter does.Wyatt wins the biggest match of his life.
Cesaro vs Big Show (c) (IC title) Not really a dream match but this could be a great moment for Cesaro to swing Big Show winning the IC title at that.I could see him or Ambrose as this era's Edge
Henry vs Big E. I really don't know how to book this one now.
Disgruntled Guys (Miz,Ziggler,Ryder) vs The Legends (Jericho,Kane,RVD) I really don't know how to book this one.
Cody/Goldust vs The Uso's vs Sandow/Carlito or Del Rio(representing The Disgruntled Guy's) I really don't know how to book this one