3 matches that MUST happen at Wrestlemania 31


Dark Match Winner
John Cena vs. The Undertaker
Daniel Bryan vs. Kurt Angle
Roman Reigns vs. Brock Lesnar

Cena vs. Taker : I feel that WM31 will be the final appearance for the Undertaker. Cena would be the perfect opponent in that match. After Cena had his first match on WWE television (against Kurt Angle), Undertaker appeared and congratulated him on his effort. They only wrestle once on PPV in 2003, and they wrestled once on Raw in 2006. It's a fresh and intriguing match-up

Bryan vs. Angle : Kurt Angle's contract with TNA expires at the end of September. I'm sure there is a 90 day no-compete clause. That gives Angle enough time to train and then challenge Bryan to a match. It could end up being a classic!

Reigns vs. Lesnar : The wrestling equivalent of King Kong vs. Godzilla. Lesnar seems unstoppable this year, having defeated the Big Show, The Undertaker, and John Cena. However Reigns has also been on a roll. This match will not be a thing of beauty. It will be strictly power vs. power.

Does anybody else have 3 matches that must happen at WM31?
Lesnar vs Reigns I definitely agree with you on. I don't want to see Undertaker wrestle again unless it's against Sting. I guess a match with Cena could work but it doesn't excite me an awful lot.

I'd like to see Ambrose vs HHH, in order to help boost Ambrose into the main event scene. A big win over the game would be a great wrestlemania moment.

As for a 3rd match, I'd love to see Bryan-Rollins. Would be a wrestling clinic!
Why MUST they happen?

Taker/Cena has pretty much no value without the streak. If Taker wins, big deal. If Cena wins, then he beat an already beaten broken man who had an incredible streak and lost two WM matches in a row. Would it be a match that sells? Sure. But there's no set-up for it that makes any sense whatsoever. Taker isn't going to come out some night on Raw to randomly challenge Cena.

Angle/Bryan? Nope. Angle doesn't have what he used to have in the tank. Plus, Vince doesn't want to bring him back anyway. Now I'm sure he'll be back at the Rumble but it has nothing to do with a no-compete clause. AJ Styles started working the week he left TNA. Plus, we'll just be getting Bryan back at that point anyway. Bryan's first feud back is not going to be with a 46 yr. old Angle. He's coming back for revenge and his title that he never lost.

Reigns/Lesnar. I think it's pretty much a lock at this point. Although I have my reservations about this match happening so soon. Lesnar beat the streak, then beat the bejesus out of Cena at Summerslam. How do you book Reigns to look like a credible challenger to Lesnar after what Lesnar has done this year up to this point? You can't. At least not in my eyes. But that's just me. That's why I'm not on the creative team.
Why MUST they happen?

Taker/Cena has pretty much no value without the streak. If Taker wins, big deal. If Cena wins, then he beat an already beaten broken man who had an incredible streak and lost two WM matches in a row. Would it be a match that sells? Sure. But there's no set-up for it that makes any sense whatsoever. Taker isn't going to come out some night on Raw to randomly challenge Cena.

Angle/Bryan? Nope. Angle doesn't have what he used to have in the tank. Plus, Vince doesn't want to bring him back anyway. Now I'm sure he'll be back at the Rumble but it has nothing to do with a no-compete clause. AJ Styles started working the week he left TNA. Plus, we'll just be getting Bryan back at that point anyway. Bryan's first feud back is not going to be with a 46 yr. old Angle. He's coming back for revenge and his title that he never lost.

Reigns/Lesnar. I think it's pretty much a lock at this point. Although I have my reservations about this match happening so soon. Lesnar beat the streak, then beat the bejesus out of Cena at Summerslam. How do you book Reigns to look like a credible challenger to Lesnar after what Lesnar has done this year up to this point? You can't. At least not in my eyes. But that's just me. That's why I'm not on the creative team.

Why must Cena vs. Undertaker happen? Because I believe that WM31 will be Taker's farewell match. If he is going to retire, I want him to win his final match. The crowd will go wild if he defeats Cena!

As for Daniel Bryan, he can get his revenge on Kane at Elimination Chamber. After he defeats Angle at WM31, then he can go after the World Title.
Brock Lesnar vs. Rock - The marque alone makes this the biggest match today and maybe ever.

Taker vs. Sting - Sure some smarks will bad mouth such a match up but the rest of the wrestling world will be lost in the total WOW factor of these two hooking up. This could be takers final match with the HOF in '16 where he shows up as the real man behind the character.

Cena/Hogan vs. Flair/Triple H - Match would grab major attention in a classic of generations.
Lesnar (WWE C) v. Reigns

Rock v. Bray Wyatt

HHH v. Ambrose

Rollins v. D-Bryan

Cena v. Rusev

Batista v. Orton

If Taker can go and Sting is in throw that in the mix, but I'll believe that when I see it. Give me those Top 6 matches and you've got a hell of a card.
1) Ric Flair versus Hogan in a First Man Standing Match (they both trip over walkers and first man to his feet wins)

2) Ryback versus Big E in a Biggest Titty Contest

3) El Torito versus Big Show in a Body Slam Match

4) Batista versus A Pair of Skinny Jeans - No Holds Barred

Outside of that...

1) Brock versus Rock - Rock wins title then later drops to Reigns. For some reason it is believable to me that Rock can beat Brock and that Reigns can beat Rock, but not that Reigns can beat Brock. Not sure why.

2) If Taker and Sting isn't happening, then Sting versus Wyatt.

3) Ambrose versus HHH

Then I'd pop in these filler matches:

4) Rusev versus Angle for some patriotism

5) AJ versus Charlotte (I figure she will be on the main roster by then) for that Divas title

6) 2nd Andre the Giant Battle Royal

etc. But I guess that isn't OP's question.
John Cena vs. The Undertaker
Daniel Bryan vs. Kurt Angle
Roman Reigns vs. Brock Lesnar

Cena vs. Taker : I feel that WM31 will be the final appearance for the Undertaker. Cena would be the perfect opponent in that match. After Cena had his first match on WWE television (against Kurt Angle), Undertaker appeared and congratulated him on his effort. They only wrestle once on PPV in 2003, and they wrestled once on Raw in 2006. It's a fresh and intriguing match-up

Bryan vs. Angle : Kurt Angle's contract with TNA expires at the end of September. I'm sure there is a 90 day no-compete clause. That gives Angle enough time to train and then challenge Bryan to a match. It could end up being a classic!

Reigns vs. Lesnar : The wrestling equivalent of King Kong vs. Godzilla. Lesnar seems unstoppable this year, having defeated the Big Show, The Undertaker, and John Cena. However Reigns has also been on a roll. This match will not be a thing of beauty. It will be strictly power vs. power.

Does anybody else have 3 matches that must happen at WM31?

Cena vs. Taker - I used to want to see that match up when Taker's streak was still active but since it's over. I guess it would be a good match but it would be interesting to see what the writers could come up with to make people want to see that match, neither guy has anything to lose.

Bryan vs. Angle - It would be a great match if Angle can pass the WWE physicals. I just hate it if Bryan or Angle is not champ around the time because the crowd is really going to ruin the show with Bryan chants in the main event. Bryan's pop whenever he returns is going to be huge.

Reigns vs. Lesnar - Reigns should be legit by the WrestleMania next year. I remember he was in the final two in the rumble this year and the fans really were going for him, even with Bryan not winning the match. I just hope Reigns really improves by that time, because if he can't get a great match out of Orton, he definitely won't get one out of Lesnar
Why must Cena vs. Undertaker happen? Because I believe that WM31 will be Taker's farewell match. If he is going to retire, I want him to win his final match. The crowd will go wild if he defeats Cena!

As for Daniel Bryan, he can get his revenge on Kane at Elimination Chamber. After he defeats Angle at WM31, then he can go after the World Title.

Again, Taker vs. Cena is pointless without the streak on the line. No one gains anything from winning and both look like shit if they lose. The only match that makes any real sense for Taker at this point would be a rematch with Lesnar. Not saying it should happen, just that any other Taker match wouldn't mean anything.

Daniel Bryan has much bigger fish to fry than fucking Kurt Angle. It could be a great main event at a B PPV but it's not necessarily a Mania match. There's no backstory in play and Daniel has already been put over by bigger talent so there'd be very little to gain. I have doubts that Angle can keep up with Daniel these days anyway.

The last one is plausible but I still wouldn't say it must happen. I've seen plenty of other storylines being suggested that would work out just as well.
Ambrose vs Triple H is a match that definitely needs to happen at WrestleMania 31 and honestly it would help establish Ambrose as a main eventer especially if he ends up facing the COO of this company, it would build up Ambrose as a mega star especially if he were to beat Triple H on the Grandest Stage of Them All and not to mention Ambrose could use the rub

(WWE World Heavyweight Championship) Lesnar (c) vs Reigns this match if it happens at WrestleMania 31 it will be able to help establish Reigns even further as a mega star in this company but also if Reigns is in fact ready to face Brock by then, if he is ready to finally take his place as "The Guy" in this company then yes it makes sense for him to face Brock but I personally do not think that Reigns is ready, nowhere near ready

Sting vs Bray Wyatt is a match I definitely want to see especially at WrestleMania 31, certainly would like to see this match more than I would Sting/Taker and not to mention the promo work here between Sting and Wyatt in the build-up to this would not only be perfect but the clash in personalities, the similarities between the 2 in terms of both being "out there" and both being dark characters, the mind games factor and the fact that Bray Wyatt and Sting could actually put on a great match in that ring would do wonders for Bray Wyatt
Brock Lesnar(c) vs Roman Reigns - The Immovable Object vs The Unstoppable Force type of match. Whilst Lesnar has been built up to be virtually invincible, Reigns is the only guy that is currently getting Superman type booking from the current roster. Also, a win for Reigns would help him get to the next level and cement him as a Main Event level talent going forward and also be the One that Beat the One in 21 and One!

John Cena w/Nikki Bella vs Daniel Bryan w/Brie Bella - With the Bella twins just breaking up, it isn't unfathomable that this match could be in the offing again at some point. Maybe, Cena's beatings at the hands of Lesnar could cause some sort of change in him and make him a bit less inclined to his celebrated "Cenation". Could also be a good way for Daniel Bryan to make a big statement after his injury and be a major player going forward in the Main Event with such a victory at Mania.

Sting vs ?? - If the Undertaker can make it back and have a match, then he'd be the obvious oppoenent. Match quality might be below par, but the mere thought of the 2 Greats together in One ring, is all it needs for fans like myself, the nostalgia factor...

If not Taker, then Bray Wyatt could also be an option, assuming WWE does have high hopes for him as a character going forward. Thus far, he has sort of promised much, delievered little,lMO, in terms of showing that he could be a future Main Event level Superstar, though some of the fault has to lie with Creative's handling of him.
Taker vs Cena would be pretty pointless. Wouldn't be a great match and they don't really have much of a history etc, it would almost certainly be Taker's last match and Cena isn't really the guy for him to retire against. I'd rather WM30 be Taker's last match than a match with Cena just for the sake of it.

My thinking is if Reigns gets over (which may or may not happen) then they will almost certainly do Reigns vs Brock providing they can work aroun Brock being the champion and working limited dates.

I wouldn't be surprised to see Rock vs Brock, it's the kind of match WWE will do because it caters to the casual audience that follow both of these guys. It would be a big PPV draw for the event and generate mainstream interest
Taker vs Cena would be pretty pointless. Wouldn't be a great match and they don't really have much of a history etc, it would almost certainly be Taker's last match and Cena isn't really the guy for him to retire against. I'd rather WM30 be Taker's last match than a match with Cena just for the sake of it.

My thinking is if Reigns gets over (which may or may not happen) then they will almost certainly do Reigns vs Brock providing they can work aroun Brock being the champion and working limited dates.

I wouldn't be surprised to see Rock vs Brock, it's the kind of match WWE will do because it caters to the casual audience that follow both of these guys. It would be a big PPV draw for the event and generate mainstream interest

Cena and Taker do have history together! I talked about it in my previous posts. The fact that the last time they did a storyline was in 2003 makes this an interesting contest.
Why must Cena vs. Undertaker happen? Because I believe that WM31 will be Taker's farewell match. If he is going to retire, I want him to win his final match. The crowd will go wild if he defeats Cena!

As for Daniel Bryan, he can get his revenge on Kane at Elimination Chamber. After he defeats Angle at WM31, then he can go after the World Title.

If you want Cena/Taker that badly, next year is not the year for it. A set-up that makes some form of sense would be WM32 to be Taker's last match. Why rush him back next year just to face Cena with no streak on the line? There's no set-up for that match. There's no selling point whatsoever. Give Taker the year off, then come time for WM32, play it off like Cena has no match for Mania. He comes out and throws out some promo about how he's done everything there is to do at Mania but never got to face Taker. He puts out the challenge one week. Taker comes out and responds a week or two later... etc. There's your somewhat reasonable set-up. Next year is pointless without the streak on the line. What's Cena going to fight for? Pride? Dumb. I'd rather have a totally healthy Taker for one last match than rush him back after losing the streak.

Angle/Bryan at Mania would still never happen. Bryan can be in much better matches at Mania. Plus, are you really going to turn Angle heel that quickly after coming back? Angle could be used in a much better fashion than against Bryan. There's no need for two stars of that caliber to face each other in a non-title match. I'd personally really enjoy another Bryan/Cena match because you can tie that in with Nikki/Brie if you can somehow carry it that long. Angle comes back, stays face, and you put a guy like Bo Dallas against him. Angle with his three I's and Bo with his Bo-lieving. That would lead to some amazing mic work and a pretty solid match. It would go a lot like Fandango/Jericho. Dallas obviously wins in an upset or by cheating. Would Angle/Bryan be good? Sure it would. Just like Cena/Taker. But you can use them way better than to put them against each other.
Semi-dream/Semi-realistic WM31 Card:

1) Brock Lesnar (c) vs. Daniel Bryan [WWE World Heavyweight Championship]
2) Triple H vs. Roman Reigns
3) Bray Wyatt vs. Dean Ambrose [Anything Goes Match]
4) Rusev (c) vs. John Cena (w/Hulk Hogan)*
5) Paige (c) vs. Charlotte (w/Ric Flair) [WWE Divas Championship]
6) Seth Rollins vs. Randy Orton
7) The Wyatt Family (c) vs. The Usos vs. The Ascension [WWE Tag Team Championships]
8) Bad News Barrett (c) vs. Cesaro [WWE Intercontinental Championship]
9) 30-Man Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal
PRE-SHOW: Cody Rhodes vs. Goldust [Loser Leaves WWE]
*Rusev is projected to be the WWE United States Champion at this time

1) Daniel Bryan barely beats Brock Lesnar (after interference from The Rock to set-up WM32); Seth Rollins cashes-in MITB; Seth Rollins becomes new WWE World Heavyweight Champion
2) Roman Reigns beats Triple H following a ... well, Spear
3) Dean Ambrose beats Bray Wyatt (double-turn)
4) John Cena pins Rusev (could lead to potential Hogan-Cena match for WM32, which i hope not; first pinfall loss for Rusev, let's face reality here, it's WWE booking)
5) Paige retains after miscue by Charlotte
6) Seth Rollins beats Randy Orton (Rollins with an illegal cheap shot before the Curb Stomp)
7) Konnor (The Ascension) pins one of the Usos (paving way for Wyatts vs Ascension feud and eliminating Usos from the picture)
8) Cesaro beats Bad News Barrett (start of a true face run for Cesaro)
9) Ryback last eliminates Mark Henry
10) Cody Rhodes pins Goldust (cue "Thank you, Goldust" chants)
Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal- The second annual edition with the Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal being a yearly thing at WrestleMania from now on, because it is a perfect way to get everyone on the card but also whoever wins the 2nd ever Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal would be in line for a push post-WrestleMania 31

Paige (c) vs Charlotte Flair (WWE Divas Championship)- How I would dress up this one? Charlotte I would have Nature Boy's daughter debut at around Survivor Series making her a really big deal in the divas division because of well who her father is, perhaps the greatest wrestler of all time in Ric Flair, and with her following in Daddy's footsteps she feels like she has a lot to prove being Ric Flair's daughter with her getting a push in the divas division and Paige taking exception jealous of all the attention Charlotte is getting even though she has been WWE Divas Champion taking on all comers and beating them one by one Paige would feel like she has nothing to prove until Charlotte comes around

Rock vs Orton- How I would dress this one up? Battle of the 3rd generation superstars with Rock being the first-ever 3rd generation superstar in the WWE but also Orton being a 3rd generation superstar and going on to greatness Orton can be jealous of the fact that Rock has gotten all the spotlight for a 3rd generation superstar when he is not even deserving of it because of the fact Orton will feel like he deserves to be in Hollywood and that he deserves to be a bigger star than The Rock and that by beating him he will cement his legacy

Plus Rock vs Orton is a dream match that I am sure many people including myself would want to see and considering Rock facing off against The Authority's "Face of the WWE" would help buyrates but also if Rock is going to be working WrestleMania 31 putting him in a safe match would be nice for a change
Or instead of Rock vs Orton:

(Battle of Hollywood) Rock vs Batista- Both of these men are Hollywood box office mega stars but also both of these men are WWE icons but also this has always been a dream match of mine certainly one I have wanted to see for a while now and you could base it off of the fact that Batista comes back from Hollywood as a babyface and then eventually when Rock comes back the people start to turn against Batista in favor of The Rock and Batista can take exception by attacking Rock week in week out as a way to build up towards this match
Roman Reigns VS. The Rock [WWE World Heavyweight Championship]

Winner- Roman Reigns, with a new, destructive, finishing move.

Bray Wyatt VS. Sting VS. The Undertaker (Allows Undertaker to take breaks during the match)

Winner- The Undertaker by using the tombstone on Sting.

Brock Lesnar VS. Cesaro

Winner-Cesaro using the Neutralizer
Thank god none of you are on the booking squad or WWE would have ate shit a long time ago. None of those matches MUST happen at Wrestlemania 31, the only one I could see is Reigns vs Lesnar if they want to launch Reigns as high as reports have stated. Angle I have absolutely no desire to see in a ring or WWE. The guy is going to kill himself either in the ring or outside of it and I would rather it not be under WWE's jurisdiction.

Last but not least I am quite frankly tired of all the Sting shit. If he signs and appears cool, if not I won't be crying myself to sleep about it. He should be nowhere near Undertaker and I dont think I will ever understand the appeal of that match or why it is considered a dream match. Oh they both wear black and are like creepy? I guess John Cena vs Bully Ray can be added to that card because of the chains and hats they both wear.
Nothing MUST happen at WM31.

If we're talking fantasy matches, well, I'd rather talk fantasy hiring and fantasy booking for WM31.

Fantasy number 1: Sting never wrestles in a WWE ring ever. Ever. He's more washed up than the Undertaker at this point, and his XXL T-Shirt matches in TNA over his last year were just sad. If he is the corporate face GM, or the Host of WM31, that's awesome. But wrestling is pathetic.

Fantasy number 2: We never see the Undertaker as the Undertaker ever again. The Undertaker is arguably in the top 5 of WWE Superstars of all time. He's considered the locker room general, as well as an in ring general. He's done everything possible for the company. Let him please rest (literally, like watch TV on the couch) in peace.

Fantasy number 3: Kurt Angle never fights in a WWE ring again. That dude is so battered, it would be depressing trying to watch him fight someone 15 years younger than him in WWE sized ring.

Fantasy number 4: Dean Ambrose stays in the midcard. The WWE has to stop trying to push regular looking guys into main event titles and main events. Occasionally closing a B PPV or closing a Monday Night Raw is totally acceptable for him, but he's not going to ever be the guy that actually carries the company. Stop trying to fantasy book people out of their proper positions. That being said, Rollins and Reigns won't be ready for that spot light at WM31, either.

Fantasy number 5: HHH still fights one or two more years at WM. He's such an incredible performer, I think I'd miss him more than just about anyone not named Undertaker at a WM.

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