So what's next for Daniel Bryan?

I don't know that he isn't going to be feuding with Sheamus for a while, but if for some reason he's not This is an excellent opportunity to push a mid card feud with someone else as the RAW main event picture is pretty full. DiBiase has had no ring time, something with Bourne, RTruth, or if they move him to Smackdown they have plenty of mid carders to work with.

Just glad all the Divas crap is done with. I'm sure someone thought it was a brilliant move to help his character but it didn't do anything but pull down his credibility in my view.
I feel bad for Daniel Bryan. His reign as United States Champion didn't really amount to anything.

Since he won it from Miz, he defended it a couple of times against Ted DiBiase (not exactly the most challenging opponent!), got sucked into an inane Bellas angle that ran far longer than it had any right to and never paid off, then finally dropped the title to a former WWE Champion who had nothing better to do. The stuff of legends, this is not.

They should've been throwing all kinds of contenders at him, fending them off at every opportunity, having MOTY candidates, etc. Unfortunately WWE booking wins again...
i really want to see
Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan in a ladder match!!

Sheamus we already know what he can do, however i never watched RoH so I dont know anything about Daniel Bryan and i really want to be impressed!!

After be defeated by interference from McIntyre (if he gets drafted) or Ziggler and then fight for a 1st contender match for the WWE Championship

A Fatal four away with the four mid-up superstars

Daniel Bryan vs Ziggler vs John Morrison vs Drew McIntyre
Now i must confess to never having seen him in RoH and maybe this is why but i find Daniel Bryan's character boring. Granted he is talented in the ring and is a good technical wrestler even incorporating some high flying ability, yet as far as I can see he has no real charisma. I haven't seen much of him on the mic but whenever I have he has failed to impress me and I've switched off. I don't think he has developed the necessary personality and character to make it into the main event picture yet.
Yea i am serious, ill admitt that MAYBE the Miz has had one bad match but you cant derny his talent and the fact that he is carrying Raw right now, along with The Rock...

But i am very serious about Bryan. I have not been impressed with him or his work talent..he does a few drop kicks, jumps off the top rope and kicks and locks on the labelle lock...People give Cena a bad rep about having a small set of moves but i havent seen anything that bryan done in the indies..

Now Sin Cara, im looking foward to him!!

Time for a long winded rant.

First of all, to the ****** who can't spell, The Miz used to be the bitch of the WWE. He used to wrestle in bedazzled jean shorts and do nothing but host bikini contests on Smackdown, and get beat down every week because he couldn't wrestle and he sucked! While he was doing that, Bryan Danielson was selling out every arena, for every wrestling promotion that slapped his name on an advertisement. He has been labelled, rightfully so, the best wrestler in the world.

The Miz, is a decent wrestler. Bryan Danielson has carried his ass every time they've met, whether it be at Night of Champions where he owned The Miz, or Hell In A Cell where he basically owned not only Miz, but owned Morrison as well and stole the show with the best match of the night. Even a few weeks ago, he made Miz look better then Miz actually is. Because that's what makes Bryan better, he can put people over! Easily.

Winning the WWE Championship takes a bit of in-ring skill, some fanfare, the right people in the back behind you and the look in most cases.

To win the ROH World Championship, you have to have nothing but in-ring talent, something that Danielson has as he's a former ROH World Champion. Is it the most prestiged or recognized Championship? No, but the best wrestlers in the world, at wrestling, outside the odd one here and there like Chris Jericho, have competed for it or have held it.

Mike Mizanin wouldn't last a fucking second in Ring of Honor, because after his first night he's be black and blue all over and he'd fuck off home to Cleveland, crying!

Now, Heartbreak Kid 707, please, would you mind shutting the fuck up? Thank you.

...i find Daniel Bryan's character boring.

...Daniel Bryan's personality is about as interesting as a bowl of ice cubes. Not sure where he's going in the WWE, once he loses that US title.

What is the difference between Bryan Danielson and say, John Morrison? John talks, and talks, never says anything interesting yet people love him. Danielson doesn't need to talk, he said it on NXT and it was true.

He's not an entertainer, he's an entertaining wrestler. I read the comment that you were a fan of his ROH work? Was he boring in that? No, I think I'd know, been watching ROH religously since 2005! The guy cuts normal promos, he doesn't need long winded escapades about why he's the best. But if you want proof of his personality, by all means, let me remind you...


Now that I've made my point, and blown it up so that you all recognize it, let me move on accordingly to the topic...

Bryan Danielson and Sheamus had a fast paced, physical match on RAW. Leave it to the one guy with natural talent in the ring, outside maybe Dolph Ziggler, to do that. He lost his US Championship, so what? He doesn't need it, he's still the better wrestler all around.

Bryan Danielson Vs Sheamus will happen at Wrestlemania. In what capacity, nobody knows. But WWE will be left with a decision, they can highlight Sheamus by letting him retain, they can make Bryan on the biggest stage they have, or option number three...

They allow Bryan Danielson and Sheamus to do what they did on RAW. Steal the fucking show. I got my ass on it, that they will do just that. And as long as that happens they both benefit.

Even if he doesn't recapture the US Championship, so what? He still gets by on talent, and if the match goes down well, they'll probably do round three at Extreme Rules in a gimmick match.

Either way, you can take away the US Championship, and you can let him lose to anybody you want. Doesn't change the fact he's the best wrestler WWE have employed today! And it's because of the WWE fans, that he's just that...

Time for a long winded rant.

First of all, to the ****** who can't spell, The Miz used to be the bitch of the WWE. He used to wrestle in bedazzled jean shorts and do nothing but host bikini contests on Smackdown, and get beat down every week because he couldn't wrestle and he sucked! While he was doing that, Bryan Danielson was selling out every arena, for every wrestling promotion that slapped his name on an advertisement. He has been labelled, rightfully so, the best wrestler in the world.

The Miz, is a decent wrestler. Bryan Danielson has carried his ass every time they've met, whether it be at Night of Champions where he owned The Miz, or Hell In A Cell where he basically owned not only Miz, but owned Morrison as well and stole the show with the best match of the night. Even a few weeks ago, he made Miz look better then Miz actually is. Because that's what makes Bryan better, he can put people over! Easily.

Winning the WWE Championship takes a bit of in-ring skill, some fanfare, the right people in the back behind you and the look in most cases.

To win the ROH World Championship, you have to have nothing but in-ring talent, something that Danielson has as he's a former ROH World Champion. Is it the most prestiged or recognized Championship? No, but the best wrestlers in the world, at wrestling, outside the odd one here and there like Chris Jericho, have competed for it or have held it.

Mike Mizanin wouldn't last a fucking second in Ring of Honor, because after his first night he's be black and blue all over and he'd fuck off home to Cleveland, crying!

Now, Heartbreak Kid 707, please, would you mind shutting the fuck up? Thank you.

What is the difference between Bryan Danielson and say, John Morrison? John talks, and talks, never says anything interesting yet people love him. Danielson doesn't need to talk, he said it on NXT and it was true.

He's not an entertainer, he's an entertaining wrestler. I read the comment that you were a fan of his ROH work? Was he boring in that? No, I think I'd know, been watching ROH religously since 2005! The guy cuts normal promos, he doesn't need long winded escapades about why he's the best. But if you want proof of his personality, by all means, let me remind you...


Now that I've made my point, and blown it up so that you all recognize it, let me move on accordingly to the topic...

Bryan Danielson and Sheamus had a fast paced, physical match on RAW. Leave it to the one guy with natural talent in the ring, outside maybe Dolph Ziggler, to do that. He lost his US Championship, so what? He doesn't need it, he's still the better wrestler all around.

Bryan Danielson Vs Sheamus will happen at Wrestlemania. In what capacity, nobody knows. But WWE will be left with a decision, they can highlight Sheamus by letting him retain, they can make Bryan on the biggest stage they have, or option number three...

They allow Bryan Danielson and Sheamus to do what they did on RAW. Steal the fucking show. I got my ass on it, that they will do just that. And as long as that happens they both benefit.

Even if he doesn't recapture the US Championship, so what? He still gets by on talent, and if the match goes down well, they'll probably do round three at Extreme Rules in a gimmick match.

Either way, you can take away the US Championship, and you can let him lose to anybody you want. Doesn't change the fact he's the best wrestler WWE have employed today! And it's because of the WWE fans, that he's just that...


AMEN!!! Bryan is a god in the ring, i like jomo but he isnt the best on the mic, neither is bryan but they get the job done because bryan is insanely good technically in the ring and gets ppl over easily, and jomo can do stuff no one else can, miz has neither of these qualities
Although Bryan Danielson was the best wrestler in the world, Daniels Bryan I think is still getting used to the numerous camera angles and the week aftr week huge crowds.

I was really disapointed that when last week Sheamus laid down the challenge, the WWE didn't give Danielson a second of mic time to accept it, and instead he did it off microphone. Danielson should have atleast been given the mic to accept and look like the U.S. Champ before he lost it this week.

I really hope it's Sheamus vs. Bryan at Wrestemania, those two guys deserve to go out there and really kick ass. Bryan works great with big guys which was evident when he took on Batista last year. Bryan will get more confident over time with being in the big time and he will excell, and ten years from now we'll be talking about him much like we do guys like Eddie and Jericho ...
It's possible that Bryan could regain the United States Championship at WrestleMania. Whether he does or doesn't, I'd say that Bryan could be headed to SmackDown! in the WWE Draft. I think that Bryan has done well on Raw. He's been featured on Raw each week, fans have gotten behind him and he's had some memorable matches. He probably hasn't bee used quite to the degree that most people would have preferred but, at the same time, he's been used much better than I think a lot of people expected.

I don't see Bryan being elevated to a World Championship picture anytime soon. I do think it could happen at some point but I think Bryan has to become more well rounded for that to happen. SmackDown! is a great environment where Bryan can work on whatever shortcomings he currently has and improve upon them. I think partially because it's not live each week, there's not quite as much pressure on SD! as Raw.

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