So what's next for Daniel Bryan?

Ace Sleeper

That's some grade 'A' protein!
Pretty simple idea.

This has been on my mind since they put the strap on Bryan, since they actually put the belt on him pretty fast after his debut. Eventually Daniel Bryan is going to lose the US championship. He has to sometime, but let's pretend he does within the next few months, or even next week. Let's pretend he loses it, and they don't automatically put him right back into contention for it. Sure he can have his feud with whoever he loses it to, but he loses the feud and leaves without a championship at the end of the whole thing.

Where do you think he goes after he loses the belt?

Do you think he would already be ready for an upgrade to the WWE title picture, or do you see him staying around the lower ranks. Do they put him on Smackdown? He has the potential to do good things with his WWE career, but we don't know what they'll do with him next. Where do you think he belongs in the WWE without that belt around his waist?
He belongs in FCW off of tv

He defintly is NOT ready for the main event title picture. He wouldnt look near as good as what little bit he did if not for the MIZ!!!!
Bryan Danielson is one of the best in ring performers currently on TV. The only problem is he works for a company that doesn't see that as a positive quality. He can wrestle circles around The Miz. The WWE needs to push him as what he is and that is a wrestling machine.
He's going to float around the mid-card until they can find something for him to do. I think he'll come up the same way Sheamus came up. Floating around the mid-card until a major opportunity arises. Dickbutt's already has a track record of being involved with multiple compelling feuds, and putting on great matches. It's only a matter of time before he gets some recognition from it.
I think they are really giving him a chance because hes about to feud with Sheamus its obvious at least to me that the celtic warrior will get the US title giving it some flair once more and a meaningful feud. SO he she feud with Sheamus for some time.
I have been a fan of Bryan Danielson since his days in ROH. Although, I do believe Bryan Danielson is one of the best in ring performers currently on TV, Daniel Bryan's personality is about as interesting as a bowl of ice cubes. Not sure where he's going in the WWE, once he loses that US title.
i think they need to give him personality, he has plenty of it but wwe i guess has a certain vision of him as a face. i think he's going to lose the belt next week, have the rematch at wrestlemania then again at backlash(or w/e) if you've ever seen him as a heel he is vicious, i suppose he thinks he sohuldnt use that viciousness as a face but i think if he wants to go higher and keep people interested he needs to develop a mean streak as a face. like chris benoit, he was usually always a face, but he was always in your face bad ass style. thats what danielson needs to do
He belongs in FCW off of tv

He defintly is NOT ready for the main event title picture. He wouldnt look near as good as what little bit he did if not for the MIZ!!!!

Do you really believe that?

Sure Bryan isn't the most charismatic bloke but he's by far the best wrestler WWE have. Just look at folk like Hart and Benoit. They weren't bursting with charisma but they made it.

Bryan needs to be made intense. Have him not have things go his way for a bit. Then have someone, maybe Gail Kim actually since they're 'involved', get him DQd then have him snap and lock her in something. Bryan can then ditch the happy personality and go around breaking limbs etc. Don't have him distinguish between heels/faces/divas/fans/announcers etc etc. Just build him up to be this psycho who will break your leg if you look at him in the wrong way.

It can end with him challenging Cena. Doesn't matter whether Cena is champ or not feuding with him is enough.

He should come down and call Cena out. When Cena comes down you have him start by talking about Cena's accomplishments etc etc whatever he's added to them by that point. Then he can point out that Cena deserves all that and Bryan respects him. But in the end he, everyone in the back and everyone in the world knows that Daniel Bryan could wrestle rings round John Cena. That Cena just because he has his head up McMahon's ass (or PG it) is constantly given the chance over people like him.

Him and Cena feud. Ends with a iron man match with Bryan wins after making Cena submit for the last fall. Then Cena raises Bryans hand.

Just an idea of mine basically. Kind of got carried away and wasn't meaning to go that far into it but oh well. I just think it would eliminate the need for Bryan to talk too much if he's just going around snapping people's legs or whatever and that a feud with Cena ending with a win and Cena's respect would cement him as a major player.
I don't see the problem being whether or not he's ready for the title picture as much as what are they going to do to make the character work to get to that point? He's demonstrated the in ring ability, and honestly his promos in NXT were significantly better than anything he's done in this character. He hasn't done anything on the mic with that kind of passion in a while, and it would actually contradict the meekness of his current persona which I don't really care for.

So before he moves up they have to allow him to be more of an aggressive face, or let him put more of himself in his mic work.

As for his fate without the title he would float in the mid card like so many others before him with great in ring skill but without a main event persona. He'll likely have more mid card titles but until something changes it's where he stays. It would be a shame, but it's happened to talents like him all too often.
Any of you see his confrontation with Sheamus on Raw? Next week he could lose the title to him, then possibly win it back at Wrestlemania. Either that or Sheamus "quits" and ends up on Smackdown.

I'm sure he could have a personality if that was his gimmick. And WWE knows he can wrestle amazingly, that's why they made 2 rematches with Dolph on Raw and Smackdown.
What's next? He's gonna lose the belt to Sheamus next Monday. Sheamus has always destroyed DB.

If by some reason Sheamus loses, then expect to see him on SD. I would go with this because it makes sense since SD lost Dolph Ziggler.
After Daniel Bryant sends Sheamus packing to SD. He will have a intense back and forth US Title rivalry with Dolph Ziggler. I think JOMO will get a shot at the WWE Title after Mania against the Miz.
Bryan usually gets the best match out of whoever his opponent is. If in fact he does send Sheamus packing (he'll most likely end up on SD), I'd expect a feud with someone who comes over from Smackdown or with the possibility of a Shelton Benjamin return, I could see him and Bryan dishing out some solid matches. Benjamin and Bryan styles would mesh well together and I think the matches they could generate would be spectacular. Maybe go vintage with a best of 7 series for the US title.
He's going to float around the mid-card until they can find something for him to do. I think he'll come up the same way Sheamus came up. Floating around the mid-card until a major opportunity arises. Dickbutt's already has a track record of being involved with multiple compelling feuds, and putting on great matches. It's only a matter of time before he gets some recognition from it.

Uh, who the fuck is "Dickbutt"? :confused:

I think they're stuck on what to do with Bryan. He's just been 'there' ever since he won the US title from Miz. I think it's clear that WWE doesn't have any major plans for him, and that they see him as a permanent midcarder.

What they should do, after he feuds with Sheamus, is have him feud again with michael cole. He was getting really over with the fans when he feuded with cole on NXT, but now cole's become such a major heel if bryan were to feud with him again, he'd almost certainly be way more popular.
He will lose the U.S. tittle on Raw then lose his rematch. He will not have a feud with Sheamus. I can see him being drafted to Smackdown in the draft and being in the Intercontinental tittle scene for a bit then moving up to the World tittle picture but WWE need to give him a good character before he can be in the World tittle picture.
Dolph Ziggler vs Bryan were one of the best wrestling matches i've ever seen.
I'm very impressed with both!

I read all the posts and i have to agree with one of you, Sheamus will lose and end up on SmackDown since they lost Ziggler!

It's is hard to make plans for Bryan because he doesnt have personality or even a gimmick (a nerd really?)
I would love too see him feuding with Jericho, that would give him a very good push to main event scene, and he really needs to cut a promo about something, i dont really remeber his voice -.-'

Hands up for Bryan everyone!
Honestly? I would take the title off of him (not give it to Sheamus though), Bryan doesn't need it.

Somebody had already mentioned it, but I would like to see him develop Chris Benoit style of intensity. He's been pushed as a strong submission wrestler, I would take it to the extreme. Make him *the* submission wrestler on the RAW brand. He might not have size, but make it so that there is an element of fear when his opponents face him.

Eliminate all traces of that goofy crap, no dancing, no generic smile, no divas, just an incredibly intense competitor that can twist an opponent up. Have him branch away from using just the LeBell Lock. He can keep it as the centerpiece of a collection, but have him finish guys off with a variety of submissions.

Edit: And they really have to stop Cole from burying him with the nerd, dweeb, geek stuff. The announcer can hate him, but if he doesn't take the wrestler seriously, the fans won't either. If Cole remains heel after Mania, a few minutes where Bryan tears Cole apart would help cement his more serious and intense persona.
what if bryan holds the belt for a while, matching then beating the length of the title run of the miz. in the mean time, what about a feud with dolph ziggler (maybe thats why he has moved to raw), hove morrison feud with miz. then after bryan breaks the length of miz's us title run, he calls out miz, claiming that he can smash him.
all build for what would be the best match in wwe history: miz v morrison v bryan v ziggler. that would be awesome :)

or have bryan win MITB, which i think is credible for him to win the match, but cashing it in may be less credible, unless it was on the miz.

either way i dont wanna see cena beat the miz at wrestlemania
My guess as what will happen with Daniel Bryan is this...

He will lose the US title to Sheamus next week, then, the rematch at Wrestlemania.

Everyone knows that the draft happens right after Wrestlemania, and there, will be the time where he will be sent to Smackdown.

Now, he will more than likely be a main part in the IC title picture, or maybe the Tag Team titles picture. To me, I think a feud with Drew McIntyre, or Jack Swagger(if they are still there) would be somethin to watch.

Or maybe, have him "snap" and turn heel, and feud with Rey Mysterio, or Christian.
Do you really believe that?

Sure Bryan isn't the most charismatic bloke but he's by far the best wrestler WWE have. Just look at folk like Hart and Benoit. They weren't bursting with charisma but they made it.

Bryan needs to be made intense. Have him not have things go his way for a bit. Then have someone, maybe Gail Kim actually since they're 'involved', get him DQd then have him snap and lock her in something. Bryan can then ditch the happy personality and go around breaking limbs etc. Don't have him distinguish between heels/faces/divas/fans/announcers etc etc. Just build him up to be this psycho who will break your leg if you look at him in the wrong way.

It can end with him challenging Cena. Doesn't matter whether Cena is champ or not feuding with him is enough.

He should come down and call Cena out. When Cena comes down you have him start by talking about Cena's accomplishments etc etc whatever he's added to them by that point. Then he can point out that Cena deserves all that and Bryan respects him. But in the end he, everyone in the back and everyone in the world knows that Daniel Bryan could wrestle rings round John Cena. That Cena just because he has his head up McMahon's ass (or PG it) is constantly given the chance over people like him.

Him and Cena feud. Ends with a iron man match with Bryan wins after making Cena submit for the last fall. Then Cena raises Bryans hand.

Just an idea of mine basically. Kind of got carried away and wasn't meaning to go that far into it but oh well. I just think it would eliminate the need for Bryan to talk too much if he's just going around snapping people's legs or whatever and that a feud with Cena ending with a win and Cena's respect would cement him as a major player.

Um yes i really believe that..DB is the most over-rated wrestler i have seen in years, since my eyes he does not need to be on tv and if it wasnt for the Miz he would have totally flopped in those matches..

BTW, At Mania The miz will destroy Cena and his lil "you cant see me"...
Um yes i really believe that..DB is the most over-rated wrestler i have seen in years, since my eyes he does not need to be on tv and if it wasnt for the Miz he would have totally flopped in those matches..

BTW, At Mania The miz will destroy Cena and his lil "you cant see me"...

You can argue that feuding with The Miz helped Bryan get over, but the idea of Miz carrying DB, or frankly anyone, in a match is just absurd. Makes me question if you are serious.
You can argue that feuding with The Miz helped Bryan get over, but the idea of Miz carrying DB, or frankly anyone, in a match is just absurd. Makes me question if you are serious.

Yea i am serious, ill admitt that MAYBE the Miz has had one bad match but you cant derny his talent and the fact that he is carrying Raw right now, along with The Rock...

But i am very serious about Bryan. I have not been impressed with him or his work talent..he does a few drop kicks, jumps off the top rope and kicks and locks on the labelle lock...People give Cena a bad rep about having a small set of moves but i havent seen anything that bryan done in the indies..

Now Sin Cara, im looking foward to him!!
Personally I would like to see Daniel Bryan do a change and become a heel.

Even though Bryan is a good face I think he would ultimately do better in the long run being the bad guy. He is a great technical wrestler, has ok mic skills, but also have a vicious streak a mile wide when he wants to just look at the Nexus debut as proof. As a heel if he's just a mean son of a bitch who can still beat you clean I think it would help him out a lot, it would give him an edge.

Bryan could even bring some of his old ROH manneurisms like telling the ref "I have till 5!" and just beating down the locker room with his mouth on the sole fact he is a better wrestler than anybody else. Just because Bryan is small doesn't mean you can't make him into a dangerous threat (see Taz as an example). I see Bryan possibly being a mix between Tully Blanchard and Chris Benoit, a mouthy little guy who talks big but when the bell rings he still puts on an amazing match and can beat you at any second.
Yea i am serious, ill admitt that MAYBE the Miz has had one bad match but you cant derny his talent and the fact that he is carrying Raw right now, along with The Rock...

But i am very serious about Bryan. I have not been impressed with him or his work talent..he does a few drop kicks, jumps off the top rope and kicks and locks on the labelle lock...People give Cena a bad rep about having a small set of moves but i havent seen anything that bryan done in the indies..

Now Sin Cara, im looking foward to him!!

You are the most ******ed troll ive met yet, danielson/bryan is amazing in the ring and was good on the mic in roh, wwe hasnt given him his opportunity to show that yet, because his feuds havent called for it, miz is good on the mic but is in no way good in the ring and is far from carrying raw, he has had some cheap shots on cena which were cool and helped the feud but he def isnt ccarrying raw at all its road to mania hell rko vs punk are prob gathering more ratings than the miz, actually i know they are, your just a miz mark who knows nothing of skill in the ring, get off these forums you idiot, obviously if everyone else is saying how amazing danielson/bryan is yet you say hes overrated chances are your just being a troll, ******.

Anyways, i believe bryan will feud with sheamus for a bit and then kinda get into feuds with ppl in midcard and main events, eventually maybe geting into the title picture, i think he will only have 1 or 2 reigns in wwe with the whc or wwe championship, but alas i feel he will have a title shot by early 2012 after he feuds with some established main eventers (kinda like jomo is doing) and then he will either win the big belt or the ic/us championship, something like a benoit type career
I'd love to see him get a rematch against Sheamus at Wrestlemania. As things stand now, MITB will apparently not be at Wrestlemania leaving a US title rematch as the only feasible option to put these guys on the card. At quite frankly, it'd be nice to see a midcard title defended at the big PPV. The match these two had on RAW was very solid in my view and a potential rematch at Wrestlemania can not only top their last encounter but potentially steal the show at the big event as well. It might be a stretch but by no means impossible. I'm a fan of both these men and I think a good drawn out feud can benefit the both of them, especially if it goes through Wrestlemania.

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