Vote To Legalize Marijuana

You still haven't proven that marijuana users don't kill puppies, which is a fact. Just because you've been programmed to believe that marijuana users don't kill puppies doesn't mean that there aren't other people out there who see the truth.
The bold part.

That isn't real marijuana it is not even a form of marijuana. It is made to mimic the effects of marijuana but actually does the complete opposite. This why you don't smoke synthetic marijuana and smoke the real plant. You are so dumb you can’t prove me how marijuana being illegal is not a failure but prove you know nothing about the cannabis plant every time you leave a comment and that you’re the result of incest.
That isn't real marijuana it is not even a form of marijuana. It is made to mimic the effects of marijuana but actually does the complete opposite. This why you don't smoke synthetic marijuana and smoke the real plant. You are so dumb you can’t prove me how marijuana being illegal is not a failure but prove you know nothing about the cannabis plant every time you leave a comment and that you’re the result of incest.

You really are dense.
I know it doesn't matter if it's legal or not because I can still buy it whenever I want and probably easier then if it was legal. Oh yeah tax free as well.

Fuck you, get raped.

It matters that there have been millions of innocent victims let locked up or killed because they smoke a harmless plant that can save the world. If you actually knew anything about the cannabis plant you would leave a intelligent comment. We pay a lot more keeping marijuana illegal than we would if it was legal.
I like how you ignored everything I said. Not a surprise at all you always ignore facts and the truth.

No, I ignore stupidity and biased opinions that are irrelevant to anything. I ignore ignorant jackasses like you who choose to remain ignorant of the nature of humanity as a whole. The attitude of today's society is literally "FEED ME MORE!" More, more, more. Too much is not enough. One blunt is not enough it has to be ten. We don't think about the consequences of our overindulgence. You choose to ignore that truth in order to further your own agenda.

Let's analyze your true motives. You're going to deny it anyway but it is truth and deep down, you know it.

You really don't give a shit about anyone but yourself. You don't care about the benefits of marijuana. The only thing you care about is getting high and being able to walk down the street with a blunt in your hand, high as a kite, rubbing it in the cops noses that they can't do anything. You're selfish and conceited. You're pathetic really.

And when you get high as a satellite, you'll go driving. Blunt in hand, laughing at all the cops you pass. In your high state, you'll miss that red light and blind side a minivan. You'll wake up in the hospital to find that you only have a few bruises and a burn mark from your blunt. You'll be happy until a pair of cops come in with handcuffs, grim looks on their faces. "Sir, you're being arrested for manslaughter." You'll be shocked as the officers explain that you blind sided a minivan, killing a wife, husband, and their three children. You'll go to prison. You'll get out 20-60 years later. You'll still live the rest of your life while five innocent souls lay six feet under in some cemetery because of your irresponsibility.

You'll deny this of course because that's how you are. But if legalization does happen, and you do end up killing a family, I hope you look back on this thread and on this post and realize what a dumbass you've been. I doubt you will though. You'll probably blame the cops or you'll say they ran the red light or they cut you off. And that's a shame. But you're you.
No, I ignore stupidity and biased opinions that are irrelevant to anything. I ignore ignorant jackasses like you who choose to remain ignorant of the nature of humanity as a whole. The attitude of today's society is literally "FEED ME MORE!" More, more, more. Too much is not enough. One blunt is not enough it has to be ten. We don't think about the consequences of our overindulgence. You choose to ignore that truth in order to further your own agenda.

Just when I think that your comments can't get any dumber you manage to out dumb yourself. I have a lot of really dumb reasons to why people think marijuana should stay illegal but yours just may be the dumbest I ever heard. You also proved to be completely clueless and know nothing about the cannabis plant but you or anyone else has yet to prove me wrong. Talking about a strawman argument or telling me to look up big words is not proving me wrong.

The way you to talk about what will happen if marijuana were made legal just makes you sound so stupid. It was legal and people were smoking it a long time before it was made illegal and no one was abusing it back then. When marijuana is made legal it is not going now make me smoke take 10 bong hits every half hour. You are the last person to tell anyone that they ignore the truth. That is all you have been doing is ignoring the truth. If you say that everything I say is an opinion then prove every opinion wrong. Post links that have full scientific and doctor research that every fact and benefit from marijuana is wrong. If your so confident that I'm wrong and stupid then it won't be hard at all to prove me wrong.

Let's analyze your true motives. You're going to deny it anyway but it is truth and deep down, you know it.

You really don't give a shit about anyone but yourself. You don't care about the benefits of marijuana. The only thing you care about is getting high and being able to walk down the street with a blunt in your hand, high as a kite, rubbing it in the cops noses that they can't do anything. You're selfish and conceited. You're pathetic really.

You’re selfish that you want to keep marijuana illegal. You’re pathetic that you don't care about all the innocent victims who get sent to prison for having a harmless plant with thousands of benefits and blind that you can't see the how it is wrong that a person like Chris Williams is sitting in a private prison because the federal law said so. If I didn't care about every person or animal that has been harmed because marijuana is illegal I wouldn't be on here this thread wouldn't have been over 70 pages. That is not my motives at all I'm not going to be smoking to rub it in a cops face. I'll still be doing majority of my smoking in my house where I smoke now.

I show all the benefits to show how there is no good reason at all to why marijuana should be illegal. The only thing that I care about is that anyone who wants to smoke can do it at there own privacy and not be judged and called a criminal. I want anyone who smokes pot not to be worried about getting arrested. I care that people left without their medicine when there dispensary gets raided and I hope that never happens again one day. you think my motives are when marijuana is made legal. What you think my motives are when marijuana is legal are pretty funny is actually pretty funny I was actually laughing pretty hard the whole time because it just got more and more ridiculous.

And when you get high as a satellite, you'll go driving. Blunt in hand, laughing at all the cops you pass. In your high state, you'll miss that red light and blind side a minivan. You'll wake up in the hospital to find that you only have a few bruises and a burn mark from your blunt. You'll be happy until a pair of cops come in with handcuffs, grim looks on their faces. "Sir, you're being arrested for manslaughter." You'll be shocked as the officers explain that you blind sided a minivan, killing a wife, husband, and their three children. You'll go to prison. You'll get out 20-60 years later. You'll still live the rest of your life while five innocent souls lay six feet under in some cemetery because of your irresponsibility.

You'll deny this of course because that's how you are. But if legalization does happen, and you do end up killing a family, I hope you look back on this thread and on this post and realize what a dumbass you've been. I doubt you will though. You'll probably blame the cops or you'll say they ran the red light or they cut you off. And that's a shame. But you're you.

This when things just got way too ridiculous and you really had me laughing. I thank you for the great laugh. Do you think that after reading your nonsense story I was going have a epiphany? Who the hell do you think you are Sylvia Brown? Did you see this vision of me killing a family in your crystal ball? Are you going to call up Obama and tell him never to make marijuana legal because you saw me accidentally killing a family in your crystal ball?

There are a lot of wrongs in that story. First off I don't smoke blunts there gross, I only smoke bongs and vaporizers because those are the best ways to smoke and vaporizers are the cleanest and healthiest ways to smoke. Your prediction is wrong again because even when marijuana is legal I still won't be able to drive so the first cop I pass laughing at is pulling me over before I hit that mini van so that family in the future will be safe. Isn't it pretty fucked up that I would be spending less time in prison for being responsible of the death of family then Chris Williams gets for providing medicine for sick people and helps out families? What about all how the government still lives their lives when they continue to kill and harm people from marijuana being illegal?

You still ignored everything I said can't prove me wrong but you can write a short fiction story of what is going to happen to me when marijuana is made legal. Give that story to M. Night Shyamalan he needs work and he will like because it has a twist at the end first everything is going great with marijuana being legal then out of no where the Shyamalan twist I kill a family and still get less time in prison than a man who helped families and provided medicine for sick people.
I don't give shit whether or not marijuana is ever legalized. It doesn't affect me or my loved ones at all what so ever.

I told you that you'd deny it. It's true whether you think it is or not is irrelevant.

Now let's analyze society today and society back then. Two very different things. Back then it was just take just enough. Don't waste. Today it's all about greed. Can't get enough. You're an idiot if you don't think it's true. :shrug:
Why was Chris Williams the only one arrested when he wasn't the sole owner of the marijuana?
Shouldn't his buddies have been arrested too?

I will say that it's kind of bullshit that the federal government did a statewide sweep and busted people. I don't know why Chris Williams is the only one making news.
I don't give shit whether or not marijuana is ever legalized. It doesn't affect me or my loved ones at all what so ever.

I told you that you'd deny it. It's true whether you think it is or not is irrelevant.

Now let's analyze society today and society back then. Two very different things. Back then it was just take just enough. Don't waste. Today it's all about greed. Can't get enough. You're an idiot if you don't think it's true. :shrug:

That makes you selfish that you don't care whether or nor marijuana is legalized. Just because it doesn't affect you or your loved ones means that you don't give a shit about anyone else who has been harmed. What if one of your loved ones ever gets MS, Glaucoma, Cancer or some other terrible type of illness. What if marijuana is the only thing that works for them? You said you have OCD marijuana is has been medically proven to help people with OCD. Did you ever smoke marijuana who knows maybe it could work for you? Would you care if one of your loved ones was locked in prison because there taking a medicine that helps them live their life easier? What about all the people who get arrested for marijuana and gets separated from their loved ones?

If it is true then can you show me the vision on your crystal ball of me killing that family from the future.

Look at all the greed that is caused from marijuana. Private prisons are built where people get rich off of locking people up like Chris Williams taking him away from his family. There is more greed and harm caused from marijuana being illegal than legal.
I wonder what kind of crazy bitch fit Todd would have when he discovers that most of the places that get busted for dog fighting rings also get busted for marijuana.
I wonder what kind of crazy bitch fit Todd would have when he discovers that most of the places that get busted for dog fighting rings also get busted for marijuana.

I don't think "bitch fit" would be an adequate description. Of course, we all know he would deny it being true.

Also, that 19 year old bitch from North Dakota who was stupid enough to post on youtube about robbing a bank, stealing a car, and ripping somebodies pot off? Yeah, she's a smoker, too. But, I'm sure Todd will say her smoking habit isn't why she did that shit. Even though she was blazed out of her mind in the video.

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