Vote To Legalize Marijuana

That's the problem with the medical marijuana crowd. Most of them are full of shit. The second you say "ok, medicinal marijuana, but never recreational", they stutter and stammer. All the martyrs they've created are suddenly useless. (Chris Williams probably thinks you're a massive choad too, btw.) It's no longer about "saving the world", it's about them wanting to get high, and, well, you see........

Most of them are also very sick people who depend on that marijuana to live their life in less pain. There is nothing wrong with smoking marijuana recreationally. Marijuana can prevent things like cancer, alzheimers, and more. So why is not a good idea for a healthy person to smoke marijuana? A person eats healthy to stay in shape. So then a person should be able to smoke some weed to have a healthier body and mind.

My position is at least honest. What I do in my own home is my business. You can try to convince me differently, and we can debate opinions if we'd like, but the government shouldn't be in the position of legalization; rather, they should be in an advisory position. They have more resources to do that than any other player in the market. I personally prefer decriminalization as opposed to full legalization. Decriminalization makes legal, or a small fine, for the possession of small amounts of marijuana, while still making production or sale a crime. Full legalization would lead directly to marketing marijuana in the same form as alcohol and cigarettes, and while I smoke marijuana, it's not a habit I'm in a rush to convince people how great it is. We're already seeing people rush to commercialize in Washington, and who can blame them? There's going to be a shitload of money in it.

My position is more honest than every bodies. I post to show everyone all the actual benefits that the plant provides. I post to show everyone all the harm that marijuana being illegal causes. I just don't want my self to be able to smoke in my home minding my business I want the whole world to be able to smoke marijuana and not have to worry about being arrested. I don't think decriminalization means much because I believe that no one should be arrested for marijuana or have to even pay a fine. It makes no sense at all that you say you smoke marijuana but bash me because I smoke marijuana.

Todd, shut the fuck up, I wasn't talking to you. When I talk to you, I'll mock you and poke fun at you, puppy killer. This is for your bullshit "hemp as energy" argument, however:

So you say a bunch bull shit argument because I said a bunch of facts?

Switchgrass would also be more efficient than hemp by a factor of 4.5x, and the cell structure of the two plants is similar to the point of being able to use the same conversion process. Which, btw, doesn't even exist yet in a form which would be viable for mass production; it's still being moved from the lab to the field. Which is why we use corn currently, because it's far simpler to convert into ethanol, and we already have absolute shitloads of it that we were giving away anyways. Hemp, once we can convert it into fuel outside of a lab setting, is more efficient than corn. Blowing your argument wide the fuck open, switchgrass grows freely, requires no farming whatsoever, and is way more efficient than hemp as a fuel. You don't understand shit about energy, son, don't try to convince people you do because you read something on a website.

That is very debatable to say which is a better source of fuel. Hemp is still considered the number one source for fuel.Switchgrass will get the more positive reputation since it is legal. What makes hemp better than switchgrass is that you make a lot more useful products with hemp. So hemp does have more benefits. Does switchgrass release a carbon dioxide that is good for the environment?

Instead of this bullshit where you try to convince people you're out to save the world, why not just square up and say "I want to get high?" You are nowhere near crafty enough to trick people into believing you care about these causes beyond personal self interest.

I'm not trying to be crafty just show people some facts and the truth to the harm marijuana being illegal causes. Again if I didn't care about this cause I wouldn't be on here typing this I'd be sitting in my room just taking bong hit and never leave the house if I didn't care. I'm actually trying to do something because I don't want to see anyone get harmed. If I didn't care I wouldn't be telling everybody to sign the petition to help get Chris Williams out of prison. Because it makes me sad that a man has to die in prison and be taken away from his family because he was legally helping out families.
I told you to shut the fuck up. No one here (or anywhere else, don't make me post the diagram again) thinks you understand a goddamn thing about energy policy, and I guarandamntee that today is your first day hearing about switchgrass.

Also, every animal on the planet releases CO2. It is such a ridiculously common gas, and so common to the biological cycle, that only an idiot with no understanding of ecology or biology would call it "good for the environment". You might as well say that water is "good for the environment", or oxygen is "good for the environment".

Do you not get how ridiculously obvious it is that you have no idea what you're talking about? That saying "nuh-uh, it works my way" might make you feel better, but it doesn't actually change the real world?
Well, the diagram probably doesn't mean much to you. If you agreed with it, you'd probably kill yourself, and if it wasn't for that massive wall of self-delusion you've constructed for yourself, that job would have been done a while ago.

Everyone else seems to think it's right on the money, though. We could find some people you've never met, have you talk to them about marijuana, and see where they fall on that diagram? Test the theory some?
I told you to shut the fuck up. No one here (or anywhere else, don't make me post the diagram again) thinks you understand a goddamn thing about energy policy, and I guarandamntee that today is your first day hearing about switchgrass.

Also, every animal on the planet releases CO2. It is such a ridiculously common gas, and so common to the biological cycle, that only an idiot with no understanding of ecology or biology would call it "good for the environment". You might as well say that water is "good for the environment", or oxygen is "good for the environment".

Do you not get how ridiculously obvious it is that you have no idea what you're talking about? That saying "nuh-uh, it works my way" might make you feel better, but it doesn't actually change the real world?

I know what I'm talking about. Using hemp for fuel can save the world. I’m talking about getting rid of fossil fuels which do no good at all for the environment.

Burning Cannabis Hemp for energy would solve this problem. Cannabis Hemp is a plant, and gets its energy from the sun. This process, called photosynthesis, produces oxygen and takes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. An increase of plant growth both domestically and abroad would lower the CO2 levels in our atmosphere, and promote a healthy environment. Growing Cannabis for other goods (like fibers) would further decrease our excess CO2 burden.

It is possible to produce all of our energy with Cannabis Hemp. The unique growing properties of the plant make it the ideal crop for our energy needs. One acre of Cannabis Hemp can produce 1000 gallons of methanol in a single growing season. Any CO2 released from burning Cannabis Hemp would be the same CO2 the plant had already taken from the environment, creating what is called a closed carbon cycle. A closed carbon cycle system of energy production would slow down the effects of global warming, and with well-implemented plant growth could possibly stop global warming entirely.No other plant on earth could meet the needs of global energy consumption, but Cannabis Hemp could.
Well, the diagram probably doesn't mean much to you. If you agreed with it, you'd probably kill yourself, and if it wasn't for that massive wall of self-delusion you've constructed for yourself, that job would have been done a while ago.

Everyone else seems to think it's right on the money, though. We could find some people you've never met, have you talk to them about marijuana, and see where they fall on that diagram? Test the theory some?

What did I do so wrong that you want me dead? Was is that I spoke the truth about marijuana and had facts to back me up? Why do you bash me when you smoke pot? Who is every one? The 6 people who bash me for speaking the truth. You never met me either and know nothing about me. Your diagram means shit at least when I post a diagram it actually means something.
Great, buddy, I know what photosynthesis is. Every plant on the planet uses it. I learned that back in fifth grade. In fact, every plant on the planet can fit the traits you've listed. The reason we haven't used hemp since WWII is because of the innovation of plastics. Rayon and polyester make far better products at far less cost than hemp.

Don't lecture someone about topics you're just reading about online for the first time. Again, painfully obvious. And, again, switchgrass is 4.5x more efficient than hemp as a fuel, and grows without farming. You saying "nuh uh, hemp!" doesn't change that.

There isn't a massive conspiracy out there to keep a plant illegal because it looks like marijuana. The days of it being profitable are simply over. No one is running over each other to grow hemp except idiot stoners who think they can use it as a cover to get marijuana legalized. If someone really wanted to legalize hemp to market it as a product, the bribes would have all been put in the right places.

I've never met you, but from talking to you online, I can tell you're an idiot. People don't have these magic faces where they turn into an entirely different person offline, and I'm sure you're not just pretending you're an idiot to cover up your degree from Cambridge. You have this idea that just because you're in favor of smoking pot that everyone else who does should support you, but you sound like a fucking lunatic. Saying "proof" and "truth" over and over again might make you feel better about yourself, but again, it doesn't have any actual effect in the real world. You look like a raving lunatic who has to say "proof" and "truth" a lot to try to cover up that you're full of shit. Having you around puts the day where marijuana is decriminalized further away.

Doubt that? Look at this thread. You talk to BuffyFan, they want to clamp down on recreational marijuana. I talk to BuffyFan, they go "oh, that makes sense". Same with AndThat'sTheBottomLine. Same with anyone else we're going to have this discussion with, and if you want to cry about people on this board, like I said, let's go get us a neutral party, put some money down on this, and see who the better convincer is. Seriously- we each put down $50, find someone neither of us have met (and probably pay out $20 to get someone to suffer through that), have ourselves a little debate on marijuana policy, and winner takes the pot. I've got a PayPal attached to my business that we could use for escrow. You're sure you've got "proof" and "truth" on your side, so this should be easy money for you. Hey, it's Christmas season- I'm sure you need money to get a gift for the mother nice enough to love you still, despite having no good reason to. How about it?

And, again, I don't want you to kill yourself. I'm just surprised you haven't already.
Great, buddy, I know what photosynthesis is. Every plant on the planet uses it. I learned that back in fifth grade. In fact, every plant on the planet can fit the traits you've listed. The reason we haven't used hemp since WWII is because of the innovation of plastics. Rayon and polyester make far better products at far less cost than hemp.

Don't lecture someone about topics you're just reading about online for the first time. Again, painfully obvious. And, again, switchgrass is 4.5x more efficient than hemp as a fuel, and grows without farming. You saying "nuh uh, hemp!" doesn't change that.

There isn't a massive conspiracy out there to keep a plant illegal because it looks like marijuana. The days of it being profitable are simply over. No one is running over each other to grow hemp except idiot stoners who think they can use it as a cover to get marijuana legalized. If someone really wanted to legalize hemp to market it as a product, the bribes would have all been put in the right places.

It is cheaper to use hemp as a fuel and you destroy less trees if you use hemp for paper. We pay a fortune for the current cost of energy. Deforestation and fossil fuels are two of the worst things for our environment. Switch to hemp will be better for the environment. Even it is cheaper to make some of the things that can me made with hemp still shouldn't give our government any right at all to make marijuana illegal. What are you talking about marijuana no longer being profitable that is a plant that can make billions.

I've never met you, but from talking to you online, I can tell you're an idiot. People don't have these magic faces where they turn into an entirely different person offline, and I'm sure you're not just pretending you're an idiot to cover up your degree from Cambridge. You have this idea that just because you're in favor of smoking pot that everyone else who does should support you, but you sound like a fucking lunatic. Saying "proof" and "truth" over and over again might make you feel better about yourself, but again, it doesn't have any actual effect in the real world. You look like a raving lunatic who has to say "proof" and "truth" a lot to try to cover up that you're full of shit. Having you around puts the day where marijuana is decriminalized further away.

Having people like you he bash people for speaking the truth of marijuana. It makes no sense that you smoke marijuana and bash me for being pro marijuana. It makes you sound like a hypocrite. The proof is having an effect on the real world. That's why marijuana is now legal in Colorado and Washington and legal for medical use in 18 states. More and more people are starting to learn about all the benefits that this great plant provides. I say facts and truth a lot only because of the massive amounts of idiots who ignore facts and truth or are such a blind programmed machine they can't see how more wrong is caused from marijuana being illegal.

Doubt that? Look at this thread. You talk to BuffyFan, they want to clamp down on recreational marijuana. I talk to BuffyFan, they go "oh, that makes sense". Same with AndThat'sTheBottomLine. Same with anyone else we're going to have this discussion with, and if you want to cry about people on this board, like I said, let's go get us a neutral party, put some money down on this, and see who the better convincer is. Seriously- we each put down $50, find someone neither of us have met (and probably pay out $20 to get someone to suffer through that), have ourselves a little debate on marijuana policy, and winner takes the pot. I've got a PayPal attached to my business that we could use for escrow. You're sure you've got "proof" and "truth" on your side, so this should be easy money for you. Hey, it's Christmas season- I'm sure you need money to get a gift for the mother nice enough to love you still, despite having no good reason to. How about it?

And, again, I don't want you to kill yourself. I'm just surprised you haven't already.

What are you saying to that self admitting no good piece of shit waste of life BuffyFan that is so convincing? If you’re saying anything that involves facts or the truth thats the bottom line will just ignore you and write a short fiction story with a M. Night Shyamalan twist at the end about you. I don't need to debate for money. If people on here are too dumb to listen to me here what I have to say now, why would they listen to me then. This is the only time where I talked about marijuana being legal and all the harm is caused from it being illegal where I dealt with more idiots then smart people. I maybe guess that stereotype that most wrestling fans are idiots is true. You can’t even say that a large number of people are against me because like only 6 people are against what I have to say. While I have more than half of America and half of Canada who think that marijuana should be legal. Even though they are too dumb to tell me why they only understand insulting people and ignoring the truth. When you have everybody already on your side and everybody hates me for a reason that not a single person on this forum knows why. I know that everything I said is write. You have yet to give me any good reason to why marijuana is illegal? Do you think that marijuana being illegal is a failure? If you like marijuana then why are you bashing me? Why do you think it's OK for you to smoke in your own home but not for anyone else. Why would I kill myself?
$50, put your money where your mouth is. We can assuredly arrange neutral terms once we agree to wager. We can pick any category that I've been arguing- I won't defend any of this repeated strawman stuff from you. I'm sure for a small fee we could find someone off of the board who will moderate for us.

C'mon, I've got the courage of my convictions. If you believe what you're saying is the truth, you should be able to take some easy money from me.
And this coming from a naive, moronic, childish piece of shit that knows nothing about human nature.

That is your way of saying you know I’m right but can’t admit so you will try to make me look bad and insult me. If you think I’m so dumb how come you can prove me wrong? Why do you ignore everything I say? Why do you ignore what Dr. Donald Tashkin had to say? Why do ignore the Heath Tulane Study? Why do you ignore that great big picture talking about all the benefit medical marijuana provides? You're a idiot hypocrite who knows nothing about the cannabis plant? You are proof that the people need to be re educated about the truth of the cannabis plant. Stop believing all the lies about cannabis Remember you are a blind brainwashed programmed machine who knows nothing about the cannabis plant.

That is your way of saying you know I’m right but can’t admit so you will try to make me look bad and insult me. If you think I’m so dumb how come you can prove me wrong? Why do you ignore everything I say? Why do you ignore what Dr. Donald Tashkin had to say? Why do ignore the Heath Tulane Study? Why do you ignore that great big picture talking about all the benefit medical marijuana provides? You're a idiot hypocrite who knows nothing about the cannabis plant? You are proof that the people need to be re educated about the truth of the cannabis plant. Stop believing all the lies about cannabis Remember you are a blind brainwashed programmed machine who knows nothing about the cannabis plant.


No, it is my way of calling you an idiot. Stop assuming it makes you look even more ******ed than you already are.
Then prove everything I said wrong.

Why do you ignore everything I say? Why do you ignore what Dr. Donald Tashkin had to say? Why do ignore the Heath Tulane Study? Why do you ignore that great big picture talking about all the benefit medical marijuana provides? Remember you are a blind brainwashed programmed machine who knows nothing about the cannabis plant.

Then prove everything I said wrong.

Why do you ignore everything I say? Why do you ignore what Dr. Donald Tashkin had to say? Why do ignore the Heath Tulane Study? Why do you ignore that great big picture talking about all the benefit medical marijuana provides? Remember you are a blind brainwashed programmed machine who knows nothing about the cannabis plant.


Because you're an idiot. Because you provided it. And remember you're a naive pot head that chooses to ignore those that have proven you wrong. You figure that if you ignore it then it didn't happen.
Because you're an idiot. Because you provided it. And remember you're a naive pot head that chooses to ignore those that have proven you wrong. You figure that if you ignore it then it didn't happen.

Yep I was right! Don't call me an idiot when you know nothing about the cannabis plant.You couldn't prove me wrong and you will never be able to do it. Just like you will never be able to find non biased web sites that proves every web site that I posted wrong. Saying that you can't prove me wrong or will ignore what I say is because its me is the weakest excuse that you can give me. No one has yet to provide good enough reasons why marijuana should be legal. Another thing I keep asking but you fail to do is show me where everyone proved me wrong.
Police Penis Sucking Goat Fucker said:

Originally Posted by AndThat'sTheBottomLine

Because you're an idiot. Because you provided it. And remember you're a naive pot head that chooses to ignore those that have proven you wrong. You figure that if you ignore it then it didn't happen.

Yep I was right! Don't call me an idiot when you know nothing about the cannabis plant.You couldn't prove me wrong and you will never be able to do it. Just like you will never be able to find non biased web sites that proves every web site that I posted wrong. Saying that you can't prove me wrong or will ignore what I say is because its me is the weakest excuse that you can give me. No one has yet to provide good enough reasons why marijuana should be legal. Another thing I keep asking but you fail to do is show me where everyone proved me wrong.

You keep failing to provide me proof that people would not over do it. Id probably agree if you weren't such an ignorant jackass.

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I already explained more then one occasion why people would not over do it, but you choose to ignore what I say. I've been telling me this whole time why but you ignore facts and insult me when you have no idea what you are talking about. The only you are failing to do is prove me wrong, give me your opinion on what Dr. Donald Tashkin had to say, The Heath Tulane Study, and that great big picture with all the benefits.

Tell me something

Do you think what you just said sounds intelligent or makes you look like a jackass?

Are you going to ignore the truth and every fact about the cannabis plant and remain a blind brainwashed programmed machine who knows nothing about the cannabis plant all because I'm ignorant jackass?

What makes me a ignorant jackass and you not one?
I already explained more then one occasion why people would not over do it, but you choose to ignore what I say. I've been telling me this whole time why but you ignore facts and insult me when you have no idea what you are talking about. The only you are failing to do is prove me wrong, give me your opinion on what Dr. Donald Tashkin had to say, The Heath Tulane Study, and that great big picture with all the benefits.

Tell me something

Do you think what you just said sounds intelligent or makes you look like a jackass?

Are you going to ignore the truth and every fact about the cannabis plant and remain a blind brainwashed programmed machine who knows nothing about the cannabis plant all because I'm ignorant jackass?

What makes me a ignorant jackass and you not one?

No you didn't. You said this country wouldn't over do it so America wouldn't either. Sorry, not proof enough for me. I've already said I'm fie with medical marijuana. How many times do I have to say it? That's why you're an ignorant jackass and not me.
I bash you because of the way you present your facts.

I only ignore naive comments like yours.

What is wrong with how I present my facts?
How are my comments naive?

At least I present facts unlike you

You write stupid fiction stories with M. Night Shyamalan twist at the end.
You also know nothing about the cannabis plant.

Correct yourself

You only ignore actual facts like mine.

Learn some facts about the cannabis plant before you comment and shut up with your whole over doing it bull shit. I've already presented a long list of all the benefits marijuana provides and show all the harm that i caused from it being illegal when all you gan give is one shitty reason why marijuana should be illegal. You also present no facts to back you unlike myself.

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