Vote To Legalize Marijuana

It is not the marijuana making people harm these dogs. These are also drug dealers so if marijuana were legal then they wouldn't have any marijuana to grow and sell. There is nothing in marijuana that will make you want to kill a dog. You have to look more into the person's past since some people consider dog fighting to be a tradition. You can’t just blame marijuana to be the reason why these people are having dogs fight each other.
That makes you selfish that you don't care whether or nor marijuana is legalized. Just because it doesn't affect you or your loved ones means that you don't give a shit about anyone else who has been harmed. What if one of your loved ones ever gets MS, Glaucoma, Cancer or some other terrible type of illness. What if marijuana is the only thing that works for them? You said you have OCD marijuana is has been medically proven to help people with OCD. Did you ever smoke marijuana who knows maybe it could work for you? Would you care if one of your loved ones was locked in prison because there taking a medicine that helps them live their life easier? What about all the people who get arrested for marijuana and gets separated from their loved ones?

If it is true then can you show me the vision on your crystal ball of me killing that family from the future.

Look at all the greed that is caused from marijuana. Private prisons are built where people get rich off of locking people up like Chris Williams taking him away from his family. There is more greed and harm caused from marijuana being illegal than legal.

I said MEDICAL MARIJUANA is fine as long as it's prescription only or administered by a doctor.

I have never smoked marijuana nor will I ever. I don't need weed to help me live my life I don't use my OCD as a crutch like a lot of people do. Hell more often than not it's more of a benefit than a detriment.

I don't have a crystal ball dumb fuck nor am I telepathic(that would be cool as fuck though if I were) but I'm merely saying that if you got high and were the cause of someone's death because you got high and did something stupid, would you feel bad or just shrug it off and smoke another joint?

I agree that Chris Williams getting singled out the way he did was fucked up. I also think it's ******ed that, in a state where medical weed is legal, that the federal government chooses to flex its muscles over that state. But there is nothing we can do about it. He got caught by the feds and yes it sucks, but that's how it works man. Life isn't fair.

My sister had Leukemia when she was a 1 year old. She's 10 now and she did just fine without weed.

Nobody makes money from prisons being built they are owned by the state you moron. Hell the state doesn't even make money on it. They spend more money providing for the prisoners than anything. Chris Williams will have it made where he gets 3 square meals a day, doesn't need a job, no bills. He'll get sex every night. Hell, maybe you should go. You might like it.
I said MEDICAL MARIJUANA is fine as long as it's prescription only or administered by a doctor.

If you think medical marijuana should be legal then don't bash me when I talk about all the medical benefits it provides.

I have never smoked marijuana nor will I ever. I don't need weed to help me live my life I don't use my OCD as a crutch like a lot of people do. Hell more often than not it's more of a benefit than a detriment. .

I have no problem if you don't want to smoke marijuana I don't think there is anything wrong with that but don't put other people down who do. You shouldn't say that you don't care if marijuana is legal because many people benefit from marijuana. Also that is just even more prove that you know nothing about the cannabis plant. Why are you leaving comments when you know nothing about the cannabis plant?

I don't have a crystal ball dumb fuck nor am I telepathic(that would be cool as fuck though if I were) but I'm merely saying that if you got high and were the cause of someone's death because you got high and did something stupid, would you feel bad or just shrug it off and smoke another joint?.

Don't call me a dumb fuck after you said that stupid nonsense fiction story. That is never going to happen making marijuana being legal is not going to make me drive a car smoking a blunt laughing at cops not looking at the road where I kill a family. I know that I'm never going o get high and cause some one to die so I'm going to just shrug it off.

I agree that Chris Williams getting singled out the way he did was fucked up. I also think it's ******ed that, in a state where medical weed is legal, that the federal government chooses to flex its muscles over that state. But there is nothing we can do about it. He got caught by the feds and yes it sucks, but that's how it works man. Life isn't fair.

Thats why you stand up and let our government know how you feel. Instead of just saying thats how it works we need to let our voices be heard we need to making marijuana legal. Why should he go to prison for 80 years when almost 80% of the country think medical marijuana should be legal.

If we get 25,000 signatures Obama will review the case and can potentially pardon Chris Williams. We are not far away If you agree that Chris Williams is getting singled out then sign the petition it will take about a minute of your time to sign. If enough people get together and let our government know that it is wrong what they are doing and Chris Williams should face no time in prison. No man should be taken away from his family for helping out other families.

My sister had Leukemia when she was a 1 year old. She's 10 now and she did just fine without weed.

What about the 7 year old girl who is treating her Leukemia with cannabis oil. She is also doing just fine? Cannabis oil is a great way to treat all sorts of cancer. I'm sure if your sister would have used cannabis oil everything would have worked just as fine or maybe even better.

Nobody makes money from prisons being built they are owned by the state you moron. Hell the state doesn't even make money on it. They spend more money providing for the prisoners than anything. Chris Williams will have it made where he gets 3 square meals a day, doesn't need a job, no bills. He'll get sex every night. Hell, maybe you should go. You might like it.

There are such things as private prisons. Chris Williams is in a private prison right now. You act like prison is such a fun place. Do you want to go. We are the one who pay to lock up prisoners. This is a compassionate man who did nothing wrong and he being taken away from his family to die in prison. Why should tax payers have to pay to lock up a innocent man? It's time we free all the innocent victims who were arrested for marijuana out of prison.
Also, until further notice, I'm hijacking this thread like D.B. Cooper, and making it a dedication to Tori Amos/Sarah McLachlan/The Corrs cover songs......

You can post links to some crappy band but no links that prove me wrong. Is changing the subject your way of admitting I'm right?

Not at all. I'm just trying to bring a little color into the lives of those being downtrodden with your sheer idiocy.

Also, crappy band?! FUCK YOU IN EVERY ORIFICE OF YOUR PATHETIC BEING!!!! You will NOT besmirch the good names of Sharon, Jim, Caroline, and Andrea in my presence! However, I shouldn't be surprised you feel that way. Given your lack of comprehensive skills, and overall common sense, I reckon you're a fan of shit like hip-hop and bad house music. Maybe Phish, too.


The voice of an angel, that is....
Not at all. I'm just trying to bring a little color into the lives of those being downtrodden with your sheer idiocy.

Also, crappy band?! FUCK YOU IN EVERY ORIFICE OF YOUR PATHETIC BEING!!!! You will NOT besmirch the good names of Sharon, Jim, Caroline, and Andrea in my presence! However, I shouldn't be surprised you feel that way. Given your lack of comprehensive skills, and overall common sense, I reckon you're a fan of shit like hip-hop and bad house music. Maybe Phish, too.

If you're going to change subject you should at least admit that you're changing subject because I'm right and you can't prove me wrong. The only idiocy here is you ignoring the truth. I like how you assume all the wrong type of music that I listen too. Not only to bash me for speaking the truth about marijuana you also bash me and make nothing but false assumptions about me.
If you're going to change subject you should at least admit that you're changing subject because I'm right and you can't prove me wrong. The only idiocy here is you ignoring the truth. I like how you assume all the wrong type of music that I listen too. Not only to bash me for speaking the truth about marijuana you also bash me and make nothing but false assumptions about me.

I would admit to that being the reason. If it were true. Alas, it is not. Like I said in the initial post, this is me changing the subject, just because. And, until you can prove that your theory on my changing the discussion is the truth, I will continue. Ah, hell, who am I kidding? I won't stop. Ain't a damn thing you can do about it, either....


Fleetwood who?
There isn't a thing I can do about it but at least I know that I'm right I know that I’m a better person than you and I know you're too dumb to admit you know nothing about the cannabis plant. Tell me what did I say wasn't true. Don't just say everything. I want to see full scientific and doctor research that debunks every single claim I said about the cannabis plant. If you can't debunk every claim then try to debunk at least 3 of my claims even though that is impossible too.
There isn't a thing I can do about it but at least I know that I'm right I know that I’m a better person than you and I know you're too dumb to admit you know nothing about the cannabis plant. Tell me what did I say wasn't true. Don't just say everything. I want to see full scientific and doctor research that debunks every single claim I said about the cannabis plant. If you can't debunk every claim then try to debunk at least 3 of my claims even though that is impossible too.

Fuck that noise. I'm in too good a place right now, enjoying fantastic music. I'm done arguing with you about an issue I could really give two shits less about. If you wanna exploit the crestfallen like the terminally ill and those who knowingly break the law (federal, state, local, or otherwise) just so you can roll down the fuckin' street with a jay hangin' from your lips, so be it. Or, you could be like the rest of us, and go about it in a reasonable, sensible way. In any case, enjoy this little ditty from the amazing Joss Stone:
Admit you know nothing about the cannabis plant. The things most of you people say is clear prove that our society needs to be re educated about the truth of marijuana.

But, I do know a bit about it. I know it's main purpose in today's society is for hippies and deadbeats to smoke it, thus inducing a state of being high. I also know that, while useful for other things, it's not fiscally responsible, as it would take far more time and effort, thus making it more costly, to use for anything of note.

I also know that it's illegal. It may not be preferable to some, but that's neither here, nor there.

There. I know stuff about it.
Michael Vick smoked marijuana. Michael Vick killed puppies.

Marijuana users kill puppies. FACT. Prove me wrong. Aren't you getting into the puppy killing business yourself?
But, I do know a bit about it. I know it's main purpose in today's society is for hippies and deadbeats to smoke it, thus inducing a state of being high. I also know that, while useful for other things, it's not fiscally responsible, as it would take far more time and effort, thus making it more costly, to use for anything of note.

I also know that it's illegal. It may not be preferable to some, but that's neither here, nor there.

There. I know stuff about it.

You know nothing about the benefits that it can bring to our planet. Hemp is the cheapest source of energy. You know nothing useful about the cannabis plant.
Fuck that noise. I'm in too good a place right now, enjoying fantastic music. I'm done arguing with you about an issue I could really give two shits less about. If you wanna exploit the crestfallen like the terminally ill and those who knowingly break the law (federal, state, local, or otherwise) just so you can roll down the fuckin' street with a jay hangin' from your lips, so be it. Or, you could be like the rest of us, and go about it in a reasonable, sensible way. In any case, enjoy this little ditty from the amazing Joss Stone:

Chris Williams was not knowingly breaking the law he was following all state laws. The federal government is not suppose to be going after growers who are growing to provide medical marijuana and following all the state laws. Obama has been the worse with the feds raiding medical marijuana dispensaries. You really are so stupid and blind if you say I don't care about anyone other than myself. By saying you don’t care about all the people and animals who were harmed and by you just ignoring the truth makes you said like a heartless idiot.
The only thing you said that was right is that marijuana is illegal.

Not true. I also pointed out the fiscal irresponsibility of using hemp for anything practical. Why waste time and effort (which, as I pointed out, equals spending money) to try cultivating cannabis for everyday items, when it's cheaper and easier to continue using synthetic material? Why waste money to use it as a fuel source, when ethanol made from corn byproducts, or re-purposed vegetable oils, or even shale is much cheaper?

I don't know about everybody else, but that sounds like a winning plan to me. Sure, some of that is already in place (using synthetics for clothing/rope/construction supplies), and some is yet to fully come to fruition, but I'd rather save money AND conserve the environment.

Oh, and have mentioned that I don't fully oppose the legalization of cannabis for medicinal purposes? Recreational, however, is a different story...
Not true. I also pointed out the fiscal irresponsibility of using hemp for anything practical. Why waste time and effort (which, as I pointed out, equals spending money) to try cultivating cannabis for everyday items, when it's cheaper and easier to continue using synthetic material? Why waste money to use it as a fuel source, when ethanol made from corn byproducts, or re-purposed vegetable oils, or even shale is much cheaper?

I don't know about everybody else, but that sounds like a winning plan to me. Sure, some of that is already in place (using synthetics for clothing/rope/construction supplies), and some is yet to fully come to fruition, but I'd rather save money AND conserve the environment.

We already pay a fortune already for the current cost of energy and would pay a lot less to use hemp. We can make plenty of practical useful items with hemp. One acre of hemp can replace 4.1 acres of trees. Using hemp is also a lot better for the environment.

Oh, and have mentioned that I don't fully oppose the legalization of cannabis for medicinal purposes? Recreational, however, is a different story...

What so bad about smoking marijuana recreationally? Taking a few bong hits or smoking a joint a day is no different then a person who drinks a glass of orange juice in the morning with a nutritious breakfast to keep healthy. Marijuana can prevent things like alzheimers and cancer so there is no real problem with smoking it recreationally.
Chris Williams was not knowingly breaking the law he was following all state laws. The federal government is not suppose to be going after growers who are growing to provide medical marijuana and following all the state laws. Obama has been the worse with the feds raiding medical marijuana dispensaries. You really are so stupid and blind if you say I don't care about anyone other than myself. By saying you don’t care about all the people and animals who were harmed and by you just ignoring the truth makes you said like a heartless idiot.

Uh-oh. You figured out an aspect of me that I've kept secret from absolutely nobody! Yeah, I'm a heartless dick. I own up to that shit. You've gotta be one to get anywhere in life. I learned that a long, long time ago.

And, yes, I'm selfish. I'll openly admit that, too. If I don't look out for number one, who will? Certainly not society at large. If something doesn't directly effect me, why should I give a fuck? The people you've mentioned wouldn't bat an eye if booze were still illegal, and I used it as medicine, but still wound up being arrested, would they? No. Thus, I feel they can do what the rest of us do, and make due with modern medicine that is federally approved.
That's the problem with the medical marijuana crowd. Most of them are full of shit. The second you say "ok, medicinal marijuana, but never recreational", they stutter and stammer. All the martyrs they've created are suddenly useless. (Chris Williams probably thinks you're a massive choad too, btw.) It's no longer about "saving the world", it's about them wanting to get high, and, well, you see........

My position is at least honest. What I do in my own home is my business. You can try to convince me differently, and we can debate opinions if we'd like, but the government shouldn't be in the position of legalization; rather, they should be in an advisory position. They have more resources to do that than any other player in the market. I personally prefer decriminalization as opposed to full legalization. Decriminalization makes legal, or a small fine, for the possession of small amounts of marijuana, while still making production or sale a crime. Full legalization would lead directly to marketing marijuana in the same form as alcohol and cigarettes, and while I smoke marijuana, it's not a habit I'm in a rush to convince people how great it is. We're already seeing people rush to commercialize in Washington, and who can blame them? There's going to be a shitload of money in it.

Todd, shut the fuck up, I wasn't talking to you. When I talk to you, I'll mock you and poke fun at you, puppy killer. This is for your bullshit "hemp as energy" argument, however:

Switchgrass would also be more efficient than hemp by a factor of 4.5x, and the cell structure of the two plants is similar to the point of being able to use the same conversion process. Which, btw, doesn't even exist yet in a form which would be viable for mass production; it's still being moved from the lab to the field. Which is why we use corn currently, because it's far simpler to convert into ethanol, and we already have absolute shitloads of it that we were giving away anyways. Hemp, once we can convert it into fuel outside of a lab setting, is more efficient than corn. Blowing your argument wide the fuck open, switchgrass grows freely, requires no farming whatsoever, and is way more efficient than hemp as a fuel. You don't understand shit about energy, son, don't try to convince people you do because you read something on a website.

Instead of this bullshit where you try to convince people you're out to save the world, why not just square up and say "I want to get high?" You are nowhere near crafty enough to trick people into believing you care about these causes beyond personal self interest.
That's the problem with the medical marijuana crowd. Most of them are full of shit. The second you say "ok, medicinal marijuana, but never recreational", they stutter and stammer. All the martyrs they've created are suddenly useless. (Chris Williams probably thinks you're a massive choad too, btw.) It's no longer about "saving the world", it's about them wanting to get high, and, well, you see........

My position is at least honest. What I do in my own home is my business. You can try to convince me differently, and we can debate opinions if we'd like, but the government shouldn't be in the position of legalization; rather, they should be in an advisory position. They have more resources to do that than any other player in the market. I personally prefer decriminalization as opposed to full legalization. Decriminalization makes legal, or a small fine, for the possession of small amounts of marijuana, while still making production or sale a crime. Full legalization would lead directly to marketing marijuana in the same form as alcohol and cigarettes, and while I smoke marijuana, it's not a habit I'm in a rush to convince people how great it is. We're already seeing people rush to commercialize in Washington, and who can blame them? There's going to be a shitload of money in it.

Todd, shut the fuck up, I wasn't talking to you. When I talk to you, I'll mock you and poke fun at you, puppy killer. This is for your bullshit "hemp as energy" argument.

Switchgrass would also be more efficient than hemp by a factor of 4.5x, and the cell structure of the two plants is similar to the point of being able to use the same conversion process. Which, btw, doesn't even exist yet in a form which would be viable for mass production; it's still being moved from the lab to the field. Which is why we use corn currently, because it's far simpler to convert into ethanol, and we already have absolute shitloads of it that we were giving away anyways. Hemp, once we can convert it into fuel outside of a lab setting, is more efficient than corn. Blowing your argument wide the fuck open, switchgrass grows freely, requires no farming whatsoever, and is way more efficient than hemp as a fuel.

And, this is what we call a sensible approach.

May I add, that just because I haven't posted a video for a few posts, that doesn't mean I've stopped all together. Just for the night. See, I have to be awake at about 9 AM for my nieces basketball game. So, until next time.....

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