That's the problem with the medical marijuana crowd. Most of them are full of shit. The second you say "ok, medicinal marijuana, but never recreational", they stutter and stammer. All the martyrs they've created are suddenly useless. (Chris Williams probably thinks you're a massive choad too, btw.) It's no longer about "saving the world", it's about them wanting to get high, and, well, you see........
My position is at least honest. What I do in my own home is my business. You can try to convince me differently, and we can debate opinions if we'd like, but the government shouldn't be in the position of legalization; rather, they should be in an advisory position. They have more resources to do that than any other player in the market. I personally prefer decriminalization as opposed to full legalization. Decriminalization makes legal, or a small fine, for the possession of small amounts of marijuana, while still making production or sale a crime. Full legalization would lead directly to marketing marijuana in the same form as alcohol and cigarettes, and while I smoke marijuana, it's not a habit I'm in a rush to convince people how great it is. We're already seeing people rush to commercialize in Washington, and who can blame them? There's going to be a shitload of money in it.
Todd, shut the fuck up, I wasn't talking to you. When I talk to you, I'll mock you and poke fun at you, puppy killer. This is for your bullshit "hemp as energy" argument.
Switchgrass would also be more efficient than hemp by a factor of 4.5x, and the cell structure of the two plants is similar to the point of being able to use the same conversion process. Which, btw, doesn't even exist yet in a form which would be viable for mass production; it's still being moved from the lab to the field. Which is why we use corn currently, because it's far simpler to convert into ethanol, and we already have absolute shitloads of it that we were giving away anyways. Hemp, once we can convert it into fuel outside of a lab setting, is more efficient than corn. Blowing your argument wide the fuck open, switchgrass grows freely, requires no farming whatsoever, and is way more efficient than hemp as a fuel.