Vote To Legalize Marijuana

Smoking marijuana is our freedom of choice and should be no one's business if I or anyone wants to smoke pot. Anyone who smokes pot shouldn't be viewed as a stupid criminal.
I've had a policy during this conversation. I've told myself that if you made one argument which made sense to anyone besides yourself, I'd point it out and commend you for it. Congratulations, you said something which actually makes sense. Granted, I missed it at first, because it was buried in a pile of crazy, and I had to put that seed in your head about five times, but it's there alright. If you get past the idea that you have to bullshit people into voting pro-pot by pretending you care about medical marijuana patients and hemp, you're going to do just fine for yourself. Provided that you smoke marijuana privately, it really is no one else's business if you do or not. (If you're smoking marijuana privately these days, it's very unlikely you'll have problems with the law in the first place.)

Here's the other side of the coin, however. Law- in America, at least- aren't the manifestation of some overlord government which was imposed on us against our will. There a set of rules which we elected representatives to create to manage society. You don't have to agree with them, either. But part of growing up and being a functioning member of society is accepting the penalties for the laws that you do break.

You can try to change the laws that you don't agree with. For instance, this is why so many people here want you to shut the fuck up about legalization. With you providing the loudest example of 'what a pot smoker is', we feel that people will rush to the polls to ban the stuff if they think it could turn their child into someone like you. You serve as pretty strong anecdotal (look it up) evidence that marijuana could cause severe brain damage. We'd prefer it if you stayed in the background, and would let the people who smoke marijuana and don't appear to be mentally ******ed handle the argument.

This, of course, doesn't take away from the stupidity of what you're said regarding freedom and the military. The soldier suicide rate is going to skyrocket if they ever find out they're getting shot at so idiots back home can yammer about how they're being shot at so they can be allowed to get stoned.
It is not because of you that made me learn what you quoted me saying. I've said it before and how I always felt. I want myself and any one else who wants to smoke pot to smoke at their own privacy. What about Chris Williams he was legal growing and providing medicine minding his own business and now he is facing 80 years? Again making your bull shit claim that I only care about myself when that is the biggest bull shit claim that you ever made. I care about every single person who has been harmed or killed because marijuana is illegal. You seem to misinterpret just about everything I say especially with the whole military nonsense your saying completely missing what I said. It is has actually been discovered that marijuana doesn’t cause brain damage but increases brain cell growth.
No one who talks to you would ever believe marijuana causes brain cell growth, which is why we want you to keep quiet so you don't fuck this up for everyone else.
I am glad you didn't say anything disrespectful towards the military here. Point for you. Smoking pot would be a freedom of choice IF it were legal. I do agree however that potsmokers shouldn't be viewed as criminals but as long as it remains illegal, that's the way people are going to think. Now, we understand that marijuana has benefits, but is more expensive to produce and manufacture than other things that can do the same things. PLUS, you do realize don't you, that if marijuana were to be made legal, the government would tax the shit out of it? They'd also make it illegal to grow your own.

Yes I was right you are going to ignore The Heath Tulane Study, Dr. Donald Tashkin, and the picture showing all the health benefits using marijuana. I think it is more disrespectful to our military that they are out their fighting for our freedom and we can't do something a simple and harmless as smoking pot. I award you no points for saying something intelligent or debunking anything I say. I do award you a million and one points for sounding the most like a blind dumb programmed machine. Marijuana is also much safer if we start using hemp for paper and bio mass to make fuel we will reverse the greenhouse effect. This is a plant that can save the world. Did you know that one acre of hemp could replace 4.1 acres for tree. What about medicine? Between marijuana,hemp,and cannabis those are three of the best and safest medicines ever. It is non toxic non fatal very few minor side effects this a plant that can do anything. I Marijuana is one of the safest therapeutically active substance known to man. This is the only known plant that can be grown from the Equator to the Artic circle and to the Antarctic circle. Out of all the plants cannabis is also the healthiest plant for the ground. Even if you claim it is cheaper that still isn't a good reason at all to keep this plant illegal and have our government kill people for having it

FEDERAL>STATE. Federal laws are bigger than state laws and while the state might say that medical marijuana is legal, but as long as the federal government says it's illegal, then that's how it is. Chris Williams is in prison because the federal government put him there because marijuana is still illegal federally.

If you really think that this man was wrong and deserves to go to prison because that is what our government says ignoring what he is going to prison for then you should stop posting on this thread because you clearly no nothing at all about all the benefits from the cannabis plant.

Pot smokers unite? Are you serious? From what I've seen here, pot smokers don't even agree with your point of view let alone unite under one banner and march on Washington and demand that your miracle plant be legalized. Maybe you'll get all the other like minded pot smokers and march on Washington, until Obama pulls a China and the Army drives tanks and steamrollers in on your group of pot smoking morons. The government can tell you that because they run this country. They tell you what you can and can't do. Thousands of benefits? I don't think it has nearly that many benefits. Probably not even hundreds. You have freedoms, just not the freedom to get stoned out of your mind whenever you want to, legally anyway.

Pot smokers are already uniting. More hae united then the members of his forum. At least we are standing up for something we believe in. We know what they are doing is wrong and we are going to put a stop to it. It is better than being a fat loser who only cares about his droid and bashes people for speaking the truth like yourself. Once again your wrong again. The cannabis does have over thousand benefits if you had a brain or didn't ignore the truth you would know about all the benefits that one plant can provide that no other plant can.

Right. Keep thinking that. :rolleyes:

And you keep thinking your idiot believes. At least I’m right and that is not a opinion but a fact.Then prove to me that no human or animal has been harmed or killed because marijuana is illegal. I'm also waiting for a non biased web sites that proves every so called biased web site I posted wrong.

And thats the bottom line this so you don't ignore it again.
I don't know if anyone pointed this out but having up to an ounce of marijuana is legal in Washington as of today. However it is still illegal to grow and sell there. So if you get caught buying some then you're still breaking the law.

It's being said that it will take about a year for the government to regulate the sale and growth in Washington so if you live there you shouldn't get too happy yet.
I don't know if anyone pointed this out but having up to an ounce of marijuana is legal in Washington as of today. However it is still illegal to grow and sell there. So if you get caught buying some then you're still breaking the law.

It's being said that it will take about a year for the government to regulate the sale and growth in Washington so if you live there you shouldn't get too happy yet.

Yeah, he doesn't understand the difference between Federal Law and State Law. Until he can understand the simple difference between the two there is no hope for him.
Yes I was right you are going to ignore The Heath Tulane Study, Dr. Donald Tashkin, and the picture showing all the health benefits using marijuana. I think it is more disrespectful to our military that they are out their fighting for our freedom and we can't do something a simple and harmless as smoking pot. I award you no points for saying something intelligent or debunking anything I say. I do award you a million and one points for sounding the most like a blind dumb programmed machine. Marijuana is also much safer if we start using hemp for paper and bio mass to make fuel we will reverse the greenhouse effect. This is a plant that can save the world. Did you know that one acre of hemp could replace 4.1 acres for tree. What about medicine? Between marijuana,hemp,and cannabis those are three of the best and safest medicines ever. It is non toxic non fatal very few minor side effects this a plant that can do anything. I Marijuana is one of the safest therapeutically active substance known to man. This is the only known plant that can be grown from the Equator to the Artic circle and to the Antarctic circle. Out of all the plants cannabis is also the healthiest plant for the ground. Even if you claim it is cheaper that still isn't a good reason at all to keep this plant illegal and have our government kill people for having it

Just because it's good as a medicine doesn't mean it'll reduce something as significant as the green-house affect. Especially since we've already done so much damage to our Ozone, I don't see using marijuana as a means to fix it.

Where the fuck did you get the info that the government kills people for having it? They put them in jail for having it illegally but they don't kill anyone.

Smoking pot wouldn't be so bad except you fail to provide any proof that it wouldn't be overused. We over eat and over drink so why wouldn't we do the same with pot? I don't have enough faith in humanity to say they wouldn't.

If you really think that this man was wrong and deserves to go to prison because that is what our government says ignoring what he is going to prison for then you should stop posting on this thread because you clearly no nothing at all about all the benefits from the cannabis plant.

I never said him going to prison was right. I said that he broke a law therefore he will go to prison. I think medical marijuana should be legal to a certain degree but only with a prescription. The only reason why I argue with you is because of the way you present your case. If you didn't act like such an ignorant ass then you'd sway more people to your cause.

Pot smokers are already uniting. More hae united then the members of his forum. At least we are standing up for something we believe in. We know what they are doing is wrong and we are going to put a stop to it. It is better than being a fat loser who only cares about his droid and bashes people for speaking the truth like yourself. Once again your wrong again. The cannabis does have over thousand benefits if you had a brain or didn't ignore the truth you would know about all the benefits that one plant can provide that no other plant can.

So I'm a fat loser because I'm working to be a computer specialist instead of an animal rescue officer that smokes a shit load of pot? Get real jackass. I get more pussy in one weekend than you will your entire life so if that's your definition of a loser than that's me. And at least I can afford a droid instead of spending all of my money on pot and porn. 1000 benefits my ass. Why don't you find me a link to the 1000 benefits of pot instead of bluffing.

And you keep thinking your idiot believes. At least I’m right and that is not a opinion but a fact.Then prove to me that no human or animal has been harmed or killed because marijuana is illegal. I'm also waiting for a non biased web sites that proves every so called biased web site I posted wrong.

And I'm waiting for you to grow up but I guess I'm just shit out of luck on that aren't I? I'm waiting on you to provide a website that is unbiased of course, stating why the population of the United States can be trusted with legal pot. Being illegal keeps people from over doing it unless your name is Police Penis Sucking Goat Fucker or dumbasses that smoke the shit in their car when they get pulled over by a cop.

Why don't you learn how to spell and punctuate a sentence properly then get back to me about having a brain.
Just because it's good as a medicine doesn't mean it'll reduce something as significant as the green-house affect. Especially since we've already done so much damage to our Ozone, I don't see using marijuana as a means to fix it.

You still ignore The Heath Tulane Study, what Dr. Donald Tashkin said, and that big picture shows all the health benefits. You do a good job at ignoring facts and truth. That whole thing you said proves that you nothing about the cannabis plant. It is not because of medical marijuana that reduces the greenhouse effect it is hemp. If we stop cutting down trees and stop using fossil fuels and replaced it with hemp would be the way to reverse it. In you're opinion since we already damaged our planet we should just keep it that way regardless is hemp can reverse it and save the planet.
Quote from The Emperor Wears No Cloths

“Well, what would you say if there was such a plant that could substitute for all wood pulp paper, all fossil fuels, would make most of our fibers naturally, make everything from dynamite to plastic, grows in all 50 states and that one acre of it would replace 4.1 acres of trees, and that if you used about 6% of the U.S. land to raise it as an energy crop, even on our marginal lands, this plant would produce all 75 quadrillion billion BTUs needed to run America each year? Would that help save the planet?”

Where the fuck did you get the info that the government kills people for having it? They put them in jail for having it illegally but they don't kill anyone.

It is pretty easy to get that information when millions of people have been harmed for marijuana being illegal. What about Richard Flor, Sam Caldwell,Cash Hyde,Chris Williams if he is guilty? What about all those family pets that were shot and killed during a raid? Ramarley Graham yeah he ran from the cops but if marijuana were legal there wouldn't have been a reason for him to run. People and animals get killed because marijuana is illegal. If marijuana were legal no one would be being put in jail. No animals or people would be harmed from the one of the biggest crimes in the world the prohibition of marijuana. It was pretty obvious that marijuana being illegal kills if you can't see that then I feel sorry for you.

Smoking pot wouldn't be so bad except you fail to provide any proof that it wouldn't be overused. We over eat and over drink so why wouldn't we do the same with pot? I don't have enough faith in humanity to say they wouldn't..

I already have you just ignore anything that is fact. In Amsterdam less kids smoke pot and less people who smoke pot move on to other drugs. It is more dangerous and has way more negative effects by a land slide for people who over eat and drink those are in the top 3 of leading causes of death. When smoking marijuana has yet to kill a person. There are way more responsible pot smokers than lazy ones. There are large amount of pot smokers are successful people with families who smoke at their own privacy for recreational or medical use. Is your reason to why marijuana should be illegal because people will overuse it? If so then that is a terrible reason. You act like if marijuana is legal then the whole world are going to turn to lazy stupid people who always smoke pot. Look at Colorado and Washington they will prove to the world that marijuana needs to be legal.

I never said him going to prison was right. I said that he broke a law therefore he will go to prison. I think medical marijuana should be legal to a certain degree but only with a prescription. The only reason why I argue with you is because of the way you present your case. If you didn't act like such an ignorant ass then you'd sway more people to your cause..

OK Chris Williams patients all had prescriptions. Even with federal law What is your idea of legalizing medical marijuana? Apart of the federal law with the states that have legal medical marijuana is that they should not focus federal resources on individuals whose actions who are in clean and unambiguous compliance with existing state laws. Chris Williams was following all laws and providing his medical for a good cause. If providing medicine for terminlly ill and disabled patients is a good reason then what is?

So I'm a fat loser because I'm working to be a computer specialist instead of an animal rescue officer that smokes a shit load of pot? Get real jackass. I get more pussy in one weekend than you will your entire life so if that's your definition of a loser than that's me. And at least I can afford a droid instead of spending all of my money on pot and porn. 1000 benefits my ass. Why don't you find me a link to the 1000 benefits of pot instead of bluffing. .

So because you're working to be a computer specialist and can afford a Droid means that you're better than me? I bet you do get all this pussy you talk about girls are into idiots. Are these girls prostitutes and disgusting gross drunk ****es? If you didn't ignore what I have to say you would know about all the benefits. Just with hemp you can make up to 20,000 things. Almost anything out there can be made with hemp. That is just hemp not even including the benefits from medical and recreational use from marijuana.

And I'm waiting for you to grow up but I guess I'm just shit out of luck on that aren't I? I'm waiting on you to provide a website that is unbiased of course, stating why the population of the United States can be trusted with legal pot. Being illegal keeps people from over doing it unless your name is Police Penis Sucking Goat Fucker or dumbasses that smoke the shit in their car when they get pulled over by a cop.

Every time you post you just spit out more and more stupid garbage that gives no good reason to why marijuana should be illegal. If marijuana were legal then there would be no need to smoke in your car. I'm waiting for you to post something that is intelligent. I posted sites that were not biased but showed lots of facts. Just look back at what I have been posting and you will discover that I showed nothing but the truth that you can't prove wrong.

Why don't you learn how to spell and punctuate a sentence properly then get back to me about having a brain.

Until you give me an intelligent response,prove everything I said wrong,post a link to a non biased web site that proves everything that the web sites claimed wrong. Until you stop ignoring The Heath Tulane Study,Dr. Donald Tashkin, or the pictures that show all the health benefits from medical marijuana. Until you stop sounding like a blind programmed machine. I will learn how to spell and punctuate a sentence properly. The fact that you bring that up and don't bring up evidence that proves me wrong shows that you have missed the point and know nothing about the cannabis plant.
You still ignore The Heath Tulane Study, what Dr. Donald Tashkin said, and that big picture shows all the health benefits. You do a good job at ignoring facts and truth. That whole thing you said proves that you nothing about the cannabis plant. It is not because of medical marijuana that reduces the greenhouse effect it is hemp. If we stop cutting down trees and stop using fossil fuels and replaced it with hemp would be the way to reverse it. In you're opinion since we already damaged our planet we should just keep it that way regardless is hemp can reverse it and save the planet.
Quote from The Emperor Wears No Cloths

The Tulane study, which I assume is what that picture was, is a medical study NOT environmental. Let me be clear then so you'll understand me better. HEMP alone, will not reduce the greenhouse affect. I never said we should just leave our ozone the way it is. But because we've caused so much damage, it'll take more than hemp to fix it. It'll also take a very long time to fix. Maybe if the Bush Administration had actually tried to fix it instead of rotting our economy, we might be ok. Hell it might even be cold this winter but unfortunately, he didn't, so it's hot.

“Well, what would you say if there was such a plant that could substitute for all wood pulp paper, all fossil fuels, would make most of our fibers naturally, make everything from dynamite to plastic, grows in all 50 states and that one acre of it would replace 4.1 acres of trees, and that if you used about 6% of the U.S. land to raise it as an energy crop, even on our marginal lands, this plant would produce all 75 quadrillion billion BTUs needed to run America each year? Would that help save the planet?”

Listen, I'm going to say this again. I never said hemp couldn't do all those things. I said they would be more expensive. The government would tax the shit out of us, more than they already do, in order to pay for it.

It is pretty easy to get that information when millions of people have been harmed for marijuana being illegal. What about Richard Flor, Sam Caldwell,Cash Hyde,Chris Williams if he is guilty? What about all those family pets that were shot and killed during a raid? Ramarley Graham yeah he ran from the cops but if marijuana were legal there wouldn't have been a reason for him to run. People and animals get killed because marijuana is illegal. If marijuana were legal no one would be being put in jail. No animals or people would be harmed from the one of the biggest crimes in the world the prohibition of marijuana. It was pretty obvious that marijuana being illegal kills if you can't see that then I feel sorry for you.

I think you exaggerate that number by a lot. Millions? Maybe hundreds but a long way off from millions. I actually feel sorry for you (surprisingly) because you obviously don't have the ability to listen or read any opinion other than your own.

I already have you just ignore anything that is fact. In Amsterdam less kids smoke pot and less people who smoke pot move on to other drugs. It is more dangerous and has way more negative effects by a land slide for people who over eat and drink those are in the top 3 of leading causes of death. When smoking marijuana has yet to kill a person. There are way more responsible pot smokers than lazy ones. There are large amount of pot smokers are successful people with families who smoke at their own privacy for recreational or medical use. Is your reason to why marijuana should be illegal because people will overuse it? If so then that is a terrible reason. You act like if marijuana is legal then the whole world are going to turn to lazy stupid people who always smoke pot. Look at Colorado and Washington they will prove to the world that marijuana needs to be legal.

I never said the whole world. Just the United States. This is the country of over doing it. This is the country where we always want more. We're the fattest country in the world because we over eat. We're the laziest already and people like you make us the dumbest. Make marijuana is legal then you open the gates for something far worse than food or drink. Think about it. People aren't smart. They'll ride around in their cars getting stoned out of their minds. Accidents galore. Colorado and Washington didn't fully legalize it for one thing. Another thing is that it's still illegal federally. Until it's legal federally then all it could ever be is decriminalized at the most.

OK Chris Williams patients all had prescriptions. Even with federal law What is your idea of legalizing medical marijuana? Apart of the federal law with the states that have legal medical marijuana is that they should not focus federal resources on individuals whose actions who are in clean and unambiguous compliance with existing state laws. Chris Williams was following all laws and providing his medical for a good cause. If providing medicine for terminlly ill and disabled patients is a good reason then what is?

Ok dumbass. Federal is greater than state. The state might allow medical marijuana but federal does not. He got caught by the federal.

So because you're working to be a computer specialist and can afford a Droid means that you're better than me? I bet you do get all this pussy you talk about girls are into idiots. Are these girls prostitutes and disgusting gross drunk ****es? If you didn't ignore what I have to say you would know about all the benefits. Just with hemp you can make up to 20,000 things. Almost anything out there can be made with hemp. That is just hemp not even including the benefits from medical and recreational use from marijuana.

No. I was just proving your definition of a loser wrong. I'm actually engaged and getting married in August 2013. She's getting her nursing degree in the spring. Again, give me a LINK and I'll look at it.

Every time you post you just spit out more and more stupid garbage that gives no good reason to why marijuana should be illegal. If marijuana were legal then there would be no need to smoke in your car. I'm waiting for you to post something that is intelligent. I posted sites that were not biased but showed lots of facts. Just look back at what I have been posting and you will discover that I showed nothing but the truth that you can't prove wrong.

Now if this isn't the pot calling the kettle black then I don't know what is.

Until you give me an intelligent response,prove everything I said wrong,post a link to a non biased web site that proves everything that the web sites claimed wrong. Until you stop ignoring The Heath Tulane Study,Dr. Donald Tashkin, or the pictures that show all the health benefits from medical marijuana. Until you stop sounding like a blind programmed machine. I will learn how to spell and punctuate a sentence properly. The fact that you bring that up and don't bring up evidence that proves me wrong shows that you have missed the point and know nothing about the cannabis plant.

And you know nothing about American society because you're too busy getting high to notice. I'm fine with medical marijuana being legal but it should regulated and available by a prescription only. We don't need people smoking it to get high pretending they have something wrong when they don't. Recreational marijuana should be decriminalized at the most and I'm not even sure that'd be a good idea.
The Tulane study, which I assume is what that picture was, is a medical study NOT environmental. Let me be clear then so you'll understand me better. HEMP alone, will not reduce the greenhouse affect. I never said we should just leave our ozone the way it is. But because we've caused so much damage, it'll take more than hemp to fix it. It'll also take a very long time to fix. Maybe if the Bush Administration had actually tried to fix it instead of rotting our economy, we might be ok. Hell it might even be cold this winter but unfortunately, he didn't, so it's hot.

The fact you don't even know what the Heath Tulane study shows even more that you know nothing about the cannabis plant. Although there is probably a lot of people who don't know what that is that is why we have to re educate our society about the truth of marijuana and tell them no more lies.

How do you know it will take more than hemp to fix it? Getting rid of fossil fuels should have happened a long time ago. Maybe if the Bush administration legalized marijuana and started using hemp instead of fossil fuels and trees for paper. Instead he was be busy rotting the economy and arresting people for having the same plant that was responsible for saving his dad's life.

Here is a little information

In the early 1900s, Henry Ford and other futuristic, organic, engineering geniuses recognized (as their intellectual, scientific heirs still do today) an important point, that up to 90% of all fossil fuel used in the world today (coal, oil, natural gas, etc.) should long ago have been replaced with biomass such as: cornstalks, cannabis, waste paper and the like.

Biomass can be converted to methane, methanol or gasoline at a fraction of the current cost of oil, coal, or nuclear energy, especially when environmental costs are factored in, and its mandated use would end acid rain, end sulfur-based smog, and reverse the Greenhouse Effect on our planet, right now! Government and oil and coal companies, etc., will insist that burning biomass fuel is no better than using up our fossil fuel reserves, as far as pollution goes; but this is patently untrue.

Why? Because, unlike fossil fuel, biomass comes from living (not extinct) plants that continue to remove carbon dioxide pollution from our atmosphere as they grow, through photosynthesis. Furthermore, biomass fuels do not contain sulfur.

This can be accomplished if hemp is grown for biomass and then converted through pyrolysis (charcoalizing) or biochemical composing into fuels to replace fossil fuel energy products. Remarkably, when considered on a planet-wide, climate-wide, soil-wide basis, cannabis is at least four and possibly many more times richer in sustainable, renewable biomass/cellulose potential than its nearest rivals on the planet, cornstalks, sugarcane, kenaf, trees, etc.

(Solar Gas, 1980; Omni, 1983: Cornell University; Science Digest, 1983: etc.)

Listen, I'm going to say this again. I never said hemp couldn't do all those things. I said they would be more expensive. The government would tax the shit out of us, more than they already do, in order to pay for it.

They already tax the shit out of us with marijuana being a illegal. to We pay a fortune to lock up all this innocent victims that you like to call criminals. We already pay a fortune to pay for cost of energy. The cannabis plant is a billion dollar crop. Hemp is the cheapest way. Our current fossil energy source also supply about 80% of the solid and airborne pollution which is quickly poisoning our environment. Farming only 6% of the continental U.S. for bio mass would provide all of America's oil and gas enery needs and ending the dependence on fossil fuels. Hemp is the number one net bio mass source on Earth, capable of producing 10 tons per acre in only 4 months.

I think you exaggerate that number by a lot. Millions? Maybe hundreds but a long way off from millions. I actually feel sorry for you (surprisingly) because you obviously don't have the ability to listen or read any opinion other than your own.

I feel sorry for you because you don't know how to read facts. 15 million Americans have been arrested for marijuana since it has been made illegal so it doesn't look like I really exaggerated.

I never said the whole world. Just the United States. This is the country of over doing it. This is the country where we always want more. We're the fattest country in the world because we over eat. We're the laziest already and people like you make us the dumbest. Make marijuana is legal then you open the gates for something far worse than food or drink. Think about it. People aren't smart. They'll ride around in their cars getting stoned out of their minds. Accidents galore. Colorado and Washington didn't fully legalize it for one thing. Another thing is that it's still illegal federally. Until it's legal federally then all it could ever be is decriminalized at the most.

The country is not over doing smoking marijuana. The country is over doing it when they kill and harm people and animals because marijuana is illegal. The country is over doing it when they have already locked away millions of people just for having a plant that can save the world. Like i said before we have more responsible successful pot smokers than the lazy ones. When it comes to food and alcohol and all the other unhealthy things we abuse marijuana is the healthiest thing that someone can over do. Legalizing marijuana won't have people move on to harder drugs or won't cause mass highway pile ups. Driving high are driving drunk are two completely different things. More car accidents are caused by people who don't smoke pot then people who were high and got into a accident. Even when marijuana is legal the amount of people who were high and got into a car accident is no where even close to the amount of people who die because of driving drunk. That isn't a good enough reason to keep a plant with thousand of benefits and that can save the world illegal.

Ok dumbass. Federal is greater than state. The state might allow medical marijuana but federal does not. He got caught by the federal.

The federal government are suppose to lay off people who are growing medical marijuana for a good cause and following all the state laws. Which Chris Williams was doing. Just because marijuana is illegal under federal government does not make him wrong. You may be too blind to see that but it doesn't make him wrong. It is worse that he is facing 80 years in prison for providing medicine for terminally ill and disabled patients and you're such an obedient programmed machine that you can't see how it is not wrong what is happening to Chris Williams.

No. I was just proving your definition of a loser wrong. I'm actually engaged and getting married in August 2013. She's getting her nursing degree in the spring. Again, give me a LINK and I'll look at it.

Is your definition of a loser is caring individual who can't afford a droid and who wants to help animals? I gave you links you just ignored them. Look back through these 72 pages and you will see all the links that you ignored.

Now if this isn't the pot calling the kettle black then I don't know what is.

What I said was pretty accurate. I have been posting facts and giving nothing but good reasons when you can only come up with one bad reason to why marijuana should stay illegal. Also when you can't prove a single thing that I say wrong. I'm still waiting for an intelligent response or you providing non biased links that proves every link I posted wrong. You can try but you can not prove anything that I have said wrong.

And you know nothing about American society because you're too busy getting high to notice. I'm fine with medical marijuana being legal but it should regulated and available by a prescription only. We don't need people smoking it to get high pretending they have something wrong when they don't. Recreational marijuana should be decriminalized at the most and I'm not even sure that'd be a good idea.

You know nothing about American society too then. Before marijuana was made illegal it played a big role in American society. Do you think an American society should be filled with blind clueless idiots who ignore the truth and accepts all laws because they are a law regardless of the harm that is caused from it being illegal and all the positive benefits it could bring to our society if made legal.

At least you think marijuana should be legal medically. Then why do you think it is OK for the federal government to lock Chris Williams in prison for 80 years if you believe that medical marijuana should be legal? Smoking marijuana also prevents you from getting sick so there is no good reason not to let a healthy person smoke marijuana. Marijuana helps make people more creative it can make you a better thinker it can help you care for others then yourself.

So why should marijuana not be legal for recreational use? All you have brought up is one negative reason that people may over do it when I've been showing you nothing but positive benefits that can be caused if marijuana was legal.
As long as we're just going to start making shit up, marijuana users murder puppies. IS THAT RIGHT?????

C'mon folks, let's be angsty on the internet together!
The only reason you won't show me proof marijuana users don't kill puppies is because you can't, and you know I'm right.
The only reason you won't show me proof marijuana users don't kill puppies is because you can't, and you know I'm right.

You can mock me all you want but at least when I say that it is something that I'm actually right about. I say facts and have sources to back me up while you just make up nonsense. How come you can't show me proof that people who smoke pot kill puppies? When I showed evidence of cops killing pot smoker's dogs seems like you got that mixed up. Cops kill puppies not marijuana users.

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