The Tulane study, which I assume is what that picture was, is a medical study NOT environmental. Let me be clear then so you'll understand me better. HEMP alone, will not reduce the greenhouse affect. I never said we should just leave our ozone the way it is. But because we've caused so much damage, it'll take more than hemp to fix it. It'll also take a very long time to fix. Maybe if the Bush Administration had actually tried to fix it instead of rotting our economy, we might be ok. Hell it might even be cold this winter but unfortunately, he didn't, so it's hot.
The fact you don't even know what the Heath Tulane study shows even more that you know nothing about the cannabis plant. Although there is probably a lot of people who don't know what that is that is why we have to re educate our society about the truth of marijuana and tell them no more lies.
How do you know it will take more than hemp to fix it? Getting rid of fossil fuels should have happened a long time ago. Maybe if the Bush administration legalized marijuana and started using hemp instead of fossil fuels and trees for paper. Instead he was be busy rotting the economy and arresting people for having the same plant that was responsible for saving his dad's life.
Here is a little information
In the early 1900s, Henry Ford and other futuristic, organic, engineering geniuses recognized (as their intellectual, scientific heirs still do today) an important point, that up to 90% of all fossil fuel used in the world today (coal, oil, natural gas, etc.) should long ago have been replaced with biomass such as: cornstalks, cannabis, waste paper and the like.
Biomass can be converted to methane, methanol or gasoline at a fraction of the current cost of oil, coal, or nuclear energy, especially when environmental costs are factored in, and its mandated use would end acid rain, end sulfur-based smog, and reverse the Greenhouse Effect on our planet, right now! Government and oil and coal companies, etc., will insist that burning biomass fuel is no better than using up our fossil fuel reserves, as far as pollution goes; but this is patently untrue.
Why? Because, unlike fossil fuel, biomass comes from living (not extinct) plants that continue to remove carbon dioxide pollution from our atmosphere as they grow, through photosynthesis. Furthermore, biomass fuels do not contain sulfur.
This can be accomplished if hemp is grown for biomass and then converted through pyrolysis (charcoalizing) or biochemical composing into fuels to replace fossil fuel energy products. Remarkably, when considered on a planet-wide, climate-wide, soil-wide basis, cannabis is at least four and possibly many more times richer in sustainable, renewable biomass/cellulose potential than its nearest rivals on the planet, cornstalks, sugarcane, kenaf, trees, etc.
(Solar Gas, 1980; Omni, 1983: Cornell University; Science Digest, 1983: etc.)
Listen, I'm going to say this again. I never said hemp couldn't do all those things. I said they would be more expensive. The government would tax the shit out of us, more than they already do, in order to pay for it.
They already tax the shit out of us with marijuana being a illegal. to We pay a fortune to lock up all this innocent victims that you like to call criminals. We already pay a fortune to pay for cost of energy. The cannabis plant is a billion dollar crop. Hemp is the cheapest way. Our current fossil energy source also supply about 80% of the solid and airborne pollution which is quickly poisoning our environment. Farming only 6% of the continental U.S. for bio mass would provide all of America's oil and gas enery needs and ending the dependence on fossil fuels. Hemp is the number one net bio mass source on Earth, capable of producing 10 tons per acre in only 4 months.
I think you exaggerate that number by a lot. Millions? Maybe hundreds but a long way off from millions. I actually feel sorry for you (surprisingly) because you obviously don't have the ability to listen or read any opinion other than your own.
I feel sorry for you because you don't know how to read facts. 15 million Americans have been arrested for marijuana since it has been made illegal so it doesn't look like I really exaggerated.
I never said the whole world. Just the United States. This is the country of over doing it. This is the country where we always want more. We're the fattest country in the world because we over eat. We're the laziest already and people like you make us the dumbest. Make marijuana is legal then you open the gates for something far worse than food or drink. Think about it. People aren't smart. They'll ride around in their cars getting stoned out of their minds. Accidents galore. Colorado and Washington didn't fully legalize it for one thing. Another thing is that it's still illegal federally. Until it's legal federally then all it could ever be is decriminalized at the most.
The country is not over doing smoking marijuana. The country is over doing it when they kill and harm people and animals because marijuana is illegal. The country is over doing it when they have already locked away millions of people just for having a plant that can save the world. Like i said before we have more responsible successful pot smokers than the lazy ones. When it comes to food and alcohol and all the other unhealthy things we abuse marijuana is the healthiest thing that someone can over do. Legalizing marijuana won't have people move on to harder drugs or won't cause mass highway pile ups. Driving high are driving drunk are two completely different things. More car accidents are caused by people who don't smoke pot then people who were high and got into a accident. Even when marijuana is legal the amount of people who were high and got into a car accident is no where even close to the amount of people who die because of driving drunk. That isn't a good enough reason to keep a plant with thousand of benefits and that can save the world illegal.
Ok dumbass. Federal is greater than state. The state might allow medical marijuana but federal does not. He got caught by the federal.
The federal government are suppose to lay off people who are growing medical marijuana for a good cause and following all the state laws. Which Chris Williams was doing. Just because marijuana is illegal under federal government does not make him wrong. You may be too blind to see that but it doesn't make him wrong. It is worse that he is facing 80 years in prison for providing medicine for terminally ill and disabled patients and you're such an obedient programmed machine that you can't see how it is not wrong what is happening to Chris Williams.
No. I was just proving your definition of a loser wrong. I'm actually engaged and getting married in August 2013. She's getting her nursing degree in the spring. Again, give me a LINK and I'll look at it.
Is your definition of a loser is caring individual who can't afford a droid and who wants to help animals? I gave you links you just ignored them. Look back through these 72 pages and you will see all the links that you ignored.
Now if this isn't the pot calling the kettle black then I don't know what is.
What I said was pretty accurate. I have been posting facts and giving nothing but good reasons when you can only come up with one bad reason to why marijuana should stay illegal. Also when you can't prove a single thing that I say wrong. I'm still waiting for an intelligent response or you providing non biased links that proves every link I posted wrong. You can try but you can not prove anything that I have said wrong.
And you know nothing about American society because you're too busy getting high to notice. I'm fine with medical marijuana being legal but it should regulated and available by a prescription only. We don't need people smoking it to get high pretending they have something wrong when they don't. Recreational marijuana should be decriminalized at the most and I'm not even sure that'd be a good idea.
You know nothing about American society too then. Before marijuana was made illegal it played a big role in American society. Do you think an American society should be filled with blind clueless idiots who ignore the truth and accepts all laws because they are a law regardless of the harm that is caused from it being illegal and all the positive benefits it could bring to our society if made legal.
At least you think marijuana should be legal medically. Then why do you think it is OK for the federal government to lock Chris Williams in prison for 80 years if you believe that medical marijuana should be legal? Smoking marijuana also prevents you from getting sick so there is no good reason not to let a healthy person smoke marijuana. Marijuana helps make people more creative it can make you a better thinker it can help you care for others then yourself.
So why should marijuana not be legal for recreational use? All you have brought up is one negative reason that people may over do it when I've been showing you nothing but positive benefits that can be caused if marijuana was legal.