Vote To Legalize Marijuana

So Todd- someone brought to my attention a website called "". It's a website where people can sign up and have their debates judged by a panel of people unknown to either person. The whole issue of selecting judges would be completely out of my hand- we'd even have a neutral venue on another site.

I have a business-linked PayPal we can use for escrow. You've now been assured a completely neutral court, and again, you can pick any three topics from the issues we've disagreed on. (No strawman arguments, again; any position that I've actually taken.)

So the neutrality issue you were concerned about is now all taken care of. What's your excuse for welshing this time?
Rayne said:
So Todd- someone brought to my attention a website called "". It's a website where people can sign up and have their debates judged by a panel of people unknown to either person. The whole issue of selecting judges would be completely out of my hand- we'd even have a neutral venue on another site.

I have a business-linked PayPal we can use for escrow. You've now been assured a completely neutral court, and again, you can pick any three topics from the issues we've disagreed on. (No strawman arguments, again; any position that I've actually taken.)

So the neutrality issue you were concerned about is now all taken care of. What's your excuse for welshing this time?

He traded his balls for a dime of weed.

Posted from App for Android
Look at me I'm back again. I've just been doing more important things besides arguing with a bunch of blind idiots.

I can see that and thats the bottom line has yet to include non biased links that prove every single web site I posted wrong. You also still have yet to prove any of what I said wrong. Are you going to change the subject like you always do when you leave a reply?

Rayne I'm not going to challenge you in your debate you because I have already proved everything that needed to be said. If I'm going to have a debate with anyone on the benefits of marijuana it is going to be with some one more important than some nerd on a web forum.

I don't think I could change the world by posting the benefits of marijuana on a pro wrestling forum. Who the fuck cares if I don't have full access to this forum, what matters that I post facts and the truth about marijuana. This forum also lets you post about non wrestling topics other than wrestling. You know real issues like people and animals being harmed and dieing from marijuana being illegal. The amount of money that is wasted on marijuana being illegal. How making marijuana legal can save the world. It doesn't matter what you people say still more than half of the world thinks that marijuana should be legal. More and more people are waking up each day and learning that all these years our government has lied to us about everything they said about marijuana. The only problem is that the people on here are two dumb to see the truth.
Rayne I'm not going to challenge you in your debate you because I have already proved everything that needed to be said. If I'm going to have a debate with anyone on the benefits of marijuana it is going to be with some one more important than some nerd on a web forum.
Apparently your time is too important to actually engage with people, but it's not so important that you can't tell people how important your time is. :lmao:
And thats the bottom line

I'm still waiting to see all those non biased web sites that debunks every web site that I ever posted. I'm still waiting for you to stop ignoring the truth about marijuana.

Big Daddy Awesome

Do you still want me to kill myself? Do you still think that synthetic marijuana is real marijuana?

Everyone else

Who else still believes all the lies that were said about marijuana? How many are you blind brainwashed idiots who go with the flow without asking questions?
Yes and I said it was a form of marijuana so yes.

Then your dumb. It is not a form of marijuana at all. Synthetic cannabis is a psychoactive designer drug derived of natural herbs sprayed with synthetic chemicals that, when consumed, allegedly mimic the effects of cannabis. That is the definition of Synthetic cannabis. It is only used to give a similar feeling like you do when you smoke pot. It is a lot more dangerous to smoke synthetic marijuana than it is smoking real marijuana. It is not a form of marijuana and by you saying that just makes you look more dumb. It also proves that you know nothing at all about the cannabis plant so stop acting like you do.
Then your dumb. It is not a form of marijuana at all. Synthetic cannabis is a psychoactive designer drug derived of natural herbs sprayed with synthetic chemicals that, when consumed, allegedly mimic the effects of cannabis. That is the definition of Synthetic cannabis. It is only used to give a similar feeling like you do when you smoke pot. It is a lot more dangerous to smoke synthetic marijuana than it is smoking real marijuana. It is not a form of marijuana and by you saying that just makes you look more dumb. It also proves that you know nothing at all about the cannabis plant so stop acting like you do.

It actually uses every part of the plant except the THC, which is replaced with chemicals. My sister uses that horrible shit.
If I'm going to have a debate with anyone on the benefits of marijuana it is going to be with some one more important than some nerd on a web forum.
And yet here you are, going at it with BigDaddyAwesome on the very same day about how you talk about how you don't have time for this.

My offer still stands, but my real purpose, making you look (and certainly feel) like a bitch who won't stand behind his arguments when forced to give up the (claimed) sole ability to declare things "true" in a discussion, has been achieved several times over.

Again, I offer you a completely neutral venue where neither of us will know the judges. We can discuss any position that you have taken, and that I have disagreed with. $50 on the line, since I'm reiterating the point that you're a coward who runs when he has to take a risk. That offer will continue to stand, should those balls of yours ever drop.
Did you read what Big Daddy Awesome said?

I don't get why a pot smoker wants to prove me wrong so bad and is always trying to make me look dumb. I don't get your whole mission to prove me wrong and why you act like your better than me. I don't need your money. If I'm going to debate any one it will be someone who is more important than you or somewhere that would get my message out to a much larger audience. I would debate someone that a win would actually help make marijuana legal. If I were to debate you I would just get 50 bucks and the same crap will still be going on because marijuana is illegal.
Alright, you don't want my money? Fine, we'll make it a gentlemen's agreement. We go debate this with a neutral audience, simply for bragging rights. You're willing to go back and forth with BigDaddyAwesome, so you can save the whole "but I'm too important" bit.

The actual reason you don't want to do this is because your whole strategy for debate relies on your ability to call yourself a winner, but let's hear your next excuse for why you don't want to do this.
I really don't understand why it's your mission to prove me wrong. What did I do so wrong to piss you off ? Why is it when I post facts you call me dumb, but when Big Daddy Awesome or And Thats The Bottom Line says idiotic nonsense you say nothing to them. I don't need to debate for bragging rights because I know all the benefits that marijuana provides. When marijuana is legal you will all be thinking how dumb you guys were for bashing me for only providing the truth.
I really don't understand why it's your mission to prove me wrong. What did I do so wrong to piss you off ? Why is it when I post facts you call me dumb, but when Big Daddy Awesome or And Thats The Bottom Line says idiotic nonsense you say nothing to them. I don't need to debate for bragging rights because I know all the benefits that marijuana provides. When marijuana is legal you will all be thinking how dumb you guys were for bashing me for only providing the truth.
Simple. Your mission is "legalize at any cost". You spout out all kinds of inane, ridiculous bullshit, repeat the words "fact" and "truth" again and again and again, and insist on an entirely different standard of evidence for other people than the one you take for yourself, which is largely "I said it, so it must be true". Don't think you're guilty of this? Meet me in a neutral court debate.

Marijuana simply isn't that important to me. It's something I smoke occasionally to help me relax. What is far more important to me is logic and order. I don't care what you believe, but if you want to sell it to me, you should have a rational train of thought that anyone can follow based on empiric (look it up) observation of the world. Your arguments, when you don't simply avoid what someone says and pretend they never said it, always come back to "well I know it's the truth, so say what you want."

Logic to you is like a condom. You've never had the opportunity to use it, and when confronted with it, you have no idea what to do with it.
I only say fact and truth a lot is because I have all these idiots leaving comments without knowing a single thing about marijuana. There is so many lies that were said about marijuana and people need to know just how great this plant is. There is no good reason at all to why marijuana is illegal. No one can tell me a single reason. Telling me to look up words does not make you right or prove me wrong. I don't get why anything I say you bash but when Big Daddy Awesome, AndThatsTheBottomLine and others say some of the most idiotic false bullshit bet it's OK in your eyes. I feel like your mission is just go against anything I say and tell me to look up big words. Marijuana will be legal across the world and then you will all realize how dumb you all sounded when you bashed me for speaking the truth.
No, you say "fact" and "truth" a lot because you sound like you're full of shit, and repeated insistence that someone isn't full of shit is a common trait of people who are full of shit.

I tell you to look up big words because I know you don't understand them, not to prove a point one way or another. That's everything else.
And yet, strangely, you are completely unable to convince anyone of anything you say, or produce anyone you've convinced in the past. Yes, yes, I know, besides all of the people that you've never spoken with.
Marijuana will be legal across the world and then you will all realize how dumb you all sounded when you bashed me for speaking the truth.

What you really don't have a grasp of is how Marijuana becoming legal will by no means vindicate the horse produce you've been lashing around. Many people welcome the legalisation of Marijuana, many thinking people, but not under the premise you've set. When you learn to one day say something other than:

'I'm right, and I know I'm right because I'm right'

People may then listen to you. But unless you can try to explain the significance of the endless links you post instead of praying they answer a posed question, you can just stay here being constantly in a state of proven wrongedness.
Then you explain the significance to the endless links that I post if you seem to know so much about the cannabis plant. When marijuana is legal people or animals won't be killed and harmed, no more innocent people will die in prison when they were in there for only possession of marijuana. No one deserves to go to prison for having any amount of marijuana on them and should be able to have as many plants as that person wants. It will help even more people medically than it has done in the past. More people will start smoking it recreationally. People will realize that there is nothing wrong with this plant that has had so many lies said about it. When the cannabis plant is made illegal because the a good portion of the world still has no clue about the benefits of marijuana, some people still think it can kill you. People like all the idiots on this forum who bash me without reason really need to be re educated on the cannabis plant. If we are suppose to be a country with freedom then why do they lock people up for having a harmless plant that does good for the body. Cannabis will be legal around the entire world sooner than later.
Then you explain the significance to the endless links that I post if you seem to know so much about the cannabis plant. When marijuana is legal people or animals won't be killed and harmed, no more innocent people will die in prison when they were in there for only possession of marijuana. No one deserves to go to prison for having any amount of marijuana on them and should be able to have as many plants as that person wants. It will help even more people medically than it has done in the past. More people will start smoking it recreationally. People will realize that there is nothing wrong with this plant that has had so many lies said about it. When the cannabis plant is made illegal because the a good portion of the world still has no clue about the benefits of marijuana, some people still think it can kill you. People like all the idiots on this forum who bash me without reason really need to be re educated on the cannabis plant. If we are suppose to be a country with freedom then why do they lock people up for having a harmless plant that does good for the body. Cannabis will be legal around the entire world sooner than later.

If you replace all the words "when" with "if", and the words "will" with "could", you'd have a well (enough) founded arguement. I wish you had said this two or three months ago. God bless Todd, you've almost made it. I'm honestly proud. Green rep for you!
If you replace all the words "when" with "if", and the words "will" with "could", you'd have a well (enough) founded arguement. I wish you had said this two or three months ago. God bless Todd, you've almost made it. I'm honestly proud. Green rep for you!
If he had the personal security to be able to make an argument without demanding that it's 100% true and anyone who disagrees with him must be crazy, he wouldn't be in here in the first place.

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