doesn't know REAL wrestling...
You didn't really do that good of a job proving me wrong.
Because you weighted the questions in your favour. I made that abundantly clear.
If marijuana were legal their wouldn't be a need for that for from irrelevant
It is completely irrelevant as those cops being heavy-handed has nothing to do with the presence of marijuana. It does not provide any ammunition for you to question the law they were enforcing, which is what you are doing.
By that same logic, when cops are heavy-handed in busting a crack den or a prostitution ring or chasing a murderer, it would provide legitimacy to those illegal activities too. It does not.
Therefore, irrelevant.
The more people who don't smoke pot get into accidents then people who ere under the influence of marijuana. The marijuana still didn't kill them. 150,000 people die from alcohol and that is not including highway deaths. Just smoking marijuana has yet to kill a single person. More deaths from marijuana are from it being illegal.
Are you serious? Of course, there are more people getting into accidents who are not smoking marijuana than are - because there are exponentially more people who are not stupid enough to drive under the influence.
Of course, the marijuana played a part in the deaths of those who drive under the influence. The same way that it does with those drunk drivers.
You may not want to count DUI as a marijuana-caused death but you are in a very tiny minority.
What about other studies that show marijuana increases brain function. That was a pretty. That is a pretty big lie when they say marijuana causes brain damage but it was determined by putting a gas mask on a monkey and they were forced to inhale 63 Columbian strength joints in minutes without any oxygen. What about all the other lies that were told.
You did not ask about other studies. Who is "they?" It was one flawed study and there are plenty of lies/exaggerations told to the benefit of marijuana.
Tell me what other illegal things have the same benefits of marijuana
A good example of you changing the questions to suit your agenda once the original statement has been questioned.
Tobacco also kill more people each year than AIDS,heroin,crack,cocaine,car accidents,fire,and murder combined.
Smoking marijuana could only cause a minor irritation to the large airways of the lung and is discontinued after smoking Also it was been proven that marijuana causes any changes to the small airways of the lungs unlike tobacco that causes long term and permanent damage. Also the difference between the amount of cigarettes a person smokes compared to a heavy marijuana smoker is much smaller.
Tens of millions people smoke pot regularly each year and still no caused case of lung cancer due to marijuana smoking
Tobacco is not the issue here. How many times must you be told that? Just because something else is legal but harmful does not mean that marijuana automatically should be too.
How is it irrelevant?
You're going to make me repeat myself, aren't you? Alright.
"Because heavy-handed law enforcement is not the issue." That they were going after a possessor of marijuana in no way justifies the guilty party having marijuana.
I never said it cures anything but it is a great medicine that helps people live their lives a little easier and doesn't have the side effects that prescription medicine has.What about glaucoma? Marijuana can benefit 90% of he 2.5 million people with glaucoma and is two to three times mor effected than any current medicine for reducing occular pressure. Marijuana can be used to help asthma where taking a hit of marijuana has been known to stop an asthma attack. It could also be used to reduce tumors.
That is a good argument for medicinal marijuana being made available but not for the likes of you to stew your brain.
And of course you have been promoting marijuana as a panacea - "greatest plant ever."
If pot were legal they would have never got arrested and died while in prison
That is a ridiculous argument. In fact, it is not even an argument. You could substitute "pot" in that sentence for any crime. It suggests that you think that the only people who die in prison are there because of marijuana.
"If fraud were legal they would have never got arrested and died while in prison"
"If murder were legal they would have never got arrested and died while in prison"
"If armed robbery were legal they would have never got arrested and died while in prison"
People still continue to smoke it is easier for a kid to get then tobacco and alcohol. It is wasted money spent by tax payers money. If it were to be made legal it would make over a billion dollars and we be saving money since less people will be in prison.
Marijuana is a win win situation money wise
I do not believe for a second that it is easier to get pot than tobacco/alcohol.
And by the same logic, the war on stronger narcotics is also a failure so we might as well give up on them too.
There are thousands and thousands of benefits from marijuana nd there is a lot to choose from if it were made legal we could do what ever we want with the world's greatest plant
Legalise hemp production then for its physical properties. Not as a narcotic outside of medicine. No need for another disgusting habit to permeate society.
Барбоса, were you expecting a rational, sane answer that had anything to do with what you said?
Not sure what I was thinking.