Vote To Legalize Marijuana

The asphyxiation study is probably the biggest stoner cliche out there, which is why people were ignoring it. You aren't the first lunatic we've heard talk about marijuana reform. The implication you are expecting people to believe- I don't think you're smart enough to do this consciously- is that since one study showing negative effects of marijuana was performed under suspect conditions, it should be assumed that every study that shows a negative effect of marijuana is suspect.

We don't ignore what you have to say, Todd. We skim it, realize it has nothing to do with any topic currently under discussion, and try to move the discussion forward.
In order to alleviate this argument, please find an artist's representation of todd...


Seriously, Rayne actually agrees with you you fucking dunderhead. I would say quit while you are ahead but you're in lightning bolt and blue shell territory now just to SEE the other racers.

You dun goofed, just be quiet whilst the adults are talking, ok?

On topic:

I am against the decriminalization of Marijuana. For no reason other than my own first (and second) hand experiences with the drug - I've seen that shit ruin lives, a friend of mine who quit weed a long time ago is only just now getting to the point where he doesn't forget he has a drink on the coffee table and goes to the kitchen to make another one every time he's thirsty - he usually figured it out when he got a glass from the cupboard but that really isn't the point.

It IS addictive, not in the way that Heroin is addictive but I know plenty of people who can't quit it because if it is there they'll smoke it up and buy more. It's unlikely to drive many people to the point where they steal to feed their habit but once you're in that state of permanent mental impairment it's only going to be a matter of time before you indulge in harder stuff and from there you're pretty much fucked.

Is it inherently bad? no.

Is it something that can be effectively regulated? no.

Is it worse than alcohol? arguable but probably not, the difference is that alcohol has been legal for so long that it's a big part of the culture, it's rare, genuinely rare to find someone, anyone, who is legitimately tee-total but I can name at least 20 people who have never tried cannabis and never will. It has a stigma attached to it rightly or wrongly and as a result will likely never have the momentum to carry a popular vote through to the point where it's legal everywhere.

You ignore that stoner cliche because you know it's true how that was a false study. It's wasn’t just one study where we were lied to. It was just about every single false study they said about marijuana. So I'm going to take a test of 163 people who had a history with marijuana(never said how much these people smoked)determines now marijuana doubles the chance of testicular cancer seriously?


Does that mean that you are against marijuana being legal because you have a stupid forgetful friend who is too dumb to remember that his cup of coffee is on the coffee table. Tell your friend next time he is thirsty look at the coffee table because that is probably where his mug is. For you and your friend there are thousands of other people who function fine when they smoke pot. There are so many successful people who smoke marijuana. People who have families and have good paying jobs smoke pot. Steve Jobs smoking pot when he started Apple. Marijuana doesn't ruin lives. People ruin their own lives though stupid choices.

Marijuana doesn't lead to other drugs. Prohibition on marijuana leads to other drugs. Fucked up childhoods potentially leads to other drugs. Traumatic experiences potentially lead people to other drugs. What about the fucks up who decide to join the military to become a changed man they go to war and come home a bigger fuck up then ever. It is not the marijuana that is leading these people to do other drugs. Places like Amsterdam where marijuana is legal less people move on to other drugs.

It's dumb to even say marijuana is probably not more harmful than alcohol. Alcohol kills over 150,000 people a year and that is not including the 50% of highway deaths or 65% of murders. Alcohol will ruin ones life. You never hear about a guy who smoked too much pot go home and beat his wife. The percentage of people who get in car accidents under the influence of marijuana is even smaller of people who don't smoke pot and get into car accidents.

They tried making alcohol illegal too and that was a failure just like marijuana being illegal is a failure. Marijuana has a bad stigma attached to it due to lies spread about it. Our society is finally starting to wake and learn all the benefits that marijuana has.

Marijuana is apart of culture as well. George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson had acres of cannabis plants. Some of are earliest inventions are because of hemp. It's been around longer than alcohol. The cannabis plant before it was illegal was one of our most used crops that we used.
Pot is not legal in Amsterdam it is tolerated to a degree. Pot being illegal is not a failure it is has been illegal for a lot longer then alochol was and you're still a fucking dip shit.
Pot is not legal in Amsterdam it is tolerated to a degree. Pot being illegal is not a failure it is has been illegal for a lot longer then alochol was and you're still a fucking dip shit.

Well, that shit escalated quickly!

Seriously, guys, is there anyway we can derail this exorcise in futility and make it something worth enjoying?
Less people still move on to other drugs over in Amsterdam. Marijuana is practically legal there. They don’t do what they do to people in America over pot.

Please describe to this to me. How is marijuana being illegal is not a failure? I'd love to hear your answer. Also try to do it with out bullying me or telling me to kill myself. Something I doubt that you will be able to do.
Less people still move on to other drugs over in Amsterdam. Marijuana is practically legal there. They don’t do what they do to people in America over pot.

Please describe to this to me. How is marijuana being illegal is not a failure? I'd love to hear your answer. Also try to do it with out bullying me or telling me to kill myself. Something I doubt that you will be able to do.

The proof is in the proverbial pudding. If it were a failure, I've got to think it'd be repealed by now, don't you? Prohibition was tremendous failure. It got stricken from the federal books in a relatively quick fashion (considering the amount of work that goes into changing the constitution).
Big daddy Awesome are those reason above reasons why marijuana being illegal not a failure? I only posted 3 and there are thousand of other cases of people who harmed or killed because marijuana is illegal.

Are you going to insult me or give me a real response on why marijuana being illegal is not a failure?
Another example of failure

Do you also agree on taking away a kid's medicne that would lead to his death?


I fail to see your point on this one. What did this article even have to do with Marijuana? If you're telling me that the parents were forcing their son to use Marijuana, a drug that does not cure ANYTHING so it absolutely did not lead to his death, then they should be beaten mercilessly. Even if the kid pulled through, he would have been completely worthless for the rest of his life after smoking himself ******ed at the age of 8.

There. You posted nonsense, I proved you wrong. These articles you posted were not facts, they were opinions.
Is this guy really claiming the only thing that would save that kid was pot? What kind of logic is that? Marijuana is the only thing that can cure a disease? Damn. Maybe I should start sparkin' up, that way I never die of any kind of disease, ever!

By Celestia, I think we've discovered the secret to eternal life!

Shut the fuck up. In fact, may I interest you in something? It's called not depending on a fucking plant for everything....
First the kid wasn't smoking. He was getting it though the cannabis oils and he would put it in the kid's smoothies. After he started using medical marijuana he had a remarkable recovery where he was starting to eat again, he was throwing up less frequently and starting to act like a kid. Then the state of Montana came along took away his medicine and he died when he was with out the medical marijuana. We don't know what could have happened if they continued to give Cash his medicine.

You didn't prove me wrong on anything. If it actually happened then it's no longer a opinion but a fact.

Tobacco can kill you
Alcohol can kill you
Caffeine can kill you
Aspirin can kill you
Religion can kill you
Guns can kill you
Cars can kill you
Peanuts can kill you
Swimming pools can kill you
Riding a horse can kill you
Vending machines can kill you
War can kill you
Cooking can kill you
People can kill you
Water can kill you
Marijuana can’t kill you

Tobacco can kill you
Alcohol can kill you
Caffeine can kill you
Aspirin can kill you
Religion can kill you
Guns can kill you
Cars can kill you
Peanuts can kill you
Swimming pools can kill you
Riding a horse can kill you
Vending machines can kill you
War can kill you
Cooking can kill you
People can kill you
Water can kill you
Marijuana can’t kill you


I was going to come here and post a well thought out and articulate retort to your response to mine, citing the vast number of scientific papers that say that Marijuana's side effects are not widely known.

But then I thought about it, realised that even if I did, you wouldn't actually engage in an intelligent debate because you're too high to realise you aren't doing that already.

I'll issue you a challenge, go a week without a toke. Seriously, just try it.
First the kid wasn't smoking. He was getting it though the cannabis oils and he would put it in the kid's smoothies. After he started using medical marijuana he had a remarkable recovery where he was starting to eat again, he was throwing up less frequently and starting to act like a kid. Then the state of Montana came along took away his medicine and he died when he was with out the medical marijuana. We don't know what could have happened if they continued to give Cash his medicine.

You didn't prove me wrong on anything. If it actually happened then it's no longer a opinion but a fact.



You go on to insult religion, but you're saying that weed was curing him? How is that any less delusional? It is not a fact, look at your source you fucking ******. The website you got the story from is It's not in their best interest to make sure that the stories they produce are unbiased so you cannot present them as facts. In fact, nothing you've presented has come from an unbiased source. NOTHING.

There are other Cancer drugs. There is no data to prove that Marijuana is any safer or more effective than them. There is no data proving that it's not either. These are facts. Fucktard.
You ignore that stoner cliche because you know it's true how that was a false study. It's wasn’t just one study where we were lied to. It was just about every single false study they said about marijuana. So I'm going to take a test of 163 people who had a history with marijuana(never said how much these people smoked)determines now marijuana doubles the chance of testicular cancer seriously?
Yes, that is the cliche. It's called a cliche because every idiot stoner out there brings up a survey that was done in the '50s, and says "well, someone (usually an anonymous 'they') lied about pot this one time, so you can't trust ALL the false studies." Which usually, ironically, correlate into every negative thing written about marijuana. At the same time, the idiot stoner in question expects people to believe at face value any positive information he brings up, despite it coming from sources of suspect veracity. (Look it up- ah, fuck it, you don't understand most of the small words I use anyways.)

Explaining what "block sampling" and its statistical validity would take me way too long with you, and by the time we were finished, you'd be ranting about the same shit like nothing happened. If you're looking to believe sites like "Toke of the Town", but believe that the American Cancer Society has a motivation to lie about what causes cancer to promote their anti-marijuana agenda, there's not really much of a point in having that conversation anyways.

For the record, someone doesn't necessarily have to convince you that you're wrong to prove your arguments wrong. They could just be stringing you along and letting you make an ass out of yourself.
I never insulted religion(what you guys do best put word in my mouth) all I said is that it you are more likely to get killed of a religious dispute or believing in a different God than smoking a joint. That is a fact, facts are different then insults. We don't know if the cannabis oil could have done any Montana took his medicine away and he died when he wasn't taking the cannabis oil. It was working too even his parents said that no other medicine worked liked the cannabis oil did. When he has taking the oils it was working great and he was starting to act like a kid.

Show me facts saying that cannabis oil is what caused Cash Hyde to die and I will shut up about that. Show me documented facts that the cannabis oil wasn't working. The chances of you to provide with that information is the same as Big Daddy Awesome providing me a good marijuana argument or explain how marijuana being illegal is not a failure. Which we all do he can't do. Your another person who makes his point by bullying other people.

THC also kills cancer causing cells

First off Rayne the murder of monkey test didn't happen in the 50s it happened when Ronald Reagan Governor California in 1974.Get your facts right. How does it make me a idiot if it is true? There are studies that show marijuana increases brain function Just about anything bad said about marijuana has been a proven lie.

Just because you posted one bad story about marijuana doesn't mean it should stay illegal. You don't bring up good arguments to why marijuana shouldn't be illegal. Bullying and insults are no way to make yourself right. That is the Bill O Reilly method to use when people prove him wrong too. I never said that the American Cancer Society didn't lie I'm saying if they want me to be concerned then do a better study.
Wow.............I'm surprised another insult instead of proving me wrong.
The Bill O Reilly defense at its finest

How long did it take you to come up with that insult?

No, I don't have to prove you wrong, you are doing a fantastic job of that yourself.

Now please, go away. Nobody likes you. Nobody ever has liked you.

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