UWF: Mock Draft V

Hmm, very interesting. Very... out there. I think some talent was misused within DiBiase's winning streak though. Case in point, Bryan Danielson, renowned for his wrestling ability, and his ability to put on long, intense encounters, finished off before his limp body is even rolled into the ring? Birchill follows it up my being paid off. Also wasn't sure about Abyss "crushing" Tiger Mask. Everything else was fairly good though, although I did prohibit people appearing in more than one match in one show. Not sure what I'll do on that front. Also not sure how smart a move it was to slap pretty much everything you could on Joe. We'll see how it plays out.

High point: HBK going "THROUGH THE FUCKING RING!!!!"
I think we should all just cut our losses and name Fizzle the winner.

Wabbit, you clearly have a Samoan Man-crush going on. I think I preferred Numbers' booking.

I was writing a long, detailed critique of Sam's show, regarding what I liked and disliked, but I've decided I'm going to wait for his last two matches before I say anything. For all I know, the whole scape of the show can be changed by what's to come. But I WILL say that so far, the reviews have been... generous, to say the least. And I'm not trying to be an asshole when I say that, I'm just being honest of my opinion. I understand that Sam and myself have very different tastes in wrestling, which is why I try not to be biased in my reviews. And I promise to be as objective as possible with my next review.
Guys, give him a chance. He had some very good points in the show and he has paid attention to continue what i started, but i also concur in many ways with some of the points that have been made by Sam and Matt.

A decent start, i hope that you can tidy it all up in the next show.
Guys, give him a chance. He had some very good points in the show and he has paid attention to continue what i started, but i also concur in many ways with some of the points that have been made by Sam and Matt.

A decent start, i hope that you can tidy it all up in the next show.

Thanks.And don,t worry I,ll fix the ring.I,ll beat fizzle if my life depends on it.!
Fizzle would get suspened like Micheal Hayes.But it would look cool.Cause hes jpfizzle.
Hey guys, bit of a problem. My computer broke down like I predicted, but I can't get feasible time to get on another computer like I wanted. Might have to suspend this until my return, coming shortly.
I also have a problem. One of my friends, as a "joke" broke into my computer and deleted all of my Word docs. Completely removed from my computer. Naturally, my laptop now has a new password, and my friend has a new limp. Unfortunately, the only document I was still using, my 4th show, was also deleted. I've been searching to see if there are still some remnants stored on my computer somewhere, but if I can't find any, I'm gonna have to start from scratch. And I don't have the time to start again until Sunday afternoon. So I may have to ask for an extra day or two to post my show.
I hate myself. I was finishing re-writing one of my matches when I closed the document by accident without saving it. :smashfreakB:
Next show... or like, current show? Current shows, if you get what I mean, are due this Sunday... if my computer works by then.
Tell you what, make it Wednesday and if I can't make it someone else can just post up the poll and stuff. Although, if that happens, I'd appreciate my unfinished show to be used.

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