Unforgiven: ECW Title Scramble Match

i am so sick of people talking about morrison not being in the match lthough it is rather puzzling why chavo is here. he is in another storyline like everyone has been saying. but maybe he will set up a future match and come out at unforgiven
i am so sick of people talking about morrison not being in the match lthough it is rather puzzling why chavo is here. he is in another storyline like everyone has been saying. but maybe he will set up a future match and come out at unforgiven

Why are you sick of it? Are you sick of seeing actual talent get pushed, while the old aging and balding talentless wrestlers only still tied to the company because of their be-lated relatives don't get the nod instead?

Seriously. Chavo is on both Smackdown and E.C.W., on a regular basis. I doubt he's hurting for any type of storyline inclusion. Meanwhile, John Morrison and The Miz were both finally released from the bounds of being a Tag Team with the titles.. so they could once again attempt reclaiming or becoming single's Champions.. and yet Morrison, who many believe is similar to Shawn Michaels, gets left out of the Championship match.

Morrison can work well with anyone. Chavo has a hard time working, period.
Can someone explain to me how this match isn't the worst booking ever?

Evan Bourne and Morrison should have qualified over Chavo and Finlay.

My case:

Evan Bourne is the most exciting thing on ECW at the minute, and hell, he doesn't need the championship, and it is too soon. But you need that explosive aspect to the match. I think the whole premise of the ECW one would be, Henry is too big to beat and too awful to work with. So surround him with athletic high fliers, and have them out-quick him, have some immense shots, and then have someone pick up the win.

Morrison, is pure and simple, the best wrestler on the ECW roster. He's a future superstar. I don't get why he's not in the championship picture? Unless he jumps ship to Smackdown or Raw?

Chavo is a joke. He's solid, yeah, but he's not a great example of a cruiserweight, and he's not believable as a World Champion. So why have a guy in who can't provide the spills and can't seriously stand a shot at winning?

Finlay. Where Finlay goes, Hornswoggle follows. Horny is funny, he's great for the kids. But he shouldn't be anywhere near the title picture. And we all know Mike Knox is going to run an interference anyway? Why not see if these two big guys could actually have a solid mid-card bout, Extreme Rules, since it is called ECW
at first i thought this match was stupid and was gonna be shitty but now i kinda understand it. its agood way to get the title off henry without making him look week and it can make hardy(cause im pretty sure hes gonna win) have a bellievalbe win over something around his size. also i found it strange morrison wasnt in it but theres obviously a reason like hes gonna be put into another feud who knows? as i already said i think Hardys gonna win but im rooting for the miz, and it is in his home town so they culd pull a fast one and surprise everyone but i SERIOUSLY doubt it
I'm pretty satisfied with this matchup. The five guys in it are pretty much the embodiment of this current version of ECW. The Miz is the only exception in this match, but putting Morrison in would have been too safe. Let's see what the Miz can do at this point. Morrison wasn't going to win this match, so no point in him being in it in my opinion. He's being saved for Hardy.

This match has Matt Hardy victory written all over it, but I think that's going to cheapen his first "World" title reign just a bit that he couldn't win it in a straight up one on one fashion.

I wouldn't be surprised to see Mark Henry walk out with the gold, but I said it a month ago, by the time this feud is over, Matt Hardy will be the new ECW champion.
Nah SHocky, Henry wont be walking out with the gold, the belt is silver....

And im not sure if I see him winning THAT either...... I dont know why all this scramble stuff has me so very sure that no titles will be changing hands. I think possibly a close call for Hardy leading to one last rematch. I mean, I know we are eventuall getting the belt on him, but I dont see why they would rush to do it now, as Mark Henry is as good as he has ever been, and with some many guys involved, too much screwy shit can go down to allow the champ to walk out with the title
I dvr'ed ECW last night and was watching it afterwards and as i was watching it it started to make sense to me why they booked this match the way they did. It reminds me of the ECW Elimination Chamber match from D2D. They booked it where CM Punk and RVD were the first two guys to be eliminated so the fans were forced to cheer for Lashley to get him over and win. Now while Hardy doesn't need any help in getting over putting Chavo and Miz in kind of makes sense. First of all Morrison and Hardy put on a VERY good match in my opinion. Lots of near falls and finisher reversals. They worked very well together. As I watched this match I'm thinking when Matt wins the title this would be THE feud on ECW. Chavo really is only there to take the final pinfall or more than one pinfall. He was an awful champ and should never have gotten that title but that's another story.
Same thing with Miz really. They're both there to be the fall guys. If you put Bourne and Morrison in this match both of whom are infinitely more talented than Miz and Chavo who takes the fall in the match? You don't want to waste Morrison in that match to lose to Hardy when you can do it now and save their title feud for when Matt has the strap. Even though he lost he showed he can hang with Matt and can challenge him later because they went one on one and he almost beat Matt. Bourne is pretty popular and although I hate the fact that he lost to the Miz of all people they put on a good match and Bourne is not ready for the prime time just yet. He will be soon. I wish they brought the CW title back to put it on him and have him defend it on SD and ECW but that's another story. Finlay can work and deserves to be in this match and Hardy is the clear cut favorite and booked the best in this match. Although many of us may not like it from a booking standpoint it makes some sense.
WWE creative team proves again how stupid it's.They put Chavo, Miz and Finlay(with all do respect) in the match but they dont put Morrison in? Are they serious? John Morrison, who deserves to be World Heavyweight or WWE Champion.The guy is the future of sports entertainment.He has talent, charisma, million dollar look, very good mic skills.He does high flying,action and power moves.He does moves that nobody else do. He's just phenomenal!
About the match I think Matt Hardy will win by pinning Chavo or Miz.
i think that a 3rd scramble match is too much, even having a whc scramble howevr better it may b is still to much. wwe should have gone with possibly even a 5 or 6 man ladder match for the ecw title as it still gives mark henry the possibility to lose the title without losing any cred and john morrison could also be added to the match.bourne isnt ready for a championship match yet as he has only had a few high profile wins ovr benjamin ect. think back to the old days where wrestlers such as hhh, austin, taker, kane, rock, hardys, edge etc etc would go for months/years without a title match when they debuted to earn some credability and get a chance to show themselves properly and b given a full judgement b4 given the resbonsibility of carrying a title, nowadays if u can sell a t-shirt your the intercontinental champion
This match could be good, despite Mark Henry being in it. I completely expect Henry's reign to end here, and right now, it smells like Matt Hardy all the way. I won't say he doesn't deserve an ECW Championship reign, but he's the least interesting guy to put it on, save perhaps Chavo.

I could also see The Miz win this thing, as WWE are teasing a Miz & Morrison break-up. If they're gonna break up the team, they'd better have a push in store for both men. The Miz has proven himself more than capable to be a great singles competitor, and if Miz wins this, he could feud with Matt Hardy or even better, we could have a Miz vs. Morrison feud.

Finlay, I believe, has earned an ECW Championship reign by being an excellent worker for several years, but I don't believe it will happen now. Mike Knox will probably come and interfere in the match anyway, something I don't particularly care for as Knox is pretty useless. I can see Finlay becoming ECW Champion in the future, and if he drops the midget and becomes the shillelagh-swingin', arm-wringin', celtic-crusifyin', lyin' fighting Irish bastard again, he could be a fantastic fit as ECW Champion.

But all in all, Matt Hardy's most likely gonna win this. I won't argue with WWE's decision, but I say for me, Matt is not the best choice. There are just some guys who work better without a championship than with.
The best thing about this match is that ECW is finally getting a 20 minute championship match on a pay per view. Its about time that title gets treated better by the WWE. The partcipants are interesting and intriguing. I like the fact that Matt Hardy and The Miz are in the match. Finlay is always decent and is good to have in the match. I'm not too sure about having Chavo Guerrero in this match as his credibility has somewhat decreased since he lost the ECW title a few months ago as he has lost many matches on ECW lately.

It should be a decent match but I'm not expecting it to be as good as the other two Championship Scramble matches. I just don't see Henry losing at this point of time but it is a great opportunity to get the title off him without being pinned. Matt Hardy won't win as it would make his title win look sort of 'cheap' and 'flukey'. Hardy has to win the title cleanly in a singles match for it to be a success, in my opinion. I actually think Finlay has a better chance of winning this match than what Hardy does. Finlay can then feud with Mark Henry, The Miz and finally Matt Hardy who he can really put over by losing to him in a few months for the title.

So I'm taking a crack as I think Finlay has a great chance of winning the title here as I see many feud options for him in the near future. He can easily put over Matt Hardy in a few months as I think the two can put on a decent match on a pay per view. Mark Henry's title run will come to an end but it wont make him look weak at all as he will lose without being pinned by anybody in the match. Finlay deserves it in all honesty. He can get a decent match out of almost anyone and is pretty over with the fans right now. Plus, the longer the WWE waits for a Matt Hardy ECW title reign, the better it will be in the long term.
Since its harder to predict who will eventually take the titles from Punk and HHH (though I'm assuming they'll be Orton and Hardy respectively), its safe to say that they'll retain.

By proxy, if the WWE introduces a "new" match, and they have multiple chances at it, ONE of the championships will change hands just to make the fans not view the match as "nothing special". Thusly, the ECW title goes to Hardy at Unforgiven. What would be the purpose of stalling it and having a Henry/Hardy rematch at another ppv, other than flat-out stalling? You can still have a rematch, but it can simply be Henry bringing up the rematch clause.

Plus, this is a perfect situation to have Hardy win without making Henry look bad. Hardy can walk out champion by pinning Chavo or the Miz, allowing Henry to state the tired old "but you didn't pin ME" situation.
K, so judging by the ECW battle royal they had on RAW, it's pretty clear that the only two who have a chance of winning the scramble are Henry and Hardy. I suppose this could be to set them up for a huge swerve, but for the life of me I can't see why they would, it wouldn't make much of a big deal being on ECW. I'd actually like to see Henry keep the title now. I don't like him as a wrestler, but he's beginning to grow on me as a champion and I'm curious to see where he could go. However, I'm still thinking this is how the WWE will get the title off Henry and onto Hardy.
This match doesn't interest me at all, I don't care who wins. It wouldn't surprise me if this is the opening match for Unforgiven, Matt Hardy is the biggest star in this match and that is not saying much. If I had to choose who to give the title to, it would be Finlay, he is a great in-ring worker and I think he deserves a decent run with the ECW title, but I got a strange feeling that The Miz is going to win this thing. He seems so out of place in this match that the WWE may be crazy enough to give the guy the ECW title, at least he is better than Matt Hardy IMO.
I don't understand why anyone would be upset about this match. The WWE is clearly trying to right the wrong of having an ECW Champion involved in the Royal Rumble. It clearly deflated the value of that title and made it appear something less then what the WWE wants it to be.

Now with the two other brands having title matches, they've decided to throw ECW a bone and see what htey can dow ith that. Again, I have no problem with this. As for the participants, I'm interested to see what the Miz can do in a title situation. He got the nod over John Morrison, that's telling you something.

Chavo Guerrero shouldn't be in the match at all. That should have been Morrisons spot. Chavo was ECW champion? What, who would have known, I've surely forgotten by this point.

Doink and Dink shouldn't be a factor in this match. Doink is going to be there to get what he can out of the young guys, particularly the Miz who without question is the least experienced of the group, but other then that, Doink is there for nothing more but to probably be the guy that takes the pin. Dink will be there for childish amusment. Seriously, the Doink and Dink gimmick has run it's course, and has run it's course last year. I'm just dreading the day Ink, Pink and Stink show up.

This match comes down to Mark Henry and Matt Hardy. I think that htis is Hardy's night, but then again, they could hold off another month to have the one on one showdown for Hardy to get a clean win over Henry for the title.
While I’m not thrilled about a third Scramble match, I’m happy ECW gets 20 minutes of PPV time. Most likely it’ll be the opening match as that’s the PPV spot relegated to the WWE’s redheaded stepchild brand. Let’s examine the challengers. While I think Chavo gets a bad rap, his first ECW reign was boring and forgettable. He's just not a guy that makes you want to tune in every Tuesday night. A face Finlay combined with Hornswoggle’s antics as champion would get old fast. Plus Finlay’s just starting a feud with Knox. Miz has really improved the last year and is clearly the dark horse here. I just don’t see them taking the title off a heel to put it on another heel though.

So this match comes down to Hardy-Henry. They’ve done a good job for the last 6 weeks or so building up the feud. Matt Hardy is the fan favorite and he’s come close a couple times. Hardy coming out on top Tuesday night makes me think he doesn’t win this. Besides Mark Henry’s been champion less than three months and done a very good job. I say keep the title on him until No Mercy.

I want to see Hardy defeat Henry one-on-one, with no Atlas involvement, possibly in a gimmick match. I don’t think I’ll get my wish though. I’m thinking one title HAS to change hands at Unforgiven and I don’t see any of the other champions losing, so I predict Hardy walks away with the silver.
I can actually see Henry going over in this. They will play it to were he drew the last entrance, and dominates everyone after they have been kicking the shit out of each other for 15 minutes. Id like to see Henry continue as champ, he has actually ran with this push, and improved loads. And I think the feud, and HArdy, deserve a one on one, definitive end, with Hardy taking it. So I say Henry goes over, in the fashion I predicted. Possibly with Hardy going in first, and battling til the end only to come up just *this short*
Well as much as I am shocked to see ECW get some real PPV time, I just have to think this is the one scramble match that we will see an actual title change. I agree with NorCal that Henry has not been so bad as champ and actually been watchable. Though i guess this is the time when Hardy finaly wins the big one, though I really dont want to see him with the championship though it could lead to a Hardy/Morrison feud so that wont be so bad. But I expect Henry to lose but he wont get pinned and lead to another Hardy/Henry match at No Mercy I believe.
Everything but the ending rocked in this match. It was a very exciting opening bout. It helped us get used to the scramble for the later title matches. Chavo getting the early pin fall over Hardy was a surprise. Then Matt won it by pinning Chavo. Henry comes in and gets his belt back. I felt everyone had a chance to become champ at some point except Chavo. After Miz hit the Reality Check early I had a feeling he wouldn't get a fall the rest of the night.At the end we saw every one of the competitors "scrambling" for the ECW title and Matt Hardy was able to retain. So where does Hardy go from here? Does he defend against Henry in a rematch? Or does he give John Morrison a shot who they obviously want to put against Hardy in a big feud seeing as how they left him out of the scramble.This was a very fun opening bout and got me thinking of future story lines on Tuesday nights.
I enjoyed the match and showcased exactly what the scramble should have been, with a lot of temporary changes before Hrdy took the title. I liked the finish as it had Hrdy who had just won the title doing everything in his power to stop others. Aso it allowed Mark Henry to look strong whilst losing the belt. Setting up Hardy against Henry for a couple of months before Hardy goes onto feud with Morrison.
This match was awesome and all the participants should be congratulated. They had alot of pressure on them cause this was the first ever scramble and if it stunk the life would have been taken out the ppv and crowd. I like Hardy getting the win cause it easily sets up a hrdy henry rematch at No Mercy where hardy can finally beat henry to make the title reign seem more legit
The ECW Scramble was pretty much everything I expected. It was the opening contest, but it didn’t disappoint. The opening five minutes was very solid with Miz and Hardy. Chavo scoring the first pinfall of the match upon his entrance was shocking, but you knew it wouldn’t hold up. Finlay had very little offense and although he scored a pinfall, Horny’s distraction and Finlay’s use of the shillelagh on Henry tarnished the PPV title match a little for me. I’m glad they kept Atlas, Bam, and Morrison away from the match as they would’ve distracted from the action and only further cheapened the match. The pace and action just got better as the match went on and the crowd finally got into it near the end. The finish was very exciting with Henry slamming the hell out of everyone in sight and Hardy breaking up pin after pin the last three minutes to hold on. The Hardy-Henry interaction was minimal and predictable, thus allowing Matt the win without pinning Henry so he still looked strong in defeat and setting up a singles rematch No Mercy.

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