Unforgiven: WWE Championship Scramble Match

This is the one I really want to see and I'm going to go out on a limb and predict that this match may make match of the year! Personally, I'm pulling for Kendrick or MVP to win. I don't think Hardy will win due to his history with substance abuse. He still needs to prove something to the company and the fans before he can carry that title and quite frankly a few months isn't enough! HHH has to see the writing on the wall by now and realize its high time for him to drop the belt to some of the younger talent. Shelton already has a belt and I highly doubt they will have him as a double champion. That leaves MVP and Kendrick...
And if for some reason Taker does have his match, who does he face? You can't have him completely squash Shelton/Kendrick/MVP as it makes their title reigns only last a few minutes and they look terrible in the process. You can't make him squash Jeff Hardy, as you not only make Jeff look bad, but you risk turning Taker heel (tough, but the fans are ridiculously behind Hardy lately). So that brings us back to HHH retaining, as he could lose to Taker and it wouldn't be too bad.

I understand what you're saying NoFate, but WWe have a history of giving people joke title reigns to screw with the fans. Let's look at them shall we?:

1) Kane wins the title at KOTR '98 thanks to Taker. Loses it to Austin the next night on Raw.
2) Mankind wins the title in a triple threat match at SSlam '99 and loses it to HHH the next night on Raw.
3) Y2J beats HHH for the title in '00 on Raw and HHH forces Earl Hebner to reverse the decision 15 minutes later.
4) Kurt Angle beat Austin for the belt at Unforgiven '01 (i think) and lost the belt a week later on Raw i believe (?)
5) Edge cashed in MITB at NYR '06 and lost the title 3 weeks later on Raw to John Cena
6) Randy Orton was awarded the WWE title at No Mercy '07 and lost it in 20 minutes to HHH, and then HHH lost the tile back to Orton 2 hours later.

Basically, don't put it past WWE to give, oh let's say, Jeff Hardy (just because WWE knows how much everyone wants him to be come champ) a 15 minute title run just so they can say 'look, he became champ didn't he? And he lost it to a worth opponent in the Undertaker'

Or you could have some one like MVP win the scramble and then get DQ'd immediately against Taker, and then at No Mercy he'd have to defend against Taker and HHH because both would demand rematches, plus that's MVPs only way to achieve a long title run.
I understand what you're saying NoFate, but WWe have a history of giving people joke title reigns to screw with the fans. Let's look at them shall we?:

1) Kane wins the title at KOTR '98 thanks to Taker. Loses it to Austin the next night on Raw.
2) Mankind wins the title in a triple threat match at SSlam '99 and loses it to HHH the next night on Raw.
3) Y2J beats HHH for the title in '00 on Raw and HHH forces Earl Hebner to reverse the decision 15 minutes later.
4) Kurt Angle beat Austin for the belt at Unforgiven '01 (i think) and lost the belt a week later on Raw i believe (?)
5) Edge cashed in MITB at NYR '06 and lost the title 3 weeks later on Raw to John Cena
6) Randy Orton was awarded the WWE title at No Mercy '07 and lost it in 20 minutes to HHH, and then HHH lost the tile back to Orton 2 hours later.

Basically, don't put it past WWE to give, oh let's say, Jeff Hardy (just because WWE knows how much everyone wants him to be come champ) a 15 minute title run just so they can say 'look, he became champ didn't he? And he lost it to a worth opponent in the Undertaker'

Or you could have some one like MVP win the scramble and then get DQ'd immediately against Taker, and then at No Mercy he'd have to defend against Taker and HHH because both would demand rematches, plus that's MVPs only way to achieve a long title run.

They're capable of doing it, but I really hope that they don't lol, even if its Kendrick or Shelton. It just seems unnecessary when they do stuff like that. Last year's No Mercy situation with Orton/HHH was ridiculous in my opinion as it served no purpose but making HHH look good and adding more notches under their belts.

I could see the whole DQ thing going down, though, but only if they don't use it as the finale of the ppv. That'd be a pretty sour note to leave the audience on. "And now, another title match out of nowhere, with a fan favorite! *ten minutes of introduction....bell rings...dq* Ok folks, well, that's Unforgiven. Adios" lol.

I think it just makes way too much sense to have Undertaker vs Big Show at the ppv for a #1 contenders spot....but then again, WWE does have a tendency to go against the grain and think "logic? psh!"
They're capable of doing it, but I really hope that they don't lol, even if its Kendrick or Shelton. It just seems unnecessary when they do stuff like that. Last year's No Mercy situation with Orton/HHH was ridiculous in my opinion as it served no purpose but making HHH look good and adding more notches under their belts.

I could see the whole DQ thing going down, though, but only if they don't use it as the finale of the ppv. That'd be a pretty sour note to leave the audience on. "And now, another title match out of nowhere, with a fan favorite! *ten minutes of introduction....bell rings...dq* Ok folks, well, that's Unforgiven. Adios" lol.

I think it just makes way too much sense to have Undertaker vs Big Show at the ppv for a #1 contenders spot....but then again, WWE does have a tendency to go against the grain and think "logic? psh!"

lol, i hear that. As much as i wanna see my fave wrestler with a long title run, i'd prefer Taker/Show as well, and anyone but HHH leave the champ in the scramble personally
lol, i hear that. As much as i wanna see my fave wrestler with a long title run, i'd prefer Taker/Show as well, and anyone but HHH leave the champ in the scramble personally

i agree with this one. i want to see undertaker or big show in there much more than some of the morons that are in it. (sorry, i have a low opinion of some of them, MVP is at the bottom of my list of wrestlers that are decent). i'd love to see HHH leave the ring as the champ.... which, is probably what isnt going to happen. dammit. nothing ever seems to go the way i want it to.
This scramble match is probably the most interesting out of the 3. I love all the partcipants in the match. M.V.P and Jeff Hardy definately deserve to be in the match. They have proven they can put on a pretty good match and are bothfuture World Champions in my opinion. But the reality is, MVP needs to be build up better and stronger for his championship run to be a success. I don't think he is ready yet but by this time next year, he should win the WWE Title. Shelton Benjamin is the wildcard in the match. But I feel he is just in the match for the sake of it. I can't see him winning the big one yet. He is also not ready for the main event push just yet. Plus, he already has the U.S Title at the moment.

The most shocking thing of course, is having The Brian Kendrick is a world title match on a pay per view! Nobody in the world expected him to be in this match. He is certainly being pushed to the moon. But I feel he is just in the match to get people more intriuged for the Smackdown Championship Scramble. I don't think he will even get a pinfal in the match and I expect him to take the last fall for the eventual winner of the match. But I still think it's great how the WWE is allowed mid-carders to be involved in a pay per view World title match.

I would predict a Jeff Hardy title win here, but with Smackdown debuting on a new channel in October. I expect them to have a strong and popular champion upon debuting on MyNetworkTV. Triple H is arguably the top face on Smackdown at the present moment and is over with the fans. So from a business stand point, it makes sense to have him retain here and drop the title later on, maybe at Survivor Series. But I actually expect others like Hardy and MVP to look stronger than what Trips does on the night. Hardy will most likely get the most pins in the match, but I'd assume Triple H will get the pin that counts, the final pin. So I'm prediciting Triple H to retain here, only because he is a strong champion that needs to debut on the new channel to gain interest and possibly even new viewers to the show. This match could easily steal the show though as it certainly has great talent involved.
I was pleasantly surprised with Smackdown this week, as it truly made it seem like Shelton could beat HHH. Now THAT is how I think HHH should be going about his career now. THAT is putting someone over whilst still defeating them. Not the "you got a quick roll-up" or "you only beat me after I went through 3 matches and someone else interfered" or anything.

I don't think we'll be seeing that scenario where Undertaker has a title match right afterwards, as I think we'll be seeing Undertaker vs. Big Show in a #1 contender's match.

Not having that match leaves open anybody to win the scramble, but I still feel that HHH is going to retain. Hardy will get a pinfall over Shelton, other people can get some pins, and it will look like Hardy may steal the title, but within the last minute, HHH pins someone (probably Kendrick) and retains, allowing them to have HHH/Undertaker at No Mercy and build up the "Hardy was THIS close" angle. HHH has a feud with the Undertaker until Survivor Series, possibly with HHH turning heel in the process, and then HHH has two matches against Big Show (Armageddon and Royal Rumble) with Hardy winning the Royal Rumble and challenging a heel HHH at WrestleMania.
I think it's good how wwe put some new faces in the WWE title match. I'm actually interested in what they plan on doing with Brian Kendrick, they have to be planning something with him for him to be in a WWE title match. There were plenty of guys that could have been there instead. I would like MVP to win this match but I'm going to have to say triple H is gonna win. I heard that Undertaker will get a shot later on in the night it would be interesting seeing triple H vs Undertaker but we will have to wait and see.
Well, it's been reported that the plan is to have Undertaker face the winner of this fight later in the night, so I'm thinking that Triple H will lose the title, probably because of some Khali interference. I don't really know who would get it, but I guess it all depends on if this rumor is true and if they want Taker or someone else to be champion.
First of all this is match is way to short. 20 minutes, is that a joke? they should change it to half an hour to fill up the ppv abit. Also the smackdown match has the most oppertunity to be the best. Hardy, MVP, Shelton throw in a ladder or weapons? What about Brian Kendricks man, will he help? and i do hope taker takes the title off who ever wins later on in the night.

And for my way on wanting each of the scrambles to end is

RAW- Randy Orton returns after CM Punk retains and RKO'S him and holds the belt high
ECW- After Matt Hardy pins The Miz and wins! Gregory Helms makes a suprise return and signals for the title
SMACKDOWN- MVP wins! Taker vs MVP later in the night, MVP DQ'd and keeps title

What outcome do you want to see???
First of all this is match is way to short. 20 minutes, is that a joke? they should change it to half an hour to fill up the ppv abit.
No way. half an hour would be way to long, seeing it would be an hour and a half all up. It would be torture i am happy with the 20 minutes each. any longer would be over kill.
Also the smackdown match has the most oppertunity to be the best. Hardy, MVP, Shelton throw in a ladder or weapons?
Its got MVP and HHH im i am sure weopens will be used. i dont know if it would make me more interesting for me. I think this would be a good match, minus the great Khali.
What about Brian Kendricks man, will he help?
I would think so. he is a body guard after all, if he gets a pinfall it will be thanks to this guy.
and i do hope taker takes the title off who ever wins later on in the night.
for taker to lose it in two months time again? i like the undertaker but his title runs are pointless.

RAW- Randy Orton returns after CM Punk retains and RKO'S him and holds the belt high
Now while that would be great i really cant see CM Punk retaining. If Orton was to return what would happen is batista would win with Ortons help.
ECW- After Matt Hardy pins The Miz and wins! Gregory Helms makes a suprise return and signals for the title
We can only wish. What would be better is if Helms gets added to it and wins the title.
SMACKDOWN- MVP wins! Taker vs MVP later in the night, MVP DQ'd and keeps title
Im guessing you like the undertaker? I cant see that happening, as this will most likley be the last match.
I dont know if anyone else has noticed it but when smackdown advertises that they will be on my network tv they have MVP say "new champions" and above him they have the United states belt (which he already had)and the WWE championship... Maybe im reading to much into it but it seems to me that they are hinting that he may be the champ when they make the tv move. Just a thought.
while this could be a discusion for PPV forum,i was planning out my scenario for the SD! champ scramble, and i was thinking, why have Brian Kendrick, and other "scrubs" involved in a high profile match. i dont see MVP, Brian K.,or anyone else than HHH or J.Hardy winning the match.
The only reason i could think is jeff hardy is going to finnally get what he deserves, a WWE/WHC title run. i would love to see Jeff with a dominant title run, and is the reason im shelling out $39.95 for the ppv. Tell Us what you think about Jeff winning the championship scramble, Good or bad idea .....
I agree with you 100% dude. In my mind, Jeff Hardy has done so much for the WWE, that they owe him a title run, even if it's a short one. Hardy is definately one of the biggest draws they have, as the fans love him, and even though he may not be the best technical wrestler, he's pulled of some amazing stuff in the ring. And let's face dudes, if the SD! writers are trying to move the belt around a little bit, Hardy is the only other real contender, who's actually in the match. The other two (Big Show and Taker) are off doing whatever, so let's forget about them. Plus, Jeff is totally deserving of it. He's paid his dues and slowly worked his way up the WWE totem pole, and he's overcome some of his demons that had been holding him back. If they don't give him the title at Unforgiven, it'll definately be coming sometime soon. He just better get the title before his brother, who in my mind, is the lesser of the two Hardy brothers.
As we get closer and closer, I'm certain that Jeff Hardy doesn't win this match. I'm also certain that Triple H is going to lose the title as well. This way he loses the belt, and doesn't put anyone over. I see Khali interference in this match. Triple H likely hits the Pedigree on someone to look like he regains the title, and Khali cost him the match. No Mercy comes and Khali gets a clean win over the game, setting up the Punjabi Prison for Cyber Sunday.

But to whom the title tolls? A heel, but which heel? Jeff Hardy will not win the title at Unforgiven in a Scramble match for one reason, his first world title win is going to be far too big of a moment. It's going to be a Wrestlemania moment in my opinion. That opportunity can't be blown like this.

Shelton Benjamin I don't trust to carry a show at this point, neither with THE Brian Kendrick (I doubt that they will be asked to carry a show, rather it would be a very similar situation to what we have currently going on Raw this moment). These leaves MVP. A guy that the last few months has not only gotten better on the mic, he is down right golden. He cuts some of the nastiest, most hateful promos I've heard in a long time. He has amazing heel heat, plus a kick ass new finisher that is so sudden. I truly see MVP walking out the WWE champion.
I think its a great idea for jeff to win the scramble, as long as they dont make him job it to the undertaker in the same night. i know hhh already jobbed to him cleanly once but the scramble match would be a great way to get the belt on jeff if hhh didnt realy want to put him over again. hardy would be great as champion because hes pretty much the most over superstar on smackdown, and probably in the wwe.
In all honesty guys, I think both Matt and Jeff deserve world titles. I'm a MAJOR Matt Hardy fan, and can relate to him when it came to having bad luck with relationships. Jeff is also a guy I look up to..I don't care what drugs he's done, or what his past was like..Sure he's fucked up plunty of chances, but I'm hoping that's not who he's gonna be anymore. I think he does have the skill to be world champion, I know he's probably still got a way to go with his mic skills, but I have faith in him that he'll get there in time. From what I've seen of him outside of the ring, he also looks like an awesome guy to chill with. He's got the fans respect, and he is WAY over with them..Unfortunately though in todays business, being over with the crowd just isn't enough sometimes I guess. But I'm hoping Vince lets him have another shot down the road.
Personally i would love for Jeff Hardy to walk away with the gold at Unforgiven, the reactions he has gotten this past year have been enormous, i also think that people would buy Jeffs merchandise too, so its not the fact the he wouldnt make much money for the company.

The main reason i dont think he will win the WWE Championship is the number of times he has been suspended, one more and he is out, it would be awful for business if that happened while he is holding the title. Thats the main reason i think WWE are holding putting the title on Hardy off. Once he has got some more time under his belt with no screw-ups he will be Champ, no question about it in my mind.

Another reason is that i think because they are moving to a new network, they will want somebody more recognisable when the switch happens and i think HHH or The Undertaker are the main 2 candidates to hold it if thats the reason, just so they can play it safe for a while. I think it would be more interesting if Hardy was holding the title when the switch happens, as there will be more advertisements and if people notice him with the main belt, they might tune in to see whats been happening, i could see ratings go up a little.

So all in all, i think putting the title on Hardy has its Pros and Cons.

Thats just my personal opinion on the matter anyway.
As we get closer and closer, I'm certain that Jeff Hardy doesn't win this match. I'm also certain that Triple H is going to lose the title as well. This way he loses the belt, and doesn't put anyone over. I see Khali interference in this match. Triple H likely hits the Pedigree on someone to look like he regains the title, and Khali cost him the match. No Mercy comes and Khali gets a clean win over the game, setting up the Punjabi Prison for Cyber Sunday.

But to whom the title tolls? A heel, but which heel? Jeff Hardy will not win the title at Unforgiven in a Scramble match for one reason, his first world title win is going to be far too big of a moment. It's going to be a Wrestlemania moment in my opinion. That opportunity can't be blown like this.

Shelton Benjamin I don't trust to carry a show at this point, neither with THE Brian Kendrick (I doubt that they will be asked to carry a show, rather it would be a very similar situation to what we have currently going on Raw this moment). These leaves MVP. A guy that the last few months has not only gotten better on the mic, he is down right golden. He cuts some of the nastiest, most hateful promos I've heard in a long time. He has amazing heel heat, plus a kick ass new finisher that is so sudden. I truly see MVP walking out the WWE champion.

I gotta say, I completely with this assessment. Jeff will not win and HHH is not retaining. MVP will win to bump him up to the next level, but unlike CM Punk, MVP will def. be a transitional champ in my opinion with either Taker or HHH beating MVP to get the title. The only thing I question is that if MVP does indeed have heat backstage as one of the articles of the front page said, would they really give him the title?
Why is this in the Smackdown forum instead of the Pay-Per-View?

Anway...I have to disagree about HHH losing the title here. Sure, its a good situation in which he'd lose it and not look like he really did lose...and we're all aware of how much of a fan he is of not putting people over clean...but I just don't see it happening due to the participants.

Kendrick and Shelton...we know they can't win. We can rule them out immediately. Shelton's been doing great lately, but I doubt they'll make him WWE champion this soon. Maybe in the next couple of months or by next year.

MVP...they're making the jump to MyNetworkTV in a few weeks. Do you think they'll really want to have MVP as the champion instead of HHH/Undertaker? Supposedly, he has heat, so that goes against him as well.

Jeff....I don't know. I just don't see him winning it yet. As Shocky said, Jeff's win is better suited for WrestleMania...especially if he wins the Royal Rumble and beats, CLEANLY, a heel HHH. That would do wonders for Hardy. Having him win the title via fluke in a scramble, and with Khali interfering to stop HHH from getting a pin, cheapens Hardy's win. Hell, that might be what HHH is hoping for, just so he can cut a promo the next night and say "you didn't beat me, I'm the best, I can stare at you, you'll fall asleep during my 10 minute entrance and then I'll pin you", etc lol.

Wholeheartedly, 100%, I think what we'll see is Hardy come close to winning, but HHH gets the final pin and wins with not a lot of time left to spare.
Why is this in the Smackdown forum instead of the Pay-Per-View?

Anway...I have to disagree about HHH losing the title here. Sure, its a good situation in which he'd lose it and not look like he really did lose...and we're all aware of how much of a fan he is of not putting people over clean...but I just don't see it happening due to the participants.

Kendrick and Shelton...we know they can't win. We can rule them out immediately. Shelton's been doing great lately, but I doubt they'll make him WWE champion this soon. Maybe in the next couple of months or by next year.

MVP...they're making the jump to MyNetworkTV in a few weeks. Do you think they'll really want to have MVP as the champion instead of HHH/Undertaker? Supposedly, he has heat, so that goes against him as well.

Jeff....I don't know. I just don't see him winning it yet. As Shocky said, Jeff's win is better suited for WrestleMania...especially if he wins the Royal Rumble and beats, CLEANLY, a heel HHH. That would do wonders for Hardy. Having him win the title via fluke in a scramble, and with Khali interfering to stop HHH from getting a pin, cheapens Hardy's win. Hell, that might be what HHH is hoping for, just so he can cut a promo the next night and say "you didn't beat me, I'm the best, I can stare at you, you'll fall asleep during my 10 minute entrance and then I'll pin you", etc lol.

I agree with the move to MyNetwork that they need a big name as champ and if the rumor of Undertaker getting a title shot after scramble does indeed hold I think it'd be the perfect reason for MVP to win the scramble then lose to Taker, so HHH doesn't have to drop it to him. That way WWE has a big name as champ during the move. Hopefully if this happens HHH will finally turn heel.
This is just if not more interesting as the Raw scramble. Again it really depends who WWE want to carry the company or the brand I should say, and with the move to My Network soon then I think obviously they will want a big name star like the Undertaker or HHH because lets face it theres not many other huge main eventers in Smackdown apart from them two and Edge and hes gone for a bit. I would love to see and Undertaker v HHH feud but I keep hearing these two hate each otehr so you know! I think HHH will retain the title but if anyone wins it its MVP or Hardy.
I’m looking forward to the Smackdown Championship Scramble so much more than Raw and ECW versions because of the challengers. It’s about time they took a chance with these guys. The past two months Jeff Hardy, MVP, Shelton Benjamin, and The Brian Kendrick have come on strong. They’ve been getting it done on the mic and in the ring with Hardy, Benjamin, and MVP putting on 4 star quality matches.

Ever since the Smackdown Scramble was announced I’ve gone back and forth over who I thought would win. Benjamin has really embraced his current push and looks strong heading into the PPV. He won’t win because he’s holding the US title. Plus Shelton’s apparently feuding with MVP now.

If anyone besides Cena could make the WWE spinner belt look good, it is the King of Bling.;) Two weeks ago I’d have said MVP takes this one. He reestablished himself in his feud with Hardy. But because of the reported backstage heat, MVP won't win. Clearly Kendrick is the dark horse here. If they decide to take the title off Trips, I think he has the best chance for three reasons. Shock value, big bad Zeke, and he's the only one Trips didn't make fun of Friday night.

The way Smackdown played out this week the real story will be Hardy and HHH. Of the other three, Hardy is the most ready to main event, but he’s been back only four months and has to prove himself again. Still how fricking cool would it be if both Hardys became world champions on the same night?:D

Most likely this will be the night's main event and I expect a great match. We should see some mat wrestling, highflying spots, a couple surprise pins, and outside interference from Zeke. Although this match really is the best way to get the title off HHH without making him look weak or him having to put anyone over, I expect Trips to retain.

But if Jeff does win, I will go deaf from my daughter's screams.
Or if MVP wins, I’ll have laryngitis Monday morning.
For goodness sakes folks. no offense but


There is no fucking way. The guy has won what, three matches?? And got into this match on a fluke anyhow?? I just do not belive WWE is that balsy. especially with the change to the new network. They either need a proven draw for that, or someone is utterly wildly over (like Hardy). Hardy is the only guy I see havng a chance to take this, and I dont even think THAT will happen. Yes the WWE wants you all intrigued, but its not stupid. MVP may have a chance, but I throw that out to heel/face balance. Do you all realize, that if Kendrick, MVP, or Shelton (god forbid) wins this, then SD!/ECW will have ALL HEEL CHAMPIONS??? This is real life. Not Monkey_Mania Wrestling Entertainment. they wont have a roster entirely comprised of heels going into the new network, if at all period. I can see a realm were Hardy wins the title, especially if my Batista prediction comes true.

I think Hardy may very well take it. especially since he jobbed out so hard during July/August. A guy like that laying down so decisevely, especially at SummerSlam, is usually rewarded. And as I said, he is monster over, and would be even more so with a win here. But I think the most probable result is Trips retaining.
There are only two viable candidates to walk out of this scramble match as champion and that is Hardy and HHH. Like everyone else with the move to My Network TV they need a champion that is over and very recognizable and Triple H and Jeff Hardy are just that.Now I dunno if the WWE would want to waste Hardy big win on a PPV like this as I think they would want to save it for a bigger one like Survivor Series or Wrestlemania. With that said I could Hardy possibly winning, but I just see Triple H retaining his gold for now as I just believe they will save a Hardy win for a bigger PPV.

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