Unforgiven: WHC Championship Scramble

WHAT a Piece of SHit of a match, the one match I waited all night to see and CM Punk is ambushed by The Second Generation Bitches. WTF Punk is your champion, I figured he would some how make a last second run in, but no you have Jericho who got killed by Michaels come in and Win a Title from Champion who was not even in the match. WTF was that. This is why I hate the WWE, man I swear the only reason I watch is because Im a big CM Punk fan. Worse match ever.

Too bad.

The match itself was horrendous. It's amazing how quickly the likes of Kane, JBL, and Batista can subdue a crowd that was hot all night. I wasn't expecting this match to be anything special since I knew the best of the 3 scrambles would've been SD's, but Jesus did this match suck. Then comes the swerve.

It's a lousy way for Punk to lose his title and also a cheap way, but I guess that sends Punk into a feud with Orton and his 2nd generation crew while Jericho will likely feud with Batista or even HBK at this point.
i so did not see the point of this match, so you take a bold new direction by giving a guy like Punk the WHC, then have him lean on a heel that most people find more annoying than obtaining actual heat, then on the day of the ppv where there was some form of actual challenge to prove his worth, have him injured and unable to defend his title, then have a guy who just got the living crap kicked out of him run in and replace him to win? Personally when i saw that Punk was out, I was hoping that someone like Kofi Kingston or someone from the mid-card would come in as a shock victor, and then they could have worked that angle from tomorrow on raw. But i suppose giving Jericho the title is better than giving it to Batista or JBL
The feud between Punk and Orton will not happen till atleast November when he comes back from injury. The only positive is Punk was not pin so he does not lose any face at all, but still Jericho got the holy hell beat out of him. For that you just might as well made Orton Champion and not have him compete till Survivor Series. Offcourse I guess the Title will give HBK a last title run. Punk will probably go on to feud with the new Faction and Orton when he comes back. I still think we might see Punk challenge Jericho at No Mercy since he has a rematch clause.

Im real pissed cause im a huge Punk fan and I paid for the PPV just to see him wrestle in the match. Is there anyway I can get my money back. What a horrible PPV.
Im interested to see what will happen with his fued with hbk as hbk has appearently said many times that he doesn't want the title? so i cant see jericho keeping the title for long unless they throw away his fued with michaels
The feud between Punk and Orton will not happen till atleast November when he comes back from injury. The only positive is Punk was not pin so he does not lose any face at all, but still Jericho got the holy hell beat out of him. For that you just might as well made Orton Champion and not have him compete till Survivor Series. Offcourse I guess the Title will give HBK a last title run. Punk will probably go on to feud with the new Faction and Orton when he comes back. I still think we might see Punk challenge Jericho at No Mercy since he has a rematch clause.

Im real pissed cause im a huge Punk fan and I paid for the PPV just to see him wrestle in the match. Is there anyway I can get my money back. What a horrible PPV.

Nah, I think they plan to have Jericho hold on to the title a while. He's there best heel and it only makes sense that all the faces chase him for a while.
Chris Jericho becoming the World Heavyweight Champion is something I thought I'd never see. He's overdue. I wanted to see him win the WWE title from John Cena back when he was in that (kayfabe) "win or be fired" scenario. And now, here he is, winning the WHC after losing to HBK. That's pretty ironic and the funniest thing is that HBK hasn't won this title since 2002. What's up with that? Anyway, it'd be nice to see Jericho defending his title against CM Punk, Batista, JBL and even Randy Orton if the situation occurs. I want Jericho to rebuild his credibility and what better way than where he is right now. It's almost like Jericho of 2001 again.
Man, that promo that opened Raw last week really got me looking forward to seeing Orton chase Punk for the title, so there goes some of that intensity, right out the window. Unless Orton's not going to be cleared to return until Survivor Series, it'd be pretty stupid to put that story on hold so Punk can have a two week feud with Y2J in order to get the strap back. The match itself was mediocre at best, and wouldn't even have been that if not for Rey & the fact that they actually let Kane dominate for a bit. Nothing against Jericho, I've always enjoyed his stuff, but I was expecting Punk to run in within the last few seconds & score a cheap, easy pin, which would piss off Batista, give JBL more reasons to make Cinderella jokes, and keep the set up they started with Orton. And does anyone else think this means Y2J/HBK is now done? It would've been (& still could be) cool to end that saga in a HIAC at SS.
It wasn't a very good match but no one expected it to be. I'm glad Kane got the first fall.I'm glad Rey and JBL didn't get a fall. I knew Batista was going to get a fall. I'm upset that they had Punk lose his title in this fashion.This definately killed all his credibility. Not that he had much anyways. I love the swerve with Jericho winning the title. At first I thought Orton isn't wearing his sling maybe it will be him. No he won't be back until November. Maybe it will be Big Show no he is now in a feud with Undertaker. Well maybe it will be Edge. No he is still selling the Hell in a Cell injuries. That left Chris Jericho. He had welts on his back, a gashed up elbow. He earned that title.It's been six years since Jericho has been World Champion. Bravo WWE.
Well, I wish I actually stayed awake for this match now (yay for no sleep last night -_-). I'm glad that Y2J won this since I never saw it coming. Plus it makes a lot of sense to crown him as new champion since he is the only one in the match that has a clean win over Punk. I wonder if this is going to extend into his HBK feud. Y2J could easily brag about how Shawn has never won a World Title in nearly 6 years. If that's the direction creative is taking, then I can easily say that HBK/Y2J is the best feud in a long time, even better than Edge/Taker. It has transitioned smoothly from a faked injury, to an eye injury, to Y2J punching HBK's wife, and now possibly into the World Title, all with no breaks in between. What an amazing feud.

Anyways, back on topic. I hope this reign doesn't flop like his Undisputed Title reign did. I think it would work considering that Jericho is a much better heel this time as opposed to that annoying, whiny heel he was with the Undisputed Title. Another World Title reign was long overdue for Y2J though. After all that hype behind his huge comeback, FINALLY he is actually making an impact with HBK and now the WHC.
What a joke...the only good thing coming out of this match was Kane getting a little time as a "top-dog." No doubt - Punk is not "the guy"....but Jericho after getting hammered by HBK? HBK may not be the guy...but Jericho is a joke...hopefully tomorrow at RAW he gets owned by someone...
All of you fanboys whining and moaning about how stupid it is for Punk to drop the title this way should really rethink your statements.

On one hand...we have Punk, a mid-carder and ECW graduate who was thrust into the main event of Raw while he was still green as grass. He carries the WHC, but for 3 months now, he has done nothing but show that he was not ready and suitable to be in the position that he was placed.

On the other hand...WWE takes Punk out of the Championship Scramble, and places him seemingly in a feud with the best guy that WWE has on its roster, Randy Orton. Win or lose, Punk was going to gain nothing from being in that match. If he would have won, then it would have made Raw look terrible, because Punk still isn't over enough to be considered a strong champion...regardless of how long his reign might have become. If he would have lost, it would have just proved that he couldn't really compete with the likes of Batista and Kane.

Meanwhile, WWE takes its best heel, and finally places the belt on him. This is going to bolster ratings because people actually are entertained by Jericho. Furthermore, Punk gets to work on getting legitimately over with the best worker in wrestling today, Orton.

I'd say it was probably the best move WWE could have possibly made.
The great thing about Chris Jericho winning tonight is I have no idea who the next contendor for the World Title is. There are three men who I can see it being.I'll name them. HBK has had the feud of the year with Jericho right now and I'm not convinced its over. Batista was the last man to score a pinfall and did so in the last 30 seconds. But was too busy with Rey Mysterio to realize Jericho won the title.Finally CM Punk has a rematch clause obviously especially considering he never even lost his title. But he should be busy with Orton. I think Punk will face Jericho at No Mercy because he will want a rematch and HBK did what he set out to do he made Chris Jericho pay. So HBK will "retire" just so he can heal his injuries up. Punk can have his rematch with Jericho so after Jericho beats him it will be November and he can face CM Punk. Batista can feud with Rey Mysterio and Kane.
I actually want to start off by saying that (except for the first 15 minutes of the main event and the divas match) this PPV had some of the best ring work I've seen in WWE in a while. With that said I'm actually becoming excited to watch RAW again. I liked punk as champ but he's still not top tier yet. In time he could become great, but, right now Jericho is a better heel than even Edge. It's kinda shady the way punk lost but this whole Orton thing could end up bigger than anything else Punk has ever done.
I haven't watched UNFORGIVEN. But from the sounds of it, looks like Punk was attacked by a new stable perhaps? A stable of second generation wrestlers like I and others have thought possible before. It was probably Orton/Afa Jr/Ted Dibiase/Cody Rhodes and maybe there will be a fifth member of Snuka Jr. Maybe Snuka Jr. will be a face that sides with punk, if he isn't released that is. Could be interesting, but it sounded really weird Jericho got beaten bad and then wins the title. Jericho deserves a title but a very weird PPV booking it sounds like, trying to stir up things overboard. Maybe Jericho/HBK will continue with the belt involved..
at the end of the day you people complaining don't realise that's what WWE meant to happen. Pissing the fans off is a great tactic of keeping the interest. If your favoutire wrestler won everytime and faces won every PPV it eould be incredibly boring. Wrestling is ruined these days by spoilers and constant internet chat that ruin their storylines, now they actually do something no one sa coming and people complain! Just don't watch from now on!

Now the people who want the Attitude Era back. The champion gets brutaly attacked by four heels backstage and forced to let go of his title and then a heel who has just gottenn beaten up comes into the Scramble and steals the title. Is that not something belonging in that Era? It was brilliant viewing! It kept you hooked!

Personally, a great ending to the title match. Raw scramble meant nothing to me coz of the wrestlers in it. There was no one to cheer behind. Jericho is the top wrestler in the business atm, with Orton and Edge out, so wel done creative for giving him the title.
Well personally, I believe putting the belt on Y2J in the way they did now just fits absolutely perfectly with his current super-heel persona. As for the HBK-feud, I'm not sure... maybe they'll continue it, probabl with Y2J claiming that "HBK achieved nothing" because Y2J even after a hell of beating went on to win the WHC and what not. However, in any case they'll most likely put the feud on hold, with Michaels taking off some time now to tend his injuries (legit and keyfabe), while we either see Y2J vs Punk (in a rematch clause situation) or, which might be up next, Y2J vs Batista. And of course there is also Cena left who is technically a face, so he could be worked into that scenario as well. But an interesting move nonetheless. Of course, the way to lose the belt for CM (which is techncially being stripped of the title - because he would have lost it to anyone anyway, by simply not being in the match - because he was attacked, which is highly ridiculous) is on the one hand a bit of an unlucky move; on the other, it saves his face and keeps him technically in the top tier scene (as he was deprived illegitimately of the title and thus can always claim it is "rightfully his" and what not). But I do believe the Orton-feud will come first... which leads to an interesting outlook for Y2J right now. Can't wait to see where they go with this. Plus, finally Y2J has the belt. It was about time.
I think that it was a good move, but I think they should've pretended to injure someone else, not Punk. Maybe JBL? But anyway, Jericho right now is a great guy to put the belt on. He's the only heel chamion right now, which is always a good thing to have. And this will turn into a Punk Jericho feud, which I think would be a really entertaining feud.
2 problems with this. ONe is the fact that WAY too many people were disappointed over the fact that they didn't get to see CM Punk wrestle. Hell, I hadn't felt this ripped off since I thought I was gonna see the Undertaker at Raw one time only to have Triple H jump him. The other problem is that they sold short the whole purpose of that fight between Chris Jericho and HBK. The point was that Jericho was supposed to be laid out just like HBK was laid out at Jericho's hands. That didn't happen. So all in all, the fans were ripped off of seeing CM Punk in the main event, The Unsanctioned Match was all for nothing, and once again Fans that were looking forward to this for the most part were screwed over as if they just watched an episode of Monday Nitro where the guy they voted to see in the main event gets jumped and some other guy who is heel at the time gets in. Just when I see signs of hope at Wrestlemania, they're quickly extinguished. This whole PPV, no good came out of it. I can't even be happy about Matt Hardy with gold because it's the world title for ECW-Lite so it counts for nothing. Triple H won his, no shocker and we're screwed out of Punk defending his belt legit. Why WWE Why?
The thing is i have no problem with Jericho as WHC, he is probably one of the best wrestlers we currently have as a main eventer atm, and the work he and HBK have done creating and selling this feud as a legit hatred between two similar men, had him deserving of a title shot. BUT not after having his ass handed to him so bad that the ref had to call the match because he was lying prone in the middle of the ring with HBK kicking the shit out of him. Creative bascially turned Jericho into John Cena, but gave him a little more time then Cena has to be Superman, and put 2 matches in between. And yes CM Punk was not the best champ ever, but wouldn't you think that he was a better and a more interesting option that giving the WHC to Batista, Kane or Cena (who i believe, in agreement with a friend, is much better when he is chasing a title than holding it). So I'm satisfied with the result, but would've prefer Jericho to take it at the next PPV, maybe through interference by Cade. but i hope at least this will bring a cool new feud and angle
What a joke...the only good thing coming out of this match was Kane getting a little time as a "top-dog." No doubt - Punk is not "the guy"....but Jericho after getting hammered by HBK? HBK may not be the guy...but Jericho is a joke...hopefully tomorrow at RAW he gets owned by someone...

Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you, your typical blind HBK mark.

How can you say Chris Jericho is a joke, he is the best heel the WWE has and he is one of the most entertaining superstars the WWE has ever had. This world title reign was way over due, what with his comeback and all. This fued has been the best thing in WWE for a long time and it is perfect to put the championship on Jericho, he deserves it. I hope he doesn't get "owned" by someone because even though he is still a crazy maniacal heel, they need to make him look like a strong champion who can actually cleanly beat people, unlike CM Punk. If Jericho was to get "owned" on RAW, he is going to look weak when he picks things up with HBK that is assuming HBK takes some time off for this injury and comes back after Jericho and the world title.
I've slept on it, and i'm still pleasanty shocked that Jericho is the champ. It's probably the best swerve of the year so far, and my favourite ending to a PPV this year too. I never thought that after a 2 year hiatus, a failed face run, and a 4 month fued with HBK that is blatently not over still, that Jericho would be champ within a year of returning. Socking, absolutely shocking...... I'm not so shocked however, that people are complaining about it.

It so totally does not undermine HBK/Jericho at all. If Jericho had swaggered down to the ring, tried to mount offense and then gotten a decisive pin at the end, then yes, it would have made the unsanctioned match pointless. By hobbling down slowly, covered in blood stains and whelps, cradling his arm and then getting in the ring once and getting speared immediately, and then crawling in and getting a quick pin made him look like the cunning, cowardly heel that he's supposed to be. It's no different from some of the finishes Edge has been involved in in title matches.

Why not use Punk? I honestly don't know. I can only assume that Punk/Orton is what they're pushing for here. I was glad to see Kofi Kingston getting into the fray as well, at least Punk and Kofi can wrestle Team Priceless until Orton returns. As for the belt, well, even if he never wears the belt again, it will never be proven that that title run was a fluke, because he never lost the belt, and hell he'll probably win it back from Jericho at NM anyway, due to a HBK run in, to further fuel their fued. Was it a stupid way to get the belt off of Punk? Yeah, it probably was, but since i feel nothing about Punk either good or bad, i honestly don't feel cheated. He lost the belt without having been made to look weak compared to the other 4 guys, and was never beaten, and most importantly, i'm truly truly thankful that Batista didn't win, which is how it looked it was gonna go when there was 30 seconds left and he was waiting for someone to lock up with while the time limit expired.

So imo, while the match sucked, i loved the swerve and the end result
they need to make him look like a strong champion who can actually cleanly beat people, unlike CM Punk.

Why? Look how Jericho won the title, he snuck a cover while Batista wasn't looking. look how he's won his matches recently, Lance Cade played a big part in any Jericho victory, so why would that stop now. I feel that this title reign may become similar to that of Randy Orton's, where Jericho will win one or two matches cleanly or by "fluke"(RKO vs Jeff Hardy, Royal Rumble), but the majority will be through a typical heel form of illegality, but unlike Orton's DQ athon of a title reign, Jericho's will be filled of assistance from Lance Cade, who hopefully creative will make turn on Jericho to try to take the title, or who Jericho will eventually discard. These will help him progress as a heel, until a suitable challenger, bet it HBK or Cena or even CM Punk, is decided
Honestly....I think the whole situation sucks. I did not see the actual PPV, but there are a lot of things involving this I have problems with. What Michaels did to Jericho becomes pointless, and that feud which was the best thing going for WWE has lost value. I mean, at least have HBK interfere, hit sweet chin music, and Jericho falls on top of Kane for the final pin.

Then CM Punk, the reigning World Champion does not fight at the PPV? I mean, I think he was a good champion based on the fact that he is a good face and role model, and he appeals to a younger generation which is good for the company. Do I think he should have kept the title? No. But should he have had the chance to defend it? Yes.

And last but not least. Punk gets beat up, and we have an open scramble spot. Although this should never have happened to begin with, you can make any crazy twist you want. I mean, when I first read that Punk got beat and might not fight, I thought Sid was back. I thought some big name was going to walk down that aisle. Taker? I would've liked it. I mean...I'm just saying that left open a huge door for which I had expectations of a legend, and got a beaten Chris Jericho. The biggest problem I have with Jericho, is he got the shit kicked out of him earlier in the night.

Yea, I thought they went the complete wrong direction this PPV. I liked Hardy winning the ECW scramble, but besides that, it just was not a good outcome.
I didn't watch the pay per view, but I did read the play by play announcement posted this morning. I was surprised when it said punk was off the card, but when I read that adamle had found a replacement, I knew it was a given that whoever that replacement was would win the title. Only I couldn't think of who that might be, unless it was orton and he's really ok now. I was really surprised when I read that it was jericho of all people, but not surprised when after I read he was in the match, that he won.

Interesting direction they are going with this.

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