Unforgiven: WHC Championship Scramble

I like the idea of Jericho being the champion. They way they did it was also very interesting as it allows Punk to go for the a feud with Jericho for a month or two whilst HBK recovers form his injury. At the end of the feud Punk comes out on top with the belt and goes into a feud with Orton. Allows Punk a strong feud, gives Jericho even more heat in the way in which he won the belt whilst at the same allows HBK and Orton time to recuparate and come back to major feuds.

Was dissapointed in the interaction between Kane and Rey, feel they could have done so much more with them after Kane has supposed to have destroyed Rey. Looked more like they were going to have Rey and Batista turn on each other.
I have to say I was a little upset with the match. I can understand if you have to pull a guy from a match cause he is hurt, but if he isnt and you heavily hype that man in the match he should be in da match. Maybe Im being a little biased because the main reason I got the ppv was to see Punk defend the title. If it is true that alot of kids were crying because of this then I hope wwe is proud of themselves.Hopefully this turns out for Punk in the end. To me this whole angle kinda took all the excitement away from the match.
If the issue with Punk being taken out of the Scramble was a legit move made necessary by an injury of some sort, I can understand it... but for some reason, I believe it was meant solely for storyline purposes (i.e. to kick off a feud between Orton/Priceless and Punk), and pulled off in a way that should not have been.

They could at least have the attack happen at the RAW prior to the PPV, then have Adamle announce that a suitable replacement will be found for Punk at the PPV - this way they could have lowered the disappointment level if people knew beforehand Punk was cancelled (which is bad enough in and of itself, simply because he is/was the WHC and thus one of the supposed 3 top guys in the organisation - to have him NOT appear at ANY event, even more so at a PPV he is advertised for, is always a bad move), and additionally, they might've created some anticipation as to who the replacement would be by not revealing him until the match (with most people probably thinking it could be Orton, or even Cena (despite his injury - see his Rumble return, it might not have been out of the question) and the swerve with having it actally be Jericho would still have worked.

As for his win devaluating the feud with HBK... I don't really know about that. I mean, of course it makes his loss look less impactful, but then again, YJ2 sold the effects of his match with HBK apparently, and only managed to sneak a cheap win instead of really being able to make any offensive impact whatsoever; so I think it will go ok. Plus, it gives HBK a reason to still continue the feud - for if he had just destroyed Y2J now, HBK would have had his revenge, and the feud could be over. But with Y2J crawling back from his beating and becoming WHC in the process could piss HBK off to some extent, as I've pointed out in my earlier post, feeling that he "hadn't achieved enough" or "done enough damage to Y2J to make him learn his lesson", so that when he returns after his injury, he could be quite after costing YJ2 the title again, just to make his punishment complete.

Because this way, even though the heel Y2J got his ass handed to him by HBK, people will still not feel completely satisfied by it, simply because he, who should by all means have been destroyed by HBK's rage, was STILL able to come out on top in some cheap way at the end, and people might wish for HBK to once again kick his ass, and this time take the title from him too, so he has nothing left at all.

So I agree - it was a bad move to leave Punk off the card at such short notice (unless it was necessitated by a legit injury), because it definitely disappointed a lot of fans; but I think it was a good move to put the belt on Y2J, even in such a fashion, as it works for his character and could even add to keeping his rivalry with HBK alive, when by all means it should have ended when HBK handed his ass to him the way he did.
Loved how this panned out. I hope Punk has a legit injury otherwise it's pretty disgraceful to take the strap off him while he was doing OK as a champion. I've been a big Punk doubter in the past but I must admit he grew on me...

Anyways, with Jericho as champ, WWE have a MASSIVE opportunity to freshen the feud with HBK which I hope runs a little longer. What better way for HBK to prove he's not quite yet done, by chase the WHC, currently held by the man who tried to put him out of commission. WWE would be stupid to drop this feud now, they really would, it would make no sense if a relatively fresh (i.e. not injured from the unsanctioned match) HBK didn't continue to go after Jericho. This feud still has a long way left to go IMO. But then this is the WWE we're talking about here. Recently they like to drop feuds unexpectedly before they have run their course (JBL v Y2J, Batista v Umaga, Batista v Y2J, Finlay v JBL, Edge v HHH etc)

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