The Bash: ECW Championship Scramble

The match itself is appealing to me- with the exception of Mark Henry (Evan Bourne would have been a better choice). My concern is the booking of Dreamer at this point. Night of Champions is taking place in Philly, so I would absolutely hate to see him drop the title there. It would also be pretty awful if he dropped at The Bash because he just won it 2 weeks ago. They have done such a good job of building up his character that it wouldn't make any sense to have him lose so quickly. So I guess the outcome of this match is more interesting to me at this point.
Finlay, Finlay, A thousand times Finlay.

The new heel turn, the status of just beating the crap out of anyone he sees. He's like the Shark in Jaws, he just claws through ECW with a wooden stick. Well that shark didn't have a stick but imagine if it did. It would be exactly like Finlay.

The main reason I'm backing this point up also is that Finlay and Dreamer isn't something we have seen, and Dreamer is boring as champ. Sure give him a few weeks as champ as a consolation, but a heel champ is infinately more interesting at this stage. But what about the statistic that in terms of the new ECW on Sci-Fi, there has not been 1 repeat ECW Champion. Everyones a 1 timer. They can't ruin this awesome thing by giving it back to Swagger. Otherwise it tarnishes as the silver "training wheels" belt. Finlay all the way.

He's finally (or finlay) going back to his old Fit Finlay days of kicking the shit out of anyone that he doesn't like. He loves to fight. Regardlesss of that little Guinness beer belly he has. The only thing they need to change now is his goddamn music. He takes out the ECW Champion, Christian and Jack Swaggah in such bad ass fashion that Roddy Piper would cringe. Then they play Hornswoggles music. Just no.

Finlay Wins. Evan Bourne Chases him after the eventual Belfast Brawl at Summerslam with Dreamer.

EDIT: Ah Crap. Lashley. How could I forget? Easily apparently.
A couple of people have said that this match is the bathroom break match or doesn't change whether they'll buy in the Bash.

The Women's championship match will be the bathroom break.

And this scramble match is the only reason atm that I'm even considering buying in the Bash.

But anyway, I think that this is the best Scramble match that they could have put on in terms of the ECW roster. With the exception of Finlay I could imagine anyone walking away with the championship (I'm hoping it's Swagger or Dreamer)
Holy shit this match is unpredictable....not only in structure but in the winner too. I'd like to see either Dreamer retain or Finlay get the win for a 1on1 (hardcore?) bout @ NoC. I sense a build up for something bigger w/ these quick tittle changes...Elimation Chamber perhaps?
I'm expecting to see an excellent match that should entertain everyone. I do not have time to post a full breakdown, so I will project Finlay or Christian(I'm a Peep!) to pull out an exciting match.
The scramble matches are such a weird concept, yet quite interesting. As far as the competitors.... Let's look at each one by one. Finlay is NOT going to win this. If he does, then I will completely quit watching ecw (til he loses the belt anyway) because no one wants to see a boring geezer as the champion. Henry isn't likely to win either, he had it a year ago and it seems too soon for him to get it back. The same argument could be made for Christian but he is much more believable as champion than "The World's Strongest Jobber" is. Swagger, roughly the same argument as Christian.... though I actually see Dreamer retaining here. I think he will retain then put over Swagger at Night of Champions.

DAGGER DIAS prediction: Dreamer
The Championship Scramble match was a very interesting concept to me when it was first introduced last year. I liked it, but mostly because it was an ''Adamle Original''. This one is far more interesting than the others in my opinion. You have the ECW Original Champion Tommy Dreamer. ''Captain Charisma'' and former ECW Champion Christian. The ''All-American American'' and former ECW Champion Jack Swagger. The ''World's Strongest Man'' Mark Henry and ''The Fighting Irishman'' Finlay.

Someway, it gives me the feeling that the Championship Scramble match was only made for Triple H to be the only man to retain their championship while defending it in such a match. So this forces me to believe that at The Bash, we will crown a new ECW Champion. Now, I like Tommy Dreamer and I think he deserves to be the champ for a lengthy period of time, but I just don't see him retaining.

If Dreamer can find a way to retain, then I will respect him a whole lot more than I respect him now, and boy, do I respect him. But, if he does lose the title at The Bash, I see absolutely no reason why he can't win it again for a 3rd time.

Prediction: Jack Swagger will defeat Finlay, defending champion Tommy Dreamer, Mark Henry, and Christian to regain the ECW Championship.
I personally love the Scramble match idea, and it's a shame that it looks to be scrapped as an exclusive to a certain pay per view match type. I think its fun, it's original, it doesn't go to long, and the playign against the clock adds a unique element to the match.

As For Tommy Dreamer ECW champion, hope he enjoyed the nostalgia reign, because it ends tonight. Something tells me Finlay might win this match so he can be a champion, but I'm not sure.

If i'm a betting man, I go with Swagger.

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