I'd say let's just do this, but first what about honorable mentions, bret hart(1-13 consecutive) battle royal at 4, vs piper at 8, vs owen(top 10ish match) and yoko at 10, iron man at 12, vs austin at 13, jeff hardy(2000,17,18,23) ladder spot at 2000 is a top 10 moment and match, 17 was awesome as well, HHH(12-22 consecutive) heel at 2000 thing, vs taker at 17, vs jericho at 18, vs-hbk-vs-benoit at 20, made batista at 21, badass match at 22, Randy savage(2,3,4,5,6,7,8,10) vs steele at 2, top 5 match vs steamboat at 3, awesome story and good main event at 4, awesome match vs hogan at 5,roddy piper(1,2,3,6,8,12,) first ever main event, boxing match vs mr. t, adrian adonis thing, morton downey jr thing, bad news brown angle, vs bret hart, goldust match, Edge is on his way(2000,17,18,21,22,23,24)wins at 2000, wins at 17 nice spear spot from the ladder, money in the bank at 21, gave foley and himself a match and moment at 22, cena too(20,21,22,23,24)all of cenas matches at wrestlemanias have been classic excluding last year and I'm no cena ****e, you just gotta give it up, he's nipping at hogan taker and hbk's heels.
this is really close but I've gotta say it's HBK by a small margin.
HBK Hogan the Undertaker
5-w/marty-vs-twin towers, 1-w/mr.T-vs-piper&orndoff 7-vs-jimmy snuka
pretty good not their best 1st wm main event blah cool and good match
not the most memorable match classic moment no classics
6-w/marty-vs-orient express 2-vs-bundy 8-vs-Jake Roberts
these teams have had better never saw the match can't classic match classic
matches always good not a really comment ominous after match
classic dominant moment
7-w/marty-vs-haku&barbarian 3-vs-andre 9-vs-Giant Gonzales
good performance for hbk, but good match all things classic entrance, blah bs
still not a classic considered huge moment match bad mania
with the slam
8-vs tito santana 11-vs-Bundy
good once again not a 4-vs-andre no classics
classic bs finish thing
interference for savage 12-vs-Diesel
9-vs-tatanka not good not classic file this under the sid vs
bad wrestlemania hogan category very
decent match no classic 5-vs-savage underwhelming
good buildup good match
10-vs-razor ramon one of the best of either 13-vs-Sid
instant and enduring man's career one of the classic entrance, good
classic flawless workrate most logical and anticipated match classic title pose
one of the very best main events in wm history moment at a
wrestlemania matches top 10ish classic match clusterfuckstastickly
ever one of the very best no particular moment though builtup wrestlemania
matches, classic moments
such as the splash, counts 6-vs-warrior 14-vs- Kane
double against most other very good match alot of good,match, classic
classic moments or matches intangibles and you couldn't finish awesome but
see one losing classic match corny buildup top
11-vs-Diesel classic moment top 10 all top 10ish moments
1st wm main event pretty around
good match all things considered 15-vs-Bossman
overshadowed by L.T. and bam 7-vs-slaughter one of the only stale
bam blah match, just no points in his career
just no it was time
12-vs-bret hart 8-vs-Sid for a change it's to
awesome match awesome finish pretty damn anticlimactic his credit that he
awesome entrance dream matchup realized that
instant classic career peak all in 9-w/beefcake-vs-money inc
one night & bullshit after the main event 17-vs-HHH
was anyone not sick of hogan very good match
14-vs-Austin by then?... just no low top 20ish classic
this was scsa's moment but hbk
was a part of it, had he been in 18-vs-the Rock 18-vs-Ric Flair
top condition, this match would pretty awesome and surreal neat idea, cool AA
have outshined austin's wm13 match better than anyone spot for a big pop
and hbk's wm12, as it was it was could have hoped for classic not a classic
still a classic w/scsa's 1st title classic handshake moment
and the tyson knockout, also 19-vs-show&A-train
the stunner/chin music finish 19-vs-vince just no
very cool buildup and hype
19-vs-jericho and promos and montauges 20-vs-Kane
classic, not a top 10 but a classic very entertaining match very cool buildup
not a classic anything blah match no
20-vs-HHH-vs-Benoit classics
whether WWE wants to aknowledge Wrestlemanias: 11
it or not the match and finish and Classic mathces: 6 21-vs-orton
celebration was a top 10 classic Classic moments: 6 the only time I
this is hbk's new role and it is a Magnitude of classics: thought the streak
classic the highest might end low top
20ish classic match
instant classic, one of the very 22-vs-mark henry
best wrestlemania matches ever ya know hogan and
one of his and angle's best taker are the only
matches ever on my personal guys who had guys
top five, so many good spots built up just to feed
and transitions, the ankle lock to them, nah maybe
sequences were intense and Cena too, just no
suspenseful, the horror movie
like rise to the ankle lock, the 23-vs-Batista
sudden sweet chin music when Overrated match to
angle was trash talking, I don't me but pretty good
believe it gets much better than classic moment for
that. the win
22-vs-mchmahon 24-vs-edge
a match vs a mchmahon is pretty good match,
always gonna be a big production but these two's
but although I hate these kinds matches always fell
they pulled it off, not a classic short of their
but the ladder spot may be a top potential to me no
20ish moment classics
23-vs-Cena Wrestlemanias: 16
pretty solid, nice rub for cena classic matches: 4
nice finish easy to get invested classic moments: 6
in both characters, good buildup magnitude of classics
(Royal Rumble he and taker being not as much it's all
the last two) a classic about the streak, I
say his finest
24-vs-Ric Flair moment and/or
nice buildup good match sappy match comes this
but good finish very fitting end year
for flair a 20ish classic
Wrestlemanias: 15
Classic Matches: 8
Classic Moments: 5
Magnitude of classic
moments and matches:
Pretty damn high