Really? No moment of HBK's career is as memorable as Hogan slamming Andre?
Yeah, pretty sure I've said this a few times now.
So, HBK coming off the ladder at Wrestlemania X, and splashing Razor, that isn't as memorable? That's funny, cause isn't that HBK moment used in the intro to every WWE program today, 16 years after it happened?
93,000 people (allegedly, idk if that's a real number or not) came to WM 3 JUST TO SEE THE SLAM. None of HBK's defining moments have drawn even half that.
Yeah, your right, Hogan slamming Andre is by far more memorable.
Thanks for agreeing with me.
Oh, and what about that whole "The Boyhood Dream has come true for Shawn Michaels" thing? Yup, nobody remembers that at all.
I didn't say that at all. I gave him credit that the diehards, fans who watch it consistently, may remember that. But people who haven't watched the WWE in 15 years still know what you're talking about when you say the 'Slam'.
Look, Hogan slamming Andre was a huge moment in the history of Professional Wrestling, and I am not taking anything away from it, but HBK has had moments that are just as memorable. To think otherwise, is just being ignorant.
Try the biggest.
Yeah, HBK inspiring the younger generation, like the Hardy's and Edge and Christian, by going out there and doing stuff that nobody had ever done before, that wasn't important at all. Thinking about the good of the business and the future is never important at all. Like I said, HBK's contributions to the Professional Wrestling business are just as important as Hogan's.
Actually, it's quite well documented that Hogan inspired Edge and many more superstars then HBK. HBK's contributions pale in comparison to Hogans. Just ask Vince. If he doesn't have Hogan the wrestling industry is never lifted off the ground.
I disagree with this opinion entirely, and I have legit experts on professional wrestling agreeing with me.
It was a good match. But it's not the GREATEST WRESTLING MATCH EVARRR!!!11!! Like you make it out to be. Hart/Austin from 13 kills it.
Okay, first off, Casual Fans have evolved since Hogan's days, and the casual fan does know who HBK is because of his accomplishments in the ring. Maybe 15 years ago the casual fan had no idea who he was, but they do now.
You could walk down your street right now, go ask a fan who has never watched wrestling before, ask them if they've heard of Hulk Hogan, and the chances are that they have. I can't say the same for Michaels.
Secondly, all you got to support Hogan is one historic moment with him slamming Andre, and him helping to make the first Mania a success.....what about the other 8 times Hogan main evented Mania?
The Mega-Powers exploding and Hogan/Warrior are two of the biggest and best Mania main event matches in history. And you said it yourself, he main evented 7 of the first 8 Manias, followed by X-8. 8 career main events. Nobody else can say that. Especially HBK, who's done it, 6 times? But twice the stories weren't even about him, they were about Austin (XIV) and Benoit vs. HHH (XX).
How were those matches? Didn't Hogan wrestle Bundy at Mania 2 in the cage, and didn't that match suck? Honestly, how good was the match with Andre before the slam? Wasn't it just incredibly boring?
Well yeah they're gonna suck. Bundy was a terrible worker and Andre was on his last legs. Of course it wasn't gonna be a technical masterpiece. You'd be delusional if you thought those matches would be good.
Didn't Hogan get knocked out of the championship tournament at Mania 4 in the first match, how was that a great Mania for Hogan?
How about Tyson turning on HBK and siding with Austin at XIV? Or Michaels LOSING your sacred ladder match at X. Losing to Diesel at XI? Undertaker TWICE at 25 and 26. Cena at 23. His only memorable wins at WM were the Ironman and retiring Flair.
One historic moment is all you got? Saying that Hogan helped Mania become a success is all you got?
Mega-Powers and Hogan/Warrior were two of the biggest storylines in the late 80's, early 90's. And even if that was all Hogan had, at making Mania what it was, it still trumps HBK's accolades.
Really, it was Vince having the courage to put on Wrestlemania in the first place, and it was Vince listening to the fans and booking Hogan in the right spots that made Hogan a success.
Hogan was fucking over as a motherfucker. He could've killed a pregnant women and three children and they still would've cheered him. He was that fucking over with the crowd. That's why he's one of the top 2 draws in wrestling HISTORY. EVERYONE loved Hogan. Don't even try to deny it.
HBK is Mr. Wrestlemania because he is Mr. Consistent at the event. Sure, he may of had just some OK matches at the event, but he has never, ever, ever, ever, had a BAD match at the event. Hogan has, Taker has, but not HBK. Everytime HBK gets in the ring at Mania you know you are going to get something good. That is what makes HBK, Mr. Wrestlemania.
Ok, let's look at who Hogan's had to work with:
1 - Tag match with Mr. T vs. Roddy Piper and Paul Orndorff - Piper was a good worker, Orndorff I haven't seen any of, but Mr. T was an actor, so yeah.
2 - King Kong Bundy - Pure shit.
3 - Andre - Way past his prime and had a hard enough time standing let alone wrestling.
4 - Andre again
5 - Macho Man - Great worker, and, as a result, great match.
6 - Warrior - Bad worker, but a great set-up and the crowd helped make it a great match.
7 - Slaughter - Haven't seen the match, but from what I've heard it was an above average match.
8 - Sid - Bad worker. Bad ME.
9 - Tag vs. Money Inc - Haven't seen, haven't really heard anything about it.
18 - Rock - Another solid worker, like the Warrior match, the crowd helped make it more memorable then what it would've been.
At least 5 bad workers, 2 tags, 1 great worker, 2 above average workers. Not the greatest amount of talent to work with. Let's look at HBK now, since WM X.
10 - Razor Ramon - Pretty good worker. Put him on the Rock's level as far as wrestling ability. Result: great match.
11 - Diesel - One of the better big men wrestlers ever, although I think he may have been a little green at the time. Still, more capable then Andre or Bundy.
12 - Hart - Top 10 worker ever.
14 - Austin - Both were hurt, but Austin still was a great worker.
19 - Jericho - Another top 20 worker ever in WWE history.
20 - Benoit, HHH - Two guys who'd crack the top 20 in WWE.
21 - Angle - Top 25.
22 - Mcmahon - Shitty worker. You got one.
23 - Cena - Rapidly improving, could go down as a top 20 worker.
24 - Flair - While aging, the storyline at hand helped make this a great match.
25 & 26 - Undertaker - Top 10 of all time when he can go.
So, basically HBK has had top talent to work with throughout his career, save McMahon, so it's clear as to why he's had some great matches. If you don't have great matches with the likes of Hart, Austin, Jericho, Benoit, HHH, Angle, Cena, and the Undertaker, then you do fucking suck. HBK's opponents were miles better then anything Hogan had except for Savage, yet, Hogan's matches are the most memorable ones. It's not like HBK was getting a poor worker to work with. Every single worker there could put on a great match, so obviously they were gonna get some memorable matches. But that doesn't change the fact that Hogans matches are more memorable to many of the casuals. That's just how it is when you're one of the biggest draws ever.