Wrestlemania - "Slammy Awards" - part one

What is the greatest match in WM history?

  • Bret Hart vs Stone Cold Steve Austin - WM 13

  • Razor Ramon vs Shawn Michaels - WM 10

  • Randy Savage vs Ricky Steamboat - WM 3

  • Triple H vs Shawn Michaels vs Chris Benoit - WM 20

  • Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels - WM 25

  • Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels - WM 26

  • Owen Hart vs Bret Hart - WM 10

  • The Rock vs Stone Cold Steve Austin - WM 17

  • Shawn Michaels vs Kurt Angle - WM 21

  • Dudley Boyz vs Hardy Boyz vs Edge and Christian - WM 17

  • Ultimate Warrior vs Randy Savage - WM 7

  • Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels - WM 12

  • Hulk Hogan vs Ultimate Warrior - WM 6

  • Kurt Angle vs Brock Lesnar - WM 19

  • Other {write in comments}

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Getting Noticed By Management
Basically this is a series of threads which I will upload - which in every single one of these there will be a category - where you vote.

For example:

The first category is - What match is the greatest in WrestleMania history?
So in each category there will be 14 nominees and an "other" option when you should write in your comments your answer.

Before who are the nominees - I've got some honorable mentions to them:
1.Hulk Hogan vs Andre the Giant - WM III
2.John Cena vs Shawn Michaels - WM 23
3.Ric Flair vs Shawn Michaels - WM 24
4.Wrestle mania 21 Money In The Bank ladder match.
5.The Rock vs Hulk Hogan - WM 18
6.Roddy Rowdy Piper vs Bret Hart - WM 8
7.Cm Punk vs Chris Jericho - WM 28
8.Shawn Michaels vs Chris Jericho - WM 19
9.Stone Cold Steve Austin vs Shawn Michaels - WM 14
10.Edge vs Mick Foley- WM 22.
11.Chris Jericho vs Chris Benoit vs Kurt Angle - WM 16.
12.Batista vs The Undertaker - WM 23.

So the nominees for WM greatest match are:

1.Razor Ramon vs Shawn Michaels - Ladder match for the Intercontinental Championship - Wrestle Mania X.

2.Ricky Steamboat vs Randy Savage - Intercontinental Championship match - WrestleMania III.

3.Triple H vs Chris Benoit vs Shawn Michaels - triple threat match for the World Heavyweight Championship - Wrestle Mania XX.

4.Bret Hart vs Stone Cold Steve Austin - Submission match - Wrestle Mania 13.

5.The Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels - Wrestle Mania XXV

6.Bret Hart vs Owen Hart - Wrestle Mania X

7.The Rock vs Stone Cold Steve Austin - No Disqualification match for the WWE Championship - Wrestle Mania X7

8.The Dudley Boyz vs Edge and Christian vs The Hardy Boyz - TLC match for the World Tag Team Championship - WrestleMania X7.

9.The Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels - Streak vs Career match - Wrestle Mania XXVI.

10.Kurt Angle vs Shawn Michaels - Wrestle Mania 21.

11.Ultiamte Warrior vs Randy Savage - Career Threatening match - Wrestle Mania VII

12.Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels - Iron man match for the WWE Championship - Wrestle Mania XII.

13.Ultimate Warrior vs Hulk Hogan - Title vs Title match for both Intercontinental and WWE Championships - Wrestle Mania VI

14.Kurt Angle vs Brock Lesnar - WWE Championship - Wrestle Mania XIX.


So let your voice be heard - vote and comment
I will give my top 3.

  • Wrestlemania 18 - The Rock vs "Hollywood" Hulk Hogan : The match itself wasn't that great in terms of in-ring action but this match had a big time feel. The crowd reaction made this match better than it was.

  • Wrestlemania 19 - Brock Lesnar vs Kurt Angle : This match stops short of being an all-time classic due to the famous shooting star press botch. Great match anyway.

  • Wrestlemania 20 - Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Benoit vs Triple H : Voted for this match as this match was perfect. The greatest match in Wrestlemania history in my opinion. The rematch at Backlash 2004 was great as well.
I say Rock vs Austin II and IMO no other match even comes close.

You had the two biggest stars since Hogan and Andre who created pure magic in the ring, best quality of matches since Bret and Shawn, creating memorable moments like Austin and Vince feud and just having epic promos, greatest rivalry in wrestling history by far.

It closed the greatest era in pro wrestling history and the greatest PPV in pro wrestling history.

Austin being number 1, leaving for a year, Rock takes over, Austin returns, Austin vs Rock. Epic, just epic story.

It took WWE about a decade to find a true replacement for Hogan, who would've thought it was only one year for WWE to find a replacement to Austin.

Austin wins his 3rd rumble, record breaking.

Rock wins his 6th wwf title, record breaking.

Austin vs Rock II. Legendary story and even better match. The crowds reaction to Rock, Heyman and JR on commentary.

Unquestionably the greatest match in WM history.
I can see why people will say Rock/Austin II and it to me proves this is a generational thing more than anything.

If I look at it coldly, taking everything into account it is Savage/Steamboat. Rock/Austin had to deliver - it was two guys at the top of their company, in their prime and it simply had to be a great match - they soaked the pressure up and did their jobs.

Savage/Steamboat was a different situation. You had a main event that EVERYONE wanted to see and that would be what people thought it would. There were not going to be flying Hammerlocks, armdrags etc it was going to be a "Clash of the Titans". So the IC title match was not even the 2nd "main event" which would have been Piper v Adonis at the time, but it was the match the WWF was relying on to keep the fans enthralled all the way through to Hogan v Andre. None of the other matchups on the show had the kind of booking or mix of talent that could do it... If Randy and Ricky blew it, then the show was gonna die on its ass to an extent on review. These weren't main eventers at the time, these were two mid card guys who put on a performance that made them main eventers going forward...

The reason it was a exhilarating show and fondly remembered by so many is cos you had that "Greatest Match of All Time", then the "Greatest Moment" shortly after you went home or turned off the TV KNOWING the event and particularly the Steamboat/Savage match was an "I was there...I saw it live" type feeling. Rock and Austin was their 2nd go... you KNEW you'd probably never see Randy v Ricky again and that made it special, you knew this match would "make" both men but they probably both wouldn't be in the WWF to "make it" and lo and behold, Steamboat went to the NWA to win their title while Savage got the WWF title.
Agree with THTRobTaylor! A lot of people say the Rock vs Ausin 2.. Its a generation thing indeed. Steamboat Vs Savage,is still tops in my book.. Has the gap closed? Sure HBK VS Taker WM25 is a close second.. But what Steamboat and Savage did that night,truly special. A one time match between the two Icons it was a sight.. I believe prior to the match,both of them worked out every inch of the match at Randy's House..

Two Technicians in the ring,the finest of their generation at that time.. Hell we all knew Austin vs Rock was gonna happen again,but Savage vs Steamboat at that time,may never happen again. It was held at the biggest indoor stadium to date,and basically made WM3 one of the best of all-time.. Its a IC match,the top one and a match if you want to be a wrestler,tell a story,its the match you should see
I can agree with the above posts clearly. The answers tends to depend upon the generation, and with The Rock vs Stone Cold Steve Austin at WrestleMania X-Seven, it's clear. To me, I never got the hype around this being one of the best matches in WrestleMania history. Don't get me wrong, it was thoroughly entertaining and both guys are pure wrestling athletes, but I don't consider it a clear cut match of the decade or whatever. Good match, but not the best. I personally find their WrestleMania XIX encounter to be their best.

Then again, I can say the same for Randy Savage vs Ricky Steamboat. Honestly, it was good, but I still don't see it. I've watched the match a few times, and if can't get my head around the hype. It was certainly the match of the night, and the surprise coming from the show, but it doesn't resonate with me as a wrestling fan as it does for most. I used to think it because everyone else did, but I've grown up since then. On a side note, Chris Jericho vs Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania XIX was good, but still not the best in my books.

For me, the Triple Threat Match for the World Heavyweight Championship between Triple H, Shawn Michaels and Chris Benoit at WrestleMania XX was the best. The intensity, the pure ability, the excitement, the drama and the pay off we're all emotionally charged and brilliant moments. Regardless of what Benoit did in 2007, this moment is my fondest memory of him. I can see a lot of people disagreeing with my comments, but this is personal interpretation.
Could someone answer me this please. A very long time ago someone posted on here along the lines of that if you don't think that steamboat v savage ain't the greatest match of all time at wrestlemania three then you don't know anything about wrestling. Now I have seen that match and I think it's a great match. However I don't think it's the best ever. I have seen better mania matches than that. Not to include Japanese matches. Roy matches. Tec. So does that mean I don't know my wrestling? Someone please answer.
I had to vote "other." I've always been torn between Steamboat v Savage and Take v HBK I at WM 25. They're both the two best in their own ways. I've just never been able to make up my mind on which one was just a little better than the other.
There have been some truly incredible matches at Wrestlemania so picking one is pretty difficult. Hart vs Austin, Rock vs Austin, TLC at 17, Triple Threat at 20, HBK vs Taker and HHH vs Taker (HIAC) are the absolute stand-outs. All classic matches.

If I had to pick one match; I think I'd have to say Benoit vs HBK vs Triple H. It was such a fantastic match and everything worked. They used different combinations throughout and it was thoroughly entertaining. Add in the fact that Triple H and HBK were in the middle of an awesome feud as well as it being at MSG; helping it feel more epic. The fact that Benoit got his WM moment was brilliant. He was a great in-ring performer and him defeating two guys with an awesome history in the WWE was incredible.

Of course there is the image of Austin in the Sharpshooter at WM13; Rock/Austin at 17 and the heel turn as well as some of HBK's classics but I absolutely loved the triple threat.
Perhaps swayed by the fact I was lucky enough to be in Reliant Stadium to see it live, I've gone for Undertaker v Shawn Michaels at WM25.

The contrasting entrances set the scene perfectly, the match was a 31 minute classic. The expression on 'Taker's face when Shawn kicked out of the Tombstone was almost enough for you to believe it was real! In this day and age, for a competitor(s) to achieve that, they must be doing something truly special.
It is extremely hard to pick 1 favorite, but I can name a top 3.

WrestleMania XVII The Hardys vs. The Dudleys vs. E&C TLC2
This was the match that made me a lifelong wrestling fan, and it was all insane from the Swanton Bomb off the ladder, to the 20 foot spear, or the end fall through 4 tables, to even the little stuff like the power bomb by Bubba Ray to Jeff, while Edge was on the table. Just nasty stuff.

WrestleMania XX HBK vs. HHH vs. Chris Benoit for the WHC
This match was storytelling at its finest, and a pure wrestling clinic. I had no idea who was winning, and JR's reaction at the end was priceless.

WrestleMania XXV HBK vs Taker
This solidified the streak as the #1 reason to buy WM every year, and reminded me why I am a fan.

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