Greatest Year Of Wrestling

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Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
In you're oppinion what is the best year of WWE programing and why?

My personall favorite is 1997 because:-

Great Matches

Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker (Bad Blood) (Hell In A Cell)
Shawn Michaels vs. British Bulldog (One Night Only)
Vader vs. Owen Hart (One Night Only)
Undertaker vs. Bret Hart (One Night Only)
Vader vs Steve Austin vs. Undrtaker vs. Bret Hart (I.Y.H. The Final Four)
Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart (Wrestle Mania 13) (I Quit)
Vader vs. Ken Shamrock (I.Y.H. A Cold Day In Hell)
Hart Foundation vs. Austin, Goldust, L.O.D. & Shamrock (I.Y.H. Canadian Stampede)
Taka Michinoku vs. The Great Sasuke (I.Y.H. Canadian Stampede)
Triple H vs Mankind (Summer Slam) (Cage Match)
British Bulldog vs. Ken Shamrock (Summer Slam)
Undertaker vs Bret Hart (Summer Slam) (Special Ref Shawn Michaels)

Great Feuds And Angles

Hart Foundation vs. Undertaker/Steve Austin/Shawn Michaels
Montreal Screw Job
Debut Of Kane
First Hell In A Cell
Beginning Of The 3 Faces Of Foley
Steve Austin Braking His Neck And Returning After Minimal Rehab
Formation Of D-X
I have to agree with you, 97' was the first year i started watching the WWE and i thought it was one of the greatest...I didnt mind 02' either, return of shawn michaels and the start of that feud with HHH.
Watching wrestling for 18 1/2 years, I`d definitely have to say 1999!
I stole somebody elses format, but thanks.

Great Matches
The Rock vs. Mankind (Royal Rumble) (I Quit Match)
The 1999 Royal Rumble Match (Royal Rumble)
Hardcore Holly vs. Al Snow (St. Valentines Day Massacre)
Steve Austin vs. Vince McMahon (St. Valentines Day Massacre)
Steve Austin vs. The Rock (Wrestlemania 15)
Big Show vs. Mankind (Backlash) (Boiler Room Brawl)
Steve Austin vs. Vince & Shane McMahon (King Of The Ring) (Handicapped Ladder Match)
Steve Austin vs. The Undertaker (Fully Loaded) (First Blood Match)
Shane McMahon vs. Test (Summerslam) (Love Her Or Leave Her Match)
The Hardy Boyz vs. Edge & Christian (No Mercy) (1ST EVER Tag Team Ladder Match)
Tag Team Battle Royal (Armageddon)
Chris Jericho vs. Chyna (Armageddon)
Kane vs. X-Pac (Armageddon)

Great Feuds
DX vs. The Corporation
Steve Austin vs. The Rock
DX vs. DX

Famous WWE Debuts
Chris Jericho
The Dudley Boyz
Big Show
Rakishi (As Rakishi)
Crash Holly
Blue Meanie

Memorable Moments & Storylines
Break Up & Reformation of DX
Owen Hart`s Death RIP
Big Bossman being hung at Wrestlemania
The Ministry abducting Stephanie McMahon
Chris Jericho`s Debut
Steve Austin`s Monster Truck & Beer Truck Incidents
Steve Austin being "Run Down" at Survivor Series
The McMahon-Helmsley Era Beginning

DiscoKid240000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 said:
Watching wrestling for 18 1/2 years, I`d definitely have to say 1999 is the worst!
I stole somebody elses format, i sould really tell him but thanks.

Worst Matches
The Rock vs. HBK (Royal Rumble) (I Quit Match)
The 1999 Royal Rumble Match (Royal Rumble)
Hardcore Holly vs. Chris Masters (St. Valentines Day Massacre)
Steve Austin vs. D lo brown (St. Valentines Day Massacre)
Steve Austin vs. The Rock (Wrestlemania 5)
NWO vs. Mankind (Backlash) (Boiler Room Brawl)
Steve Austin vs. Vince & Shane McMahon (King Of The Ring) (Handicapped Ladder Hell in a Cell Match)
Abyss vs. The Undertaker (Fully Loaded) (First Blood Match)
Shane McMahon vs. Randy Savage (Summerslam) (Love Her Or Leave Her Match)
The Hardy Boyz vs. Edge & Chris jericho (No Mercy) (1ST EVER Tag Team Match)
Tag Team Battle Royal (Fully loaded)
Chris Jericho vs. Ugly Chyna (Armageddon)
Kane 2 vs. X-Pac (Armageddony)

Worst Feuds
DX vs. The rock
Steve Austin vs. DX
DX vs. Tna impact

Worst WWE Debuts
Miss Jericho
The Gay Boyz
The Giant
Rakishi (As Takishi)
BOB Holly
RED Meanie

Worst Moments & Storylines
Break Up & Reformation of WCW
Owen Hart`s Death RIP
Big Bossman being hung at Wrestlemania 45
NWO abducting Stephanie McMahon
Miss Jericho Debut
Steve Austin`s Monster ,Truck Beer Truck Incidents! weeeee
Steve Austin being "Run " at Unforgiven
The McMahon-Helmsley Era Ending

i have to go with 1997 as well some memorable feuds great matches and alot of controversy surrounding the 1997 Montreal Canada Surviver Series Screw Job

Austin going on a tear through Royal Rumble to earn his shot at HBK at Wrestlemania
Austin going on to win title at Wrestlemania
HBK retires, and HHH takes over DX...adds XPac and Outlaws
Undertaker and Kane fight for the first time at Wrestlemania, then go on to fight in an Inferno Match
the New Age Outlaws push Funk and Foley off the stage while in a dumpster
Mick Foley and Terry Funk bring their hardcore fued to Raw
the tease of the Ken Shamrock vs. Dan Severn #3
Brawl For All..when Bart Gunn knocked Dr Death the fuck out
The Oddites
the emergence of Edge and Christian,
Val Venis debuts with his porn star gimmick and starts making pornos with many of the women of the WWF, including Terri Runnels, and also Yamaguchi-San's wife, wich results in him almost being castrated if it wasnt for a block of ice causing shrinkage
the infamous Hell in a Cell- Undertaker vs. Mankind, same night that Kane wins WWF title from Austin in a First Blood Match
WWF starts winning the Monday Night Wars
The Rock ousts Farooq from the Nation, and takes over
The Rock and Mankind emerge as main eventers
Steve Austin pulls a gun on McMahon
The Corporation is formed
The Godfather introduces us to the Ho Train
the Women's title is reinstated after something like 3 or 4 years
Big Bossman returns after being a jobber in WCW
the Hardcore Title is born
Y 2 Jake said:
In you're oppinion what is the best year of WWE programing and why?

My personall favorite is 1997 because:-

Great Matches

Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker (Bad Blood) (Hell In A Cell)
Shawn Michaels vs. British Bulldog (One Night Only)
Vader vs. Owen Hart (One Night Only)
Undertaker vs. Bret Hart (One Night Only)
Vader vs Steve Austin vs. Undrtaker vs. Bret Hart (I.Y.H. The Final Four)
Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart (Wrestle Mania 13) (I Quit)
Vader vs. Ken Shamrock (I.Y.H. A Cold Day In Hell)
Hart Foundation vs. Austin, Goldust, L.O.D. & Shamrock (I.Y.H. Canadian Stampede)
Taka Michinoku vs. The Great Sasuke (I.Y.H. Canadian Stampede)
Triple H vs Mankind (Summer Slam) (Cage Match)
British Bulldog vs. Ken Shamrock (Summer Slam)
Undertaker vs Bret Hart (Summer Slam) (Special Ref Shawn Michaels)

Great Feuds And Angles

Hart Foundation vs. Undertaker/Steve Austin/Shawn Michaels
Montreal Screw Job
Debut Of Kane
First Hell In A Cell
Beginning Of The 3 Faces Of Foley
Steve Austin Braking His Neck And Returning After Minimal Rehab
Formation Of D-X

Agreed Great Year...most memorable moment for me was at Canadian Stampede when Austin was public enemy number one flipped all the Harts and Canada off so many times and left mid match with injury just to return it was a perfect envirnment for him and after the match when the Harts were celebrating he returned again with a chair and got arrests and as he was leaving in cuffs he flipped off the Harts again.

A must see match if you have never seen it!!!
haha love how nobody's saying 2001 onwards.

However i like 2001, because it was Wrestlemania X7 (best ever)
I enjoyed the alliance storyline
Return of Ric Flair Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
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