The Four 5-Star WWF/E Matches


Pre-Show Stalwart
Dave Meltzer rarely gives out 5-star matches. In fact, he has only given the WWF/E four 5-star matches. My question is, which is the best out of the four?
Here are the four matches:

* 3/20/94 Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon (Ladder Match, WrestleMania X) WWF Intercontinental Championship
* 8/29/94 Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart (Cage Match, SummerSlam 1994) WWF Championship
* 3/23/97 Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin (Submission Match, WrestleMania 13)
* 10/5/97 Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker (Hell in a Cell Match, In Your House: Bad Blood) WWF Championship

In my opinion, the Hell In A Cell match between HBK and Undertaker was the best, with Austin/Hart a close second. The Hell In A Cell was brutal and also included the debut of Kane.
I have alaways thought the greatest match of all time was Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin (Submission Match, WrestleMania 13). This match was so entertaining and nerve racking, it was awesome. Bret and Steve gave it there all, and this was definitely the greatest match I have ever seen in WrestleMania. Also, I'm surprised they didn't add Undertaker vs. HBK wrestlemanina 25. 26 was great but closely behing. I loved Undertaker vs. HBK at WrestleMania. It saved the whole show, because WrestleMania 25 was really bad.
First of all I really don’t understand how this Dave Meltzer character got to be so respected. Who is he? Why is his opinion of what a five star match is any better than yours or mine? I can think of plenty more five star matches from WWF. What does it take to earn five stars from this guy? Sorry just had to get that our there.

To answer the question, out of these four I would say HBK vs. Razor from WM10 was the best. If a younger fan was to go back and watch this he would probably be underwhelmed, but this was truly a revolutionary match in 1994. Any ladder match, TLC, or Money in the Bank match that has happened since is because of this. This could have easily been a bust and if so probably wouldn’t have been tried again. The WWF had never seen anything like this at that point. Great match.

For the record I think this is a good topic. I don’t want to come off insulting the OP in my first paragraph. I just don’t know why Meltzer’s opinion is so valued.
I would say Austin vs Hart because everything about the match was so well done. Austin's face turn. Hart's heel turn. The finish, with Austin passing out, not giving up. It was all perfectly done.

The only other one IMO that deserved the 5 star rating out of the four would be Bret vs Owen. I think HBK vs Razor and HBK vs Taker only got 5 stars because it was the first time there had been a ladder or hell in a cell match.
Don't get me wrong, they were good matches, but there have been better that didn't get 5 stars
I personally believe that the wrong Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart match has gotten that rating. I'm not putting down the Steel Cage match at all as it was an excellent match. However, a match that was just as good if not better than that match was the WrestleMania X encounter. It wasn't because of the finish, but I believe that the match was one of the most technically sound yet damn entertaining matches that WWE has ever produced. That's just my two cents.

Notice how all four of these matches listed were gimmick matches? Even the submission match was a gimmick match as the only way to win was by submission. Also, two of the four matches happened within the same year (94 and 97 respectively).

Of the four matches, I have to go with the HBK-Undertaker Hell in a Cell match. The pace was awesome with both wrestlers getting their moves in early in the match up until HBK and Undertaker exited the cage. The action was insane yet all the spots had a purpose and built towards the overall image of the bout. Even the ending, where Kane interfered and cost Undertaker the match, helped promote Kane as the dominant monster and put over Shawn Michaels as a survivor, even if he needed Kane's help. The match helped set the standard for what a Hell in a Cell match should be, and it also helped aim the WWF towards several key storylines all within a 35 minute match.

The runner up for me would be Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon's Ladder Match at Mania X. Excellent match which damaged no one yet elevated everyone and the Ladder Match concept itself.
Austin vs. Bret was definitely the best match of the 4. This match had everything, great action, lots of brawling, memorable moments and most of all, this match had the best storytelling of any of the other 3. Not only that the image of Austin passing out from the sharpshooter, refusing to give up is one of the most memorable moments in WWE history, there is nothing in the other matches that even come close to that moment. Its also the only reason to own a copy of Wrestlemania 13.

All the matches were great in their own way, but I don't think any of them can touch the famous double turn from Wrestlemania 13.
I'm also gonna go with Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon, it was definitely a redefining match in WWE around that time, sure we had seen ladder matches before, but this match really build the popularity of it, and build the future for ladder matches of any kind.

While all the others were definitely great matches, I just feel, as a fan that I was more amazed over the things that happened in that match, than anything the other matches put on, we saw new ways of brutality in ways of using a ladder, and we saw a great match from two great wrestling talents, especially from Shawn who obviously put a lot into it being at Wrestlemania.

This match has the clip of Shawn Michaels falling forwards along with the ladder onto Razor Ramon, continuously popping up in Shawn's promo video's, which just shows how much of an impact this has made on the wrestler that is Shawn Michael's career.

And the actual fact that it kept popping up in Shawn's promo videos, all the way up to his retirement, just shows that it as well as making an impact on Shawn's career, still is a defining moment in wrestling and WWE history, as opposed to the fact that we don't watch much of, or hear much from any of the other matches.

And I'm not saying they weren't great matches, because I mean come on they drew in a 5 star match, and definitely were awesome from many aspects (which I won't get further into) but they aren't talked about anymore in the way that Shawn Michael's match is.
First off I agree 100% with The Brain.. People put way too much credit into what Meltzer says and the truth is his opinion is the same as everyone else.. To me he lost a lot of credibility when he didn't give Taker vs Taker WM25 a five star... It made me think "What the F*** do people have to do to squeeze a 5star outta this guy now adays.. and the answer appears to be nothing...

Now for the actual topic.. I gotta say the best 5 star match was the Ladder Match.. Where HIAC and Bret vs Austin were awesome matches as someone else said in 1994
this just so new and fresh it was actually a game changer for the business. I also agree with whoever said they gave the wrong Bret vs Owen match 5stars.. The cage match was great but probably the weakest and most forgotten of these 4.
I would say the Hell In The Cell was the best match out of the four. Like people said above it set the standard of what a Hell In The Cell should be like. One of the best parts of the match was when Kane debuted that was so unexpected at the time and it was the begining of a very good feud with The Undertaker Imo.
Really? This is what constitutes a 5 star match up? It also seems like a complete generation from the late 90's into the late 2000's are missing. When I think of a five star match, I think of a classic clinic from start to finish. Matches that come to mind would be Chris Benoit vs Kurt Angle at Royal Rumble for the WWE Title. That was a five star match, from start to finish, with no obvious ending, and the intensity that was there will always be remembered. Also, Kurt Angle vs The Undertaker at NO WAY OUT for the WHT was another 5 star match up that Vince can claim to produce. Rock Vs Hogan should also count and the reason why and why these matches are different than the above, is yes these were not revolutionary matches, they were simple, but made clear that the talent superceded the event,. the stipulation, the match. What defines a five star match to me is seeing the true potential of an individual in the Ring. When wrestlers are given the ability to showcase their talents without any restrictions, limitations, or politics, then that is a true 5 star showcase. We all know those guys were talented, and given the venues, the stip, the era, and the opponent, it was pretty inevitable. You cant say the same about these matches, because in the end,. nobody thought they would end the way they did. and nobody thought they would be as special as they really were.

I would have to say the hell in a cell match between taker and shawn, it was just an amazing match and set the standard of future hell in a cell matches in the future..absolute great match with HBK winning and the debut of course of Kane...
In my opinion there have been way more 5 star matches of the years that were better then these 4 choices. Kurt Angle vs HBK, The many Rock vs Austin encounters but thats neither here nor there.

Out of the above options Id have to say the hell in a cell match between HBK and Undertaker was the best as was stated previously, it debuted Kane and was a new insanely brutal structure that they tried to recreate with the elimination chamber but it doesnt quite have the sense of terror as HITC.
Fucking Meltzer. The guy is a mark for puro wrestling and shits all over American wrestling (the reason he's the Godfather of the IWC). There are many, MANY more matches in American federations that deserved 5 stars. These are the reasons that I can't stand the guy. Out of those matches, I'd pick HBK vs. Razor narrowly over Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart. The action was a little more creative, IMO, and the finish was just as "different". Austin-Hart did have the better "moment" with the bloody Austin passed out in his own blood, but I think HBK-Razor is just a bit better.
If I had to pick one off of the list, I'd say Austin vs. Bret. However, going off of my own "5-star" list, I have three. The first is Angle vs. HBK at WM21; I was there, and have never experienced a match like it. Ever. Second, it's the all-time classic, Steamboat vs. Savage at WM3. Yes, I was young when it happened, so there might be a nostalgia factor there, but even today it stands up as one of the best ever (even with George Steele at ringside interfering). Last, pick any one of the Steamboat vs. Flair matches, particularly from 1989. You can argue I'm a Steamboat mark, but who the hell isn't? Thanks for reading.
I would have to go with Austin vs. Hart. My reasoning is simple, the match itself still stands up today whereas the others have been somewhat overshadowed by future matches of the type. Even though the match was set up as old vs new etc, since it was just establishing Austin, you don't need too much context to understand what's going on.

I remember watching that first HiaC match and thinking how amazing Michaels bump off the cage through the table was. After seeing Foley's fall(s) this match just doesn't have the impact it used to. Kane interfering does not improve this match for me, it hurt it severely. This was the first HiaC and they managed to escape the Cage and let in outside interference. I also think that HHH vs Jericho in the Cell was a better match.

Pretty much the same thing with the Ladder match. It was revolutionary and amazing at the time, but the whole concept of the match has simply evolved to the point where it doesn't seem as impressive nowadays.

I have to confess that although I remember seeing Owen & Bret's cage match when it happened, nothing about that match has stuck with me other than that Bret won and I think it was early in Owen's first (?) heel run.

Aside from Bret/Owen (see above) I would have given all 3 other matches 5 stars at the time. But now I think Bret/Austin would still be a 5, The Cell match a 4.5, and the Ladder match probably as low as 3.
I don't understand how this one guy dictates what is and isn't a five star match. IMO, HBK/Angle (WM 21) and HBK/Taker (WM 25) deserve five star recognition for being including great story-telling and an unpredictablity about the result. Many people believed HBK was the man to end the streak and they put a good show on.
From lookin at the list, Bret/Austin for me is THE match. Double turn, Austin bleeding, Austin not giving up, just the whole match in general. This exhibited what two guys could do if given the time and freedom.
But overall, I don't like how this guy has the power to decide over everyone else, especially when opinion is so divided. Angle/Benoit (RR 01) is an epic match IMO, but because Meltzer doesn't rate it does that bit devalue it? At the end of the day, we as the IWC, construct our own opinions and we tend to agree on what is and isn't worthy and I feel we would have a varied view on what is a five star match.
If I have to pick one of those four it would be Hart vs Austin. Not only was it a great match in launched Austin into super stardom. I think that list is BS all those matches were great, but there are so many more that should be on that list as well. Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart aren't the only wrestlers that can put on a five star match. Guerrero, Benoit, Angle, Jericho, Henning,Flair, Steamboat, Savage, and a few others have easily put on 5 star matches.
Guys what about the Bret vs British Bulldog @ wembley stadium match!! Come on that has to be one of the best ever, along with and I hate to say it but it is TRUE the wrestlemania 3 match between Hulk (mr steroid) Hogan and Andre the Giant. If you were a fan back then like I was then you were glued to the tv expecting Andre to be your new champion because he was the man until then. as for the other 2 hmmm I would have to say that Steamboat vs Savage was a classic and Shawn vs Taker @25 W.M. 25 would be my choices!!
The fact that Randy Savage/Ricky Steamboat match from Wrestlemania III isn't listed tells us everything we need to know about Dave Meltzer...Which is that he doesn't know anything more about rating matches as John Q Smith does. The only difference is he writes about doesn't mean his opinion is any more valid than yours, mine, or anyone else's.
I have read a lot of and I mean A LOT of wrestling websites giving props to Meltzer. He started the Observer and gave very in depth news to the fans in a very kayfabe dominated era. I mean come on. in 1993 we were getting WWE magazines saying how HBK was a royal descendant and how Mable's ancestors rapped for King Arthur ( I wish I was making all this up)

"In his first autobiography, Mick Foley declared that it was the Observer's coverage of his independent circuit matches that caused WCW to consider signing him, since he was against "type." Foley also wrote that promoters as influential as Bill Watts would sometimes change their entire booking direction based on the opinions expressed in Meltzer's newsletter."
Someone check this..

Ok now I have to go with the first ever Hell in a Cell match because it had some very insane spots and (for that time) the most terrifying fall from a wrestler when HBK went from hanging from the cage to the announce table.

But I guess this is a 90's list and not a 2000's list so ye it is pretty good. Also Austin-Hart deserves mega props. I mean a double turn, a launch of a career and the revitalisation of another all in one match!! I don't think the WWE saw that when they booked it but the competitors pulled off all the stops....and spots;)
If I had to put in one in this list it'd be Austin-Rock WMXV
* 3/20/94 Shawn Michaels vs. Razor Ramon (Ladder Match, WrestleMania X) WWF Intercontinental Championship
* 8/29/94 Bret Hart vs. Owen Hart (Cage Match, SummerSlam 1994) WWF Championship
* 3/23/97 Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin (Submission Match, WrestleMania 13)
* 10/5/97 Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker (Hell in a Cell Match, In Your House: Bad Blood) WWF Championship

I love how there is two Shawn matches and two Bret matches, sorry for the stupid comments folks. Anyway I think they are all excellent matches. The ladder match would be my pick but I will go into that in a second. The Bret/Owen match is an all time classic, this was what wrestling meant back in these days and I miss Owen. This match shows what he could have accomplished. Shame. The Wrestlemania 13 match is one of the greatest wrestling matches of all time. No doubt. It made Austin a star, which kept WWE from flunking, its perfect. And the HITC is one of my all time favorite with two of my all time favorites, however it falls short because of one match.

Ladder Match- Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon

This match folks set the standards for wrestling as we know it. There was a cage and I think that was it, gimmick matches were not so common. Heard of Jeff Hardy? This match made him. Edge? Possibly. These guys went out with what people thought was a stupid idea and put on in my opinion one of the greatest things I have ever seen. However one quote about this match gives people the wrong idea...."Shawn went out there and had a match with a ladder"...I am the biggest Shawn Michaels fan in the world, maybe minus Becca, but I have to disagree. He may have been taking the bumps and doing most of the complex spots, but Razor Ramon put in a heck of a performance.

Wrestelmania 10 changed wrestling forever, that is why this match gets my vote.
This 5-star ranking system is purely it really doesn't matter who gives someone a 5-star ranking or not. Meltzer has been around for a long time...but he's just another journalist who gives his opinion. You don't have to agree with him (90% of the time I don't) and you should really take what he says with a grain of salt, or anyone else for that matter. If you guys are going to include gimmick matches in your ranking system...then why leave out the Edge/Guerrero Smackdown No DQ match? This has to be one of the greatest matches in TV least in my opinion.
5 star matches need to have it all imo. 5 Star implies perfect match. It is hard to get 5 star, a lot of people get 4, but that is a fantastic match in itself.
Mania 26, Taker v HBK should be there, the passion behind it and the psychology behind it is what takes it from 4 to a 5 star match.
Bret v Bulldog at SS 92, outstanding in ring work topped up by a white hot crowd.
Im surprised a TLC match or one of the E&C v Hardyz v Dudleyz because it is edge of your seat and the first time those kind of spots were done so it was truly amazing and each spot you had the "no they won't do that, shit they did!" which makes it from 4 to 5.

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