Who is the true "Mr. Wrestlemania"?

Who is "Mr. Wrestlemania"?

  • Shawn Michaels -Always brings his A-Game to the big dance

  • Undertaker - Never lost at Wrestlemania

  • Hulk Hogan - Has been in more 'Mania main events than anyone

  • Steve Austin - Won the WWE title 3 times at Wrestlemania

  • Bret Hart - Has been involved in many "5-Star" matches at 'Mania

  • Other (Please Post)

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Shawn Michaels without a doubt. I understand the reason Undertaker is winning ths poll, really I do. He's undefeated, and on paper that seems amazing. But when you look at his opponents, most of them aren't worth writing about. They were their just to make Undertaker look good. However that didn't really work. Most of his WM matches are okay,with a few I'd class as good. Undertaker is a great wrestler, I know that, yet WM has't really shown this when you actually look at the matches rather than just the streak. The writers have it down that 'Taker will win every WM he wrestles at, so it's no longer a surprise or really a good match.

I've watched every single 'Mania,most more than once, and I love them. However rarely it's 'Takers match that stands out, every WM Shawn has been at, his match has stood out the most. He gives his everything to WM, although, granted he also does in every match he's in. But Shawn has won match of the year 7 times, all at Wrestlemanias, which to me shows something more than the Undefeated streak. And also my favourite match ever was at WM 21, againt Kurt Angle. It was an amazing match and one of the most memorable.
Hogan made Wrestlemania, and contrary to what another poster wrote, he had several great matches at Wrestlemana. Those being vs. Savage WM5, Warrior WM6, Rock X8, and the street fight against McMahon at WM19. Of course his Wrestlemania III match with Andre made Wrestlemania the biggest event of the year.

As for the Mr. Wrestlemania moniker, even though I cannot stand him, I'd have to go with Shawn Michaels because he always delivers a great match.

However, Hogan's still the biggest legend in Wrestlemania and WWE history.
i have to say if its about classic matches then it has to be HBK even though on raw and pay per views these days,all hbk seems to do is chop chop chop,he raises his game for wrestlemania,although he kinda lacks what he used to have but still great class

if your talking about wins its the undertaker,his matches might not be high quailty BUT he is 15-0, but gonna lose it this year to edge

but my vote is for hbk,his match agaisnt bret,,angle,,y2j,,stonecold are classics
I say Undertaker. But what about WM 3 with Hogan / Aundre match. That was like the best
I've got varying opinions on this.

1- Right now, though I guess he will be out this year, John Cena is very much Mr. WrestleMania. The guy has walked out of 4 straight wrestlmanias after having won a major title match. Anyone else done that?

2- I think Bret Hart did a lot to bring wrestling back to wrestlemania. He put the smaller wrestler into the main event picture and paved Shawn Michaels' path to glory. If Hitman had never stepped in there with Yokozuna and held his ground, guys a lot bigger than him and HBK would be headlining that event still today.

3. Though his record is impressive, Taker definitely does not define WM for me. Honestly, Taker defines gimmick matches like HIAC, Casket, and Buried Alive matches and I hope we never see him or anyone in any more of those at WM.

4. One image comes to my mind when I think of WrestleMania. Shaw Michaels taking a zip cord ride to compete in one of the greatest matches ever. You know the image that follows that one? The camera panning to the crowd after the time delay caught Owen Hart's fall and saved it from being shown to millions of people. Michaels is an amazing wrestler, but too much of his career is based on hype. The zip cord, the Mike Tyson angle, the Jenny McCarthy and Pam Anderson, well, whatever that was, HBK vs. Vince only to be followed by HBK and GOD v. Vince and Shane at the Wrestlemania remix known as Backlash. Michaels is good and he brings his shit everytime. But even though he is putting on some high quality matches right now, is he helping the biz or hurting it by not allowing others to main event when it's fairly obvious that he is not going to have another title run. The Angle and Jericho matches were great, but HBK v. Cena? And then not have HBK win? I thought that was the beauty of Taker/Batista, Taker won! And for god's sake, man, cut your hair or get plugs or something. That Michael Bolton bullshit you've got going on right now is killing you. Maybe in time, I will look back and realize he was truly Mr. WM. But I'm not ready to just yet, and probably won't be after I make my next point.

5. Now, think of this. Ultimate Warrior, Rock, Big Show, Foley, Goldust, Owen Hart, Kane, Taker, Chris Jericho, Booker T (sucka!), Chris Benoit, Shawn Michaels, Batista, and John Cena. I put this group as having about 40-50 World Title reigns over their careers. And these people make up the list of opponents that Triple H has had at WrestleMania. Now, I am not the biggest Triple H fan, and I have not done this with every other wrestler in WM history nor will I, but I am willing to bet that no one's list of Wrestlemania opponents rivals Triple Hs. Sure, he's doing the boss's daughter, but wouldn't you? I think over the next 5-10 years, Triple H will only add greats upon greats to this historic list of opponents. Maybe it's not the best criteria to have for Mr. WM, but it's mine, and that is why he is my pick for Mr. Wrestlemania.
I've got varying opinions on this.

1- Right now, though I guess he will be out this year, John Cena is very much Mr. WrestleMania. The guy has walked out of 4 straight wrestlmanias after having won a major title match. Anyone else done that?

2- I think Bret Hart did a lot to bring wrestling back to wrestlemania. He put the smaller wrestler into the main event picture and paved Shawn Michaels' path to glory. If Hitman had never stepped in there with Yokozuna and held his ground, guys a lot bigger than him and HBK would be headlining that event still today.

3. Though his record is impressive, Taker definitely does not define WM for me. Honestly, Taker defines gimmick matches like HIAC, Casket, and Buried Alive matches and I hope we never see him or anyone in any more of those at WM.

4. One image comes to my mind when I think of WrestleMania. Shaw Michaels taking a zip cord ride to compete in one of the greatest matches ever. You know the image that follows that one? The camera panning to the crowd after the time delay caught Owen Hart's fall and saved it from being shown to millions of people. Michaels is an amazing wrestler, but too much of his career is based on hype. The zip cord, the Mike Tyson angle, the Jenny McCarthy and Pam Anderson, well, whatever that was, HBK vs. Vince only to be followed by HBK and GOD v. Vince and Shane at the Wrestlemania remix known as Backlash. Michaels is good and he brings his shit everytime. But even though he is putting on some high quality matches right now, is he helping the biz or hurting it by not allowing others to main event when it's fairly obvious that he is not going to have another title run. The Angle and Jericho matches were great, but HBK v. Cena? And then not have HBK win? I thought that was the beauty of Taker/Batista, Taker won! And for god's sake, man, cut your hair or get plugs or something. That Michael Bolton bullshit you've got going on right now is killing you. Maybe in time, I will look back and realize he was truly Mr. WM. But I'm not ready to just yet, and probably won't be after I make my next point.

5. Now, think of this. Ultimate Warrior, Rock, Big Show, Foley, Goldust, Owen Hart, Kane, Taker, Chris Jericho, Booker T (sucka!), Chris Benoit, Shawn Michaels, Batista, and John Cena. I put this group as having about 40-50 World Title reigns over their careers. And these people make up the list of opponents that Triple H has had at WrestleMania. Now, I am not the biggest Triple H fan, and I have not done this with every other wrestler in WM history nor will I, but I am willing to bet that no one's list of Wrestlemania opponents rivals Triple Hs. Sure, he's doing the boss's daughter, but wouldn't you? I think over the next 5-10 years, Triple H will only add greats upon greats to this historic list of opponents. Maybe it's not the best criteria to have for Mr. WM, but it's mine, and that is why he is my pick for Mr. Wrestlemania.

As of right now I agree that John Cena might be Mr. Wrestlemania but as of right now I still don't think it is him. You are basing it off of the fact that he has won title from all of his matches and that is pretty good.Honestly you cant base who is Mr. Wrestlemania off of the end results of their match. You have to base it off of the atmosphere, the crowd, and the actual match itself. His first two Wrestlemania matches are not good and are lost in the shuffle against the other good matches. His next match didn't quite have the main event feel to it. Good match but not main event worthy. Same with the next main event and that it had its flaws.

I do agree with Bret Hart. He did a lot to help smaller men be able to main event Wrestlemania.

Undertaker does not define Wrestlemania. I agree. He may be one of the best wrestlers of all time and I agree with that but his record means nothing. Most of his matches have been crap but not due to him and when you think back to Wrestlemania his matches don't stand. The record is great but should not make him the winner.

Now I have to disagree with this point. His matches are heavily hyped revery Mania. But they have reason for doing so. They know his match is going to be great. It just makes the match even more big so when it comes time for the match to end you are so satisfied because it lived up to all of the hype. The Mike Tyson angle had nothing to do with that match. The Pam Anderson thing also played no part in the match. He always fuckin delivers and I truly can't find a bad match of his at Mania besides his match with Cena which wasn't all that bad. And what the fuck does his hair have to do with anything. Undertaker has long hair, Triple H has long hair, and you don't bitch about them?

Again I disagree. I know its your opinion but I don't think it is the greatest thing to base your conclusion off of. You could name all the people Shawn has faced or Undertaker has faced and just argue that somebodys list may be better. He does have many great names that he has faced there isnt any doubt about that. It is the wrong thing to base him off of though.
I agree with those who believe that the result of a match should not heavily impact their decision. We all know that matches are predetermined, so should the fact that Taker has "beat" everyone he's faced at WM really make him Mr.Wrestlemania.

I feel that the match itself should weigh heavily on one's choice as Mr.Wrestlemania. I remember wanting to watch the first Wrestlemania's to see the headliner's like Hogan, but aside from a few expceptions, very rarely were their matches the best on the card. Being in the main event means that the you will always have a place in wrestling history, but that shouldn't be the deciding factor in who should be deemed Mr.WM.

I chose Shawn Michaels because almost every match he's had at WM has been the most exciting one of the night. He doesn't need to be in the main event or even in a title match to go out and put on a show that makes the fans feel like they've gotten their money's worth.

Although many people watch the event to see if Taker can keep his streak going, I know that once the event is over I'm still going to be thinking about Shawn's performance that night.
3 Letters , 2 words , 4 wwe champions to his name , the show stopper the Heart Break Kid ( HBK ) Shaaawn micheals.

Come on lets be seriouse here , yes Michelas has lost more Mania Matches than he won but come on alwyas put a spectacular matches including the HBK vs Jericho match wich I consider the greatest of all time.

You want to talk about Taker 15-0 Run. Nothing to take away from him but look at his oppents most of them are non Worthy and it something that its staged to walk out the Winner.

But When you are put in a ring In the grandest stage of them all and put a 5 star match eveyr year that's somethign not staged but that a gift from god. GO watch HBk - Jericho from Mania 19 and HBK Angle from Mania 21 I think it was and just watch these matches and tell me if theyre arent 5 star. Not to mention the Austin-Hbk won and the Beniot vs HHH vs HBk one ( didn't mention it becuase it wasnt all Hbk due it containting 3 wreslerts.
Amazing Shawn- My comment about HBK's hair was specifically about the thinning on top. Long hair is fine, but not when you're losing it that bad, and that man is losing it. And I think his matches are great matches. But I don't think about his matches when I think of Shawn and WM. I think about the zip cord, or the Tyson knockout, or the fact that his match wich McMahon was setting up the God angle. Maybe I shouldn't, but I do.

As far as HHH's opponents go, his list is much more impressive than Taker's, HBK's, Hogan's, SCSA's, or anyone else. And the reason I chose that as my biggest stipulation is because that is what it is. The match. And the people in it. And HHH goes head to head every year with the biggest names there are, consistently. Hey, if you were going to attach stars to every match and average them out, Shawn Michaels would probably have the most of anyone with more than two or three matches. And that is a perfectly good reason to call him Mr. WrestleMania. It's just not my reason for calling someone Mr. WrestleMania. My own need to be different made me look at it from the angle I did, and I stand behind my decision. Triple H is Mr. WrestleMania. (and I don't even really like Triple H...)
While Undertaker is my favourite wrestler, he isn't "Mr. Wrestlemania" despite his impressive streak. 15-0 is amazing, but a lot of his opponents aren't even worth talking about. Mark Henry? A-Train? Come on, these guys are nothing like the guys Shawn Micheals has faced. Don't get me wrong, 'Taker has had some awesome WM matches, such as Triple H, Kane, and Batista, but the rest were just typical matches with nothing spectacular about them (though 'Takers leap over the casket at WM 22 was impressive).

Shawn Michaels has always been his best at Wrestlemania. Even if he isn't in the main event, he always steals the show. It's no wonder they call him the Showstopper. His WM matches from 2004-2006 have been Match of the Year, which is really impressive considering that Shawn isn't in great physical shape like he used to be.

I think that Undertaker is second, followed by Hulk Hogan. Hogan may have headlined the most Wrestlemanias and he may have put it on the map, but his matches are not that great.
As much as i hate Shawn Michaels, I cant take anything away from his WM performances. He is just amazing when it comes to the big stage.

-The legendary ladder match at WM X. This is still one of the greatest ladder matches ever. They stole the show that night. It was soo new at the time. The stuff they did that night was crazy. You can put that ladder match against any ladder match today and it will still blow it out of the water. It wasnt just a spot fest, it was great wrestling mixed with new things, and ring psychology.

-At WM 11 hes facing Kevin Nash in the main event. He carries Nash through the match. Not a great match but was the best match of the night. It really showed that HBK deserved in the main event.

-WM 12, MOTY some people say this match is overrated i disagree. Him and bret put on a wrestling clinic that night. Never stopping, all out the whole match. People still talk about it to this day.

-WM 14 Shawn has a broken back and is suppost to never wrestle again pulls out a great mix of brawling, and wrestling with Stone Cold.

This is where Shawn is way above them all. He hasnt been in a Wrestlemania since 14.

At Wrestlemania 19 he comes in with a very talented Y2J and steals the show. A classic 5 star match. I was blown away at how good this match was it was crazy.

At WM 20 he puts on the best tripple threat match of all time. One of the best matches in wrestling period.

At WM 21 his match with Kurt Angle is another 5 star match. The match of the night. MOTY, this was wrestling at its best.

WM 22 he carries Vince Mcmahon to a very good match, and Vince isnt even a wrestler.

Then to take the cake at WM 23 he carries John Cena to a hell of a match and anyone can do that is dam good at wrestling.
I'm just going by records, so here they are...

Final Record: 5-9
WrestleMania V- Lost to The Twin Towers (with Marty Jannetty)

WrestleMania VI- Lost to The Orient Express by Count Out (with Marty Jannetty)

WrestleMania VII- Beat The Barbarian and Haku in a Tag-Team match (with Marty Jannetty)

WrestleMania VIII- Beat Tito Santana.

WrestleMania IX- Lost to Yokozuna for the IC Championship by Count-Out

WrestleMania X- Lost to Razor Ramon in a Ladder Match for IC Championship

WrestleMania XI- Lost to Diesel for the WWE Championship.

WrestleMania XII- Beat Bret Hart in an Ironman Match for the WWE Championhsip.

WrestleMania XIV- Lost to Steve Austin for the WWE Championship

WrestleMania XIX- Beat Chris Jericho

WrestleMania XX- Lost to Chris Benoit in a Triple-Threat Match for the WWE Championship

WrestleMania XXI- Lost to Kurt Angle

WrestleMania XXII- Beat Mr. McMahon in a No Holds Barred match

WrestleMania XXIII- Lost to John Cena for the WWE Championship

Final Record: 8-3-1
WrestleMania I- Beat Roddy Piper and Paul Ordorff (with Mr. T)

WrestleMania II- Beat King Kong Bundy in a Cage Match for the WWE Championship

WrestleMania III- Beat Andre the Giant for the WWE Championship

WrestleMania IV- Double DQ against Andre the Giant

WrestleMania V- Beat Randy Savage for the WWE Championship

WrestleMania VI- Lost to the Ultimate Warrior for the WWE Championship

WrestleMania VII- Beat Sgt. Slaughter for the WWE Championship.

WrestleMania VIII- Beat Sid Justice by DQ

WrestleMania IX- Lost to Money Inc. by DQ for the Tag-Team Championship (with Brutus Beefcake) also Beat Yokozuna for the WWE Championship.

WrestleMania XVIII- Lost to The Rock

WrestleMania XIX- Beat Mr. McMahon in a Street Fight

Final Record: 6-6
WrestleMania II- Lost to Andre the Giant in a 20-Man Battle Royal

WrestleMania III- Beat the British Bulldogs and Tito Santana in a 6-Man Tag Match (with Jim Neidhart and Danny Davis)

WrestleMania IV- Lost to Bad News Brown in a 20-Man Battle Royal

WrestleMania V- Beat Honkey Tonk Man and Greg Valentine (with Jim Neidhart)

WrestleMania VI- Beat The Bolsheviks (with Jim Neidhart)

WrestleMania VII- Lost to the Nasty Boys for the Tag-Team Championship (with Jim Neidhart)

WrestleMania VIII- Beat Roddy Piper for the IC Championship

WrestleMania IX- Lost to Yokozuna for the WWE Championship

WrestleMania X- Lost to Owen Hart also beat Yokozuna for the WWE Championship

WrestleMania XI- Beat Bob Backlund in an "I Quit" Match

WrestleMania XII- Lost to Shawn Michaels in an Ironman Match for the WWE Championship

WrestleMania XIII- Beat Steve Austin in a Submission Match

Final Record: 4-2

WrestleMania XIII- Lost to Bret Hart in a Submission Match

WrestleMania XIV- Beat Shawn Michaels for the WWE Championship

WrestleMania XV- Beat The Rock in a No-DQ match for the WWE Championship.

WrestleMania XVII- Beat The Rock in a No-DQ match for the WWE Championship.

WrestleMania XVIII- Beat Scott Hall

WrestleMania XIX- Lost to The Rock

We all know that the Undertaker is 15-0, but most of his matches weren't memorable, that's why Shawn Michaels is getting my vote for Mr. WrestleMania even if he has lost 9 matches because most of his matches (after the Tag Matches) were pretty memorable.
Taker is God, and one of the very reasons that he is a god is because he has gone undefeated at wrestlemania with a 15-0 record. Also whilst i say this about Taker, I am yet to say that the Undertaker has been a wrestlemania match where I have said that that was the greatest match of the night. You want to talk about great mania moments you think of Jeff Hardy or Hulk Hogan. But still when you think of wrestlemania you think of The Undertker.:undertaker2:
I have to say Hulk Hogan. No disrespect to either Undertaker or Shawn Michaels, but, without Hogan, Wrestlemania would not have been what it is. What is the most memorable Wrestlemania moment ever? Hogan bodyslamming Andre the Giant. What was the biggest main event in Wrestlemania history, in terms of absolute hype? Hogan v. Ultimate Idio...Warrior. Who managed to turn the biggest babyface in the company a heel, just by being in the match with him? Hogan v. Rock. Rock was the WWE's biggest babyface, and Hogan was supposed to be a huge heel, as he was still Hollywood Hogan...Yet...once he made his way down the entrance ramp, who did the fans cheer for? It wasn't Dwayne Johnson. That match pretty much sums it up for me...that Hogan, as the bad guy, could get that much fan support, merely because he is Hulk Hogan, and it was Wrestlemania.

Undertaker will probably end up retiring with an unblemished Wrestlemania record, HBK has always and will continue to deliver top notch performances...but, Wrestlemania is and will always be, Hulk Country.

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