True Mr Wrestlemania


Getting Noticed By Management
we all know Shawn Michaels as Mr Wrestlemania but does he really deserve that title or should it be awarded to another wrestler
Among some of the Candidates are:
1 THE UNDERTAKER, the streak says it all
2 HULK HOGAN, provided us a lot of important moments as well as he main evented most of his wrestlemania appearences
3 Shawn Michaels, he has given us some of the best matches in wrestlemania history
4 Kurt Angle, almost every single match hes had in wrestlemania has stolen the show
5 Triple H, has had some incredible matches, and was the first heel to leave Mania with the title.
6 Stone Cold Steve Austin, he has given us incredible matches as well
7 the rock, you can complain about longevity but his matches at wrestlemania have been nothing but electrifying,at least for 99 and foward
if you have any other wrestler you think would make the cut you can also mention them
I really don't think there's any question that Mr. Wrestlemania truly is Hulk Hogan. No man has wrestled in more big time matches at Mania than he did. He basically headlined each of the first 9 Wrestlemanias. Even though number 4 is known for Savage winning the championship going into it it was billed as Andre vs. Hogan 2 so I consider him headlining that. And number 9 even though the official main event was Yokozuna vs. Bret Hart, his tag match with Money inc was labeled the other main event and Hogan ended up winning the belt at the end. So he basically owned the first 9 Wrestlemanias. He then came back 9 years later and had the biggest match of the night with The Rock. That wasn't the last match but it is definitely the most memorable on the card. The way I see it is if you were to pick the 5 biggest or most famous matches in Wrestlemania history Hogan could very well make claim to having atleast 4 of them.(vs. Andre, vs. Warrior, vs. Savage, vs. The Rock) All four of those are bigger than any match HBK has had at Wrestlemania.

And two guys that I would add to your list would be Savage and Hart. Savage had the match of the night and one of the best at Mania ever at 3, won 4 matches at WM4 to win the Championship, had the legendary showdown with Hogan at 5, had an unbelievable retirement match with Warrior at 7 and at 8 won the championship again in a great match with Flair.

Besides wrestling in some tag team championship matches at Mania early in his career, as just a singles wrestler Hart beat Piper for the IC title in a classic match at 8, headlined Mania 9, at 10 he had his brilliant match with Owen then went on to win the championship in the last match of the night, at 12 he had his famous Iron Man match with HBK in the main event and 13 he had one of the greatest WM matches of all time with Austin. So his WM resume is great as well.
As much as shawn micheals deserverd that title im going to have to say the undertaker or hulk hogan should be called mr. wrestlemania with the undertaker his amazing streak speaks for him self and hogan because he basically created wrestlemania i mean hulk hogan has wrestle in more high profile wrestler then most wrestler who compete at mania hbk undertaker hhh is argueable and some memorable stuff has happen to hogan at mania like for example the slam to andre at mania 3 and hulkmania was created at mania somewhat to
In my opinion, it would be Hulk Hogan. Here is a list of accomplishments.....

1. Headlined WM1 in the infamous tag-team bout.

2. Successfully defended the World's Championship in a cage in the main event of WM2.

3. Successfully defended the World's Championship against Andre the Giant at WM3 after bodyslamming Andre.

5. Won the World's Championship at WM5, 7 and 9.

6. Had a classic with Randy Savage at WM5 in one of my personal favorite matches ever.

I mean, the list goes on and on. I know a topic like this is all subject to taste, but in my book, Hogan is Mr. Wrestlemania.
I have no doubt that the title of mr wrestlemania has to go to the undertaker the streak says it all. But HBK just has that god given ability to take a young guy and make him a star in one match, but most of his memorable matches have been against already established stars.
There are some great points for Hogan if you were to base this just on number of big time matches or famous matches then it would be Hogan hands down. I can't really count the Undertaker's winning streak as a reason to list him as Mr Wrestlemania because the office decides who wins the matches it's not like wrestling is a real sport if it was and taker had his undefeated streak then yes that would be a HUGE argument in favor of him. To me this has to be HBK. If you made a list of the top ten Wrestlemania matches of all time HBK would be in alot of those matches now lists are always subject to debate but lets look at some of HBK's mania matches

1. Ironman vs Bret Hart- simply amazing match for those 2 to be able to go an hour and keep the crowd into it especially in that era is spectacular.

2. Laddermatch vs Razor- another just amazing match it was the first televised ladder match in WWE history and it was revolutionary and still holds up today. It was either on HBK's DVD or in his book he said that after the match Gorilla Monsoon came up to him and told him that it was the best match he'd ever seen and Gorilla had been around for quite some time.

3. Mania 19 vs Jericho- extremely solid match it's been a couple years since i've watched it but I remember being very impressed by it

4. Triple Threat at Mania 20- To me this is one of the best matches of all time just an extremely well worked match and resulted in what i used to consider the best moment in wrestling history with benoit and eddy in the ring however that has since been tainted for me due to obvious reasons.

5. Mania 21 vs Angle- This match had it all.... great mat wrestling in the beginning, some brawling in the middle headlined by and hbk moonsault from the ring to the announce table, and tons of false finishes at the end where they had the crowd eating out of the palms of their hands.

Now i'm not saying that any of these 5 matches would be on everyones list of top ten mania matches but atleast 3 of them would be on mine. Even if they wouldn't be on yours you still can't deny that all 5 of them are great matches which is why to me HBK is Mr Wrestlemania.
I think there are only 3 real choices. Hogan, Taker or Michaels. Taker has the streak but a lot of those matches were short or not very good. Hogan was the man who made Wrestlemania and drew the first nine. His matches were alway good but the Warrior and Rock are the only ones I would call great. I think Michaels from a wrestling match view is undoubtably MR. WRESTLEMANIA. In terms of the best wrestling matches HBK is untouchable. He Won PWI match of the year 6 times at Wrestlemania, 10,11,12,20,21,22.
I have absolutely nothing but respect for HBK and I think he is an amazing wrestler; however, I think the only one TRUE Mr. WrestleMania is the Phenom himself... The Undertaker. His 16-0 undefeated streak at 'Mania is LEGENDARY!!!!!! He has faced so many legendary superstars over the years from Triple H to King Kong Bundy to Superfly Jimmy Snuka to the Nature Boy Ric Flair. He's been in so many high quality matches that are truly awe inspiring. He is truly a Phenom in the ring and he truly is Mr. WrestleMania!:undertaker2:
wrestlemania is definitely the House that Hogan built......

it's still a toss-up to me though. Michaels has consistently stolen the show with high caliber matches. Hogan is.....well, Hogan. And the Undertaker has the 'mania legacy.

i'd say in the end it just depends on what you're gauging it by.
The true Mr Wrestlemania is Hulk Hogan without a shadow of a doubt!
And here are the reasons why!

1) Hulk Hogan has basically main evented every Wrestlemania he has competed in, with the exception of WM4! WM 18 & 19 were clearly built around the matches that Hogan was featured in..WM18 being against The Rock, and WM19 being against Vince.

2) He has competed in more BIGTIME matches at Wreatlemania than any other wrestler in WWE history. The two biggest matches in Wrestlemania history are Hulk Hogan vs Andre the Giant, and Hulk Hogan vs The Rock. Both Phenomenal and they both transcended the business! He had great matches with Savage, Warrior, Slaughter, Vince!

3) His first title reign lasted through the first 3 Wrestlemanias, and he won the wwe championship at WM on 3 seperate occasions!

4) He set the standard for the calibre of a Wrestlemania main event! Just look at how big his matches were and who he faced: Andre the Giant, The Rock, Vince McMahon, Ultimate Warrior, Macho Man Randy Savage, Sid, Yokozuna, King Kong Bundy, and his WM1 tag match with Mr T against Piper and Orndorff.

5) The man is responsible for drawing the largest crowd not only in Wrestlemania history, but he set an indoor attendance world record that still stands today at WM 3 of 93, 173!
He also drew 70,000 plus at WM6, and 70,000 plus at WM 18, 63000 at WM 8.

6) He has main evented more Wrestlamanias than ANY OTHER WWE superstar in history!
Hulk Hogan main evented WM 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 18, 19
No other superstar has main evented 10 wrestlemanias!

7) He is synonymous with Wrestlemania...when one thinks of Wrestlemania they think of Hulk Hogan, the Real American music and the magic that Hogan brought to WM!

8) The ovations and pops he has received at WM are the biggest in history!
The ovation when he beat Andre at WM3, when he beat Vince at WM19, when he fought the Rock at WM18, when he won the title at WM9, his entrances at ALL Wrestlemanias.. they are responsible for being the biggest pops in WM history.

9) The first 9 WM were built AROUND Hulk Hogan! Enough said.

10) The man made Wrestlemania famous! Again...enough said!

11) The most memorable WM moment is Hulk Hogan slamming Andre!
A close second is the staredown between Hogan and The Rock!!

It can therefore not be denied, Hulk Hogan is the true Mr Wrestlemania!!!
I will throw in someone from left-field- Randy "Macho Man" Savage. Here's why:-

WM3 - Classic Match with Steamboat.
WMIV- Won WWF World Title, and had a classic final with "Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase
WMV-Main-Evented against Hulk Hogan
WMVII- Stellar Retirement Match against the Ultimate Warrior (one of the Warrior's best WWF matches).
WMIIV- Won second WWE Title against "the Nature Boy" Ric Flair, when Flair could still do good matches.
WMX- Savage carried Crush to his greatest-ever WWF match in a Falls-Count-Anywhere Match.

Savage has had a few classic matches at WM, and has carried others to some of their best matches on the show. He won the WWF Title twice at WM, and fought in the greatest match in Wrestlemania history.
This thread has been done about 500 times.

Anyway, as I have stated in all of those threads, it's Shawn Michaels, and it's not debatable. Regarding The Undertaker, who I think is the only other worthy candidate, I don't think he deserves it. So what, he hasn't been beaten. That's down to creative, not him. When you look at his matches you'll see only fairly recently have any of them been 4-5 star matches. Some of the matches from the earlier days wouldn't even be shown on ECW now. I think Mr. Wrestlemania should go to someone who has NEVER had a bad Wrestlemania match, and who is always the star of the show, regardless of hiw card position. At the end of a WM, people are always talking about that Shawn Michaels match. Rarely is it "The Undertaker had a good match tonight", or "The championship match was good". He has a great match, and always makes his opponent look good, regardless of whether he wins or loses.

As for Hogan, Jesus have people not shut up about him yet? He was Mr. Wrestlemania at the beginning of the Wrestlemania era. WM 1-9 maybe. But now, who the hell thinks or talks about Hogan during Wrestlemania season? Very, very few people. Get over him already.
I think Hulk Hogan just because of the fact that he has headlined the first 9 wrestlemanias and also stole the show at WM XIX and X-8. I mean the guy gave WM the proper credibility. Also have you noticed the Wrestlemania where Hulk hasn't been there before leaving WWF have been all crap?
Hogan? Blah, he hasn't wrestled on the show in 6 year's and he missed shows between 1993-2002.

It's not HBK either. They say he steals the show and they call him Mr. WrestleMania. Which must be the reason why The Undertaker still receives more Mania hype than he does. Overall Takers win over King Kong Bundy means more overall than HBK ''stealing the show'' at WrestleMania 12.

Or I'd go with Triple H. He's been in important matches on the card for the past decade and unlike HBK, he didn't take a couple of year's off, and unlike Undertaker they always have important matches for him (vs. Albert & Big Show).
This thread has been done about 500 times.

Anyway, as I have stated in all of those threads, it's Shawn Michaels, and it's not debatable. Regarding The Undertaker, who I think is the only other worthy candidate, I don't think he deserves it. So what, he hasn't been beaten. That's down to creative, not him. When you look at his matches you'll see only fairly recently have any of them been 4-5 star matches. Some of the matches from the earlier days wouldn't even be shown on ECW now. I think Mr. Wrestlemania should go to someone who has NEVER had a bad Wrestlemania match, and who is always the star of the show, regardless of hiw card position. At the end of a WM, people are always talking about that Shawn Michaels match. Rarely is it "The Undertaker had a good match tonight", or "The championship match was good". He has a great match, and always makes his opponent look good, regardless of whether he wins or loses.

As for Hogan, Jesus have people not shut up about him yet? He was Mr. Wrestlemania at the beginning of the Wrestlemania era. WM 1-9 maybe. But now, who the hell thinks or talks about Hogan during Wrestlemania season? Very, very few people. Get over him already.

And who is going to be talking about Shawn Michaels at all let alone being 'mr. Wrestlemania'. At least people, new or old still know about Hogan he has left a legacy behind whereas although Michaels has had some great matches at WM he is only going to remembered for his Retirement match against Flair.
Hogan? Blah, he hasn't wrestled on the show in 6 year's and he missed shows between 1993-2002.

It's not HBK either. They say he steals the show and they call him Mr. WrestleMania. Which must be the reason why The Undertaker still receives more Mania hype than he does. Overall Takers win over King Kong Bundy means more overall than HBK ''stealing the show'' at WrestleMania 12.

Or I'd go with Triple H. He's been in important matches on the card for the past decade and unlike HBK, he didn't take a couple of year's off, and unlike Undertaker they always have important matches for him (vs. Albert & Big Show).

But HHH also missed WM's in the years: '85, '86, '87, '88, '89, '90, '91, '92, '93, '94, '95 and '07. Those are a lot of years and the same can be said about HHH, so it means he is not mr.wrestlemania going by your logic.
But HHH also missed WM's in the years: '85, '86, '87, '88, '89, '90, '91, '92, '93, '94, '95 and '07. Those are a lot of years and the same can be said about HHH, so it means he is not mr.wrestlemania going by your logic.

That's like Cena not being able to become Mr. WrestleMania in year's to come, just because he was a young boy when the first few occurred.

People focus on current wrestlers more than they do older ones. Hogan was Mr. Wrestlemania from 1985-1993. But it's 16 year's later now and his impact has diminished even for people who grew up watching him.
That's like Cena not being able to become Mr. WrestleMania in year's to come, just because he was a young boy when the first few occurred.

People focus on current wrestlers more than they do older ones. Hogan was Mr. Wrestlemania from 1985-1993. But it's 16 year's later now and his impact has diminished even for people who grew up watching him.

Fair enough, I thinkthe question of the title needs to be changed. It isn't clear whether is wants the Mr. Wrestlemania of all time or of the current times.
And who is going to be talking about Shawn Michaels at all let alone being 'mr. Wrestlemania'. At least people, new or old still know about Hogan he has left a legacy behind whereas although Michaels has had some great matches at WM he is only going to remembered for his Retirement match against Flair.

You have got to be kidding me. Have you only watched wrestling for a couple of years, or...? Even now, with that match being the most recent, people know Shawn more for his WM 10 ladder match with Ramon, his amazing "best match of all times" match with Angle at WM 21, or his Iron Man match with Bret Hart at WM 12. Off the top of my head I can name you every WM match Shawn has ever had, because they've all been great.
You have got to be kidding me. Have you only watched wrestling for a couple of years, or...? Even now, with that match being the most recent, people know Shawn more for his WM 10 ladder match with Ramon, his amazing "best match of all times" match with Angle at WM 21, or his Iron Man match with Bret Hart at WM 12. Off the top of my head I can name you every WM match Shawn has ever had, because they've all been great.
TBH he has only had a few great matches and most of those to involving gimmicks. The ladder match against Ramon was good but nothing special or awesome. The Iron man match was all rest holds and only exciting at the end, it like they all held their energy for the end. The Angle at WM 21 was indeed awesome so I haven't any complains for that. Shawn Michaels 'Mr. Wrestlemania' title IMO is overhyped just like 'Takers undefeated streak, just living off the glory of 3/4 great matches.
TBH he has only had a few great matches and most of those to involving gimmicks. The ladder match against Ramon was good but nothing special or awesome. The Iron man match was all rest holds and only exciting at the end, it like they all held their energy for the end. The Angle at WM 21 was indeed awesome so I haven't any complains for that. Shawn Michaels 'Mr. Wrestlemania' title IMO is overhyped just like 'Takers undefeated streak, just living off the glory of 3/4 great matches.

Wow, never have I heard this before. Shawn Michaels having 'few' great matches at Wrestlemania? I can't mention one match which wasn't great. The ladder match not special or awesome? It is the ladder match of all ladder matches. It's the match which every ladder match since has been compared to. It was amazing.

Undertakers undefeated streak is overhyped, but for a reason. It automatically creates the basis of a feud every year - perfect fror what the WWE want.
Off the top of my head I can name you every WM match Shawn has ever had, because they've all been great.

vs. The Twin Towers
vs. The Orient Express
vs. The Barbarian & Haku
vs. Tito Santana
vs. Tatanka
vs. Diesel

Solid, but nothing special

vs. Bret Hart

Half of the people who've seen it think it's long and boring.

vs. Austin

Good match but it's more of a classic for what it represents. With a serious back injury even HBK himself in 1998 would say it isn't a great match.

vs. Vince McMahon

Solid, overlong, not even in the top 20 best matches of that year.

vs. Ric Flair


When his matches are good they're great, but for the most part he's been in some rather average Mania matches. Like the Undertaker, but without a streak worth hyping.
Wow, never have I heard this before. Shawn Michaels having 'few' great matches at Wrestlemania? I can't mention one match which wasn't great. The ladder match not special or awesome? It is the ladder match of all ladder matches. It's the match which every ladder match since has been compared to. It was amazing.

Undertakers undefeated streak is overhyped, but for a reason. It automatically creates the basis of a feud every year - perfect fror what the WWE want.

So your saying the list that Y2Jake has written are all awesome-great matches? Really? The tag team matches he had at WM were all borefest. The Ric Flair match was just famous for Ric retiring, had it been just a normal match no-one would give a crap about it right now. The match at WM 22 was decent but not anything special. The match at XIX was great so was the one at XX. The Autin match was decent but with Michaels carrying a back injury his moves were limited. The match against Big Daddy wasn't very good so there you have it. An average WM superstar Shawn Michaels. I don't know where the hell he got the name 'Mr. Wrestlemania' but he did somehow.
The Undertaker Streak:

vs. Jimmy Snuka
vs. Jake Roberts
vs. Giant Gonzalez
vs. King Kong Bundy
vs. Diesel
vs. Sid
vs. Kane
vs. Big Boss Man
vs. Big Show & Albert
vs. Kane
vs. Mark Henry

Thos are the crap Undertaker Mania matches. The list is more impressive than HBK's crap Mania matches. I think between those two it all depends on how you rate the streak and if you think the good Undertaker matches equal that of the ggood HBK ones.

Hogan's have more historical significance than anything. I don't think anybody would argue that his match with Andre is any good, but it's one of the most important matches in Mania history.

When it comes to Triple H I think he's got everybody beat, at least with the quality of his matches and how important they were for that perticular year.

Even a poor match like his Batista one was important. The build was excellent and it made a star out of Batista.

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