Top ten WORST wrestlers in WWE

9. Stevie Richards: Been a jobber pretty much his whole life. No charisma and bland.

No charisma? Have you ever seen a stevie richards promo or him wrestle, he has plenty of charisma, yeah he's a jobber, big deal so is Val Venis yet I'd say he posessed charisma as well. Stevie Richards=legend!
10. EDGE: Overated!!!!
9. Stevie Richards: Been a jobber pretty much his whole life. No charisma and bland.
8. JOHHNY NITRO" Again average and bland.
7. Jamie Noble: Not very agile cruiseerweight doesn't seem to be able to fly high like other cruisers better set for midcard. Also his matches are boring and he can't seem to sell.
6. MICKIE JAMES: Hot but overated.
5. MVP: Something about him just doesnt seem right. He is average at everything and can't seem to make his opponents look good.
4. WGTT: They can wrestle but lack everything else it takes to be a wwe superstar. They are more boring than any other tag team. Can barley say anything cuz they suck so bad.
3. Mark Henry: Typical big guy, Can't barley move, just overall bad wrestler.
2. UMAGA: Another crappy big guy who can barely move and has a limited movest. His gimmick is crappy and he can't wrestle.
1. Matt Hardy: So boring in-ring performer. He doesn't have alot of skill and is only entertaing when he is with his sopt mokey brother.

Your post and others are annoying me. On your list only one of the wrestlers is bad. And thats Mark Henry. This thread isn't who you dislike. It's the WORST wrestlers in WWE.

If anything Jamie Noble is one of the best wrestlers in the company.

Mickie James is one of the better Diva's in the company.

Wrestling wise the WGTT are the best tag team in all of WWE.

Stevie Richards isn't in the slightest bit bland.

While Morrison may well be bland, he's a pretty GOOD wrestler.

MVP is brilliant considering he's still green.

Umaga is a brilliant big man. Not agile? What the fuck are you on about?

Matt Hardy is a decent wrestler. If anything he fades into the background when he's with his ''Spot Monkey'' brother.
Umaga is THE WORST wrestler ever

I'm wondering why Great Khali isn't on the list

Don't get me wrong, I've met Dalip Singh, and he's a cool motherfucker, but there IS no denying he killed a guy with a botched move.

Morrison was horrible when he started with the whole Assistant GM gimmick, he's improved a lot since then

Mark Henry, I agree, fire him!

Matt Hardy shouldn't even be ON That list

IF you're gonna bash Edge, I agree, but I also disagree considering E&C days. Now he just lets hype carry him. But he used to be amazing

MVP can wrestle, but he's annoying

World's Greatest Tag Team are fucking amazing, but also annoying

Stevie? Underrated! HE Should be the ECW champ!

Jamie Noble is a good wrestler. Not the best Cruiser though. Give him some Beefcake and maybe he'll do a good job as a heavyweight

Mickie James is better than Trish Stratus any day. And her career in TNA impressed many
Umaga is THE WORST wrestler ever

What are you on? Umaga is probably in the top 20 big men of ALL TIME.

IF you're gonna bash Edge, I agree, but I also disagree considering E&C days. Now he just lets hype carry him. But he used to be amazing

He's a better wrestler now than he was 6 years ago.

MVP can wrestle, but he's annoying

He's a heel, he's supposed to be annoying.

World's Greatest Tag Team are fucking amazing, but also annoying

Read above.

Jamie Noble is a good wrestler. Not the best Cruiser though. Give him some Beefcake and maybe he'll do a good job as a heavyweight

He's 5'9''. And how would eating Brutus Beefcake help him? He's the best Cruiserweight WWE have. Smaller wrestlers dont have to fly about all the time.
Umaga is THE WORST wrestler ever

Now I have reason to believe that you have never actually watched a Umaga match. He's a brilliant wrestler, he has agility which is something for a big guy [and the last big guy I can think with his ability was bam bam bigelow]. Did you see Umagas match at summerslam? Did you see his kick on Hardy and that was just in a 24 hour period. Do some research before making accusations.
6. MICKIE JAMES: Hot but overated.

Oh ok Mr. I think Ashley is the best diva in WWE,

whats so overrated about her? The fact that she can wrestle? the fact that she can make a much lesser diva than her look good, and carry them to a good match? the fact that if you put her with another female wrestler of equal status (Like Beth or Jillian) they can actually perform and deliver an entertaining match without the fans chanting "boring" or "get out of the ring" or "show me your tits", again, whats so overrated about about that?
I seem to remember a certain match between Mickie & Jillian when the raw crowd chanting "boring". I stand by what i said. Ashley is amazing and Michelle McCool is the best techinqly ever, Her gimmick is slightly umm... not there but saheis amazing
In no order:
1. Khali- only wrestling move is his two handed choke slam
2. Big Daddy V- Fat wrestler suck
3. Batista- He's huge and has charisma..Don't see much from a wrestling pov
4. Mark Henry- Used to be bettter
5. Trevor Murdoch- He's going to hurt someone with a botched move one day
6. Jim Duggan- Please get rid of him
7. Santino- I hear he was better in other brands but havent seen anything out of him in WWE
8. Sandman- Love him but he's not a wrestler.. Can put together a hell of a match if given weapons though
9. Balls Mahoney- Same as Sandman
10. Snitsky- I think he could be better but don't use him right
I seem to think people do not listen to me at all, i started this thread so that we could see who was the crappest in the WWE not just who you disliked

I dont like Wng Yang but hes a great wrestler gets over with the crowd and can perform in ring all he needs is a credible gimmick to be a champ but god is he gay, that red neck thing and the spontaneous defeats and wins its to unpredictable to be considered real or authentic.

Women wrestlers cannot be put as a group just say one or as many as you like and why you think they are a bad wrestler.
Val Venis is a great wrestler it just sucks that wwe cant stop pushing non wrestling tool like cena and black brock and give the guys that can work the spots
My top ten consists of

10. The great Khali...Man theres is nothing this guy can do...(even speak english)

9. MVP... Just a brwler with no in-ring skill.

8. Matt striker... A sad gimmick and s sad jobber.

7. The miz... He was good as a host. Now he's just a 5 move man.

6. Viscera... I hated him when he was mabel and I hated him as big its just worst without his clothes.

5. Mark Henry... Too dangerous.

4. Umaga... That damn samoan spike sucks balls... and his gimmick just makes him unbearable.

3. Hacksaw jim duggan... Give me a break.

2. Edge...Damn he just spears and its over. Boring...

1. Cena... Decent mic skills and used to be good in the ring but the next time i see i'm live doing is five moves i will damn try to kill myself with a plastic spoon...
I seem to remember a certain match between Mickie & Jillian when the raw crowd chanting "boring". I stand by what i said. Ashley is amazing and Michelle McCool is the best techinqly ever, Her gimmick is slightly umm... not there but saheis amazing

And what match was that? Jillian and Mickie have only met twice in WWE. the match they had during heat was arguably the best match on the card. The other was a 5 minute match, that was obviously booked very sloppily, so if there was any "boring" chants it would been because the audience knew that these girls could do much better, but given the time limit, their really was a whole allot they could do to make it interesting.

Ashley on the other hand, I haven't seen an Ashley match even reach the 5 minute mark (The WM match barely made it past 3 minutes) and I've heard everything from "Boring" to "you can't Wrestle" chanted during her matches.

So I'll stick to what I said, Ashley is shit, she'll always be shit, nothing more.

Did you just say Michelle McCool is the best ever? No, not even close. So you you actually mention Michelle and Trish in the same breath? Wow, how much of a mark can you be?

Trish was by far the greatest female performer and entertainer to grace not only the WWE, but ANY promotion. Sure her in ring skills were mediocre, but fans came to see Trish tell a story in the ring, to act out each new piece of the storyline and to wow them with her promos. Michelle doesn't even come close to Trish's level. I get pissed when people compare Candice to Trish, because Candice doesn't come close and neither doesn't McCool. Its like someone taking the antics of Eugene and genuinely finding them more entertaining then Stone Cold or The Rock, and then trying to tell everyone that Eugene is more entertaining than The Rock or Stone Cold, thats what Michelle McCool is to Trish.
10. EDGE: Overated!!!!
9. Stevie Richards: Been a jobber pretty much his whole life. No charisma and bland.
8. JOHHNY NITRO" Again average and bland.
7. Jamie Noble: Not very agile cruiseerweight doesn't seem to be able to fly high like other cruisers better set for midcard. Also his matches are boring and he can't seem to sell.
6. MICKIE JAMES: Hot but overated.
5. MVP: Something about him just doesnt seem right. He is average at everything and can't seem to make his opponents look good.
4. WGTT: They can wrestle but lack everything else it takes to be a wwe superstar. They are more boring than any other tag team. Can barley say anything cuz they suck so bad.
3. Mark Henry: Typical big guy, Can't barley move, just overall bad wrestler.
2. UMAGA: Another crappy big guy who can barely move and has a limited movest. His gimmick is crappy and he can't wrestle.
1. Matt Hardy: So boring in-ring performer. He doesn't have alot of skill and is only entertaing when he is with his sopt mokey brother.

wow everytime i come here i see a worst post than before...out of your top 10 worst picks....theres only one that sucks and thats mark henry i put him on my list too. ok now the negatives. problem 1 of 9...EDGE IS NOT FUCKIN OVERRATED!!! Its called talent and the 3rd best mic skills in the business behind christian cage nd kennedy. he carries da hell out of evrybody he wrestles and his spear beats da hell out of lashley and batistas. Fun guy to some of his classics and youll know why the man is where he is today. problem 2 of 9... stevie richards bland and no charisma...the guy is the best "jobber" ive ever seen in my life. he has a shitload of charisma and is one talented guy. cuts a pretty damn good promo and did i say hes talented. there is nothing wrong with the guy. the guy should be in the mid card of evry ecw show. problem 3 of i really have to cover johnny boy? go look at my last post *sigh*. problem 4 of 9 jamie noble is boring?? try the best wrestler on the brand right now behind shelton benjamin. this guy breathes eats and sleeps wrestling. you people think noble sucks because of wwe.....GO FUCKIN LOOK UP AN ROH MATCH FOR GOD SAKES. enough fuckin said. problem 5 of 9..Mickie James can out wrestle about 60% of the raw roster and she is a sexii ass bitch so theres 2 positives. problem 6 of 9...MVP!?!?!? god i covered this in my last post. problem 7 of 9... Haas nd Benjamin are pure wrestlers. watch when they were team angle and youll see how good dey were. problem 8 of 9...Umaga is an agile, flexible, big son of a gun and im happy to watch this guy go to work. u kno wut i bet u still like batista if u hate these guys problem 9 of 9...u said matt hardy sucks. He was a team with the spot monkey jeff hardy who isnt a bad wrestler either but matt is wayy better. he wrestled in roh for about 3 matches and very succesful i might add 2-1 i think. and roh has the best of the best. matt hardy has skill. Whoever posted this should go say a hail mary and cut your wrist cuz this post was worst den da 1st 1 i had to correct
I stand by what i said. I think Batista, Cena, & Lashley are the best in wwe right now. I also believe Khali could get there. As for female performers McCool, Ashley, and Melina are all great. Thoes are the best. And i have watched ROH, and other indy permotions I just don't see brillance out of Noble & Umaga like I see out of Cena & Batista(true athletes)
^ Good, I think its its great that you have such passion for the likes of Ashley and Michelle, except the problem is that their both shit entertainers and even worse wrestlers. I'll admit that if you tally up the fan base of each of the divas, I wouldn't be surprised if Ashley had one of the highest, but I can also guarantee you that a good majority of those fans (which would most likely be male) don't like ashley because she's entertaining or because she a good wrestler, no they like her because of her Triple D's and when they pay to see her live their hoping that just maybe they'll see a wardrobe malfunction. And if that doesn't work, they'll go home and view her nude photos and see her in all her glory that way.

I'll tell you what, since your so high on Ashley and Michelle, I want you to show me at least on good promo from both women and at least one good match from both women.
I stand by what i said. I think Batista, Cena, & Lashley are the best in wwe right now. I also believe Khali could get there. As for female performers McCool, Ashley, and Melina are all great. Thoes are the best. And i have watched ROH, and other indy permotions I just don't see brillance out of Noble & Umaga like I see out of Cena & Batista(true athletes)

about how old are u kid? 9, 10,11? yes melina is a good wrestler, mccool is getting dere, but ashley is just there for show...shes not talented. this is the first time someone hasnt said mickie james, beth phoenix, and victoria arent in the most talented female wrestlers. god peoples wrestling taste makes me sad. and u called CENA AND BATISTA TRUE ATHLETES?!?!?! oh my god...shelton benjamin is a true athlete, if lashley wrestles the way he wants..true athlete..kurt angle true athlete, aj styles true athlete. tell me 1 thing athletic that batista can do all he can do is clothesline nd powerbomb and cena can do a f-u off the top rope....dissapointing
about how old are u kid? 9, 10,11? yes melina is a good wrestler, mccool is getting dere, but ashley is just there for show...shes not talented. this is the first time someone hasnt said mickie james, beth phoenix, and victoria arent in the most talented female wrestlers. god peoples wrestling taste makes me sad. and u called CENA AND BATISTA TRUE ATHLETES?!?!?! oh my god...shelton benjamin is a true athlete, if lashley wrestles the way he wants..true athlete..kurt angle true athlete, aj styles true athlete. tell me 1 thing athletic that batista can do all he can do is clothesline nd powerbomb and cena can do a f-u off the top rope....dissapointing

OK you forgot one. He said "Khali could get there". Get where exactly? He added a claw and now he has pretty much maxed out what he can do. He might last another year but then I expect him to go the way of the Giant Gonzalez (out of WWE).
No I'm 25 and have been watching wrestling(wcw, tna, roh, wwe, indys) for over 18 years!!!! Cena is athletic, Batista is entertaing, Khali has been improving better and faster than Big SHow, Umaga, ect Gian wrstlers have. Mickie, Victoria, Beth, Jilian are alright. McCOol is very talented and will be big.
just like miles and miles said....claw chop chokeslam..khali is maxed out, he isnt going anywhere and for god sakes batista is entertaining???? i bet you think chris jericho was the worst wrestler of his generation and cenas most athletic move is a leg drop and big show could do one so that isnt saying much
My ten least favorite employees, meaning the ones that make me sick every time they're on screen are as follows:

1. Vince McMahon: Look, he's the owner of the company, and he's responsible for its biggest successes, I'll give him that. However, he places way too much emphasis on himself and he constantly eats up valuable TV time every week with boring promos and horrible storylines. Half the time Vince cuts a promo, there are audible "Boring" chants in the background. Should that not tell him something?

2. Chris Masters: Thankfully, this man is fading into obscurity, but when he was on top of the company in 2005, this man was just an absolute trainwreck on television; No wrestling skills, piss poor mic work, and just a very unlikeable guy.

3. Randy Orton: See above, except add the fact that he is treated like a god among men by Corporate, and is shoved down our throats every single week.

4. The Great Khali: 7'4 and 420 pounds of an absolute waste. No ring skills, no mic skills, and overall a very uninteresting performer. And he's the World Heavyweight Champ? Ugh.

5. Mark Henry: He sucked in 1998, and he sucks now.

6. The Sandman: ECW's lone original...ECW's most overrated, overpushed original. But in the year of our lord 2007, he is just an old man.

7. Jerry Lawler: I get so mad on Monday nights, mostly because of this man's completely wasteful commentary. When's the last time The King had anything remotely interesting to say WITHOUT parroting Jim Ross?

8. Candice Michelle:

9. Umaga: Adequate? Yes. Compelling? Not really. Needs retooling.

10. John Cena: THe biggest problem with the industry. Shoving this man down our throats since 2005 has been Vince McMahon's biggest mistake; He is nothing more than a shell of his former edgy self. And he's the most successful champion since Hulk freakin Hogan? Where's Triple H when you need him?
My ten least favorite employees, meaning the ones that make me sick every time they're on screen are as follows:

1. Vince McMahon: Look, he's the owner of the company, and he's responsible for its biggest successes, I'll give him that. However, he places way too much emphasis on himself and he constantly eats up valuable TV time every week with boring promos and horrible storylines. Half the time Vince cuts a promo, there are audible "Boring" chants in the background. Should that not tell him something?

3. Randy Orton: See above, except add the fact that he is treated like a god among men by Corporate, and is shoved down our throats every single week

are you honestly saing that you would have preffered wrestling without Vince McMahon. he has given us some of the best rivalries ever, imagine wrestling without Austin vs Vince, wrestling wouldnt be nearly as popular as it is now. imagine if we hadnt had vince vs shane, that feud saw some of the most insane things in wrestling history ie shane jumping off the titan tron.

Orton has the ability to put on a 5 star match. i can see where your coming from because i know his more recent matches have been crap but when Orton has an opponent that can test his agillity like Edge he's fantastic. to say he is one of the worst wrestlers in WWE is a bit stupid. Orton vs Taker,Orton vs Benoit and Orton vs Edge (on raw leading to backlash)were both 5 star matches. and orton can be good as both a face and heel.
wow how can u think about putting lashly as one. id say hes one of the top 5 WRESTLERS in the buisness. If your a 3 time colegiant all ameican, u are a damn good wrestler. as a soph in high school which is around 15, he was an all american. i love taker, but he isnt a good wrestler, just is freaky. i still love him though, big dady v and mark henry, along with khali.....
wow how can u think about putting lashly as one. id say hes one of the top 5 WRESTLERS in the buisness. If your a 3 time colegiant all ameican, u are a damn good wrestler. as a soph in high school which is around 15, he was an all american. i love taker, but he isnt a good wrestler, just is freaky. i still love him though, big dady v and mark henry, along with khali.....

Because he sucks, look at Ken Shamrock, one of the best MMA fighters ever. When he was in the WWF, he was also a descent wrestler, but he had shitty Mic skills, no Charisma, awful ring psychology, and could hardly sell. Everything I just said applies to Lashley, he has shitty Mic skills, no Charisma, awful ring psychology, and he can hardly sell. Lashley Sucks!!
I won't do my worst 10, i will just do my worst 7, as i believe these are the only terrible wrestlers, there are some average and not amazing fighters too, but i would not want to label them "worst."

Heres the worst wrestlers in WWE

Great Khali- Omg i hate him why the hell is he champion, big show was a giant but he good wrestle, khali cant even walk he doesnt even know what he's doin. Punjabi Prat. Mic skills= 0/100

Mark Henry- A lot like Khali, not as bad but still very annoyin, and i know he does it on purpose but when his head is wet and greasy looks disgusting makes me wannabe sick.

Masters- Masterlock challenge... k then.

Batista- Personally i do not feel Cena should be on the worst wrestlers list he's not as bad as a lot of people, including this man. I despise him why is he here, he's big but he is not even that strong for his size, especially compared to people like Lashley. His matches against Undertaker were good, but anyone against taker (cept khali) has a good match, due to Taker. Batista V Khali, might as well put a ring chair versus a table in the ring.

Boogeyman- This guy is good backstage and creates the odd laugh, like Ron Simmons- not to the same level, yet with boogeyman when he goes and wrestles its the same thing every week- except the lil boogeyman stuff but that was only because of Finaly and Hornswoggle aiding.

Hacksaw Jim Duggan- He was good in his time, but thats the thing, HIS TIME. Im not being offensive to him, because im sure he loves wrestling and thats the only reason he has continued, but he is boring to watch and is only really good as a jobber to give new guys a push.

Unfortunately most of these are from Smackdown, and considering they do not have several other wrestlers due to injuries and suspensions its creating quite poor shows with the same outlines. As soon as Undertaker, and Edge return it'll get good again.. hopefully.
worst wrestlers in wwe

Khali- i hate him and he should burn in hell. No skill what so ever. never should have gotten the WHC.

Mark Henry- almost a khali clone. but not as bad. boring as hell. how he looks it makes me sick.

Cetard(cena)- getting very dull, needs a heel change. He's vinces bitch and needs to lose the title. only little boys and girls like him.

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