Top ten WORST wrestlers in WWE

1. John Cena
- Gets booed even though he's face
- Can't wrestle to save his life
- His finisher is a modified fireman's carry
- He gets his ass kicked in every match to hide that fact he's a crap wrestler
- Childish Gimmick

2. Cody Rhodes
- Has 3 moves
- Gets his ass kicked at one point in every match but manages to come back
- Stupid attire
- Living off his dads fame

3. Batista
- No mic skills
- Has the look of a steroid abuser
- Slow
- Comes across as a big dumb animal

4.Triple H
- Banged the bosses daughter which earned him his continuous top spot
- Injury prone
- Generic moveset
- Big headed
- gets over by using gay jokes

5. Shawn Michaels
- Rubbish finisher
- limited moveset
- living in the past
- puts on boring matches as he does the same 3 moves in the same order and to see that spread out into a 30 min match is horrible

6. Big Daddy V
- Makes me want to puke with his big ol bitch tits
- Too slow to pull off impact moves which is bad when they're the only moves he has
- Doesn't have a real moveset

7. Boogeyman
- He can't wrestle
- Gets over because he puts worms in peoples mouth

8.Mark Henry
- Too slow
- Boring finisher

9. Umaga
- Tell me the last time Umaga hasn't dominated a match
- Boring
- Has no mic skills

10.Bobby Lashley
- Brock Lesnar wannabe
- Generic big man move set
- No mic skills
- Too dominant as he has beat Randy Orton and Mr Kennedy in a handicap match lol
1. Khali - Absolutely no in ring ability. Can't speak English. Makes the easiest moves look really hard ( When he kicked hardy monday night... that was pathetic!!!)

2. Boogeyman - The character is dead. Creative never did a good job pushing him. He's not a horrible wrestler but his entire career is based around his gimmick. I guess he's not the worst wrestler, they've just done a bad job with the character.

3. Cena - I don't give a fuck what anyone says about him being charismatic. He's had too long of a run and it's fucking annoying. The crowd boos him constantly and 63% of people don't want him as champ... they should have given it to HBK back at wrestlmania.

4. Sandman - Good gimmick and all but he's too old. He has no agility and it was painful to watch that match against Santino last night. Well now he's fired...

5. Chris Masters - No mat technique and his finisher is pretty lame. He needs a new gimmick.

6. Booker T - probably my most controversial pick. He's soooo boring to watch. I usually get up and leave when ever he is in the ring. When he was world champ I stopped watching SD! because it was sooo boring watching him every night.

7. Batista - Complete and utter SHIT!

8. Jim Duggan - yikes... his man boobs scared me at first but then when I saw him in the ring I was even more turned off. Although when Mr. McMahon said "Jim Duggan is old enough to be MY father" I got a real kick out of that. Kinda funny why he even showed up to that.

9. Ric Flair - dances around like a fucking idiot... had his glory days but can no longer wrestle.

10. Kane - To make it clear, I think Kane is a fantastic character in the WWE. I just don't think he is the best wrestler. As for the big tall guys though? I'd say he is the best of them. No technical ability though, and watching him climb to the top rope is kinda funny, because you know that he's just gunna punch the guy in the face, nothing fancy about that. And when you see someone climb you're usually expecting something that is kinda risky.
=0 did you just say HBK puts on boring matches?! Did you even watch that match with him and cena on raw? That was the best match I've seen since angle and benoit! You're a fucking lunatic if you think hbk and HHH are in the top 4 WORST wrestlers in WWE....
i'm just gonna say cena. i liked him in his rapper heel gimmick when he was going for the us title, and i hear hes one of the hardest workers in the buisness, but goddamit all of his matches it looks like hes done, then alll of a sudennnnnn he gets all this power and starts kicking ass and all the 7 year olds cheer and he wins and all the little kids scream their heads off...
Mideon- He was big fat greasy and used to take off his clothes in matches. He didnt really wrestle a serious match but of what I saw of him wrestling he sucked.

Viseria- same as above he is fat and doesnt do any wrestling moves, people say Mark henry is abd, ok but at least he looks like a bad bastard. Wiseria is just a big blob that stands in the same spot in the ring the whole match.

Sandman- Was ECW's answer to Stone Cold, however he sucked on the mic, had almost zero in ring ability, and only got pops by hitting people with a kane and because he had a good enterance. like someone said he is fired and good ridance.

Dont taken this as a flame but jesus christ your post was incredibly ******ed. Mideon has been out for a while so I dont think he counts since hes not part of the current roster.

And how old are you like 11? I guess you weren't around for ECW's early days. The Sandman was drinking beer, smoking cigs, and kicking ass while Austin was getting treated like a lost puppy dog in WCW. isn't that hard to look up my friend. I know the Sandman can't wrestle, but book this man in a hardcore match and you'll see how good they are. Hell I dont even think he was trained to technically wrestle, but to just take hardcore bumps and spots.
1. Khali- Can't wrestle worth a crap, yet WHY is he champion? and WHY is he champion THIS LONG?????????? GEEZ!!!!!!!! He can't wrestle his way out of a a nut sack!!!!!! All this piece of crap can do is take his frying pan sized hands and squash his opponents heads til they pop like grapes!!!!

2. Batista- I used to have SO MUCH RESPECT FOR HIM!!! I REALLY DID!!! But now....he's turned into a has been. He does 4 moves and the match is over. Are we ever gonna see a good quality 5 star match from him again?

3. The Miz- I don't think sleeping with Extreme Expose gets you anywhere, pal. Learn to frickin wrestle already!!!

4. Santino Marella- He can't wrestle worth a crap. and he has no mic skills. He's just overall annoying... and he needs to break up with Maria.

5. Matt Striker- That teacher gimmick is getting soooo stale!! He needs to go away for about...3 years and have someone teach him how to stop being so annoying.

6. Chris Masters- Also very annoying. Can't wrestle for crap, and he's totally in love with himself.

7. MVP- He just sucks... 'Nuff said

8. John Morrison (aka Johnny Nitro) - Thinks he's so special because he's good looking. Well he's not. He's not good looking, and he can't wrestle either!!!!!! When was the last time he actually got a really good reaction from the fans? I can't even remember when that was!! Probably because it never happened!!!!!!!

9. John Cena- Yes I actually hate to say this. But John Cena is highly overrated and he really needs to have that title removed from him. I think he's got great mic skills and his personality is awesome and everything. But he's had that title WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too long. It's time for a new champ.

10. Randy Orton- I can't express enough how much I hate him. Not only can't he wrestle for crap, but his heart is cold as ice and it is black as the night. Does he actually think that giving great wrestlers like The American Dream and The Heart Break Kid concussions will make him feel better about himself and give his ego a good boost of energy?? That is such crap!
Right before i start, someone put HBK+HHH in their top 10 worst.... really?? Some people dont like Triple H because he was over-pushed for a while... but Shawn Michaels? Are you kidding me? He is incapable of a bad match... He is the Undertaker without the size. He is one of the top 5 in any company, ever...

ANYWAY, Top 10 bad wrestlers in no particular order....

1. Great Khali - Vince, listen to me, people have stopped going "Oooh isn't here big!" They stopped a LONG time ago. When he was killing cruiserweights it worked, it was funny, but NO-ONE wants to see him carry a belt or feud with top stars. I will say this right now, if you can't go a minimum of 20 minutes in the ring, you don't belong in the main event. End of.

2. Batista - I honestly think his injury shook his confidence. I was never a major fan, but everyone can see a huge difference between Batista before and after his injury. He is slow, can't throw a punch, can't cut a promo to save his life, best he can hope is someone like Edge will cut one on him and he can fire back with one-liners. Is it just me or does the Batista Bomb look a lot less devestating than it used to? Oh, and he looks horrible, that left arm... ewwww!

3. Santino Marella - I am SICK of WWE bringing in people and not showing off their move-set for at least a couple of weeks. They did it with Carlito for a long time, then they allowed him to actually wrestle and i came round to him. I see nothing wrong with this guy's potential in-ring ability, but to my knowledge he has never executed a finishing move, hell i've never seen anything beyond the generic moves everyone uses. He is essentially a jobber who wins... somehow... OH, and people aren't feeling the stalker angle, end it now please.

4. Ashley Massaro - I could probably throw Maria and Kristal in here too, but basically, they are only here to look pretty. Maria and Kristal embrace that role, however, they try and push Ashley like a wrestling female like Victoria, Melina or Mickie, when quite frankly, she isn't. She sums up the divas since Trish and Lita left, she looks unconvincing in everything she does. Can't take a bump, has no moves, just doesn't understand wrestling.

5. The Miz - Right, basically, funny guy, good on the mic, good look, nice charisma, but he isn't a wrestler and EVERYONE knows it. The fact he has been given very basic in-ring training is very evident, i doubt he has spent time developing a move-set or studied tapes to acquire some understanding of ring-psychology.

6. Hornswoggle - I dont want to see a leprachaun. Am i wrong? I hated him as Finlay's sidekick, i hate him more as an individual character. Jamie Noble is doing his best to improve the Loserweight division, but with Hornswoggle as champion, it's all for nothing.

7. Trevor Murdoch - See, weirdly, he does seem to understand wrestling, he just can't do it. I don't mind Cade, Cade can wrestle a little bit, but Murdoch is horrible. As a pair they are horrible. I personally think tag-teams should have a repetoire of at least 5 double-team moves, i haven't seen C+M use any except the High/Low (oh and that sucks btw). Just check him doing the "Texas Destroyer"... nuff said!

8. Snistky - I HATE HIM. He ruined Kane. I didn't buy him beating Kane, beating him badly, he put Kane out, then when he returned he was meant to lose BADLY, but he won again! I actually liked him best when he was doing the tag team thing with Goldust and others, had some good moves. But then they ruined him again, put him in ECW to "hype up" as a believable monster, brought him back to Raw, did NOTHING with him. Not much to be done to be fair. Just a horrible imitation of the bigger guys they used to have. Has nothing going for him really.

9. Big Daddy V - He makes me want to vomit. Put a shirt on him and i might think about reviewing his ring work. Right. Well. He has given years to the company so i suppose they feel they owe him a push after starting him strong and then putting him in the Fat Suit and then the Pyjamas. Belongs on Heat, squashing unheard of developmental wrestlers to give them experience.

10. Jim Duggan - Special appearances at MOST, i dont get why they keep him on a semi-regular schedule and yet they leave Sgt. Slaughter etc where they belong, the past

Honourable mention: Chris Masters, Mark Henry, Matt Striker

It's probably going to shock many that i didnt mention Cena, well, i saved him for a second list, the most mis-used wrestlers...

1. John Cena - Absolutely nothing wrong with HIM, it is 100% how he is booked. He is not in charge of how many matches he wins, and for some reason the WWE feel the need to have the second coming of Hogan. Fans are smarter now, you cant give us the Attitude era with good guys losing and shocks and controversy, and then send us back to Hogan's days. The Rock and Austin did brilliantly and they lost all the time. Cena is good on the mic but im not a fan of the promos he's cut since he got the major major title run. He is funny, watch the archives of 5 Questions if you dont believe me. I just think they are thinking as a business first and a wrestling promotion second. He is a smart choice for them as he has marketability. He is good for their image, he appeals to the stupid masses. The majority of wrestling viewers are casual, dont know the ins and outs, and to them, he is great. He is drug free. Essentially, they can rely on him. IT IS NOT HIS FAULT.

2. C.M. Punk. Right. This guy CAN wrestle. But. The GTS? That's a cool move but NOT a finisher... Why did they stop the Anaconda Vice? They not want him setting it up with a Rock Bottom? Eugene+Booker use the Rock Bottom. Also i duno why, but the insist on him making the people he beats look like piles of shit and then have him getting totally owned when he loses it, i just dont like the way they develop him. He has actually looked shakier in the ring than in his debut.

3. Elijah Burke. DEAR GOD GIVE HIM A BREAK! He can talk, he can wrestle, he has the look, he can get a reaction from a crowd, he can sell. All he needs is a better finisher and some faith. When the New Breed was around, he got a good push, that was the main story. Now the title picture is the focus and he should be in it, properly, not just cos Morrison got injured. They have him lose to everyone going and then put him in a title match, it just isnt believable. Hype him up, push him. OH! And let him have 20+ mins with Punk.

4. John Morrison - Right, this guy for my money is one of the top 5 in the company in terms of like potential in-ring ability. He has buckets of athleticism and a very large potential moveset. The new gimmick looked cool when he first debuted it, but now he is just Nitro with different hair and music. They put the title on him before he was ready, but to his credit he sort of ran with it. However, they do a lousy job with protecting his character. They have him cheating in every encounter with Punk with the title on the line, and in non-title affairs he is made to look like a jobber. He needs to start getting clean finishes and they need to let him go for 20 mins.

5. The Boogeyman - Well. I duno. I think he wants to wrestle, and from what i'm told he can. His gimmick has undeniable pull, he is one of the most unique performers EVER. But i duno, when they put him in the ring he either gets punked or wins in 10 seconds. Can we at least try and let him wrestle a bit?
I think ive done 2 of these already but i have a new top 10

1. Cena-Most overated wrestler since ultimate warrior, he has 5 moves of doom, and gets away with being a bad wrestler by getting his ass handed to him then doing a firemans carry.

2. Morrison-Sorry but he is just 2 damn annyoing to be true, he also is good on the mic, has a somewhat boring moveset and cant draw as a champ

3.Santino Marella-Had a gimmick of being face but why the heel turn your jsut annoying, when was the last time he actually wrestled, has a limited moveset and is crap on the mic, wtf was all the build up between him and Ron Simmons for anyway i wanted to see a grudge match!

4. Bobby Lashley-Before ECW he was great!, now hes lame, whats the push beyond his ablility for lol prolly so they have a backup incase Cena gets booed by the kids aswell, his moveset now has decreased i mean come on his WM 23 match SUCKED! Stone Cold had to make that match.

5. Mark Henry-okay first hes fat, has no agility, hardly is as strong as hes made out to be, his finisher is so lame a bear hug god save me, has no moveset except for a slam and punch.

6. Big Daddy V-the man boobs are 2 much, if he was just Vis and learned a few moves got a Intercont title for maybe 2 months could increase his rep, instead have him pile up small guys and pin them at the same time, no way he dosnt even talk on the mic now.

7. Hornswoggle-WTF to far man as a comedy gimmick great but as a champion it decreases your product to laughing stock, its ruined all the effort nobble and helmz put into making the cruiserweights something that could be great fun to see, hes crap as a sidekick and brings down Finlays ability as a veteran of the ring.

8. Batista-when in evolution he was mysterious and i hated how HHH would crap on him, he had the powerful moveset and could do things in the ring but now hes a has been, wtf he actually has lost moves instead of developing, he looks like a steroid abuser and cant pull any more as a champion, boreista should be given a tag partner to kinda help him along a bit.

9. Matt Striker-The worst gimmick next to simon deans old gimmick, man i hate his guts hes so gay, he acts all macho and tries to be smart but comes across as a twit, the only reason he has big V is to cover up his bad skills as a wrestler.

10. Umaga-He brings down the whole of Raw he gets like a push and is put in his place by Cena, woah thats good!, he could be a dude who just runs about crushing people and out wrestling them but instead hes just made to walk about like an animal and just squash people, if he won a match clean vs a good wrestler it would increase his rep, he has some moves but dosnt use them in a sequence just at random times like an animal.
After reading all this garbage i've noticed that the posts are not who are the 10 worst wrestlers but rather each persons least favorite wrestlers. The worst wrestlers are ones that cannot put on a decent match ever. All these people that say cena, orton, lashley, hbk, ect. are in the bottom 10 are morons. I mean do you people watch the matches. Cena's match against both hbk and orton where 2 of the best in the last several years. The best non ppv match ive seen in a long time was lashley v benoit on the last draft special. Do i like cena no i am just as sick of him as everyone else but fact of the matter is he has kept the wwe afloat when everyone else was out of action.

But if you want 10 guys that have no buisness in the ring here you go.b(no particular order and not including divas)

1. Khali- Not only does this guy look bad, he makes everyone he wresltes look bad because he cant take a bump and has the reaction time of a dead, fat woman.

2. Murdoch- Thank god you are riding Cades coattails and giving him breathers so he can out you both over. Enjoy it while it lasts.

3. The Miz- Dont know why they are trying to put this guy over. Someone tell Stiffler in tights to pack it up.

4. Cody Rhodes- Is he really 4-0 with wins using a schoolboy and a flying body cross??? Thanks for the job dad.

5. Santino Marella- What do you do if you cant wrestle for crap? You attack 50 year old Simmons backstage. At least he acts better than he wrestles which isnt a complement.

6. Balls Mahoney- Does this guy own another move other than a jab? He belongs sleepin under a bridge in Jersey.

7. Mike Knox- Wait they rehired this guy? Like ECW needs more jobbers on their brand.

8. Charlie Haas- This guy teams up with maybe the most atheltically gifted guy on any of the rosters and still manages to make them both look like jokes. I hope this suspension can put Shelton into some entertaining mid card matches again.

9. Divari- I understand you need an initiation match for new superstars but we may never see this guy win again.

10. Snitsky- Should have left him on ECW where he could at least be a title threat. Instead they put him back on raw where he was a jobber and lost every week. Now they say hes undefeated? You suck at wrestling and pain is the only word that comes out of your mouth. Well thats what the only word i can say when i watch you.

If anyone can give me one good match any of these listed have ever had please call Ripley.
After reading all this garbage i've noticed that the posts are not who are the 10 worst wrestlers but rather each persons least favorite wrestlers.

And yet you have Charlie Haas, Cody Rhodes, Balls Mahoney and Daivari on your list. All of those are decent wrestlers. So maybe it is also you who's listing wrestlers who you dislike.

The worst wrestlers are ones that cannot put on a decent match ever.

Check out WGTT matches from 2003.

Rhodes hasn't been given a true oppetunity yet. How can you judge when he's been in matches that have lasted about 5 min?

Balls Mahoney vs. RVD Anarchy Rulez 1999. And many more.

Find some matches of Daivari in ROH.
Find some matches of Daivari in ROH.[/QUOTE]
I've seen some of Daivari's stuff from ROH, and I gotta say, I agree with you. This guy deserves so much more than he's gotten. If they pushed guys like him and Super Crazy in the IC title picture with Jeff Hardy, those matches would be phenominal. Instead WWE has him doing some basic wrestling moves and then losing. If they're going to do that, then they might as well send him back to Smackdown where he can really show up the rest of the Cruiserweight Division. Right now, it's possible that Daivari is one of the most talented and misused cruiserweights in the WWE.
I dont think think any wrestler is a bad one. Funaki could become world champ if the storyline writers wanted him too, i think the wrestlers are about as good as they get, i just think that the wwe storylines limit the potential of all those young guys
After reading all this garbage i've noticed that the posts are not who are the 10 worst wrestlers but rather each persons least favorite wrestlers. The worst wrestlers are ones that cannot put on a decent match ever. All these people that say cena, orton, lashley, hbk, ect. are in the bottom 10 are morons. I mean do you people watch the matches. Cena's match against both hbk and orton where 2 of the best in the last several years. The best non ppv match ive seen in a long time was lashley v benoit on the last draft special. Do i like cena no i am just as sick of him as everyone else but fact of the matter is he has kept the wwe afloat when everyone else was out of action.

But if you want 10 guys that have no buisness in the ring here you go.b(no particular order and not including divas)

1. Khali- Not only does this guy look bad, he makes everyone he wresltes look bad because he cant take a bump and has the reaction time of a dead, fat woman.

2. Murdoch- Thank god you are riding Cades coattails and giving him breathers so he can out you both over. Enjoy it while it lasts.

3. The Miz- Dont know why they are trying to put this guy over. Someone tell Stiffler in tights to pack it up.

4. Cody Rhodes- Is he really 4-0 with wins using a schoolboy and a flying body cross??? Thanks for the job dad.

5. Santino Marella- What do you do if you cant wrestle for crap? You attack 50 year old Simmons backstage. At least he acts better than he wrestles which isnt a complement.

6. Balls Mahoney- Does this guy own another move other than a jab? He belongs sleepin under a bridge in Jersey.

7. Mike Knox- Wait they rehired this guy? Like ECW needs more jobbers on their brand.

8. Charlie Haas- This guy teams up with maybe the most atheltically gifted guy on any of the rosters and still manages to make them both look like jokes. I hope this suspension can put Shelton into some entertaining mid card matches again.

9. Divari- I understand you need an initiation match for new superstars but we may never see this guy win again.

10. Snitsky- Should have left him on ECW where he could at least be a title threat. Instead they put him back on raw where he was a jobber and lost every week. Now they say hes undefeated? You suck at wrestling and pain is the only word that comes out of your mouth. Well thats what the only word i can say when i watch you.

If anyone can give me one good match any of these listed have ever had please call Ripley.
Easy, any tag match with cade and MURDOCH, also charlie haas may not get advertised on tv as a great athelete, but if u may recall, charlie and shelton had a match on raw, charlies return match a year ago, and that was an awesome match, which charlie won.
my friend matches in 1999 are not good examples of what they can do today....hacksaw jim duggan had good matches in the 90's doesnt make him good now. But on the bright side any of these guys could be ECW champ.
I cant believe this thread really......why do so many people have Cena listed? For all the people who say Cenas a bad wrestler tell me the last time Cena put on a bad match barring his feud with Khali and his match with Snitsky (because not even Finlay or Regal could carry them 2 to a good match)
Like or not Cenas a pretty good wrestler now. Anyway my list of the top 10 worst....worst not my least favourite

1) Khali- I dont think I can say anything about him which hasnt been said already.

2) The Boogeyman- if Regal and Finlay cant carry you to a decent match noone can

3) Snitsky- Claims to enjoy pain....sadly that only works if you can pull of dangerous looking moves.

4) Mark Henry- Mark does his job as a heel pretty well....a shame he cant wrestle because his gimics good and hes got ok mic skills.

5) Batista- Cant talk, cant wrestle, botchs moves, looks like a mong....why do people like this guy?

6) The Highlanders- why have these guys got a job? Worse...tagteam...ever

7) The Miz- sadly the list of wrestlers who have jobbed to this fool include greats like Matt Hardy and Chris Benoit.

8) Ric Flair- Once was uses the same crappy formula of chop, chop, chop, chop block, shinbreaker figure of 4.....boring

9) Deuce and Domino- This guys make me ashamed to be a wrestling fan....they play their role well but are so boring to watch.

10) Triple H- I just dont like the guy....hes overated as a wrestler and though he makes an excellant heel hes cringeworthy as a face.
1st off should be shot by a firing squad!!!

ok now in no order

1. Kahli--just another big dumb slow guy who dont talk. Kinda like the old school Barabrian. LAME!!

2. Boogeyman--One of the lamest gimmicks ever. Hes a black version of mankind..just lamer. Missing teeth...acts weird..hits himself

3. Carlito--The tired apple gimmick...the word cool bring used every 6 seconds...He just seems unprofessional in the ring. Like he half asses everything

4. Snitsky--Again big, dumb, slow, boring, no talent, no angle

5. ( I know im gonna get heat) KANE--his angle slowly dropped off after he took off the mask years ago. Since then hes not the BIG RED MACHINE...hes the guy who lives down the street and watches the kids get off the bus. I undertand that they could not use the Brother of the Undertaker forever. But after really pushin the fire thing and then REMOVING the mask showin no burn scars or anything....he got real tired REAL fast. Plus...he has all of about 6 moves... not entertaining to all

6. Mark Henry--WOW HES WAS A STRONG PRO LIFTER!!! Lame gimmick..ungodly boring to watch...I mean can u go from sexual chocolate...have a "baby" with mae young...and then act as if you kill puppies in your spare time. And he sweats so much...he ALWAYS looks like he jumpd out of the shower and ran to the ring to do something. Id rather watch paint dry then him wrestle.

7. DUCE AND DOMINO--Its like watchin 2 young tommy dreamers...however all 3 boring...all 3 lame...all 3 need to stop...HEY YO IN THE 50's, JAMES DEAN, L.A.M.E.

8. Matt Striker--Are you kidding me........thing about it.....gimmick is ring is boring...mic skills boring...what else does he have?

9. Chris Masters--Just think. Not too long ago they were going to fire him because he did not get over with fans, had no in-ring appeal, and had no mic skills. He has what "THE MASTER LOCK"...come on...hes pretty much another Lex Luger...

10. Matt Hardy--without jeff...hes just that guy that you dont care if u miss to get a beer...
1.Kahli : how many moves does this guy have? Wow he is going to squeeze someones head. The only thing this guy has going for him is that he is least the big show could cut an ok promo back in the day.

2. Boogeyman: Besides the fact that his gimmic is ******ed he can't carry a match to save his life

3.John Cena: He uses the same stupid moves every match. He is really over-rated

4. Batista: same as Cena

5.Edge: I can't stand to watch his matches, unless he is in a tlc match. He is completly overrated but at least he can cut a good promo.

6. Vicera: wow. This guy is pretty much just a tub of lard who uses his weight as a weapon. He can't carry a match to save his life

7. Snitsky: Can't say that I have enjoyed any of his matches...ever

8. Miz: what does he do besides stand there and look pretty. Although he is a little better than when he first started he still cant have a GOOD match

9. Hornswoggle: I guess the cruiserweight division is a complete joke now. This really needs no explanation...

10.Mark Henry: He has strength but he has no good technical skills and he is deffinetly not a high flyer so all he has is his strength. Not that great of a wreslter. All he can do is squash little people :]
I dont necessarily have a top ten but I agree with guys like Big Vis, Striker, and the Miz being up there but putting Cena and Lashley one and two is crazy. They wouldn't be competing for the most prestigious title in the sport if they were so awful. They have to have some charisma for people to think that highly of them. Right now believe it or not theres a lot of wrestlers worse than them out there. I can't think of two more credible guys to be fighting for the belt right now actually. I'm not saying there the best but for what we have right now they are suitable, your just not giving them any credit at all.

Uh Khali has a title and he has NO ability whatsoever and no mic skills.
My top 10 would be
the "divas" cause most of them cant wrestle
Big Daddy V
ok I cant think of who's on what roster but half of each roster sucks so there LOL.
Cena is sloppy at times and his gimmick is stale
Batista is just big not great ring ability not great on mic limited move set
Miz is just an ass sucks in the ring and on the mic I cant stand the guy
Striker ain't nothin special
Big Daddy V all he has to do is throw guys around and he needs to put a shirt on
the divas, I dont watch wrestling to see women grope eachother in thongs and no I'm not a homo
Top Ten Worst or Overated Wrestlers in WWE:

1) Great Khali - is it just me or does everyone in the arena feel awkward when this guy is in the ring?

2) Chris Masters - between the fact that he can't wrestle, there is a huge crackdown on steroids, and he can't work the mic, how does this guy still have a job?

3) Chuck Palumbo - wasn't he gay?

4) Bobby Lashley - sure he looks big, but is uber-boring, but get used to him, he's going to be a top guy until Vince croaks

5) Hacksaw Jim Duggan - hey, i like being reminded of the 80's, but he wasn't good then either

6) Deuce and Domino - Id rather watch Andrew Dice Clay shave his balls

7) the Miz - actually for having no experience he's starting to be decent, but i just hate him so much i never miss a chance to rip on him

8) the Boogeyman - don't get me wrong, i actually like Boogey's shctick, but I like watching him despite the spite the fact and he can't wrestle a lick, but Vince knows this and works around it

9) Kane - I've got no issues with Kane, good gimmick and all, but i don't think i've actually seen a good match that involved him. He's sort of a punch-kick-punch guy

10) the Divas - the Divas these days are BAD. I miss Trish and Lita, remember when the Divas could actually wrestle? Mickie James excluded

11) Batista - goddamn it i hate Batista so much. I've never been more annoyed by a wrestler in my life. I really want him to go away..really.

I saw some people list some wrestlers that i feel are actually decent:

1) Davairi - He's never had more than a two minute match in WWE, so i don't see how anyone could crap on him. When this guy gets the chance to go, trust me he's pretty good.

2) Matt Striker - Come on, this guy is a great heel! i'm pissed off right now just thinking about him.

3) Santion Marrella (or however you spell it)- again we haven't seen enough of him to say whether or not he can wrestle, and he's funny as hell

4) Charlie Haas - dude can wrestle, we just never get the chance to see it

5) Big daddy V - Sure he's slow, but every move he does looks like it just killed the guy he's wrestling, he's good

6) Edge - he's slowed down in the last couple of year, he used to be much better, but injuries and growth hormone have slowed him down (but bulked him up to the point that he looks like a believable main eventer)

7) Mark Henry: quoting here: "He has strength but he has no good technical skills and he is deffinetly not a high flyer so all he has is his strength. Not that great of a wreslter. All he can do is squash little people :]" , you need wrestlers like that on your roster..big monster guys you feed to the babyfaces, King Kong Bundy made a great career of it. He does his job well, same as Big Daddy V. They aren't supposed to be able to carry a match. Now Khali can't even come off as a monster because they way he walks he looks like he would break and crumble if you kicked him the knees.

8) Carlito - He does sort of half-ass everything, but when he's going he's good. He had a great match with Shelton benjamin once.

9) John Morrison - Am i missing something? this guy can go as good as anyone right now. His matches with CM Punk were kick-ass.

10) Sandman - no, he can't wrestle, but all the same don't be dissing Sandman
1- Khali: He is too bad. WWE like this guy just because he looks like a monster, but as a pro wrestler is a shit. Did you see Khali dancing in his Punjaby Celebration? OMGF.
2- Batista:Too Overrated. I hate Batista too much, he doenst know how to wrestle, doent know how to talk, he doesnt know how to sell moves, he doenst even know how to run in the ring.
3- Cena: How can Cena retain his title for 1 year, with the same amount of moves than my Lv. 5 Charmander? He really sucks, and 1 of the worst thing i've ever seen is him beating Chris Jericho.
4- Flair: Too overrated. He has beaten Carlito at the age of 60. Fuck!
5- Mysterio: 619 is one of the worst finishers in the wrestling, and he can do it to two guys when they are sleeping in the ropes.
6- The Sandman: Bring another beer to the wrestler who doenst know how to fight without his cane.
7- The Miz: The chickmagnet sucks. He will be better selling Coke or something.
8- Snitsky: Should i explain it?
9- Mark Henry: The strongest man in the world of toilets. He is a completly shit.
10- HHH: Most overrated guy in the earth. He manages to be the top guy in WWE, as a Heel and as a Face. But he doesnt wrestle as he should.
I look at bad wrestlers as those who when I see them on screen causes me to turn the channel. All of the following do this, in no particular order

Boogeyman - the Papa Shango of this generation. It's a goofy gimmick and the fans deserve better than this garbage.

Great Khali - He makes me long for the return of Hulk Hogan (and I can't stand the Pukester). Note to Vinny Mac, just because a guy is large doesn't mean that people give two farts about him

Miz - why in the world is this guy even on the roster. He couldn't even announce decently for the diva search? Yeesh

Snitsky - we know, it's not your fault. Does anyone really care when he comes out? I think not, judging by all the crickets that you can hear when he's in the ring.

Chris Masters - I never got why some people like this guy. IMO, don't look for him to be around long, if the "wellness" testing gets more stringent. As one person said earlier, a poor imitation of Lex Luger, but then again wasn't Lex Luger a poor imitation of Lex Luger?

Jimmy Wang Yang - he might be a decent wrestler, but I've never really cared to watch him. Nothing against the guy, but he just doesn't inspire me to stick around and watch. I'd rather go to the fridge and watch the bulb as I open/close the door.

MVP - again, here's a guy that just screams out for a bathroom break. Let me know when this turd gets flushed so I can come back. I don't care what Vince says, this guy doesn't deserve any titles in the WWE, but then again, these days who does?

Hornswoggle - are you kidding me? Do I really have to have a reason for this one?

Big Daddy V - the size of his man-boobs are frightening and shouldn't be allowed on anyone's television screen. Please for all that is holy, put the pajamas back on!

Matt Striker - Vince tried the teacher gimmick with Shane Douglas too and it didn't work for him and the Franchise was a heck of a sight better than Striker could ever hope to be.

That's my .02 on the subject
Mmm, there are a lot of the same names cropping up here, and my list will probably be no different to anyone elses.

In No Particular Order:

1-Khali: I've tried so hard to like him, I really want him to be good, but he's really not. He's got better, Unforgiven was probably his best match to date, but how many more head chops, big boots and shoulder grips can I take before I stop watching? Not many. it annoys me because in real life, he'd kill us all.

2-Ric Flair: I'm not even sure I liked him in the day, but now? Chop chop chop chop chop chop chop chop. Wooo.

3-Fat Daddy V: This man was King of the Ring. He's got good mic skills, but they've given him a really stupid gimmick and he will most likely never be over with the crowd ever again. There are worse wrestlers though.

4-Rey Mysterio: Big crowd favourite, but his move set is the same in each match, and relies a lot on opponents selling his moves well. I like him and his gimmick but I bet he was more fun to watch back in his Mexico days.

5-Chris Masters: What a pile of shit. seriously.
6-Chuck Palumbo: See above. And why is JBL constantly trying to put him over? What possible future angle could involve Chuck Palumbo and not make me want to vomit blood? And he has moobs.

7-Santino Marella: They had to bring Rom Simmons back into the ring just to try and make people care about Santino. Hate his gimmick, hate his storyline, hate his piss poor wrestling.

8-Mark Henry: Great on the mic, but slow in the ring. Was hoping that his defeat at unforgiven would be the end of him, but sadly not. They should put im in a sumo match with Big Vis, around the same time as I'm taking a toilet break. They've got him to sign a new contract though, so who knows.

9-Snitsky: Big boot, and er....thats about it. Not as slow as Khali but more boring. I think he'll be leaving very very soon.

10:Undertaker: Dont get me wrong, I love this guy. But I think I prefered his American Badass gimmick, and he's cracking on a bit now, too many injuries, not enough extreme moves (same could be said for the whole of WWE right now) and a predictable outcome to all of his matches.

Thanks and goodnight.
1. Cena - I can see him better as a heel though, his recent "anger" attitude makes me like him a bit more. If only he could sell better. (what he did to Regal a few weeks ago just made me wanna hit him because it looked so stupid. >_>)

The rest, I'll make up later.
1)Great Khali: The man looks like a clutz and he moves so stiff he can't walk thats not a great hallmark of a wrestler. Also he should have neve been signed because he was was involved in an acidental death due to bad decicions in the ring look it up on wiki.

2)Hornswagle: He actually has a decent look but his voice is grating he is a small person and I think it lacks.

3)Chris masters: His masterlock is very boring he doesn't have a look he has no mic skills to speak of his wrestling is lack luster.

4/5)Londrick I really can't stand thes too they don't do much special in the ring I would love to see kendrick as a singles lightweight division competitor again. I just don't like the other one

6)Bobby Lashly: He is like goldburg with bad mic skills he just doesn't sell being a superstar his voice is so high it just kills him as a serious professional.

7) Santea Marilla: He just isn't even fully he doesn't work that good of a match I can't stand him.

8)hacksaw Jim Duggan: I know the guy was once diagnosed with cancer but he can't wrestle to save his life his promo is bad I would love to see them use him differently

9) Snitsky: His teeth are disgusting and none of his incarnations have worked he is big he is not a great wrestler.

10)The boogie man yuck this guy is just gross I can't stand his worm eating ways.

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