Top ten most TALENTED wrestlers in WWE

Most of these lists are pretty solid and you see a solid mix of names with a good handful of names popping up over and over again.
So here we go with mine (in order from 10th to 1st):

10. John Morrison - Not the most loved guy out there by many. Some say he does not deserve his push, etc. But this guy commands attention. He is solid in the ring. Decent on the stick. And is a legitimate main eventer. I think that sometimes he does not sell his opponent like he should, and the suspension thing is another strike. But this guy has an extremely solid future.

9. Elijah Burke - Another star in the making stuck at 10:00 p.m. on Tuesday nights. The fact that Miz is in the World Title picture and this guy is not is just perplexing. Elijah gets a 9.5 on the charisma scale. He is a solid ring worker as well, but he will always make his living with his face. He is a great heel ... and could probably pull off a hard-working, good-talking face as well.

8. Fit Finlay - NOBODY works harder in the ring or cares about the business more than this guy. He is a great brawler and a very good technician. He also gets heat with ease. Getting heat is not always easy (thinking Big Bossman in his draggin coffin days still not getting over). Finlay relishes the heel role, plays it well ... and performs all out whether he is slated for the win or the much-more prevalent loss.

7. Jeff Hardy - This is the BEST talent ... which means a lack of hard work will not get you booted off the list. The things Hardy does in the ring are hardly ever duplicated. For his size (Rey often does some similar things, but is what ... 60 pounds lighter?), Hardy does more than anyone I recall seeing over the last 10 years. With any mic skills and any work ethic this guy could finally reach a World Title within the next couple of years.

6. CM Punk - I'll admit I am not always a huge fan of Punk in ECW, but anyone who has seen ANY of his ROH stuff knows how talented this guy is. Punk works GREAT matches that always go back and forth well. He sells for his opponent and knows how to tell a story throughout the match. His charisma and mic skills are not great, but are better than average. Punk will only get better.

5. Shawn Michaels - Simply puts it all out there every time he wrestles. The reason he was gone for four years was because he cannot stand the thought of not putting everything he has into every match ... and all of us should feel blessed this guy found his way back to the ring in 2002. From his mic skills, to his in-ring work to his numerous 4- and 5-star matches ... there is only one HBK, and he may be as good as anyone who has ever been in the business.

4. Montel Vontavious Porter - I know all the talk about this guy being the next Rock is kind of popular, but he simply is not. He is the first MVP! His work in the ring only gets better and is not rivaled by many. He does not botch moves ... and is not afraid of trying new things. And on the mic ... it does not get much better. His charisma will make it hard to keep him a heel much longer. His work in the ring will make it even more difficult to keep him from the World Heavyweight Championship.

3. Edge - Edge is my enigma. Four years ago I would have told you Edge simply did not have what takes to be a legitimate world champion. I was WAY OFF. This guy continues to put solid matches out there (many of which he carries - like with Batista) and has developed a character that is unique and dominant. He obviously does not have a lot of hybrid power as he is definitely best as a heel. But this guy could be a champ for a two year stretch and ratings would NEVER dip. He has raw charisma and good mic skills to go with brilliant in-ring work. Nothing gets your adrenaline pumping quite like hearing there is a TLC match coming up with Edge.

2. Triple H - While he might not be the "top guy" year in and year out (Cena for a year or two here, The Rock, Stone Cold, Angle, etc.) he has definitely been the TOP GUY IN THE BUSINESS for the past 10 years. Since his first World Title win in August of 1999, Trips has won the World Title 10 more times and has been both the top heel (his best role) and the top face in the business. And he also has been willing to put others over (something he always gets bashed for as not being willing to do). Outside of the No Mercy title for a couple of hours ... Trips has not held a title in almost three years ... and has not won at Wrestlemania since WM 19!! this guy not only is great in the ring and on the mic, but loves the business and has NO problems putting other talent over.

1. John Cena - Yeah, yeah, yeah ... let me have it, BUT ... this guy is by far the top draw in the business and love him or hate him ... EVERYONE watches him. It is funny that the same people who love The Rock and his six moves, all talk, and goofy finisher ... will turn right around and bash John Cena. The truth is ... he is not just good, but GREAT. Cena commands attention. Just watch his One Night Stand match with RVD (, Even if you hate him ... he dominates everyone's train of thought. Those fans wanted Cena to lose a lot more than they wanted RVD to win ... and he plays to it the whole time. He works harder in the ring than anyone ... and really wants to improve. He can do long matches that tell a story from front to back and his WM matches against Trips and HBK truly are great. Sure it is interesting to see what the WWE is doing without him right now, but there is not doubt that they are missing him. For the haters ... enjoy it while you can ... he will be on top for a long time to come.
John Cena - He is talented on the mic, one of the best I would say but I am a 15 year old girl, what would I know? He is talented in the ring, it's a shame WWE limit moves.
Randy Orton - He is a shit WWE Champion atm and I am his #1 fan, so that is shocking for me to say that. He is a great heel though and he is good on the mic and is also talented in the ring, limitations of moves = gayest thing ever!
Santion Marella - Hillarious! You can't help laughing at him if you think he is terrible or good. He is a true entertainer, crap in the ring though
Jeff Hardy - Great high flyer, one of the best.
Umaga - He can do a lot for a big guy. He makes me laugh also.
Edge - Fantastic heel, great charisma and very talented in the ring.
1- Undertaker- One of the best characters in pro wrestling history, he can make matches with anyone in the wwe, and make a great feud before hand, he doesn't speak much on the mic but when he does he's brilliant. The best all round. Even his entrance is better than a lot of normal matches.

2- John Cena- I dont know why everyone hates him tbh, he's great. Now i know he may not be the best pure wrestler or w.e but to be honest are most people? Apart from when he got injured when have you ever seen him make a mistake? And for a "bad wrestler" he's sure had some great matches- wm22, wm23, the tlc match, one night stand, i could go on. And he's great on the mic, and has a lot of talent- the next hulk hogan imo.

3- Triple H- A lot like Undertaker, an all round great wrestler, and he lives for the business. He can make matches with most people, even returning from several injuries he has continued to perform in and out of the ring. Plus had made some of the best moments and factions in WWE History- D Generation X, McMahon/ Helmsley, and Evolution. He can also job without lookin crap.

4- Shawn Micheals- Basically a copy of what i said about Triple H, except he managed to do all of this whilst being one of the smallest people in an era full of body builders. Many people say it but its true, no-one steps up their game like HBK on the grand stage.

5- Edge- One of the great heels, he might end up being the Smackdown version of HHH, he's a great wrestler, a great heel, great on the mic, has great feuds, can cut a great promo. And has had some of the greatest moments in recent history. Plus Edge V Undertaker may be one of the next historic matches.

6- MVP- Unbelievable, few have made such a great impact in their first year, think about what he has actualy achieved, and some of the matches he's had, and all the great rivalries he's had.. in one year!

7- Mr Kennedy- Same as MVP, unfortunately for Mr Kennedy he's been plagued with injuries and the drug scandle, if it wasn't for that i wouldnt be surprised if the wwe title was around this man's waste... it may be soon though.

8- Randy Orton- Now this man isn't one of my favourites, yet he has had a great career, and had great matches, and he's still got a long way to go. I also like the fact how he wasn't pushed immediately and i have seen his career grow.

9- Mysterio- The first majorly pushed cruiserweight, i know it was because of Eddie, yet it was just, he's a great inring performer and always fun to watch.

10- Jeff Hardy- Same as Mysterio, as soon as you hear this guy's music you know your in for a top match, he isn't the best promo'r yet his ring performances, and great moments more than make up for this.

Other Mentions:
Lashley- The next Lesnar, he has no mic skills i know, yet his strength is amazing, and i can see great matches for this man.

CM Punk- Has carried ECW along with Morrison, i was an average fan of his, yet his Survivor Series match was amazing, and his performances with the little talent on ECW is phenominal.

Morrison- What i said with CM Punk.

Umaga- I really like Umaga and feel he is one of the few great heavyweight monsters- Khali- shit, Mark Henry- shit, Big Daddy V- fat shit, yet Umaga is entertainin and fun to hate.

Jericho- Had a great career, and now that he's back he'll be up on the top 10 by wrestlemania, great performer, like shawn michaels basically, but a modern version.
Jeff Hardy/ Edge #'s 1 + 2: These guys r the best that WWE has to offer right now. With A+ mic skills and in ring skills, its a shame that their full potential probably wont b seen in that company.

Top 3 - 7: Unfortunately most of the best wrestlers in WWE r the old guys that r on their way out of the business or should have called it quits by now.(HHH, HBK, Taker, Flair, and now Jericho)

Matt Hardy & RKO: These guys have all the qualities that a champion should have and all they need is opportunity and a lil work on their mic skills.

#10: This can b anybody that has shown up in the past 5 years. (this applies 2 anybody not on fake ECW at the moment)

PS. B4 u ask me y Cena isn't on my list, I personally feel he has had few good matches and him using the STFU is just mocking all the great submission wrestlers.
My ten in no particular order would be:

Edge - in my opinion he is one of the hardest workers in wrestling and i honestly can't ever remember a poor match he's been in. Easily has the most skilled promos
Randy Orton - Not everyone's favourite but i think there is no better site than him executing an RKO. The fact that the move can come out of no-where makes all his matches exciting.
HBK - a veteran but still one of the best. His matches to me are just nonstop excitement from start to finish. Has coped well recently and been a true pro in allowing Cena and Orton "clean" victories.
HHH - hilarious when he's cutting promos and doing backstage skits. Sure a lot of it is toilet humour but always makes me laugh. Tremendous in ring performer week in week out.
Jericho - a massive coup from the WWE in re-signing Y2J. Hugely entertaining in and out of the ring.
Jeff Hardy - His matches are non-stop entertainment from start to finish. Where this guy gets his energy from is beyond me. Would love to see him getting involved in a ladder match again soon.
Undertaker - unbelievable how exciting and energy sapping his matches are even now. His body must have been to hell and back and he is still now the biggest draw in wretling.
Morrison - not everyone's cup of tea but be is massively talented in my eyes. His corkscrew moonsault is a fantastic sight
CM Punk - matches are always high tempo fast and furious. Sends the crowd wild with his phenomenal wrestling ability.
Shelton Benjamin - his in ring skills are undisputed in my opinion and he's very underrated with the mike.
In no particular order

1. Finlay - He works stiff and has no wasted motion which I think kicks ass. Do you remember that bad match he had recently? Do you remember that bad match he had a while ago? Of course you don't cause they don't exist.

2. Edge - Complete package and has proven himself over the years in every way(heel, face, promos, technical ability, high flying and pure entertainment) Glad to see some world/wwe championships on his resume.

3. Rey Mysterio - Another guy who just doesn't seem to have bad matches. I have no idea how he gets the crap kicked out of him and still has enough energy to mount the classic face comeback

4. Triple H - Got to give the douche his dues.

5. Shelton Benjamin - I know his mic work is pretty hurt up but the man can go. All the best pure athlete stuff you hear rings true to me(Unlike so much of the other crap you hear) Even with the occasional botched spot and stupid hair I get excited every time he comes out to wrestle.

6. Shawn Michaels - See Triple H

7. Umaga - It's totally convincing when he destroys the big guys(and fun to watch), Can take 50 chair shots and seemingly never breaks character which really impresses me.

8. John Morrison - I'm not so sure about the new gimmick but his programs with jeff hardy and cm punk were incredible. He's just a solid wrestler from bell to bell and to me that's what it's all about.

9. Jeff Hardy - Like rey it's amazing how badly he gets whooped but can still muster the strength to do his moves. Speaking of which I like how his move set has expanded the last year or so. Technically sound, fearless and he gets you into his match.

10. Balls Mahoney - Just kidding, I'm not ******ed. I'll cop out and say MVP and Mr. Kennedy cause they're both good young guys who have tons of potential.
List of ten of the best wrestlers in the wwe today!! 10 down to 1 - 1 being the best in my opinuon!!!

10. Matt Hardy Matt hardy has improved no ened since his return!!! he has been improving in simple single matches and has alway performed to his best!!! his sayin i will not die is great and he has that never say die attitude!! He has been a multiple tag champion and fully deserves to be on the list!!! He shud be a singles champion more often a fan favourite and as good wrestler that has worked his way up the business![/B]

9. Edge Edge should be here because he has been an awsoume contribution to the wwe he is a fantastic wrestler and has achieved so much in his career!! multiple time Tag Team champion, Intercontinential camplion, US Champion, wwe champion KOTR winner and been in sum of the most career threatning matches!!! He is a brilliant heel that everyone loves to hate!! He shud be in aqny top ten list hands down!!

8. Kane His style is great to watch, for such a big guy he moves around the ring fantasticly!! He jumps off the top and has tried to improvew his athletic skills over the years now doing a standing leg drop and drop kicks!!! He has been an imence character in the wwe and its shocking how he has only been wwe champion ONCE :O works well in different match types and is a defo on my top ten list.

7.Jeff Hardy I really enjoy watchin jeff hardy he gets the fans hooked on his matches!! his sytle myb not for every one but wat he has done for the businesses is death defining to say the least!! very few wrestlers have been willking to jump off 20 ft ladders he wud do it every week if he had to!!! his wrestling skills have improved no end and he has amazing fan support!!! his matches are gripping and keeps me hooked all the way through i hope jeff will be wwe champion one day soon!!!!!!!!

6. Rey Mysterio This dude is awsoume to watch the stuff he pulls off in the ring is out of this world!!! he has acheived alot in this business and has gained alot of respect!! he wows the fans everytime he steps in the ring and deserves to be in the top ten list!!! exciting, fast and thrilling rey rey is a top wrestler and will go down as one of the best high flyers in the wwe if not the best!!!!!!

5.John Cena Cena is defo the most controversial wrestler ever!! yea he hasnt got the most impressive wrestling style but he does perform well!! makes a good match with decent oponents!! I like his style never quit and if he didnt win all the time then myb there wudnt be so many haters of john cena but huge contribution to the business and one of my favs!!

4.Shelton Benjamin This guy is the MOST Athletic superstars in the business!!! wat he can do in the ring some people dream of!! he is althletic fast, strong and entertaining!! he shud be given anouther push, IC TITLE and myb WWE TITLE!! he is awsoume athlelte and i love his matches defo a top performer in the business and the most under rated in the business!!!

3. The Deadman - Undertaker Undertaker is a legend in the businesss in terms of wrestling skill he is very athletic for the size of him, he jumps over the top better then sum cruiserweights and plays his character really well!! He deserves to be in any top ten list if you ask me!!!! 15-0 at maina you dont get tht reputation by not being talented!!

2. Triple H The game is amazing, he has every style of wrestling in his game, submission, brawling, grappling, strength ETC!! there is nothin the game wont do and try for the business!! He makes a match exciting and plays off the crowd!! dont matter whether he is face or heel the game is someone you love or you love to hate!! 2nd in my list and fully deserving to be in every list!!

1. Shawn Micahels This man is the best wrestler EVER period!! therer is nothing he cant do!! he makes the rookiest superstar look good and will be the best wrestler ever in my eyes!! He gets fns hooked will compete in any match and when he returned after 4 years out he looked better then ever and to this day he has improved no end!! They day HBK hangs up his boots is the day wwe loose the best wwe superstar ever to lace his boots!!
1. Edge (favorite wrestler, great performer, great character, just totally reeks of awsomeness)

2. Randy Orton (the Legend Killer has the perfect gimmick, ring skills, mic skills, and is well deserving of the WWE Title)

3. Triple H (the King of Kings will always be on top and will probably pass up Flair in title runs)

4. Matt Hardy (they both are doing very well, proving they are both great tag and singles wrestlers, if only they can both be moved up to main event status)

5. Jeff Hardy (see Matt Hardy)

6. Shawn Michaels (the Showstopper will always amaze me with his great matches, he is a true legend)

7. John Morrison (the best thing to happen to ECW, superb matches with Jeff Hardy and CM Punk, and I can't wait to see him do a lot more)

8. Undertaker (the Deadman will always be great)

9. Chris Jericho (glad he returned, one my all time favorite wrestlers)

10. Batista (I am not Batista's biggest fan, but he has had a lot of great matches over the past year, with Edge, Khali, and The Undertaker, witch impressed me)
Talented? Hmmmm..

1. Undertaker- Arguably the best wrestler that has ever been in the WWE. He is what? 42 now, and he is still in better shape than most superstars in the WWE. He has only gotten better with age.

2. Edge- The most gifted wrestler on the roster right now. He is the future of the WWE. Entertaining matches, and the fact that the crowd hates him, just makes the matches even better. The best heel in the WWE.

3. Shawn Michaels- Like the Undertaker, he is still in amazing shape. He is the showstopper. Amazing in-ring skill, and amazing on the mike.

4. Chris Jericho- He is quick paced, and very entertaining. He shows that you don't have to be a huge guy to be talented in wrestling.

5. Umaga- Can't take anything away from him. He is a big guy 350lbs+, but he moves around that ring like a cruiserweight. He shows that you can be quick and athletic, and still be big.

6. Jeff Hardy- The best highflyer in the WWE. The crowd loves him, hes getting better on the mike.

7. Rey Mysterio- Holy cow. Some of the stuff this guy does blows my mind, he is phenominal.

8. London/Kendrick- The stuff they attempt is just amazing. Great tag team.

9. Randy Orton- Fantastic heel. He is getting better and better, and it shows.

10. Triple H- He's a great heel. He's a great face. He's just great in general.
Just out of curiosity, when people talk about John Cena having wrestling talent in the ring, why do they always reference his UPW work? Why not reference his incredible last 2 and a half years since he won the belt at WM21? The list of high quality matches he's had since is ridiculous. Jericho, Angle, Triple H, RVD, Edge, Umaga, HBK, Lashley, Orton...all of those guys have had top notch matches with Cena since he was crowned as champion.

So, how come people always say to look at his early work, when he's far and away a better wrestler now than he was then?
Just out of curiosity, when people talk about John Cena having wrestling talent in the ring, why do they always reference his UPW work? Why not reference his incredible last 2 and a half years since he won the belt at WM21? The list of high quality matches he's had since is ridiculous. Jericho, Angle, Triple H, RVD, Edge, Umaga, HBK, Lashley, Orton...all of those guys have had top notch matches with Cena since he was crowned as champion.

So, how come people always say to look at his early work, when he's far and away a better wrestler now than he was then?

Well Slyfox, that would be because its not cool to like John Cena post 2004. I mean why would you watch PWI's Wrestler of the Year for two years straight when you can see countless arm drags, monkey flips, 450's and slams through tables?

Bottom line is that if Cena were in ROH or another indy promotion, 90% of the Cena bashers on this forum would be out buying their ROH spinner belts.
1. Cena - The total package as far as entertainment, in-ring psychology, and story telling. His moves (as limited as they are) are done very well. He can pump up any crowd and he sells merchandice so fast that you would think he was lacing the shit with crack.

2. Edge - The top heel in WWE has mad mic skillz, and can get under Jesus' skin if left in room alone. He can work the crowd and can have a good match with anyone big or small.

3. Umaga - The best bigman in the WWE at this point. He should not be able to move around the ring as well as he does at his size. Works to his strengths in matches and can have a good matches if booked properly.

4. Matt Hardy - Hands down better then Jeff in every way except for charisma and high flying ability. He is btter on the mic, he's not a spot monkey, he's more technically sound, he sells, and his storytelling skills are vastly superior.

5. MVP - One of the hottest comodoties in the WWE right now. His mic skillz are on another level. His in ring work is constantly improving, and he can get under anyone's skin...minus Jesus...that title only belongs to Edge.

6. Randy Orton - This man should be a face not a heel. He is a B.A.D. heel. To top it off he has the weakest looking finisher of all time...yes weaker than Hogan's Leg Drop of Doomzors. When your a heel I'm supposed to want to hate your guts, but Orton's mic skillz (or lack ther of IMO) make me just want to laugh at him and call him stupid. The only thing that saves this man from being on the street corner is his athletic ability and his in-ring psychology.

7. John Morrison - A nother up and coming superstar. He has good mic skills, but he needs to get the hell away from The Miz. This man Oozes charisma and has enough attitude to be taken seriously even with his rediculous gimmick.

8. Batista - A very underestimated bigman. He moves well when booked against smaller wrestlers. Again, a very limited moveset, but again he makes those 6-12 moves look damn painful. He is improving on the mic IMO, and given a few year he will break my top 5.

9. Rey Mysterio - His matches are just boring to me now. He has been wrestling the same match since 1998 just substituting different opponents. However, that doesn't take away from his ability to sell, move around the ring, or to make his opponents look better.

10. Shelton Benjamin - he oozes charisma, fun to watch, and has a good moveset, and his in-ring work has steadily improved and will continue to improve...lets just pray that GOD somehow miraculously blesses Mr. Benjamin with some mic skillz cause he tends to make Umaga look good on the mic.
Just out of curiosity, when people talk about John Cena having wrestling talent in the ring, why do they always reference his UPW work? Why not reference his incredible last 2 and a half years since he won the belt at WM21? The list of high quality matches he's had since is ridiculous. Jericho, Angle, Triple H, RVD, Edge, Umaga, HBK, Lashley, Orton...all of those guys have had top notch matches with Cena since he was crowned as champion.

So, how come people always say to look at his early work, when he's far and away a better wrestler now than he was then?

As much as I enjoy Cena, the one thing, the ONE thing that bothers me is that he either doesn't, or isn't allowed to do some of the things that he did in his earlier days. Sure his matches are entertaining, but think how much better they could be.
Now, Sly, I don't know if you just don't understand why some people prefer his older stuff to his newer stuff, or if you just don't like his older style. I don't know, it just seems to me that for some reason, you might be AGAINST Cena adding more moves to his repertoire. So let me ask you this, and I really want to know your honest opinion on this one. Yes, John Cena is already great, but don't you think that he could be even BETTER if he started reintroducing some of his older moves back into his moveset? I mean, if he can consistently put on high-quality 20+ min. matches with the 5 Moves of Doom, as they are known as, just think how great his matches would be if he brought back the high-impact spinebuster, the ddt, the oklahoma roll, the aerial and top rope maneuvers, the high back body drops and arm drags, hell, the dropkick. His could easily go 45 minutes every single night with anybody on the roster. Well, except maybe Mark Henry or Big Daddy V.
10. John Morrison: The former Tough Enough III champion who has went through an indentity crisis since joining the W.W.F/E. may still end up looking for something new. But regardless of whether he's "Nitro," or "Morrison" it will always be remembered that he is "great" in the ring. The man has talent, pure, raw talent. He became the E.C.W. Heavyweight Champion on perhaps a fluke.. but has done great since being one of the main faces on that brand.

In my opinion, his career took off with Melina by his side, but it wasn't until he broke away from her.. that he truly became even greater. I can't say he'll ever be a World Champion for Raw, or Smackdown.. but he definately has the potential.

9. M.V.P.: The W.W.E.'s version of Chris Benoit? Well, regardless of if he's similar in talent & ability, the fact is, he truly is one of Smackdown's M.V.P.'s with his charisma & overall appeal in the ring. (promo wise & wrestling wise) He had a tremendous feud with Chris Benoit, but it was the feud with Kane that set him apart early.

Porter could've quickly & easily gotten lost in the shuffle as a mistaken & lost talent, with the early "Power Ranger" crap. But thankfully he didn't & SD is flurishing because of it. I definately see this man becoming a World Champion someday.. only question is.. when?

8. Undertaker: The second longest reign in W.W.E. history belongs to this man. The Undertaker is a cornerstone of World Wrestling Entertainment & the best part is, with exception of the American Badass slight gimmick switch, Taker has been a solid household name as the same individual the entire time.

Undefeated at Wrestlemania, 15-0, which speaks volumes for how much the industry respects the man. To allow him a streak that long, that unbroken, on the biggest stage in wrestling history. Taker is a true big man, that doesn't act like it. His wrestling skill is still improving, even this long after his debut in the company. He will forever be a legend in the company.

7. Umaga: When I first seen Umaga, I have to admit I did not expect this much out of him. All I could ever see was Jamal from 3 Minute Warning, & because of that, I never wanted to allow myself the fact to believe he had true talent. But since then, I've been capable of seeing what a lot of others already do. His size isn't holding him back on being agile & unbelievable when it comes to in-ring moves.

His character is extremely one-sided in the animalistic side of things, & because of that I doubt he'd ever get out of being anything but a brawler type.. but he has true talent in him, to make every match he has, a worth watching event.

6. Rey Mysterio: The human highlight reel has been nothing but impressive with everything he's done. Injuries & age have limited his speed since his high impact W.C.W. days, but even at that, he's still quicker & better to watch than a lot of the bigger name stars in the business.

A controversial call gave him his first World Championship, but I'll never discount the fact that he truly did & still does deserve the Main Event spot light. Especially over the likes of a Mark Henry, or even Randy Orton.

5. Shelton Benjamin: Topping the middle of the list is perhaps one of the most, EVER, underrated Superstars in wrestling today. Benjamin has next to no charisma & is very poor on the mic. Because of those factors, the man with more talent in his hand then half the Main Eventers on E.C.W. have in their entire body.. has left him forgotten & discarded in a lot of cases.

Benjamin will likely NEVER become a World Champion for Smackdown, or Raw & it's unsure on whether he'll even dethrown C.M. Punk on E.C.W., but if it was based on talent, the man would be undefeated as far as I'm concerned. I could care less if the guy ever touched a mic again, as long as I could see some more classic match-ups, such as the ones he's had with Chris Jericho, Christian, Carlito, & John Morrison.

4. Triple H. Triple H. isn't the most experienced wrestler in the company, & doesn't possess a lot of over-average talent in-ring, but the man can work a mic.. & control a crowd like noone before him.

In my personal opinion, hes a far greater heel than a face, but thats just a strength to how much people generally love to see him, that regardless of what he does, they can't stop cheering for him.

Before its all said & done, I can see Triple H. becoming the next version of Ric Flair with World Title reigns, the only question is just because the numbers might match up.. does that mean the quality can do the same?

3. John Cena: Love him or hate him, the man is almost as big, if not growing bigger by the second than the likes of Hulk Hogan. I personally can't stand his ability to constantly remain in the Main Event & come out of unbeatable situation after unbeatable situation, but he does.

When you think of John Cena's success, the one thing you can never & should never forget, is he's still NEW! He only came in, in 2002. He may not be a "rookie" but there are Superstars that've been in the industry a lot longer, that haven't even came close to a fraction of the achievements that Cena has done. For that, the man has my respect.

2. Edge: So, this is the portion of the top 10 that I'm playing favoritism, but whether you agree or not, Edge deserves to be in the top 10, regardless. He has pure wrestling talent, & is quickly becoming one of the greatest heels of all time.

Whether you know him as the "Rated R Superstar" or the "Ultimate Opportunist" when its all said & done, you'll know him as a W.W.E. Hall of Famer. The man has held multiple Tag Team Championships, he's a multiple Intercontinental Champion, a former U.S. Champion.. & he's won both the Raw & Smackdown World Heavyweight Championships.

I don't care if for storyline purpose he's never won the majority of his World titles fairly, the fact is.. he can grab the attention of any audience & make them want more.

1. Shawn Michaels: The Show-Stopper, The Main-Event, The Icon.. Shawn Michaels takes my number one spot, because he's the main individual who has been in the company the longest & deserves every bit of the Main Event spot.

The man has never changed his name, or the main portion of his gimmick. He is the innovator for so many matches, when it comes to mainstream. The ladder match, Hell in a Cell, Iron Man, the Elimination Chamber. You name it, its likely he's done it. He was the first person to become a Grand Slam Champion, he was the first person to enter #1. in the Royal Rumble, & win it all. Shawn Michaels can't do much more to make his career any greater than it will already end up being.

But regardless of how much more H.B.K. remains in the company, the fact remains, on the day he exits for good.. his name will never be more true than it is, for he will truly shatter & break the hearts of millions around the world.
That is a great top ten. In fact, I would only make a few changes to that list.
Move Edge up to number one. He's the only heel in the WWE right now who can make himself and his opponent look good. I actually thought Funaki might get the upset tonight. Ok, not really, but he managed to not totally make himself look like the biggest joke of a CW champion ever.

Michaels second now. Meh, actually make him third. I still tend to care more about Cena's matches. Michaels is an INSANELY CLOSE third though.

I have to take Benjamin out of there. Sorry, but I just do not buy him. He's very talented, there is no denying that. But he's as bland and flat as a can of Dr. Pepper that's been left out for two days. His spot goes to the Undertaker, who gets moved up a bit, and past HHH as well. No one creates a big match atmosphere quite like the deadman. Throw in the fact that he's well-rounded in brawling, submission, powerhouse, AND hardcore wrestling, and he's a lock for any top ten list. Both he and HHH are bankable in the big matches, but Taker's the better in-ring performer, so he gets the no. 4 spot.

The guy who gets Benjamin's spot is CM Punk. He's a little watered down in WWE, but he's still got the moves and the speed. I think he needs a little more work on how to play a face champion, but with a good heel like Morrison, he doesn't need to try very hard. CM Punk actually pushes Mysterio down one notch. A year and a half ago, Rey would possibly have been in the top five, but since his return, he's seemed a little sluggish. I don't blame him, I'm just saying that it starting to look like all the knee injuries are catching up with him. Hopefully, he'll know when it's time to hang up the boots, which I think may come alot sooner than we'd all prefer it to.

The rest of the list stays the same. MVP may very well be in my top 5 next year, he does nothing but improve, and working with guys like Benoit, Hardy and Mysterio, it's not hard to see why.

Umaga has got to be the most impressive big man of the 2000's, and possibly the 90's as well. He moves so well for someone his size, and his seems to sweat raw power. He deserves a serious WWE title run. If they brought back Estrada as his manager, he could be a better WWE champion than Orton.

Morrison is nothing but a bucket of potential. And he has improved drastically on the mike. In my opinion, if you gave them a good amount of time in the ring and buildup to the match, Punk vs. Morrison vs. Burke vs. Benjamin could be match of the year material, and possibly even a 5-star match. If he can embellish on the Morrison character, and lose the Miztake as his partner, I could see him back on the RAW roster by this time next year.

So. I beleive that means my top ten looks like this:
2.John Cena
3.Shawn Michaels
6.CM Punk
7.Rey Mysterio
10.John Morrison

I also need to make some honorable mentions.
The hardys have each come into there own, with thier own unique styles. They just need a little more charisma.
Mr.Kennedy has fallen into a slump, and has been unable to prove that he's ready for the title. He hasn't seemed confident in himself since he came back from injury. But he's got the potential. And he's gold on the mike.
And Y2J is def. gonna be on the list next year. But he just got back, so it wouldn't be fair to just give Chris Jericho a spot that rightfully belongs to someone who's been bustin' it since he's been gone, like Punk MVP or Umaga.
As much as I enjoy Cena, the one thing, the ONE thing that bothers me is that he either doesn't, or isn't allowed to do some of the things that he did in his earlier days. Sure his matches are entertaining, but think how much better they could be.
Randomly adding moves aren't going to make his matches better. More moves does not equal better matches. Now, could he add more moves and have good or better matches? Sure. But, adding moves alone doesn't make a match better.

Now, Sly, I don't know if you just don't understand why some people prefer his older stuff to his newer stuff, or if you just don't like his older style.
His matches now are just far superior. If anyone actually really watches a match, and looks for what wrestling is actually supposed to be about, they look past any fancy moves, and instead focus on his ability to tell a story in the ring, his ability to sell (which has improved tenfold), and his ability to work a crowd (which is among some of the best of all-time). These are all things that he didn't do well in the old days. Sure, he may have had more and different moves, but that's not what professional wrestling is about.

I don't know, it just seems to me that for some reason, you might be AGAINST Cena adding more moves to his repertoire.
No, I'm not against it, there is just no need for it.

So let me ask you this, and I really want to know your honest opinion on this one. Yes, John Cena is already great, but don't you think that he could be even BETTER if he started reintroducing some of his older moves back into his moveset?
His matches might get better, but adding moves would not be the reason.

I mean, if he can consistently put on high-quality 20+ min. matches with the 5 Moves of Doom, as they are known as, just think how great his matches would be
First, Cena consistently uses more than just 5 moves. I don't know where that nonsense came from but it is completely inaccurate.

Watch his match against HBK on Raw for proof of that. Notice the headlock takedowns, the arm bars, the hammerlocks, the headlocks, the blockbuster, the top rope legdrop, I think he even throws a wrist lock in. This nonsense that says Cena only has 5 moves is born out of pure ignorance and blind hate.

if he brought back the high-impact spinebuster
Triple H and Batista already do it.

For the longest time, was outlawed.
the oklahoma roll
Don't know what this is, but for a guy 6'2", 250 pounds who can bench press an elephant, this sounds like a horrible move.

the aerial and top rope maneuvers
Leg drop off the top rope? And why would a heavyweight with all that power want to do aerial moves and negate his strength advantage? He has no need to. That would be poor wrestling psychology.

the high back body drops and arm drags,
He's done arm drags. And again, what good does arm drags do someone as powerful as Cena?

hell, the dropkick.
Again, would be a silly move for someone of his strength.

His could easily go 45 minutes every single night with anybody on the roster. Well, except maybe Mark Henry or Big Daddy V.
He already can go 45 minutes with anyone competent. He got 20-25 out of Lashly, 50 with HBK, 25 with Triple H. And the guy never gets tired, he can always go. And, of course, the next question will probably be "if he CAN do it, why does he not?" Well the answer is simple. 1) Lack of time and 2) His opponent can't go that long. You have to remember, Cena does a lot of selling in his matches, which has nothing to do with his moveset, but rather the opponents. So, if a match is only lasting 10 minutes, it's probably because the heel can't go any longer.

Oh, and Oasys, instead of flaming me through rep comments, how about you post your position?
10.John Cena is a great performer and not bad on mic. He received a huge push and is now one of the top guys in the company.

9.MVP has made a huge difference in all of his wrestling skills tremendously over the year. He has a future in this business in becoming more than just a world champion.

8.Randy Orton awesome in the ring and on mic. Knows how to act as hell and gets lots of heat. Still young and is only gonna get better.

7.Ken Kennedy great technician and not bad at all on mic. Actually wanna put him # 8 but he kinda fits here too. Mr. Kennedy next needs to improve on his mic skills.

1. Umaga- This guy is amazing for his size at 350 pounds he can move unlike any other bigman in the business. Plus although he isn't the typical bodybuilder type with big muscles this guy has undeniable strength and power in the ring he executes the most powerful moves in the wwe at this time plus a great worker on top of it.

2. MVP- What else can you say this guy is the next Rock no doubt about it. He doesn't make a mistake in the ring and even when he plays the heels you can't help but like him. This guy is the future of the WWE with Umaga and the rest on the list.

3. Benjamin- He is the ultimate athlete right now in the wwe. He has everything you could want in a guy except a decent gimmick.

4. Kingston- This is another guy who is exceptional in the ring such a great up and coming talent he has to be put on the list.

5. Hass- Like his tag partner the guy can work wahever kind of match he needs to which makes him versatile plus just a plain old good worker in general with the WWE doesn't have to many of.

6. CM Punk- This guy makes up for with skill and in ring prowess what he lacks in size. You don't become ROH champion for no reason the man can put on a good match with anyone and can make even Mark Henry watchable that in itself is impressive.

7. HBK- I think the name says it all don't need to explain why he is on the list.

8. Flair- He is still doing it after all these years and doing as good as anyone else in the business as old as he is he makes my list.



The last two i just can't decide on and really i don't think any of the other wrestler in WWE should make it.
In order, 1 being the best. Hmm I think this is what I think.

10.Umaga-The best superheavyweight I have ever seen, not to mention the athleticism of someone his size.

9.Kofi Kingston-Hopefully there will be no more trouble in paradise when he gets into main event status. I'm looking forward to him getting to have a run for the ECW title.

8.Randy Orton-The 2nd best heel in the company at the moment, great on the mic and very fit.

7.HHH-Gotta give the douche his douchebag, lol.

6.Chris Jericho-Brilliant on the mic and an incredible high flyer.

5.Edge-The greatest heel of today, absolutely fantstic on the mic, and can run a great match.

4.John Cena-Love him or hate him, he gets a reaction, is great on the mic.

3.Jeff Hardy-The absolute greatest spot monkey, who is now having mic time proving he is decent on the mic, and deffinately improving on the ring and can acheive more than spots now.

2.Undertaker-The phenom, the deadman. Has always proved he is main event material. He rarely speaks but when he does you can feel his presence. Always performs great matches.

1.Shawn Michaels-HBK, heartbreakid, the showstopper. He is wrestling entertainment. Fabulous on the mic. Always puts on awesome matches, and without a doubt, is the greatest ever in sports entertainment.

On a side note, I only included wrestles wrestling today. But left out Ric Flair, who (IMO) gets 2nd on the list. I chose to leave him out because I expect he will be retiring.
I can't put wrestlers in order... that's too hard for me to decide. But HBK will always be #1 in my eyes. The rest after are in no particular order.

1.) Shawn Michaels. The best there is and the best there will be. He makes practically everyone look good and despite his age today, he is STILL delivering great

- Undertaker. The man has been in great matches throughout his storied career. Whether it was Randy, Mick, or HBK... he could work with pretty much most people and deliver a good match.

- Chris Jericho. He came back after years and years and he was still as crisp as ever. He makes matches and feuds memorable because that's how good he is.

- Matt Hardy. Though I do prefer Jeff over Matt, you do have to admit Matt is a tad bit better at wrestling in terms of his style. He was delivering in matches of the week on Smackdown in and out. MVP, Finlay, it didn't matter do, chances are he got a good match out of them. Tag team run was excellent. Shame he hasn't had a singles title... yet.

- Triple H. Storied career, storied feuds, storied matches. I hate that he plays politics nowadays but I can't deny what he's done in the past. And that's all I'll say on him.

- CM Punk. I've watched his ROH DVDs and god damn, that man sure knew how to wrestle! It's a shame he's a bit watered down in WWE, but the man knows how to deliver on ECW and PPVs. Good-great matches with John Morrison, Elijah Burke, Chavo Guerrero and more.

- John Morrison. He's very different from most in WWE roster and that's a great thing. The man has what it takes to mold into the main event, and his push is great. It's not rushed, it's a slow push which is needed because quick pushes ala Mr. Kennedy or John Cena gets very tiring.

- Edge. One of the best heels in the WWE. The man knows how to talk. The man knows how to play different characters and play them well. The man is pretty darn good at wrestling too. His specialty is gimmick matches but damn he makes them memorable.

- Jeff Hardy. He isn't going to be on alot of people's list and people won't like this, but oh well. I find him to be underrated wrestler, imo. This man can sell like no other and he tells a great story in his matches. People don't generally like him because of the high flying style he wrestles, but I do.

- Melina. Yes, that's right. I'm including a diva. And yes I do think she's more talented than most on WWE roster despite being a woman. She plays her heel role to perfection and she's one of the most innovative wrestlers in WWE. She's always busting out new moves, something different that you don't see. And plus they flow quite well. I can go on and on about Melina, but I'll stop here.
Hmm...Top Ten Wrestlers in the WWE? Okay, how bout Top the single most underrated wrestler on the roster? I'll get to that one momentarily. As per most of the other posts...the following is in no particular order.

...Shawn Michaels. It's an obvious choice. I mean...we are talking about the guy who was the original Iron Man, the original King of the Ladder Match (sorry Jeff), and really the only guy worthy of the title Mr. WrestleMania.

...Mr. Kennedy. Kennedy. Yea, had to throw it in there. Nevermind the fact that he was the last guy Eddie Guerrero wrestled on TV before his untimely death, nevermind the fact that he was the last guy to wrestle John Cena before his pec muscle tore completely off the bone. When he's on his game, he is one of the best, not to mention he can be great on the mic, if on a good night.

...MVP. Someone asked me awhile back if WWE were to do a new age Four Horsemen, who would the members be? Well without a doubt, Friday night's play maker is definately a pick of mine. He is simply great in the ring. I figure, even though I've been a wrestler for eight months, I don't think I'll be on anyone's Top 10 list anytime soon. So that said, I'll just throw a vote for Montel Vontavious Porter.

...Trevor Murdoch. Yes as much as some people's eyes are going to bug on this one, find another guy in this business who is Trevor's size who is crazy enough to do the single most devastating move NOT in the WWE?? (Canadian Destroyer). He's definately come a long way since his Buzz Dupp days in TNA!

...Victoria. Where the hell is she on everyone's list? Kudos to the ones who gave mention to Mickie James, because she'll be appearing momentarily on my list. Victoria is one of the few most talented women on the roster. One of the most original finishers of recent memory, the Widow's Peak. Such a shame the WWE isn't doing anything with her...or most of the main roster for that matter.

...Mickie James. Will she just go nuts already? Her run as a heel opposite Trish Stratus was nothing short of classic. With Victoria, those two should be the leaders of the women's division. Both women have great talent and potential, and I don't think we have seen the best of these two yet.

...Umaga. I love big guys that can move quickly. Bam Bam Bigalow is probably the best example, as I went on record for saying he was probably the best big man of his time. Closely running behind him in that category is Umaga. Starting out as one half of Eric Bischoff's creation 3 Minute Warning, the formal Jamal has evolved into one of the most lethal big guys in the company. Don't be surprised to see him near a major title picture in the next year or so, pending any major injuries that seem to have plagued the company lately.

...Elijah Burke. Okay, perhaps his best move didn't happen in a WWE ring. Did anyone see his Ghost Hunters appearance last Halloween where the Elijah Express took off running after getting a visit from a spirit behind him?? Classic stuff. Inside the ring though, he's constantly imroving and making certain ECW moments more bearable each week.

...Finlay. Here's a guy who was at the bottom of the WCW ladder for so long, went into semi-retirement, gave a few of the "divas" some talent, and came back to the ring, and is running circles around some of the younger SmackDown talent. I love watching this guy.

...Shelton Benjamin. Finally...the single most UNDERRATED guy in the business today, with just a slight edge over Petey Williams, Shelton is a pure pleasure to watch in his matches, and knowing he's in the WrestleMania XXIV Money In The Bank Ladder gonna make that match MORE than worth the price of admission, so to speak!!!
1. HBK-He is the showstopper, the heartbreak kid, you get the story, he has been one of the best in ring performers in the WWE for a while and still is, definetely deserves the top spot.

2. Umaga-He has by far the best power, high-impact moves in the business today. After that Elimination Chamber performance, where I think he stole the show, he gets the number two spot on my list.

3. Undertaker-again one of the all time greats, due to his aging, I put him at the number three spot, but still is by far one of the best in the business.

4. Jeff Hardy-Although all of his moves may not be perfect and precise, he is by far the best high-flier in the WWE today, and the high spots in his matches are enough to propel him to the number 4 spot on my list.

5. Mr. Kennedy-he needs more confidence in the ring, but his mic skills are great, to go along with decent in ring skills, he is the next superstar in the WWE, in a year I would expect him to be #1.

6. Y2J-Great on the mic, good in ring abilities, he is Y2J, he didn't save us from anything, but when it comes to wrestling talent he belongs in the top 10.

7. Randy Orton-He confuses me, when he was going for the title, he was great, good mic work and good in ring performance, his title reign has been dull though, he has seemed to regress in my book, but when he isn't worried about protecting his title, he is great.

8. HHH-Although I hated how he ruined the Rumble by eliminating to many people, he is great on the mic, and above average in the ring. I just like everybody else a little more, thats why he is at number 8.

9. John Cena-Some people hate him some people love him, he is great on the mic, gets huge pop, whether negative or positive, his lack of wrestling skills, puts him at nine, but i still dont think he deserves the hate that everyone gives him.

10. Edge-I liked him better when he first won the title, and was first the Rated R Supertar, but he still is good on the mic and good in the ring, I just dont think he is as good as two years ago, which is why is falls down to ten.
My List:

1) and I'm glad it's been mentioned... SHELTON BENJAMIN. He's the closest thing to a pure athlete in the WWE. I don't care about his mic skills, plenty of wrestlers have reached the main event and have impressed without having to speak. The single greatest moment of WM22 for me was shelton's springboard of the apron, onto the top rope onto a ladder, that due to the camera angles, was ommited from the broadcast. Believe me, it looked amazing live.

2) HBK - Despite all his injuries, he can still make any guy look good in the ring. His matches are passionate, tells a story and he gives his all in every match. Plus he's awesome on the mic, he can fly, he can brawl, he can go with the big guys, he's an innovator, ladder match, HIAC etc and he's a major draw. The right guy in the WWE to end Flair's career.

3) Umaga - The closest thing WWE has to a big guy that can rival Samoa Joe. He's a monster, he's quick, powerful and can bring out big time reactions from the crowd. IMO he needs one more finisher to add to his arsenal and he's ready for the main event

4) MVP - Great on the mic, great ring work and is a great heel. Has that main event look and feel. His entrance is the best in WWE and I can picture WWE marketing him as a big time player in 2008.

5) Mr Kennedy... Kennedy. Same reasons as MVP really but a hell of a lot more entertaining. He draws reaction from EVERY SINGLE fan in the arena and thats what makes him great.

6) Edge. He can do it all, he can talk, he can fly, he can go hardcore, he can brawl, he can wrestle and his controversy draws responses. Shame he's about to lose his WM streak, but will be a formidable opponent to the Undertaker at WM

7) Orton. A great heel. Great finisher and can be one of the greats

8) Finlay. His matches are different and interesting to watch.

9) HHH. Back in the days following the attitude era, I felt this guy carried the company. Who cares if he holds back talent or not. His fueds with Foley were classic. He is a pure bad ass, determined, ruthless face but it's only when he's a heel that you notice how good he is. Good on the mic, great in the ring and gets so much heat from the fans.

10) Mickie James. The best all round diva in the compny. Great to look at, can wrestle and was a great heel in her time
Here is my list of the most talented guys(in terms of ring work & mic skills) currently in the WWE imo(not in order):

Shawn Michaels-Even with a bad knee can put on many great matches with mostly anyone in the wwe & great on the mic.1 of the greatest performers in wrestling history.

Undertaker-Awesome character & on the mic,great entrance & very athletic for a man his size and age.One of the greatest of all time.

Randy Orton-Athelitic,fit,young,very good wrestling skills & great mic skills imo.The future of the WWE.

Edge-Great heel,great character,great on the mic,very good in the ring and has had a lot of great matches with the likes of kurt angle,mick foley,randy orton,john cena e.t.c.

Triple H-Loads of great matches,great in the ring & on the mic.Great entrance and one of the best in the business.

M.V.P.-Great young up-comer,great on the mic,getting better in the ring.A guy u love to hate.I see a world title around his waist possibly later this year or next year.

Chris Jericho-Able to put on great matches,great on the mic,great in the ring.Should definantly be a world champion again.

Jeff Hardy-getting better on the mic,great ring skills,great innovative moves.Really connects with the crowd.Would be great to see him as world champion.

John Morrison-Great character,very athelitic,very good in-ring skills.Possibly the next Shawn Michaels.

Matt Hardy-Very good in the ring & on the mic.Great & very good matches with Edge,Mr.kennedy,Finlay,Booker t e.t.c.Also Rey Mysterio-Great in the ring,good on the mic.Many great matches with the likes of Kurt angle,Eddie Guerrero,Chavo Guerrero,Booker T,Randy Orton e.t.c.

Honorable mentions:Mr.Kennedy,C.M. Punk,Shelton Benjamin,John Cena,Batista,Kane,Elijah Burke,Carlito.
In order of talent ie 10 > 1 ranks

#10 - John Morrison/Johny Nitro
Agile and Quick, I love the corkscrew stuff he does.

#9 - Randy Orton
He's a heel but he's still great in my opinion

#8 - Umaga
This guy is so flexible for his size it's unbelievable, the double samoan drop won him another fan...

#7 - Ken Kennedy
He's funny and he's great on the mic, he's also a future hall of famer imo.

#6 - Shelton Benjamin
Still young but definately impressive.

#5 - Triple H
Still got it even if he's been main eventing for almost 10 years

#4 - MVP
The Next Rock, always trying another move each week, but I haven't seen him as a face so that would depend on his ability to be one.

#3 - Mick Foley (retired?)
If you can class risk taking as a talent, always puts on great matches.

#2 - Undertaker
Well, he's got a large signature moveset... snake eyes, gullutine leg drop, tombstone pile driver, chokeslam, triangle lock, the Dive over the top rope, and a new one that made edge tap out. Also the counters he manages are cool, the batista vs taker in the elimination chamber counter to win was awesome, and we saw one at WM24 against edge.

#1 - Edge
Awesome move set, great work as a heel and a face, great countering (wm24).

The WM24 edge vs taker main event was awesome, second only to the flair hbk match.

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