What former TNA star do you miss the most?

All the Knockouts that have been released in the time Hogan's been around. Roxxi, ODB, Awesome Kong, Alissa Flash. They were all really great wrestlers and made it okay to hold my pee in. Especially ODB, because along with The Beautiful People, ODB had a gimmick besides just being there and fighting. Flash had a future in this business and TNA was just too blind to see it.

And as with everybody else, Petey Williams is someone else I miss hella. The whole Impact could be the worst episode ever, but as long as I see one Canadian Destroyer, I could go home happy.
Awsome Kong i think the knockout div. has really went downhill since she left.
Another would be Daniels he was a big part of tna for so long it just does not seem right not having him around certain people just fit certain promotions and he is a perfect fit for tna.
I didn't see any body mention Austen Aries yet. From what i remember this guy was one of the best in the XD. He had more charisma then most of the XD combined. Not sure why he left, but I do miss his in ring work.
Awesome Kong and Chris Harris. Awesome Kong made the Knockouts division. TNA missed big by not having her go through male competition. Not even the X Division guys would stand a chance against her. Inspite of all she did in her stint, I feel TNA could've gone a hell of a lot further with her.

Chris Harris is a guy who really shined as a singles wrestler. Especially during his feuds with James Storm and Christian. TNA dropped a huge ball with this guy. He went from contending for the World Title to developing a complaining gimmick and not even wrestling at all. There was also the feud with Black Reign in which the story literally leaped from PPV to PPV as it basically had no furthering on iMPACT!. He had a look and was well liked. He was pretty decent in the ring. Then booking choked him. Really wish to see him back.

I'd mention Low Ki and Christian, but they are in WWE.
Bring back the Canadian Destroyer!!! Wy did Little Petey Pump have to go! I want to see his awesome and insane finisher one last time.
I miss Chris Harris, he was the best part of America's Most Wanted, and i loved the Catatonic finisher


Christian Cage- so much better in TNA than WWE, Ken Shamrock- I am a big Shamrock mark lol, and Father Mitchell, possibly my favourite manager of all time.

Honorable mentions to Shane Douglas, Low-Ki and The Naturals
I miss Samoa Joe....by that I mean the Joe he was when he first came to TNA, that ass kicking no job doing nasty bastard that had crowds shouting "Joe's gonna kill you" and not the joke that TNA have managed to turn him into today. Granted their doing some work, but they shouldn't have had to.

I also miss Jim Cornette as a TV personality as he was something different, a manager type who called it down the middle without overshadowing things.
James Mitchell - Abyss needs him, he is nothing without him...he added much more to the abyss character and made him look like a monster...

Petey Williams - When he copied Scott Steiners styles, damn he looked cool...he had the body, he was good in ring as well and he was a decent x division champion..

Sanjay Dutt - Why did he get released? I remember his last good feud with Jay Lethal, they were friends and then he tried to get it on with So Cal Val...(what a name!)...this guy was another reason I watched TNA..

Jim Cornette - TNA Management, he added excitement to his job role, with the help of his Body Guard Matt Morgan...he was like a crazy man on fire...

Christian Cage - What he did in TNA was good, he left maybe for the right reasons...but he will be remembered as a top main event wrestler for TNA...
Ron The Truth Killings aka R-Truth... I liked him in TNA as a singles wrestler, not so much his tag team with BG James

Team Canada - although Roode is decent with Beer Money, he was nice with Team Canada too... Eric Young hasn't been doing anything since then hardly... Petey Williams with the Canadian Destroyer.. D'Amore or however you spell it was a good heel manager

James Mitchell

Triple X -


Chris Harris

Ken Shamrock - I think he could have done more in TNA with the people that are in TNA now and that have come through in the past years
Sonny Siaki- - The guy had the build, moveset, and look to be a superstar main eventer. He was a former X-Division champion and I had really hoped he would move up to start becoming alegit player in TNA but moved to WWE developmental and quit wrestling after donating his liver to his brother or somehting along those lines.

Petey Williams- everyone pretty much said it already but yeah TNA missed out with Petey Williams. He could have had tons of momentum upon his return from the Mafia attack but they dropped the ball with him big time.

Monty Brown
- The Alpha Male was entertaining as hell and should have been a World Champion during his run with TNA. Heel or Face he would be a welcomed edition to the current Main Event status of TNA.

Raven(circa 2006/7) _ Raven when he was a top heel and feuding with AJ and Jarrett over the World Title was one of the best times in his career. He was a great heel and even got over as a face at one point. Now hes out of shape and past his prime but give me the no shirt, skirt wearing, bald headed Raven any day on my roster.

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