Top ten WORST wrestlers in WWE

No particular order...

Santino Marella - He doesn't belong in the WWE.

Khali - Can't move.

Cody Rhodes - Does anyone turn on the TV and go "Yeah Cody is on!!!"

Booker - Used to be one of my favorites but I just can't watch him anymore. Time for a gimmick change.

Snitsky - I affectionatly refer to him as "Zitsky"

Major Brothers - Boring!!!

Nunzio - Here comes the squash match.

Steven Richards - Can they do something with him? He used to be good to watch at some point right?

Balls Mahoney - Same match every time out these days.

Mike Knox - Boring x 2!!!
10. Hornswoogle --> Straight Out of a Lucky Charms cereal box, this midget is only annoying and ruining Finlay's credibility.

9. Eugene --> Found Him funny when I was 10 years old. He's a really good wrestler but his Gimmick ruins it all. Please give him another gimmick so that he can became the wrestler he really his.

8. Snitsky --> His in-ring Skills are almost as disgusting to look at as his face. He's just another Big Untalent Man.

7. Daivari --> Beside Annoying us to death, he's useless. If I Received 1$ everytime he looked bad in the ring or outside it I'd be rich today.

6. Viscera/Mabel/Big Daddy V --> Another Slow, Untalented Big Man.

5. Nunzio --> I Can't Even Tell If He's a good wrestler cause I Think he wrestles 2 a year just to get his ass kicked by somebody. There are enough jobbers in WWE replace him by somebody talented and keep another jobber who it's funny to watch him getting his ass kicked.

4. Matt Striker --> Speaking About somebody who we like seeing him getting destroyed. Vince Tried to get him over for years but it didn't work cause he's just a disgrace for this compagny and people don't want to see his face in that ring.

3. Mike «The Miz» Mizanin --> I Don't Know where WWE his finding his talents but I Think they found this one inside a Kinder Surprise Egg.

2. Batista --> The Perfect reason why it's good to be friend with Triple H in the WWE. He's untalented, boring to watch. Even if we can't consider that in that topic he's a total asshole in real life.

1. The Great Khali --> Any Explanations Needed??

I Didn't put Cena in my Top 10 cause he works his ass of for that compagny and everything he does that makes us dislike him isn't what he decides to do, it's what Vince tells him to do.
1. Bautista-simply awful, had one descent match with the undertaker his whole career.
2. Randy Orton-good Gimmick but has no skills in the ring. he has no creativity whatsoever. puts on way too many rest holds and has two descent moves. the ddt from the second rope and that inverted headlock backbreaker. he's only in the wwe because of his lineage and not because he proved himself ever.
3. Snitsky-awful in the ring, fights way too many jobbers and si soppused to be a monster of some sort even though he was teaming up with goldust and had a foot-fetish not too long ago. Re-donkulous!
4.Great Khali- a shaved chewbuka with less mic skills than a bag of doorknobs
5.trevor Murdoch-he stinks, he ruined the canadian destroyer for everybody. cade carries this tag team, murdoch is just there for some minor heat.
but no seems to give a crap anyway.
6.chris masters- wow, a full nelson, did you come up with that all on your own? i am thoroughly impressed. NOT!
7. Mark Henry-what a waste of space! A bear Hug? what is this 1974? plus lets not forget hes a proud father of beutiful baby hand. UGH!!
8. Kevin Thorn- no explination needed, just go away. atleast when ariel came out with him, there was something to look at, but no hes one misstep away from going back to OVW, where he belongs.
9. Big daddy V- he's ok but that dosen't cut it in the WWE
10. The Miz- I have to say hes improving but is still worse than anyone else i can think of.

Honeable mentions
Flair, Dusty and Hacksaw are simply tooooo old andc need to hang up the boots already.
Here's mine:

10. MVP - Someone take this guys championship away. He's not worthy.
9. Balls Mahoney - Old.
8. Santino Marello - Why is he even still around? What is his gimmick?
7. The Great Khali - Big, slow, boring. Bad champion. Come back soon, Edge!
6. Eugene - His gimmick is a retarted guy dressed as a super hero.
5. Big Fatty V - Will someone please put a shirt on this guy?
4. Deuce & Domino - Greasers. Why are they still champions? Not good wrestlers.
3. Hornswoggle - Midget champion? A retarted guy above... what happened?
2. Hacksaw Jim Duggan - Old.
1. Batista - I just freaking hate this guy. He's the main event, but he can't even wrestle. Batista bomb? That's a gay finisher.

And you know what? I like John Cena! So what I said it, big whoop, wanna fight about it? Why do people hate this guy?
1. The great khali - well i could go on all day about him, but lets just leave it at he can barely move

2. Big daddy V - Because of his size, his ring skills are very limited, he should really be thinking to drop some weight

3.Mark henry - Good old sexual chocolate, now asides from gaining 10 pounds a week and wearing skin tight overalls that makes his balls pop out,he can just about move and is very limited, hes not even light enough to do a press slam anymore, allhe can do is a bear hug

4.Scott steiner - good old scotty, now he hasnt been good in the ring since the early 90s, i guess those steroids he took in his unger days are beggining to take their toll on him

5. John Cena - now i saw some of his old matches in ovw, and it seems he used to do quite a variety of moves, but as soon as his biceps tripled in size, all we see is the same few moves, same old shit

6. Ric Flair - Now you gotta respect him for all his work back in the day, but damnit ric your letting on now, and its beggining to show in the ring

7. Mick Foley - come on mick, you retired 7 years ago, stop making these damn returns, you jjust get your ass kicked

8.Ashley mssaro - come on now, you know she cant do shit all

9.Goldust/Black reign or watever he is these days, his glory days are over and hes just not what he used to be, granted hes not as bad as the likes of flair or foley, but damn it he just needs to leave it now

10. -sandman - your done and dusted, too old to learn professional wrestling, and too old to forget your hardcore style, you just dont fit in anymore
10. Snitsky- he has no moveset. His finishers are stolen from Test ( Big boot, pump handle slam) yet they look weak as hell. And WHY would he willingly dye his teeth brown?

9. Boogeyman- the sad thing thing is that this guy is very talented. He could have made it to the finals of Tough Enough if he hadn't lied about his age. So now he settles for a bad gimmick with literally less moves than an aborted fetus.

8. Big Daddy V- Always looks like he's losing wait to improve, then gains it back. He needs Shelton's Mama's oxygen tank in the ring with him. Sad.

7. Shelton Benjamin- WWE gave him every chance in the world. They truly believed he could go to the top of the business. But he has no personality, yet still manages to overact when he loses. They actually had to bring in Charlie Haas, the blandest man alive, to get people to care about him. Total waste of skill and IC title runs.

6. Kane- Remember ten years ago when Kane would go out, kick ass and take names? Well, like I said that was ten years ago. Kane is very old and very limited. His Top rope clothesline has lost it's luster, the chokeslam only looks convincing on guys half his size, and his knees are too shot for him to use the Tombstone Piledriver. He's a jobber for the main-eventers.

5. Batista- His only good moves are his finishers or when he's wielding a weapon. He tried that rolling Samoan drop thing for awhile which looked kinda cool, but I guess he decided it wasn't worth the effort. Bad attitude backstage. He's the top face on SD! but he needs to be carried thru every match.

4. Randy Orton- Definately has more talent than Batista, which is actually why he's placed one spot higher than him. Despite all of his natural talent, his moveset is comprised of mostly headlocks and other generic restholds. And his Garvin Stomp homage thing is just annoying. Then he tries to look menacing when he sets up for the RKO, but it looks like he's just really horny and dry-humoing the ring. And his backstage attitude is the most atrocius the WWE has seen since the days of the Ultimate Warrior. Self-entitlement is a killer in sports. Orton is the Terrell Owens of WWE.

3. Sandman- Completely useless w/o weapons. He has a couple of moves, but he needs his singapore cane to hit his oppenents with in between those moves in order to stretch his matches out to five minutes. Hell, he needs a weapon to do his finisher, otherwise it's just a freakin Russian legsweep.

2. Chris Masters- In Texas Hold 'em there's a phrase where, when you get dealt an Ace-King, You say have Anna Kournikova. Why do call it that? Cuz it looks good but it plays like shit. That's Chris Masters in a nut shell. Nuff said.

1. Mark Henry- Technically, Mark Henry has been with the WWE for eleven years now, but out of those Eleven years, he' spent more than half of it down in OVW or rehabbing injury after injury after injury. And Despite all that training in OVW, His only moves are bodyslams, bearhugs and splashes. And do you know how much WWE paid for all that grief? $10 million. That's right. Mark Henry has one of the most lucrative contracts in the history of wrestling. God, I hope the rumors are true that he's gone after Unforgiven. Mark Henry only won one title during his 11 yrs. in WWE, and that was the European title Jeff Jarrett handed to him in 1999. You know if Mark Henry just left the WWE, I don't think anybody would notice or care. His legacy will always be being the biggest waste of money the WWE ever spent (and I'm including the XFL).
I meant to mention why Great Khali isn't on the list. Yes, he's bad, but nobody ever expected him to be good. He's just a monster meant to threaten other wrestlers title reigns. Had the list been the 11 worst wrestlers in WWE, Khali would have comprised of that 11th spot. But I decided to count the most truly disappointing of all the bad wrestlers in WWE. And you can't really be disappointed when your expectations were never very high in the first place.
My List
1 The Great Khali, complete bumbling idiot, can barely speak english, has no skills whatsoever, is slower than mark henry(today at least) cant even sell moves, i think he has fallen asleep standing in the ring more than once.
2 Big Daddy V, almost as bad as khali, if the man lost about 200 lbs he would probably be good but we all know that will never happen.
3 Batista: If they push him very hard he can learn a move or two but other than that hen has no skills, an athsmatic no talent, ultimate warrior, wcw reject, wow wwe way to go, on the plus side would be great for TNA.
4 John cena: i dont think he even tries, he sucks on the mic because he can only stay in one attitude, hes almost as bad as bret hart in the ring(at least when it comes to his 4 moves of doom), and he has had the same lame gimmick for 5 years. Fire him already
5 mark henry: at once was very agile(remember the jump through the rope on his opponents neck?) but now has gained to much wait and can barely move. time to retire.
6 Miz: bad overall. we all know the only reason he's on tv is because of real world, please somebody shoot him.
7 Rey Mysterio: all he can do is spots, he isnt good on the mic, he gets beat up an entire match and still wins.
8 Jeff Hardy: a worse version of Rey Mysterio, should have stayed in TNA
9 Matt Hardy: Very boring in the ring, uses the same boring moves every match, a little better than jeff but just. has little charisma but yet fans still like him. Just Very Boring.
10..........Randy Orton: he is only in wwe do to him being a 3rd gen wrestler, has only about two good moves, lacks originality, mediocre on the mic, is an asshole in real life who thinks hes better than everyone and disrespects women. would have been fired except he's HHH's ass buddy. Please fire him.
Exceptable mention womens wrestlers: have no talent, only there for eye candy, make a mockery out of wrestling. Fie them all.
worst all-time wrestlers (everything: charisma, technical, promos, storytelling)

1. Khali- and he is the god damn world champ

2. Giant Gonzalzes- that was horrible

3. The Miz- the real world, reality check, boo-yah thats all I got to say

4. Bobby Lashley- sounds like a 5 year old in a 27 year old's body

5. Akeem- thank god for Big Boss Man to carry his ass

6. Rosey- i hear he has gotten a lot better though but still 3-minute warning one word...torture

7. Zac Gowen- he was fun to watch in other organziations (time in WWE..THEY BURIED HIM)

8. Moe from Men on a Mission

9. Virgil- should have never wrestled

10. Divas- if your name is not Sable, Luna, Trish, Lita, Victoria, Jacky, Ivory, Madusa these divas are exempt...Candice annoys the shit out of me
1. The Great Khali - Andre The Giant is laughing in his grave.

2. Big Daddy V - Disgusting body weight, he can barely move in that ring.

3. Mark Henry - He's always hurt and when he comes back from injury, he's slow.

4. Sandman - He is terrible, he has no skills what so ever.

5. Snitsky - Vince is stupid for wondering why the crowd gave him little reaction.

6. Scott Steiner - Ever since injecting 2 thousand steroids up his ass he's moved very slowly and botch moves left and right.

7. John Cena - The Champ is Here! and he sucks. It's the same thing all the time with him. (throwback, suplex, famasser of the top rope, five knuckle Shuffle, F-U).

8. Chris Masters - I find him very boring. That masterlock is stupid.

9. Trevor Murdoch - I think we can all agree to this.

10. Santino Marella - He's kinda funny, but when he gets in the wrestling ring it's very unentertaing.

A couple of quick thoughts here, edgefan#1 are you nuts? Shelton Benjamin can do things in the ring that nobody can. "He has no personality" how the hell can he show it when he losses 5 minute tag team matches on raw?
1. Khali- he is just so dull to watch
2. Batistia- just still over from his feud with HHH not great in the ring
2. The Miz- He was on the reality TV and his gimmick is being a poser, nough said
3. Santino- completely pointless expecially how he won the IC title
4. Snitsky- Boring big man with no talent
5. Visera- Same as Snitsky
5. Lashley- He is just so dull on the mic, cannot get any emotion across at all, plus he has a baby face
6. Boogyman-just a bad gimmic, i see him as a decent wrestler, might even be a good one if his gimmick wasn't so boring
7. Hornswoggle- a midget dressed as a leper con as the cruiserweight champ, nough said

the people who say jeff hardy sucks, its like saying sabu sucks these guys ARE NOT supposed to talk because they don't need to, jeff is very talented and is not pushed becuase he's not buff as hell

Bret Hart is one of the greats, had some really memorable and great matches him HBK and undertaker carried the WWF for so long

CM Punk another one i saw on there that is absolutely rediculous. The guy is talented as anyone and like jeff does not get pushed as am main eventer because of his size and the restrictions they put on guys from ROH is rediculous, and the guy who is most limited is paul london who again is another great talent that goes to waste because he's not huge and muscular
oh and why not Cena? Cause the guy works so hard, its not his fault they decided to push him down are throats. And while i don't like the white rapper gimmick depending on his opponent he puts on good matches, i heard from a friend that the Cena-Orton match was the best one at Summerslam. Its the same thing that happened with Shawn Micheals and Bret Hart, the fans turned om them because they were shoved down are throats and now where does Bret ever get booed? HBK has one of the biggest pops every night and only gets booed in Canada because of the Montreal Screwjob and when they had him job to Hogan(weho had overrated ring skill, was just really charismatic in my view) was ridiculous as well shawn>hogan in terms of in ring talent any day
Before I even get into the top 10, I will be naming wrestlers on RAW and SMACKDOWN because I do not tune into ECW, so I have to say my opinions will be based on entrance, mic skills, and in-ring abilities. In my opinion, that is a wrestler.

1. Great "Garbage" Khali - First of all, because he is champ, the expectations are much greater and he clearly falls below even the average quality of a champion in WWE. Secondly, his entrance/music is trash. It possesses no interjection. It softly starts and then goes into a repetitive beat with no melody. He walks as if he's controlled by a puppeteer.

Mic Skills - Everytime he opens his mouth to do that "Call of the Wild" yell, I fear that cascades of drool will soon follow.

His in ring abilities - It's obvious to everyone who watches how inept he is inside the squared circle. His moveset consists of a chop, kick, double-handed chokeslam, a vice-grip claw, and a feminine looking clothesline. This guy is supposed to be a World Heavyweight Champion? Granted he is from another part of the world, he is a heavyweight, but he sure as hell hasn't persuaded me to believe that he is any sort of champ.

2. John Cena (as if you didn't expect that) - Putting Cena on this list was an easy decision, but I had to retract some criticism towards him. He does work his behind off for the company and it does seem like he is a puppet to what McMahon wishes, but that is still not a viable excuse.

His entrance is not bad because it holds a lot of charisma, and energy. I personally thought his salute and street-military attire was a sign of support and respect to the military. I personally like the beat to his song, I could see how it could get people out of their seats. John Cena has a devastating physique that could mislead someone who was not exposed to the "Attitude Era" simply because yes, Cena is right for TV as far as his physique is concerned, but his in-ring skills exhibit wasted potential. It leaves me saying, put that physique on someone else who can develop a true repertoire for it.

His mic skills - Trust me there are much worse out there, and Cena is most of the time funny and can talk some trash. It doesn't seem like he's "acting" when he speaks, he's pretty natural with the mic, especially since he dropped that whole freestyle gimmick.

His in ring abilities have an extreme growth-stunt. It is common knowledge that he performs the same small amount of moves in the same sequence and manages to floor people with the FU, but yet can kick out of devastating moves such as the RKO. (Questionable)
When he develops more moves, than it will be believeable to me for him to kick out of finishers...until then...Stay down Cena. Just stay down.

3. Batista
The reason that I chose Batista is because of his performance since returning from that tricep injury. When Batista first became World Champ, it was believeable. The guy was destroying people in the ring. Now, sorry it just ain't cuttin' it.

His entrance - Okay Batista, we know you are a big dude, stop beating on your chest,, and please what's with the machine gun motion during the fireworks? You are not in the military. You look like you want to break out into the MC Hammer typewriter or something. The pyro is tight, the music fits, but the rest...uh no!

In the ring - Oh man, I just explained how he used to destroy people right? Not anymore. His timing is terrible, and his moveset has dwindled. Batista needs to get rid of the spear. PLEASE...he sucks at it. Goldberg, Rhyno, and Edge are the masters of the spear maneuver. He's just not cutting it...there is no intensity in his matches anymore. For a big guy Batista's punches look soft. I still think the five top strikers in the WWE were and are Triple H, Austin, The Rock, The Undertaker, and Kane. He needs to step up with that and put some shots on his opponents to where the crowd says "ooooh."

4. Eugene- he needs to drop the mentally handicapped act and get serious. I thought there for a moment after McMahon shaved his head that something would've snapped and he would've came out just messing folks up, but as you can see that did NOT happen. Instead now we have a short-haired, hairy-faced, goon running around in a blue and stoplight colored cape...looking like a complete moron.

Not much to say about his entrance. It takes an attempt at fan-friendliness, but it is just pathetic. Get rid of the ******ed cape and get into some bad-ass attire Eugene...change your name if you have to...maybe Gene (with a badass last name)

In ring, he tries to mix it up, but over 90% of his matches consist of him being stripped of any dignity that he might have left after his pathetic entrance.

5. Mark Henry - I'm glad that he's retiring after the Undertaker returns. He has played himself out, and this self-proclomation of being a silverback is far from the truth. He has taken no one out that is worth mentioning. The way he beat down the Undertaker was cheap as hell...he did nothing that was not already done. The Taker was spent after that match with Batista, the Edge-screwjob, and finally he comes down and washes the crumbs from the plate. Oh yeah, his entrance/music sucks.

His mic skills are the same thing over and over...I'm the silverback! You look like a monkey too Mark Henry. Stop talking and get to battling with people that can actually hurt you.

In ring - same moveset, ending in a bearhug that doesn't even seem like it hurts. If you refer to Smackdown 5 HCTP and check out the bearhug on THAT's a bearhug. Nuff said about the Paperback---oops...whatever.

6. The DIVAS

A lot of them are banging up those pretty faces from this in-ring activity. I miss the days when they would manage the top wrestlers and be an enjoyment to view outside of what was going on in the ring.

Entrances suck/music sucks

Mickie James is just trying to pick up where Trish left off with the ring-attire and finisher. Candice Michelle looks like a straight ****, and has not proven to be champ. They suck...

7. Val Dingis (formerly Val Venis)- He is a well-rounded wrestler by all means, I just feel sorry for the guy due to the fact that he is always getting his ass kicked by everyone he faces. He isn't the same Val that was actually somebody to watch in the Attitude era.

8. Santino Marrella - that dude is gay...I am serious. He was probably one of the biggest disappointments since Nathan Jones.

His mic skills suck...and he's consistently trying to mack someone who is out of his deserved field of vision...Maria.

His in ring abilities have proven to be lackluster. That is why he is no longer Intercontenintal Champion.

9. Chris Masters - Perhaps one of the biggest letdowns in WWE history. The guys entrance is so tight and original. His physique is one of the best in the business as of late...BUT that all matters none because of his...

Mic skills. They have to be some of the worst that I've heard. They have no creative edge, no charisma, no wit or whimsical properties. He sounds like a muscle-bound doofus.

In-ring - That masterlock has to be the most useless finisher, challenge, and gimmick that is active in todays WWE programming. He needs to really sit down and develop a real finisher and a real set of moves that devastate and amaze the fans. Either Masters gets correct, or he needs to unlock the masterlock to the WWE front doors and walk out of them.

10. Last and least - Rey Mysterio, because I agree with one of the posts that stated Rey Mysterio will get demolished an entire match, but end up pulling it off somehow. I don't like his mic skills, oh wait he doesn't have any so there isn't anything to like or dislike. He never belonged in the World Heavyweight Title tier EVER. Why? Hmmm, let's see maybe because he does not weigh enough to be a heavyweight. I'll never forget when Brock Lesnar F-5'd him into the ring post with ease. They even designed an F5 on a Smackdown game where Brock just throws you into the air and you spin 3 times in the air before impact. That's nasty.
1. Batista- slow and just painful to watch sometimes not to mention even if he was a good wrestler hed still be hated by everyone just by being a complete c***
2. Every woman wrestler in WWE- They just suck hardcore, i mean i admit they are fhiinne but theres atleast gotta be a better finisher other then victorias finisher(which is brutal i might add)
3.Big Daddy V- His boobs sexually confuse me, should of retired ages ago
4. Mark Henry- He just has problems wrestling so he hugs them to death, hes the hugger of doom and i dont like him!
5.The Great Khali- This is his usaul match clothesline irish whip elbow elbow clothesline grip fall down chop chokebomb pretty basic.
6.Eugene- He had his moments but its quite annoying to know that he will never be able to let the gimmick go and be taken as a serious competitor!
7.Santino Marella-Mass Ball Of Douche Bag his mic skills suck, so does his acting and his ring skills make me die a little inside sometimes
8.The Miz-this guy has a few good moves but hes still got a gimmick that screams kick the crap out of me
9.Ric Flair- Great wrestler back in the day but im hoping he'd read this so he retires quicker, im concerned for him :'(
10.Snitsky- he just has no charisma and is just the usaul 6ft5+ pile of poo
Exceptable mention womens wrestlers: have no talent, only there for eye candy, make a mockery out of wrestling. Fie them all.

Again, your going to have to be specific. Are you talking about WWE Divas, TNA divas, Indy divas? If your talking about the WWE divas, several of them have talent, but you wouldn't know it because you've never bothered to look. You assume to much.

10. Divas- if your name is not Sable, Luna, Trish, Lita, Victoria, Jacky, Ivory, Madusa these divas are exempt...Candice annoys the shit out of me

Oh bravo, bravo! *claps* I'm going to give you a round of applause for your unawareness!

You said you were rating each of the people on your list due to lack of in ring presence, mic skills, talent, and technical skills. Then you go and on your list of Divas have Sable? Victoria? Madusa? and Luna? on your list while leaving out Molly Holly, Jazz, Beth Phoenix, and Jillian Hall (to name a few)

Now if you were trying to establish that supposedly talented divas Victoria, Ivory, Jackie, and Luna should be on your list and not these other girls because they were over with the crowd? they weren't. That they had superior in ring skills? their in ring skills were really no better or worse than the other 4 I just mentioned.

Sable? Really? If sable going to be on that list then you'll have to put Ashley and Christy, and Torrie, and pretty much all the untalented models that have come through WWE.

Trish? I'll give you Trish

Lita? Really no better than Jillian Hall, in fact Jillian's probably better if you think about it, she wrestles better than Lita, she acts better than Lita, she sells better than Lita, she's just better than Lita.

Madusa? Madusa's been out of commission since 1995, and even then she really wasn't that great, if she tried to come back she'd be crushed.

And yeah, Candice annoys the shit out of me as well.
My top ten worst wrestlers is an easy list for me. I will go from worst to slightly better but still bad.

1. The Great Kahli - No doubt about it folks. Kahli is the worst wrestler in the WWE on all three brands. Even worse than Cena. Cena has mic skills, this guy does not even speak English. Plus he barely moves in the ring and no sells every move thrown on him. Come on, Kane or Undertaker are going to hurt the guy. He is not Jesus for crying out loud.

2. John Morrison - He was horrible as Johnny Nitro and just as bad a John Morrison. They can try and sell me a bill of goods that are rotten before I believe this guy is a legit choice for champion. This guy is a complete joke. He has no mic skills to even speak about. He speaks in riddles and I know that is the way Jim Morrison spoke, but it was lame when he did it too. John Morrison is horrible in the ring. He tries flashy moves and cannot do them correctly and when he does they are basic moves anyone could do. Tazz and Styles try to sell him off like he is bubble gum when in reality he is shit. The guy could not get over as Johnny Nitro, even with a hot littlel minx like Melina by his side and he cannot get over as John Morrison either.

3. Ken Kennedy - I don't hate this guy, I just don't see why he is pushed so heavily. He has five moves he can do. He is great on the mic when it is a short interview. If the interview goes to long, he gets to repeating himself. I guess I should not expect any less, he constantly repeats himself in the ring, even worse than John Cena. Which brings me too.

4. John Cena - I hated he won at the PPV over Orton. Cena has had that belt way too long. Cena has good mic skills and can even do impromptu interviews, that is not my complaint about him. He cannot wrestle whatsoever. He reminds me of the Rock, has no wrestling skill to speak of but great on the mic. Do not get me started on the fact that Edge is right he does remind me of Marky Mark.

5. The womans division - This does not include Mickie, Victoria and Beth Phoenix. Not to sure about Beth Phoenix right now. Give me a few months with seeing her in the ring and I will tell you if she is good or bad or better yet make your own judgment. The rest of the girls either have decent mic skills or decent wrestling skills. Nothing to impressive on either side of the hemisphere. Some of them are not even that good looking either. I don't like the whole model look, too skinny. Like a girl with some meat on her bones, like Beth Phoenix and Mickie James. I do like Maria, because she is all natural and not plastic.

6. Matt Stryker - Simple fact of the matter he is terrible in the ring. He is decent on the mic. The fact that he was an English teacher helps that fact. Stryker really does not bring anything to the party, that is why he is Big V's manager.

7. The Miz - I don't mind the Miz, he is funny at times. I am not impressed with his in ring ability or lack there of. He does have mic skills, which probably comes from his reality t.v. stuff he has done. The Miz is very entertaining and for this reason, is why he is number 7 on my list. He isn't quite the worst around. Give him a little while and I think he won't be on anyone's list.

8. Nunzio - Reminds me of Benoit. I could not stand watching Benoit wrestle, so bleeding boring. I think Nunzio is the same way. You think he is a smaller guy and going to use a lot of high flying acrobatic stuff and he disappoints. He is terrible on the mic as well. That is why he is on ECW as a jobber. He should never be anything more than a manager.

9. Davairi - I have not liked this guy since he came in. I cannot get an real read on his mic skills because as Cryme Tyme said, he speaks that Derka Derka stuff. He is OK in the ring, just small. He should be vying for the cruiser weight championship. He could be better is he spoke English or to the least, Spanish, since i understand English and Spanish. I would take him off my list entirely if he actually have a move set and spoke English when he does an interview.

10. MVP - This guy cannot wrestle at all. He is nothing but cheat moves and cheap shots. His mic skills are practically not existent. All he does is badger than hometown fans and gets them to boo him, hell I can do that. This guy does have charisma though and I give him credit for that.

Honorable mention goes to Jeff Hardy. I like Jeff Hardy and before you little teeny boppers jump my case, this guy has not accomplished anything in the WWE and keeps getting in trouble. Jeff is not the best Hardy brother. Jeff has a lot of athletic ability, but cannot wrestle and damn sure cannot use the mic, yet he vies for the I.C. belt.

5. [B]The womans division[/B] - This does not include Mickie, Victoria and Beth Phoenix. Not to sure about Beth Phoenix right now. Give me a few months with seeing her in the ring and I will tell you if she is good or bad or better yet make your own judgment. The rest of the girls either have decent mic skills or decent wrestling skills. Nothing to impressive on either side of the hemisphere. Some of them are not even that good looking either. I don't like the whole model look, too skinny. Like a girl with some meat on her bones, like Beth Phoenix and Mickie James. I do like Maria, because she is all natural and not plastic.

OH MY GOD! how many times do I have to tell you people when you say "Well I don't know if this diva can wrestle or not, I'm going to wait and see what WWE does with them" odds are, you aren't going to get an actuate reading. The WWE is the absolute WORST place to see just how well the divas perform. If you want to know just how good of a wrestler Beth Phoenix is, then check out her indy stuff (Shimmer) and OVW, because your not going to get the same reading coming from WWE. Beth Phoenix arguably the best female technical and mat wrestler in WWE right now, bar none.

Now, If you want to see how great Beth Phoenix's mic skills are and how well she can get over and carry a match and carry the crowd? Then that is something that WWE can answer, and that would be what you would wait to see if she can do. ( I'm Assuming that this ^ statement here was what you meant)
Whats up wit HHH being in any1z worst wrestlers list.his Gimmik is great. his moveset is outstanding he cabn have a good match wit any1 also randey orton hez tha future of wwe until i get there.
1. John Cena as a wrestler he only has 5 moves. gimmik he no longa has 1 and his fan base dosnt do over the age of 10
2.tha miz whats up wit his push on ecw hez a lil girl wit no in ring abilty cmon vince get ecw of tv...
3.stinsky he dosnt no wea hez at in tha ring unlike hunter.
4.vicera he is litually a waete of space
5.Bastia he faled apart 1nce levng evoultion no gimmik now and also has a lil kid fan base
6. mark henary can't wait till tker ends his carrea at un4gven(wwe didnt resign his contract)
7.lashey he sill hasn't gone thru pebutey....hogh nuts.
8.Kali good gimmik being as big as he is but not trained as a wrestler.
9.santino please send him back 2 OVW
10. Ron simions DAMN isn't a god catch phaise 2 restat your carrea.
Seriously I Mean My Top Ten Is This.
These Aren't As In Like Hogan Is The Worst It's Just Randomly Listed People I Hate.

1. Hulk Hogan. He Was Great When He Was Younger But For Real His Gimmick, His Finisher, They're Awfull.

2. The Great Khali. The Man Was Obviously Chosen For His Size Not His Alll Around In Ring Talent.

3. John Cena. The Man Does Like 3 Moves And They're All Botched. His Finisher Is A Modified Firemans Carry That I've Seen My Little Brother Do To His Teddy Bear. He Can't Even Do A Normal Irish Whip And Scoop Slam. Seriously Just Watch His In Ring Abbilities And The WWE Champ Should Be Randy Orton.

4. Eugene. Not Really Much I Have To Say About This Guy Just Watch Him Wrestle.

5. Umaga. This Guy Ruines Wrestling For Me. All He Does Is Dominate Terribly. The Samoan Spike Is Powerfull, Yes, But It's A Basic Move, On In Ring Abbility He Jumps From The Second Rope. Superheavyweights Should Stay Grounded And Leave The Turnbuckle Moves To The Cruiserweights And Light Heavyweights. He's Like A Samoa Joe Knock Off With Half The Abbility.

6. John Morrison. This Guy Has Switched Beetween Finishing Moves Music And Gimmicks More Than Anyone I've Ever Seen.

7. Gobbeldy Gooker. Goobbledy Gooker.

8. Red Rooster. OMG!

9. 3 Count. All 3 Of Them That Gimmick Sucked Horribly. There Was Some Funny Stuff They Did And They Were Exciting But Their Gimmick Was Really Bad.

10. Mankind. The Dude Was Creepy. The Mask, The Multiple Personality, It Was All Just Really Odd. (shiver) Urrrrrrrrgh!
Right heres mine

1 snitsky

He dose nothing every week nearly he comes out for a 20 second match.

2 john morison realy anoying stupid mic skills no more to realy say about him

3Khali my god the worst worl champ in history in my books his match at summerslam says all.

Big daddy v
Ugly fay discusting put a shirt on boring

5 sentino
Realy is boring juse whines on complaining his heel turn is worse now then when he was a face.
Hulk hogan
Yeah i have respect for him but you knoe he is just overrated and when he comes out we get bored to death by watching him dance for about 10 minuites,

7 The miz not much to say real.

8 Boogey man he gets on my nerves

9 Batista
Mark henry. Boring.

My top ten worst wrestlers is an easy list for me. I will go from worst to slightly better but still bad.

2. John Morrison - He was horrible as Johnny Nitro and just as bad a John Morrison. They can try and sell me a bill of goods that are rotten before I believe this guy is a legit choice for champion. This guy is a complete joke. He has no mic skills to even speak about. He speaks in riddles and I know that is the way Jim Morrison spoke, but it was lame when he did it too. John Morrison is horrible in the ring. He tries flashy moves and cannot do them correctly and when he does they are basic moves anyone could do. Tazz and Styles try to sell him off like he is bubble gum when in reality he is shit. The guy could not get over as Johnny Nitro, even with a hot littlel minx like Melina by his side and he cannot get over as John Morrison either.

3. Ken Kennedy - I don't hate this guy, I just don't see why he is pushed so heavily. He has five moves he can do. He is great on the mic when it is a short interview. If the interview goes to long, he gets to repeating himself. I guess I should not expect any less, he constantly repeats himself in the ring, even worse than John Cena. Which brings me too.

5. The womans division - This does not include Mickie, Victoria and Beth Phoenix. Not to sure about Beth Phoenix right now. Give me a few months with seeing her in the ring and I will tell you if she is good or bad or better yet make your own judgment. The rest of the girls either have decent mic skills or decent wrestling skills. Nothing to impressive on either side of the hemisphere. Some of them are not even that good looking either. I don't like the whole model look, too skinny. Like a girl with some meat on her bones, like Beth Phoenix and Mickie James. I do like Maria, because she is all natural and not plastic.

7. The Miz - I don't mind the Miz, he is funny at times. I am not impressed with his in ring ability or lack there of. He does have mic skills, which probably comes from his reality t.v. stuff he has done. The Miz is very entertaining and for this reason, is why he is number 7 on my list. He isn't quite the worst around. Give him a little while and I think he won't be on anyone's list.

8. Nunzio - Reminds me of Benoit. I could not stand watching Benoit wrestle, so bleeding boring. I think Nunzio is the same way. You think he is a smaller guy and going to use a lot of high flying acrobatic stuff and he disappoints. He is terrible on the mic as well. That is why he is on ECW as a jobber. He should never be anything more than a manager.

9. Davairi - I have not liked this guy since he came in. I cannot get an real read on his mic skills because as Cryme Tyme said, he speaks that Derka Derka stuff. He is OK in the ring, just small. He should be vying for the cruiser weight championship. He could be better is he spoke English or to the least, Spanish, since i understand English and Spanish. I would take him off my list entirely if he actually have a move set and spoke English when he does an interview.

10. MVP - This guy cannot wrestle at all. He is nothing but cheat moves and cheap shots. His mic skills are practically not existent. All he does is badger than hometown fans and gets them to boo him, hell I can do that. This guy does have charisma though and I give him credit for that.

Honorable mention goes to Jeff Hardy. I like Jeff Hardy and before you little teeny boppers jump my case, this guy has not accomplished anything in the WWE and keeps getting in trouble. Jeff is not the best Hardy brother. Jeff has a lot of athletic ability, but cannot wrestle and damn sure cannot use the mic, yet he vies for the I.C. belt.

whoever posted this does not know wrestling because john morrison is a great wrestler, his mic skills are shit but he is a great wrestler and i have never heard anybody say that mr kennedy is a terrible wrestler and is bad in long promos....he is the total package. he has all the tools to be a star and u said that the rock sucks. god dats just horrible. uhh who else did u say sucks...jeff hardy? oh my god this guy is good. not as good as matt but he is a solid ring performer and u said daivari sucks because he doesnt speak english......does that take anything away from his in ring skills? dont think so and nunzio sucks too? he carries people when he jobs on ecw and u said that benoit is a boring wrestler??? oh my god this is da worst post ive ever seen and last but not least u said that mvp sucks. he hits da top 5 in da most talented wrestlers on da roster. mvp is a cocky and talented son bitch. now on to my terrible 10

1.Khali- he is crap in da ring, hes ugly, no mic skills, trash moveset. khali shows you evrything wrong with wrestling
2.Batista- well hes just a 6'6 320 pound version of khali hes garbage also
3. Cena- he went from being one of my favorite wrestlers while he was us champ on smackdown cutting rap promos making me laugh to being the most annoying wrestlers in the 2000's. his title reign is pissing us all off and his gimmick doesnt work like it used to wen he was actually funny. I gave him the botd but wen he beat orton dat killed it
4. Mark Henry- oh my god i cant wait till taker beats his ass at unforgiven
5. Snitsky- he is a no talent prick who makes people wanna cause a riot everytime his music goes on. he makes me wanna beat up my liddle brother evrytime i watch a snitsky match
6. Hacksaw Jim Duggan- why does he still wrestle??? Carrying around a stick screamin ho...dat was a hit in da 80s duggan...its the new millenium..go take your cough medicine and retire before vince makes orton kick your face in
7. Big Daddy V- my man...for da liddle kids PUT ON A FUCKIN SHIRT. its disguisting watchin da guy wrestle cuz his titty is bigger den all of our bodies..its gross watching him wrestle regardless
8.Boogeyman- da guy spits worms and powerslams you and dats your typical boogeyman squash match...booringgg
9.Eugene- your showing of eugene in the wwe makes u wanna shoot your mother. hes terrible but Nick Dinsmore isnt
10. Masters- i hate him with a man please quit while your behind
1. The Great Khali- Can barly move in the ring and is a waste of space on the smackdown roster and a horrible whc.
2.Snitsky-Another guy who is just a waste on the raw roster better when teaming with tomko actually could move
3.The Miz-Can't wrestle botchs a move in almost all of his matchs.
4.Mark Henry-Just retire now insted of two years
5.Ric Flair-Great when he was young but no has no offense other then chops and leg offense should become a manager.
6. Diva's-Other then Candice,Melina,Jillian,Michelle,Mickie,Beth,Maria (yes maria she actually is ok and she's hot) the rest have no talent at all.
7.Big daddy V-Great when teaming with Venis no sucks and needs a shirt.
8.John Cena-Over rated needs new gimmick like a heel turn.
9.Batista-Same as Cena
10.Hornswoggle-Entertaining but thats it
1. The Great Khali- Can barly move in the ring and is a waste of space on the smackdown roster and a horrible whc.
2.Snitsky-Another guy who is just a waste on the raw roster better when teaming with tomko actually could move
3.The Miz-Can't wrestle botchs a move in almost all of his matchs.
4.Mark Henry-Just retire now insted of two years
5.Ric Flair-Great when he was young but no has no offense other then chops and leg offense should become a manager.
6. Diva's-Other then Candice,Melina,Jillian,Michelle,Mickie,Beth,Maria (yes maria she actually is ok and she's hot) the rest have no talent at all.
7.Big daddy V-Great when teaming with Venis no sucks and needs a shirt.
8.John Cena-Over rated needs new gimmick like a heel turn.
9.Batista-Same as Cena
10.Hornswoggle-Entertaining but thats it
Kudos to Fresh for his insightful comments. I cannot believe anyone lists John Morrison on this list. Technically, he is one of the better wrestlers in the WWE, and very exciting to watch. Also Mr. Kennedy has a solid moves set, and great on the mic.. Now for my list of 10 worst;

Khali-Enough said, he looks like a 7 ft cripple.
Eugene- this guy has a terrible act, and no skills..
Snitsky-Intimidating, but only 2 moves! Very limited..
The Miz-Not fluid at all!!
Big Daddy V-overweight and uncoordinated!
Mark Henry-He is entertaining, but no wrestling skill.
Hornswaggle-Can we really consider him a wrestler??
Santino Marella-go back to being an italian fan!!
Deuce and Domino-These guys just don't keep my interest at all.

Tha's my opinion!!
10. EDGE: Overated!!!!
9. Stevie Richards: Been a jobber pretty much his whole life. No charisma and bland.
8. JOHHNY NITRO" Again average and bland.
7. Jamie Noble: Not very agile cruiseerweight doesn't seem to be able to fly high like other cruisers better set for midcard. Also his matches are boring and he can't seem to sell.
6. MICKIE JAMES: Hot but overated.
5. MVP: Something about him just doesnt seem right. He is average at everything and can't seem to make his opponents look good.
4. WGTT: They can wrestle but lack everything else it takes to be a wwe superstar. They are more boring than any other tag team. Can barley say anything cuz they suck so bad.
3. Mark Henry: Typical big guy, Can't barley move, just overall bad wrestler.
2. UMAGA: Another crappy big guy who can barely move and has a limited movest. His gimmick is crappy and he can't wrestle.
1. Matt Hardy: So boring in-ring performer. He doesn't have alot of skill and is only entertaing when he is with his sopt mokey brother.

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