1. Boogeyman: Complete and utter crap wrestler, gimmick is crap everythng about him is crap. Way too old to improve anything either. She have stayed Gone.
2. The Miz This guy needs to get the hell out of the WWE. He is an annoying little twerp. Has no inring skill from what I have seen either.
3.Santino While I did like his other gimmick down to OVW, this one aint working at all. But any diva you want with this guy it dont improve him any, time to head back to OVW my friend.
4. Hacksaw Jim Duggan Once, maybe 75 million years agao when the dinosaurs roamed the earth, Hacksaw was ok, thats it ok. Add all those years on and what do you have. An old fat bloke that needs to get the hell out.
5. Batista Whao were to start with this crap monster. How about he thinks he is better than AJ Styles? Wow. How about he is as stiff as a wooden plank, has the charisma of a wooden plank and pulls muscles walking or running? How about he has no respect for the business he is in. How about the only good matches were against Triple H and everyone wanted him to win cos Hunter did that good a job as a heel?? So in summary, how about he is shit and should leave.
6. Big Daddy V He has been in the WWE fo how long? Well no matter how long it has been he has stunk the place up since he got there. In closing please leave.
7.Balls Mahoney Sorry Balls, you may have been good in ECW with all the weapons and stuf. But I just dont see it in the WWE. No extreme rules matches, means no point in having you around anymore.
8. Kane Yup Im with Shocky and Sly on this one, which is interesting because Im a Kane fan. He is old, extremely slow and slopyy in the ring. He lost the mask and his gimmick at the same time. Time to give it up Glenn.
9 Chris Masters Does have one thing going for him, he is young and might improve. But will need an act of god to do that. Boring character, shit on the mic, not much better at all in the ring. Bye bye Chris.
10. Mark Henry Fat ass. Well you might be the World's Stongest Man, but that should be no surprise if you are also the Worlds Heaveist Man. Angle made him look ok, ok thats it. Henry is a fat waist of space. The sooner his contract runs out the better.
I don't have to create my own list because I agree with this one completely with the exception of Balls Mahoney (who is very talented, by the way). I would have to replace Balls with Matt Stryker who may be the biggest waste of space on the entire roster. I would rather watch paint dry then watch this guy wrestler. He cuts boring promos, has a lame gimmick, and is as dry as the desert in the ring.
Wotdoiput, great job on our list!!