TNA iMPACT! LD for 06/03

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &

• A Four-Way Main Event for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship will take place on Thursday's "iMPACT!" as Rob Van Dam defends the gold! Will RVD cut a promo anyone will care about first? Does it even matter?

• The Knockouts Division expands... into what? Another segment where a woman battling for custody of her child is asked to get sexy with a midget? Tune in to find out!

• Mr. Anderson will call himself and all his fans assholes, and not be booed for it!

So another week comes and there's another barely announced title match. They knew about it last week. Is it possible, just POSSIBLE, that if you announce that the world title will be on the line, more people might watch?
Rob Van Dam speaks like Rob Van Dam on the microphone. And he got over by being a "cool dude." That's his gimmick. Why's that a problem?

Of course this is an industry where one normally has to drown their promos in over-intense hatred or over-exaggerated mannerisms to be hailed as a great orator, so I'm not shocked to see that some people have no idea how to respond to a person who breaks that mold.
My money's on Joe to win the World Title tonight, espeically when Sting and RVD have a highly hyped title match coming up in a few weeks. That'd make the most sense.
What's up everyone. I'm here early to make an announcement:

My fans will hereby be calling "JJ's Jackasses"!!

I figure, if Anderson can have assholes, why can't JJ have some Jackasses?
Fuck it, I'll be a heel.........until it's cool after like a week, and then all of my jerkish antics will be forgiven. That's how it works in TNA right?
They believed they could get a face reaction for someone doing heelish things, and it's somewhat working.

I'm aware, but dude, I was making a joke! You can't try and have serious conversation in an LD. Especially not in a TNA LD. We can do that in a regular discussion if you'd like, but let's keep it to sarcastic quips, criticism, and the occasional "that was pretty good" in here.

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