TNA iMPACT! LD for 05/27

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &

• "The Phenomenal" Ric Fla – excuse me, AJ Styles will face-off with Mr. Anderson (or is that Mr. Asshole?) in the main event.

• "The Charismatic Enigma" Jeff Hardy will go one-on-one with Desmond Wolfe.

• Will Mr. Anderson explain why he helped Jeff Hardy? Will anyone buy him as a face, anyway?

• New matches will be announced for TNA's Slammiversary PPV.​
I'll be here. I'm a bit of a masochist after all.

Still trying to figure out how in the fuck Sting is the number one contender.
I'm not sure if I'll be here for it live or not. Like I noted last week, still in the middle of a move... well at the end now, at least. Likely gonna have to clean up and paint the old place before I say goodbye for good tonight, so I'm not sure I'll have time to catch iMPACT! live.
I'll be here. I'm a bit of a masochist after all.

Still trying to figure out how in the fuck Sting is the number one contender.

Because other than him and AJ, every big time guy is a face and they gave away RVD vs. Hardy and RVD vs. Wolfe for free already?
Somehow I think he's the third most focused on heel. He's more credible than Wolfe. Other than maybe Morgan, he's probably 3rd. That's pathetic.
Haven't watched since the last time I showed up in one of these. Might play tonight; though TNA's been abit shit recently.
Over the last few weeks and even months TNA's soul has died. There's just no emotion out there at all. The guys don't look like they're having any fun other than a few of them. That's very bad.
I just don't feel like the show knows what it's trying to do. People have always complained about a lack of direction and I've always rebuffed it.
I thought the Main Event Mafia era had some of the strongest direction in modern wrestling history (the execution wasn't always there, but that's a different story).

Right now it really does feel like they're just throwing stuff against the wall as a result of random whim, nothings really happening and there hasn't been a compelling feud that didn't involve Kurt Angle in quite some time.

I also agree; a lot of guys don't look like they're having fun. Anderson, Pope, AJ and Angle are just about the only guys to provide stand out performances and to really look like they're having fun.
It's been the same way since Hogan and Bischoff took over. I know I sound like a broken record but it's true. For a few weeks after they took over things were great but then everything just fell apart. RVD vs. Sting is happening because Sting is #1 in a poll? So it no longer is about wins/losses but #1 in a poll? I know the records came into play but still it just doesn't come off as working. For NXT it's ffine but for something that tried to compete with Raw it just doesn't work. I don't have a clue what the deal is witht he tag division. The X Division is decent but the guys are never going to get past where they are now. A spot opens up in the top ten and the X Division has to have a battle royal for the tenth spot? So in other words even the X Division champion isn't considered the 11th best guy in the company? Does something seem stupid there to you?
I don't care about stuff like that. I've never had much time for that level of over analysis. The rating system sounds like an idea with tremendous potential if the promotion was built around it, that will fall flat as it is used now, but that doesn't bother me.

What bothers me is simply that I'm not being entertained. I watch for the moments were one guy comes out and cuts a killer promo, or two guys have a really good match; and that's just not been happening recently. The programs are all a mess, and that's dragging everything else down.
That's true also. I get that the angles are more complex, but that doesn't mean that they're better. When you need a road map to keep track of everything going on, that's too much.

As for the rankings system, I just see it as too scientific. Wrestling is supposed to be about emotion, not stats and figures.
See I think it's the other way round; it should be more scientific. The American male audience seems to love poring over stats and and whatnot anyway. Right now I don't know how the system works, and that makes me not care about it.
It should be complex, it should be multi layered and it should accommodate for storytelling, booking and fan involvement and most importantly it should be transparent.

I want to know why the top guy is the top guy. If I disagree that's fine; heat. But if it just happens for no reason then the system isn't doing anything by being in place.

Now I think that making the system work in TNA is borderline impossible, so it should go.

As for the other matter, there is a difference between being complex and being incomprehensible. I'm fine with TNA's "everyone having some kind of program with everyone else" was of booking things. I like it. I understand it, and if I didn't then I'd be embarrassed to admit it.
What I don't like is when things simply don't make sense. Illogical turns that never get followed up on. Recent history completely forgotten. That sort of thing. It makes it very hard for a compelling program to be build when it's in an environment that the workers themselves don't understand. That's why all TNA's best programs recently are ones that have been kept in isolation from the rest of the show.
They've told us how it works: Fan Vote, Career Win/Loss and TNA Win/Loss. The problem is it makes things too structured. There's no feeling of anything could happen at any time. When Sheamus beat Cena, it was a SHOCK. Sheamus had no business there but he won anyway and it made me want to watch because it made thigns look like anything could happen. Now we know what's coming and even though Sting has been pretty worthless lately, he's still ranked #1? Why? If you want to do RVD vs, Sting then do RVD vs. Sting. Don't have a poll that makes limited sense.

That is Russo 101. There are so many twists that make no sense at all and while he occasionally hits something, things are so complex that it just doesn't matter anymore. In WWF this ran rampant. Chyna once made three distinct turns in less than one week. At the end, no one cared. WWE has been running very basic and simple angles lately and it's flat out worked.
I'm nervous. They might do it at Slammiversary. I'll accept the loss, but i'll point out that the logic X saw, and to be fair was completely what I saw too, never happened, which was the point.
Only time I found Shelley interesting when he was with Kevin Nash and I've never found Sabin interesting at all.

On an unrelated note, what the fuck happened to Samoa Joe. They have screwed up his character for damn near three years now.
Shelley and Sabin are more interesting and entertaining than Kevin Nash has ever been at any point in his overrated career. Both are far better wrestlers too.

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