TNA iMPACT! LD for 04.14.11

Just started watching. I can't bring myself to review Impact anymore, too much of a chore for a show that's usually atrocious. I'm still going to review the PPVs but man, I don't have the patience for reviewing the TV anymore.

I'm at the start of the show. The reaction to Anderson is just amusing, absolute crickets. It's even more amusing since these shows are taped and they could just pipe in cheers to make it seem like he's over, but I guess they prefer the crickets.
I still like Matt Hardy a lot. I'm rooting for him to get a serious push sometime this summer.

He's one of the only real credible wrestlers in Immortal right now. They'd be smart to push him hard as a upper-mid-card or even main-event type performer.
Red Cross "Yeah we will only take a bit, it won't take long."

Flair "Screw this find my a knife and a bucket. Woo!"


Blood fushion!!! do you know who I am!!! you're talking to GOD right now!!! GOD GOD GOD!!!!!!! WOOOO WOOO WOOOO!!!!!

you're on a roll tonight MM LOL
Watching the opening promo right now. They should start keeping a meter in the corner of the screen to count every time Anderson says "asshole".

Holy shit this guy is so insanely annoying. I've gone from liking Anderson a year ago, to being indifferent, to hating every single second he's on my screen. Someone should slap him upside the head and tell him to calm the fuck down and study how to cut a promo that isn't just him yelling and swearing.
Wrapping yourself around someone like if you were a boa I would assume.

I'm guessing he's gotten practice with that hold while being in Immortal. When you work with Abyss and Bully Ray, you gotta hold them back from catering before you get your share!
He's one of the only real credible wrestlers in Immortal right now. They'd be smart to push him hard as a upper-mid-card or even main-event type performer.

Truth, I like that Matt is just going out and trying to do the best he can and getting better.. no complaints from me if they do this for him. Immortal needs more crediable players in their group.
Madison Rayne has grown on me...

Why is Tara turning over Mickie? After they have been having brutal women's matches??

Madison Rayne .."Tara you are my bitch!"

YAY for more storyline referances!!

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