TNA iMPACT! LD for 01.27.11

A drinking show. Is Spike owned by MTV or something? They just come up with the dumbest things lately.'re talking about a channel that has MANswers...that asks the fastest way to get drunk...thru the butthole, or the largest poop ever taken...etc. Did u really expect anything less? LOL
JJ still doesn't understand making heels bullys to further the campaign, sigh. Best part is TNA being part of the campaign is ironic in general, which is the whole point of them being a part of it.
JJ still doesn't understand making heels bullys to further the campaign, sigh. Best part is TNA being part of the campaign is ironic in general, which is the whole point of them being a part of it.

What don't I get exactly? That heels can I act like bullies? Yea, pretty sure I get that. What I don't get is that you portray that (which is absolutely the right thing to do) and then do the eliminate the hate campaign. It's the old "do as I say, not as I do" motto. That's all I'm saying. I anxiously await your retort that makes no sense.
This X-Division match represents everything that is wrong with treating the X-Division as important. Fucking horrible match, and so obviously choreographed it kills any illusion of believability.

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