TNA iMPACT! LD for 01.27.11

God Flair's legacy has gone right down the shitter.

Thank you! Dude sounds like a drunken jackass when he comes out each week. It gets worse and worse. I really don't know who enjoys hearing him stutter through promos and forgot what he's talking about. I hate Bischoff, but at least he can put together coherent sentences.
Thank you! Dude sounds like a drunken jackass when he comes out each week. It gets worse and worse. I really don't know who enjoys hearing him stutter through promos and forgot what he's talking about. I hate Bischoff, but at least he can put together coherent sentences. if he has sounded like anything but that for about 16 years now? if he has sounded like anything but that for about 16 years now?

I never claimed to like him in that period of time. Still have my copy of him winning the 92 Rumble which is sweet though. But honestly, it's getting ridiculous. I think Flair and Pope are hanging out in a "yell random shit and hope it comes out sound like a promo" club.
Dean you need to put down the Crack Pipe. There are tons of people with better mic skills than Flair.
Flair is fun. Seldom in a segment I remember at the end of the night, but sure fire entertainment whenever he's on TV.
Kurt Angle wrestling for the first time in 3 months. That's not something you should promote in advance at all.............

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