TNA iMPACT! is missing ReAction LD for 12.30.10

I would think if Tommy Dreamer wants to wrestle, there are retirement homes across the country he could travel to and teach those geezers a thing or two about wrestling in case one of the orderlies gets a little out of line, then he teaches them a Dreamer DDT or something. Surely something better than seeing him on TNA.
This will never, ever stop making me laugh. Ever.


I wonder if that's how Jarrett disciplines his kids at home.
Jeff- " best get on and clean those damn rooms!!"

Kids..."No dad!"

Jeff."Don't make me beat you with my guitar or put you in my ankle lock!!"
I would think if Tommy Dreamer wants to wrestle, there are retirement homes across the country he could travel to and teach those geezers a thing or two about wrestling in case one of the orderlies gets a little out of line, then he teaches them a Dreamer DDT or something. Surely something better than seeing him on TNA.

He could work matches at the homeless shelter I work at. That we delight me oh so much
Mercer looks good but at the same time do they need another guy on the roster? It's bloated beyond belief as it is. Now we need room for an angle involving Red and Red's brother?
Too many damn food commercials, making me hungry as fuck.

I think those are in there for the benefit of Tommy Dreamer, thanks to his doctor, as a result of his old man meds, he has to eat every hour on the hour, to get more fiber in his diet, then he has to wear those orthopedic shoes since his back has gone to shit from all his jobbing in the ring lately.

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