TNA iMPACT! is missing ReAction LD for 12.30.10

OJ: You know you're not allowed to poke other guys with your stick.

EY: I know, you've been very adamant about that and I apologize.

Yikes these "comedy" segments are bad.

Atleast we get a Shark Boy sighting. Shark Boy is the king of trolls in professional wrestling, he's awesome.

True story: there hasn't been a good strap match in like 10 years. Discounting JBL-Guerrero which I think was half decent.
2010 was a terrible year for TNA. I didn't think they could get worse than the first 8 months of 2009. I was clearly wrong.

Tommy Dreamer? Get the fuck off my screen you scrub.

Also lol at RVD saying he'll win a title in 2011. Dude you had the world title for like 6 months. I sure as shit hope you don't.
2010 was a terrible year for TNA. I didn't think they could get worse than the first 8 months of 2009. I was clearly wrong.

Tommy Dreamer? Get the fuck off my screen you scrub.

Also lol at RVD saying he'll win a title in 2011. Dude you had the world title for like 6 months. I sure as shit hope you don't.

Pretty sure I kept saying that would happen. It would be fun to start and then Hogan and Bischoff would become the focus of the show and it would go downhill in a hurry. Also pretty sure a ton of people here said I was just bitching for the sake of bitching and there was no way that would happen.
Yikes these "comedy" segments are bad.

Atleast we get a Shark Boy sighting. Shark Boy is the king of trolls in professional wrestling, he's awesome.

True story: there hasn't been a good strap match in like 10 years. Discounting JBL-Guerrero which I think was half decent.

JBL-Batista was decent as well
Pretty sure I kept saying that would happen. It would be fun to start and then Hogan and Bischoff would become the focus of the show and it would go downhill in a hurry. Also pretty sure a ton of people here said I was just bitching for the sake of bitching and there was no way that would happen.

People....denied that? Well then what the fucking hell would be the point of bringing them in?
This will never, ever stop making me laugh. Ever.


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