TNA Bound For Glory 2011

They could actually make that Sting - Hogan thing really interesting if it became an interefere-a-thon faction war type thing. Could make it exciting and really build up to a creschendo

I think it's the only option they have. Hogan isn't going to bump. Like, at all, not a single bump. What else can you do?
But it wouldn't have done anything. The feud already had a justification, it already had a build and it already had heat and intrigue. You think it was going to draw more to have an enhancement title on the line? You think it was magically going to make the match more entertaining?

At least Eric Young's segments serve and accomplish a purpose.

Of course not, you just want something to complain about.

Has Anderson had a bad haircut by the way or is it just me?

I'd hardly call this feud interesting or intriguing and I'd call the TV Title a waste of time so far, but I guess Scott Baio is over my head.

It never ceases to amaze me that you constantly say I'm complaining when I've praised this show all night long. What purpose in the world did Young's segments accomplish? I'm dying to hear this.

And yes he does.
But it wouldn't have done anything. The feud already had a justification, it already had a build and it already had heat and intrigue. You think it was going to draw more to have an enhancement title on the line? You think it was magically going to make the match more entertaining?

Number one contendership would have been perfect for it.
What purpose in the world did Young's segments accomplish? I'm dying to hear this.

Seriously, I asked this yesterday, are you actually incapable of answering these questions for yourself.

Eric Young's segments were comic relief, what the fuck do you think they were for?

Bubba got robbed. Damn good match though, probably Anderson's best outing not involving Kurt Angle.

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