TNA BFG 10.14.12

I was 11 when Al snow used the HEAD gimmick. It took me until I was 15 to understandwhy he asked people " what does everybody want?"
so Hardy aries goes for 25 mins, Aces and eights (including the angle and match itself) 25 minutes, the tag team match goes for 15-20 KO match 6-10 mins. I guess there might be a Hal of fame package somewhere down the line too.
Al Snow looks to be in good shape for, y'know, being Al Snow.

Match is pretty shit though.
No doubt Aries reign has been lackluster so far, but that's because of the BFG series and A&8's overshadowing him. Like I said, Roode's a good heel but he's nothing special. Aries can be a much better heel than him. Hopefully he proves that tonight.

Personally, I enjoyed Aries as a face, but he's not a bad heel either. The thing is, if Hardy beats him tonight, I could very easily see him fading lower down the card. This isn't a complaint, just a worry.

IDR made a thread about this right after No Surrender, Hardy draws more money than mostly everybody in the company and his redemption storyline is something people apparently enjoy. Having Roode/Storm for the belt takes away two spots from the card. Storm can beat Roode and then go onto to feud for the belt, while I'm sure some people would have enjoyed him winning it tonight he didn't exactly need to win it tonight.

It's definitely not bad business to capitalize on Hardy's marketability, but is Aries/Hardy really a title-worthy feud? Hardy and Aries haven't shown any great chemistry, they haven't done anything except run through the motions.

This is more of a me not liking Storm than Roode thing, if Storm was going to win the belt he should have done it at Lockdown or should have kept the belt at least more than a week. Plus he's just a redneck that drinks beer and has finisher that for the most part comes out nowhere, sound familiar? I'm not going to use this thread to complain about a show I'm looking forward too but this didn't need the title, simple as that.

I would've loved to see Storm take the belt at Lockdown, but why not milk it until Bound for Glory? A slow-burn, year-long feud like this was a great idea and their match tonight was fucking awesome. Uhhh... You do get the purpose of Storm's first reign, right? You keep bringing it up, but you're clearly missing the point.
I'm gonna need some confirmation here. Is an appletini not the single best thing Daniels has ever had(And i'm including the ROH & TNA titles)?
It's definitely not bad business to capitalize on Hardy's marketability, but is Aries/Hardy really a title-worthy feud? Hardy and Aries haven't shown any great chemistry, they haven't done anything except run through the motions.

How else are Aries and Hardy supposed feud without the belt, it's built around how Aries is the champion yet he's taking a backseat to Hardy, which only makes sense because he's the champion. And how exactly have they not shown chemistry? They haven't wrestled each other one one one at all, if you mean their tag matches they were supposed to look like they can't compete as a team. I blame the rest on the A&8's taking away important time they needed to build the feud.

I would've loved to see Storm take the belt at Lockdown, but why not milk it until Bound for Glory? A slow-burn, year-long feud like this was a great idea and their match tonight was fucking awesome. Uhhh... You do get the purpose of Storm's first reign, right? You keep bringing it up, but you're clearly missing the point.

My point is that Storm should have never won the belt at all during that time, he should have either one it for the first time at Lockdown or BFG. Roode could have turned heel by screwing James and winning the belt in a tripe threat match with Angle, there was no need to have Storm's first world title reign be basically a joke.

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