"There's only one Ricky Hatton" Raw LD

Wrestler vs. Boxer always sucks. Always. This has been no different so far. I'm getting flashbacks of Wrestlemania 2.
It hasn't been big here in about 10 years. People don't care, fact.

And how long was it since there was a decent American heavyweight? 10 years?

Why would we care if an American was fighting in the Heavyweight division? We've had plenty of American boxers over the last decade that have done quite well, hasn't helped.
And how long since there was a good one?

And I think it's pretty funny that you're all pissed that Hatton is going to be in a comedy segment/match with Chavo. Give him someone more high profile? Yeah let's have someone who 99% of the WWE's audience has never heard of just come in and destroy a main eventer in ten seconds, that's not going to reflect poorly on the WWE main event at all.
Did I say a Main Eventer? I said someone more high profile. Anyone is more high profile than Chavo. Hatton could legit beat 99% of the roster, iand t's in fuckin' England, let Hatton do something good. That was a shit segment that will get no expisure tomorrow. WWE lose in the ratings to TNA over here, it was a good chance for Vince to get exposure and he blew it.
Dude, someone like Kozlov or Benjamin could legit beat 99% of the roster, that doesn't mean it's to be done.
And how long was it since there was a decent American heavyweight? 10 years?

It doesn't matter. People watch MMA now because it's a lot more exciting than boxing.

Did I say a Main Eventer? I said someone more high profile. Anyone is more high profile than Chavo. Hatton could legit beat 99% of the roster, iand t's in fuckin' England, let Hatton do something good. That was a shit segment that will get no expisure tomorrow. WWE lose in the ratings to TNA over here, it was a good chance for Vince to get exposure and he blew it.

Yeah, because the WWE should make a wrestler get embarrassed by the boxer who most fans over here have never heard of. The WWE wisely chose the guy who they designate every week to get embarrassed get embarrassed by Fatton.

Got any ratings data as far as WWE/TNA goes?
So was I the only one that caught that part about Cena admitting to having experimented with gay sex? Tell me I'm not the only one that caught that.

And as for the TNA beating Raw thing in the UK...yeah, that's been squashed months ago by the fact that Raw airs at an ungodly hour.
Dude, someone like Kozlov or Benjamin could legit beat 99% of the roster, that doesn't mean it's to be done.

Bit if Mayweather could beat Big Show in America to get publicity, why can't Hatton beat at least someone better than Chavo? The extra few fans they could have got they just wasted.

And yesa, Hornswoggle in with the big three. Great stuff.
You know whats weird? Is that Cena/dx are fighting at SS, yet they have these promo's and funny skits where their just having fun with no fighting. Thats kinda cool.
Yeah I caught it too, although it was another one like last week. They're right though. Saying you tweet people does sound wrong.

This Horny DX thing is just stupid. So, it's illegal for him to purchase their endorsed clothes? And people wonder why we shake our heads at the writing.
Bit if Mayweather could beat Big Show in America to get publicity, why can't Hatton beat at least someone better than Chavo? The extra few fans they could have got they just wasted.

And yesa, Hornswoggle in with the big three. Great stuff.

Because Mayweather > Hatton by a LONG shot. Also, if Vince wanted to have a big moment like a boxer knocking out a wrestler (dumb as hell move but whatever), it's likely that he would build it up as a big deal and put it on a big stage like, oh I don't know, WRESTLE FUCKING MANIA instead of on a Raw with zero build that no one would see.
It doesn't matter. People watch MMA now because it's a lot more exciting than boxing.
Yeah, a two minute hugging contest on the floor is better than a fist fight. Greta to know your opinion. In THIS country, boxing is bigger. This Raw is in this country. I fail to see your point.

Yeah, because the WWE should make a wrestler get embarrassed by the boxer who most fans over here have never heard of. The WWE wisely chose the guy who they designate every week to get embarrassed get embarrassed by Fatton.
Original. I've said time and time again, the tour to Britiain is a chance to get new British fans, everyone in this country has heard of Hatton, he got mainstream exposure for the WWE today just for being associated with it, which has been ruined by his segment. Vince obviously only cares about you Yanks, which is fair enough, but not for me.

Got any ratings data as far as WWE/TNA goes?
Nope. Facts may ruin my argument. Who'd want to do that?
MMA is more exciting than boxing could ever dream to be. The knockouts in MMA make the knockouts in boxing look like children slapfighting on the playground.
Because Mayweather > Hatton by a LONG shot.
Yeah he did, but so fuck? You don't get my point that Hatton is huge in this countryl Proabbly bigger than Mayweather is in the States. I told a mate today that Hatton was on WWE, he sounded interested when he hasn't watched it since the late 80s. There was a big chance for Vince today.

Also, if Vince wanted to have a big moment like a boxer knocking out a wrestler (dumb as hell move but whatever), it's likely that he would build it up as a big deal and put it on a big stage like, oh I don't know, WRESTLE FUCKING MANIA instead of on a Raw with zero build that no one would see.
I don't give a shit. It was a chance to get more viewers in a country that could make Vince money and he fucked it up. Hatton could have just assisted someones win ala Mayweather and it would have gone down better than his shit match.

Woo! A Canadian pretending to be a Scot. Is that supposed to be get a reaction?
Original. I've said time and time again, the tour to Britiain is a chance to get new British fans, everyone in this country has heard of Hatton, he got mainstream exposure for the WWE today just for being associated with it, which has been ruined by his segment. Vince obviously only cares about you Yanks, which is fair enough, but not for me.

Right. It's a way to get people to watch WWE, as you said. Hatton is a big deal in England, so having him host makes sense. However, wouldn't the point be to have move people keep watching by showing what WWE has? By having a guy with no wrestling experience come in and dominate a major guy.........PIPER IS HOSTING NEXT WEEK!!!!!!!! OH FUCK YES!!!!.....would make the company look weak. Why would you watch a company that looks weak? By making it look like Hatton can beat a guy that everyone beats but not have the confrontation with the big man, it makes you wonder whether or not he can do it. It would make people want to watch so they can see more of these awesome wrestlers, at least in theory.
MMA is more exciting than boxing could ever dream to be. The knockouts in MMA make the knockouts in boxing look like children slapfighting on the playground.

I'd rather see someone be punched to the floor than be choked out on the floor in a giant man-hug.
Damn, you take out all the boxing comments in this thread, and you have like 5 pages. This Raw sux.

HHH is putting Horny over in a way, so enjoy these moments..........
Yeah he did, but so fuck? You don't get my point that Hatton is huge in this countryl Proabbly bigger than Mayweather is in the States. I told a mate today that Hatton was on WWE, he sounded interested when he hasn't watched it since the late 80s. There was a big chance for Vince today.

Ok, good for him. See, the marketing is working. In other words, Hatton could be out here making cookies and your friend would watch. Why would Vince want to make his big names look weak for a guy that's likely never going to be associated with him again? That makes no sense.

I don't give a shit. It was a chance to get more viewers in a country that could make Vince money and he fucked it up. Hatton could have just assisted someones win ala Mayweather and it would have gone down better than his shit match.

You mean the same shit match that almost every guest host has had for the last 2-3 months, meaning that Hatton is considered just the same as they are, as it should be? Yeah, that's about right.

Woo! A Canadian pretending to be a Scot. Is that supposed to be get a reaction?

Well, considering he's a god in wrestling, I'd say so.

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