"There's only one Ricky Hatton" Raw LD

My mate was an example of what the boxing fans who tuned in were thinking when they saw what happened. Do I need to tell you that thousands of boxing fans travelled to Vegas just to see Hatton due to a recession. I am sorry you can't appreciate how popular this guy is.

We'll ignore the fact that catering to mostly English fans would alienate most of Vince's market and cause ratings to plummet. Screw that meaningless bullshit. Your friend didn't like the show. That's the important thing.
A chance to create new fans was wasted, that's my point. People didn't stop watching when Mayweather beat Show why would they if Hatton didn't knock out, say, The Miz in a segment about dis-respect, instead of knocking out Chavo in an awful match.

You mean, you, an Englishman, hasn't known a lot of American entertainers and personalities, on an American based television show, on the USA network, produced by an American based company, promoted by an American businessman and marketed to a primarily American audience?
Again, touring England is a chance to create new fans overseas, he didn't do that. What is so hard to understand?
How the FUCK do you know he didn't create fans for the WWE tonight Todd? Can you psychically read the minds of every one of your countrymen?
A chance to create new fans was wasted, that's my point. People didn't stop watching when Mayweather beat Show why would they if Hatton didn't knock out, say, The Miz in a segment about dis-respect, instead of knocking out Chavo in an awful match.

Because The Miz has no reason to disrespect Hatton, he's busy with Swagger and Bourne, and getting knocked out by Hatton does him absolutely no good when the WWE is trying to make him a star.
How the FUCK do you know he didn't create fans for the WWE tonight Todd? Can you psychically read the minds of every one of your countrymen?

Yeah, did you not know? You don't seem to be able to grasp the idea that Hatton is HUGE in this country. No one else could keep the country up 'til 6am in the morning and shell out £20 for one fight, lose, and still keep his fans. Managing to get Hatton on a programme that is even ridiculed by the people who broadcast it, was a great chance to get more viewers. Whoever saw him against Chavo and thought it was a good needs their head examining.
Yeah, he's popular.


What part of that do you not fucking understand???? NO ONE CARES OVER HERE, in the main market that Vince is going after. Why is that so hard to understand? I'm sorry you can't appreciate how popular guys like Big Ben are over here. It's the biggest sport in the country and draws FAR more fans than any boxing match ever will, but then again, Vince needs to only market to England so it should be Hatton and Beckham hosting every week right? In fact let's just move the show to England every week, since that's all that matters.

So in other words, your friend watched tonight, meaning that the ratings in England will be up. Vince wins.
Because The Miz has no reason to disrespect Hatton, he's busy with Swagger and Bourne, and getting knocked out by Hatton does him absolutely no good when the WWE is trying to make him a star.

Of course it does. He tried bullying a guest host, he gets a beating for it and people ridicule him. He comes out next week and attempts to brush it off, gaining heat in the mean time. None of you have given any reason whatsoever why Hatton couldn't have done anything better except for "we don't like boxing".
Yeah, did you not know? You don't seem to be able to grasp the idea that Hatton is HUGE in this country. No one else could keep the country up 'til 6am in the morning and shell out £20 for one fight, lose, and still keep his fans. Managing to get Hatton on a programme that is even ridiculed by the people who broadcast it, was a great chance to get more viewers. Whoever saw him against Chavo and thought it was a good needs their head examining.

Funny, still didn't answer my question.

How do you know the WWE didn't create new fans tonight by having Hatton on in any capacity? How do you know people saw Chavo and decided to tune out? You don't, you're just talking out of your ass, which was my point.

So, unless you're psychic and can predict the future WWE buyrates in England, I kindly suggest you stop blabbering.
Of course it does. He tried bullying a guest host, he gets a beating for it and people ridicule him. He comes out next week and attempts to brush it off, gaining heat in the mean time. None of you have given any reason whatsoever why Hatton couldn't have done anything better except for "we don't like boxing".

Other than the fact that it would make Show look weak, it would mean next to nothing to our fans to have a guy we've likely never heard of do it and then enver see him again, it would make the SS main event look weaker because Hatton would belong in it over Big Show, and the marketing got people in England to watch.

Other than that you're absolutely right.
Of course it does. He tried bullying a guest host, he gets a beating for it and people ridicule him. He comes out next week and attempts to brush it off, gaining heat in the mean time.

My point was that he has no motivation to go out there and make fun of Hatton when he has other stuff on his plate. He's a captain of a Survivor Series team. He's the US Champion. He has feuds going on with Swagger and Bourne. HE HAS MORE IMPORTANT THINGS TO DO THAN TO GO AHEAD AND BULLY A BOXER... AS DO ALL THE HEELS THAT ARE WORTH A SHIT. CHAVO IS THE DESIGNATED GUY TO GET EMBARRASSED BY THE GUEST HOST.

None of you have given any reason whatsoever why Hatton couldn't have done anything better except for "we don't like boxing".

The whole boxer vs. wrestler idea was stupid to begin with and shouldn't have happened. And we've all given very credible reasons that you're ignoring.
Yeah, he's popular.


What part of that do you not fucking understand???? NO ONE CARES OVER HERE, in the main market that Vince is going after. Why is that so hard to understand?
A business man doesn't care about a demographic that could make him more money? Is that the message you're sending? Should everyone outside Yankville stop watching then? It was a chance to make more money wasted.

I'm sorry you can't appreciate how popular guys like Big Ben are over here. It's the biggest sport in the country and draws FAR more fans than any boxing match ever will,
I understand that move, totally. Just because I haven't known first hand who each guest host is doesn't mean I haven't respected the decisions for who is guest host. Roethlisberger was a good choice to boost American viewership, as Hatton was in England. Your guy was involved in the Main Event, Hatton was involved with a filler wrestler.

So in other words, your friend watched tonight, meaning that the ratings in England will be up. Vince wins.
Except from the ratings in England don't matter to him, but PPV sales do. How many people who watched for the first time tonight will order Survivor Series when the man they tuned in to watch did a shit segment.
Funny, still didn't answer my question.

How do you know the WWE didn't create new fans tonight by having Hatton on in any capacity? How do you know people saw Chavo and decided to tune out? You don't, you're just talking out of your ass, which was my point.

So, unless you're psychic and can predict the future WWE buyrates in England, I kindly suggest you stop blabbering.

Apparently you missed that Todd.
Funny, still didn't answer my question.

How do you know the WWE didn't create new fans tonight by having Hatton on in any capacity? How do you know people saw Chavo and decided to tune out? You don't, you're just talking out of your ass, which was my point.
Oh yeah, the usual someone doesn't agree with xfear so he talks out of his arse. It was an embarrassment what Hatton was involved with. I'll watch Sky Sports News tomorrow and if they do anything other than s****** in the background whilst they show the footage I'll let you know.

Other than the fact that it would make Show look weak, it would mean next to nothing to our fans to have a guy we've likely never heard of do it and then enver see him again, it would make the SS main event look weaker because Hatton would belong in it over Big Show, and the marketing got people in England to watch.
Apart from i said The Miz, not Show. I never said he had to hit Show, I said someone better than Chavo.

My point was that he has no motivation to go out there and make fun of Hatton when he has other stuff on his plate. He's a captain of a Survivor Series team. He's the US Champion. He has feuds going on with Swagger and Bourne.
And it would have been really hard to have the fuckin' guest host get involved with a feud on HIS show.
A business man doesn't care about a demographic that could make him more money? Is that the message you're sending? Should everyone outside Yankville stop watching then? It was a chance to make more money wasted.

If you're talking about the money he made by getting people to watch his show by having a big sports star on, thereby driving up advertising demand and making more money off them, then I have no idea what you're talking about.

I understand that move, totally. Just because I haven't known first hand who each guest host is doesn't mean I haven't respected the decisions for who is guest host. Roethlisberger was a good choice to boost American viewership, as Hatton was in England. Your guy was involved in the Main Event, Hatton was involved with a filler wrestler.

Yeah he was, yet you and your friend watched anyway. Boo hoo, a bigger star got a more prestigious spot. Hatton is what, 5'8? Him vs. Show looks freaking stupid. Not as stupid as you're making yourself look in here, but pretty fucking stupid.

Except from the ratings in England don't matter to him, but PPV sales do. How many people who watched for the first time tonight will order Survivor Series when the man they tuned in to watch did a shit segment.

Probably about the same number as were going to, meaning that it didn't hurt anything. Not to mention your closemindedness of assuming everyone hated it and only watched for Hatton.
Oh yeah, the usual someone doesn't agree with xfear so he talks out of his arse. It was an embarrassment what Hatton was involved with. I'll watch Sky Sports News tomorrow and if they do anything other than s****** in the background whilst they show the footage I'll let you know.


I'm the one talking out of my "arse"? Really? Because all I've said so far is that you don't know whether or not Hatton's appearance tonight will attract more fans, while you've said that they've fucked it up. On what is your opinion based? Absolutely fucking nothing. You pulled it square out of your ass.

So, ya know, AGAIN, unless you want to tell us all you're a motherfucking psychic and can predict the PPV buyrates in England over the next month, please stop talking.
Apart from i said The Miz, not Show. I never said he had to hit Show, I said someone better than Chavo.

So Miz let's say. Vince has been building up Miz all year and has made him a big deal in the midcard. You're suggesting that a guy with no wrestling experience should beat him up for a one off thing for a country with a population 1/6th that of America with zero buildup so not a ton of people are going to watch, thereby hurting Miz's credibility for the American audience and hurting his credibility for the PPV and the future of his career, which is apparently far less important than this one night with Hatton who likely will never be around again?

Do I even need to make fun of this? Judges?
So Miz let's say. Vince has been building up Miz all year and has made him a big deal in the midcard. You're suggesting that a guy with no wrestling experience should beat him up for a one off thing for a country with a population 1/6th that of America with zero buildup so not a ton of people are going to watch, thereby hurting Miz's credibility for the American audience and hurting his credibility for the PPV and the future of his career, which is apparently far less important than this one night with Hatton who likely will never be around again?

Do I even need to make fun of this? Judges?

My mate was an example of what the boxing fans who tuned in were thinking when they saw what happened. Do I need to tell you that thousands of boxing fans travelled to Vegas just to see Hatton due to a recession. I am sorry you can't appreciate how popular this guy is.
Good for him, he is popular with BOXING FANS. Last time I checked, WWE caters to WRESTLING FANS (at least it should). Bringing in Hatton was smart business (it brought English ratings in the form of non-wrestling fans), and the first hour got better ratings (in England) for it.

Here is the lowdown of how Hatton helped his fans enjoy (or better yet UNDERSTAND) the show, which they probably never watched before:
  • He helped establish with non-wrestling fans that JeriShow are bad guys, and DX are good guys.
  • He (and was that his kid or something?) then had a pleasant conversation with Cena, which elevated Cena in the eyes of the Hatton fans, not to mention put cena over a a good guy.
  • He does the "Weekly Guest Host Chavo Segment" now starring Santino," to please American fans who enjoy comedy segments with Santino (myself included). His fans would not understand maybe, but Santino is funny enough for them to laugh (which is all comedy segments are for)
  • By announcing that he is "competing," the Hatton fans watching go BONKERS, because they see their hero do something athletic later in the show.
  • By announcing he is fighting Chavo, fans (who don't know he is a lowly jobber) are informed of his opponent, figure he doesn't look intimidating, and get psyched to see their guy beat the crap out of someone..
  • Hatton beats Chavo with 1 punch, after a few minutes of messing around in a match with convoluted rules. This may have confused the Boxing fans, but they shouldn't care, they saw what hey wanted, Hatton knocking somebody the fuck out.
By the time they did the mess of a Boxer/Wrestler match, WWE already made a concerted effort to keep his fans for the rest of the show. Therefore the abortion of a Hatton Match may not have affected their watching the rest of the show. Plus, they don't know Hatton is done for the night after that. They didn't show Hatton leave, so they need to assume that Hatton will appear again.

A chance to create new fans was wasted, that's my point.
You mean fan (singular, not plural). Your friend is 1 person.

People didn't stop watching when Mayweather beat Show why would they if Hatton didn't knock out, say, The Miz in a segment about dis-respect, instead of knocking out Chavo in an awful match.

By your logic, the better idea would have been to have (in a match with virtually no buildup) Hatton vs. Randy Orton (Hatton is a "Legend" in your mind, so Orton can "Legend Kill" Hatton).

I know this may sound stupid, but it was SMART BOOKING BY WWE. Chavo is established as the comedy heel who feuds with guest hosts. Hatton is an athlete Guest Host willing to "compete." Chavo was his only opponent. The match itself (save for the confusing rules), was well booked. Chavo stalled for a minute, obviously worried about the knockout power of Hatton. Hatton ultimately wins with 1 punch. That was the only way to book that segment. Did you want a competitive match? If Chavo took a punch from Hatton and didn't get KOed, then the Hatton fans would shit all over it. If Hatton 1 punch KOed a serious competitor like Miz, then WWE fans would shit all over it. At the end of the day, that match was booked perfectly.

Again, touring England is a chance to create new fans overseas, he didn't do that. What is so hard to understand?
What's hard to understand is the fact that you believe that he didn't do that. Also, it's hard to believe that you feel that the UK audience is more important then the US audience, which he works for 48 weeks a year.

I know this may hurt your feelings, but TO VINCE, US fans are more important then UK fans.
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Big Show and Chris Jericho are both incredibly entertaining.
Kelly Kelly is unbelievably gorgeous.
Is Alicia Fox meant to be the new Kristal but less hot?
As annoying as Cole is, King's the one that's unbearable to listen to.
Swaggah is awesome, but I must admit I don't see the hype in Miz.
What the fuck are they doing to the Shawn Michaels character? Is incoherency a form of degeneracy?
I enjoyed Raw tonight.
That is all.

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