WWE Raw LD Is Probably Not Getting Into The LD Hall Of Fame on 3/22

Alright. Watching this show now. I watched the first hour last night, and am in the DVR mode for now.

First impressions of hour one.

Standard Taker v. Michaels promo. I enjoy the HBK vintage footage.
Morrison vs. Miz was a pretty damn good matchup.
Kingston vs. Koslov was good for a Koslov match, which that means whatever.
2 on 3 Handicap match, decent for what it is.

Currently watching Kane vs. HBK.

So far, nothing blowing me away, pretty standard go home addition to the big show. No need to give too much away tonight.
HBK busting out the submission holds lets you know what type of match this will be on Sunday.

Oh shit, sweet Undertaker appearance.
I'm a mark, but I love the Undertaker and Kane switcharoos.

HBK with the win. The WWE does a good job of putting doubt into my mind that HBK is going to end the streak.
Too many Batista vs. Cena promos. The match sells itself, no need to remind us every segment.

Holy shit, Ueker in the Hall of Fame, Awesome.
Last night was more or less a 2 hour Mania preview, which is what it was supposed to be. Mania is set and looks as good as it could. Why fuck with that?
I'm watching the Mania card now. It's an absolutely stacked card, and most every match has a pretty decent if not good build to it. A 10 match card? with no piss break matches. Solid.
Fucking Bob Uecker. I love it.

And they showed his funniest clips from Major League that always have me pissing my pants.
Batista is so much better on the mic with sunglasses. It's like Bret Hart syndrome or something.
LOL, fat people in the audience and you paid for two seats. Where in the hell has this Batista been the last five years?
Finally some action. I don't mind the promo's end game, but boy oh boy it fucking took long to get here.
So a good raw, not a great raw. Pretty standard i suppose for the go home show to Mania. Off to watch Impact.

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