"There's only one Ricky Hatton" Raw LD

Ah shit, I came home 40 minutes late. Does someone want to sum up the first 40 minutes of it or am I just going to have to wait until youtube has it uploaded?
More guests than members on here, c'mon guys, join up. That slam into the knee should be Sheamus's finisher. He does it with such force that no one should get up to get kicked, plus it would take too long.
Odd, the Bellas seem to become more and more attractive every week. I used to find them hideous, now I'd quite like to shag the both of them. That's what guys like Hatton say, "shag", right?
Also, Swagger was definitely reading off cue cards.

And apparently, I'm also going to be voting for Steve "Lesser of Two Evils" Pagliuca for Senate.
She's a human Botchamania.

Not really, unless shes in the ring with divas who can't wrestle. She had a bad match with Mickie, but there were circumstances involved, Watch her 1st run with WWE or TNA. She's good. And sweet and beautiful.
Hatton/Guerrero? At least give Hatton something good you prick, McMahon. He could beat Guerrero after 20 pints. So Mayweather gets Big Show, Hatton gets fuckin' Chavo. Brilliant.
Yeah, no.

Chavo's work in WCW runs circles around Big Shows overrated career, full of terrible, terrible, terrible matches.

Hatton knocking out Chavo doesn't get mainstream exposure tomorrow in Britain for Vince. Awful decision.

Neither would him knocking out Big Show. Or anybody on the roster really save for maybe Cena.
Damn we get three SS matches???

Well two that matter and the token Divas match that's going to be awful and no one will care.
Chavo's work in WCW runs circles around Big Shows overrated career, full of terrible, terrible, terrible matches.
Great. At the moment, though, Show is worth something. And that's what Sky Sports News will focus on tomorrow. Him beating Chavo will get the usual laughter from the anchors. Him knocking out someone, anyone, else will get better reviews. Hatton hosting is a massvie thing. Boxing is huge at the moment, and his involvement is a big thing.
Except Swagger brought it up when he was reading off the cue cards right before his match.

You caught me, I only turned Raw on as Bourne hit the SSP. Oh well, Bourne gets some credibility and Swagger gets abused. Good thing.

Boxing is huge? Not really. Maybe in the UK. Boxing has been sinking in popularity with each passing year for a decade now, it gets almost zero sports coverage in the papers or on any of the sports channels and it hasn't for a long time.

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