There is a new stable in town

Not at all. Sid does it much better. And he does it with over 1000 words every single time.
I suppose you're right.

So, does that make me the "Concisely Tells It How He Sees It" User?
I dunno....that's a round about way to say "Tells it like it is Poster." That's not really telling it like it is. Everyone of Sid's 1500+ words are completely necessary to the task at hand. Be it building a word fort or dismantling Will's Thesis Citadel. (blantantly stole that from Pedobear)

You can be the "Fuck Jane" poster. That JWO thread suddenly picked up in the hilarity when you were in there flinging shit with Jane and TM.
Well then, the "Fuck TM" poster. Of course, I don't know how well that'll work for you, but you can try. It's better than stealing Sid's gimmick, anyway.
Beautifully derailed. Like, not to the wrong town. This would be like getting on a train headed towards Ohio, and ending up on the moon.

Thanks guys.
So Sid officially left the WWE board? Thank God. I had to quit for a whole month just because he gave me an infraction for every damn post. I think the most I've gotten from NorCal was a "great sig, man".
Possibly the funniest thread I had read in a while. Ole boy was trying to say that Kofi not having the title was racist, and NorCal put him in his place with racial profiling.
Who dat? Who dat say they gonna beat dem Saints?

I watched a video on New Orleans today in Cultural Anthropology. It was on all of the various dialects of English in the town. Those bitches had entirely new dialects depending on what street you lived on, let alone town.
Razor, I would try to insinuate that you are attmepting to become top thread derailer on WZ, but then goodness knows what madness KB would go into
Ya, new orleans is basically the shit. Went there last weekend. Almost went this weekend, then I remembered I spent all my money last weekend. The sad part is I can understand nearly everybody there.
Awww. Norcal, I'm honored. :)

But yeah, let's leave KB to his ways. We don't need him derailing threads in whatever fashion he deems sufficient. It would scare even you, someone FULL OF POTENTIAL.
So Sid officially left the WWE board? Thank God. I had to quit for a whole month just because he gave me an infraction for every damn post. I think the most I've gotten from NorCal was a "great sig, man".

Don't think you are going to have it much better that I am in TNA now.

D-Man and I think I saw Norcal once or twice infract things I wouldn't have infracted.

So don't count your chickens before they hatch.
Ya, new orleans is basically the shit. Went there last weekend. Almost went this weekend, then I remembered I spent all my money last weekend. The sad part is I can understand nearly everybody there.

I recommend you check out the rules. I think OJ has less of a track record.
I hope you're not ZeroVX's alt. That would make me cry because Zero is awesome and I don't want him to get permabanned.
I hope you're not ZeroVX's alt. That would make me cry because Zero is awesome and I don't want him to get permabanned.

ZeroXV exists in part because I'm responsible for the name "zero" being unable to be registered. I would appreciate him being referred to with his full name, as I'll rightfully take back mine.

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