Super Heroes and Villains

In comic related news, I finished the Wolverine story of the Civil War arc last night, and it was pretty good. He decided to stalk and punish Nitro, the mutant responsible for blowing up Stamford Connecticut and killing hundreds of people, including 60 children. Wolverine finds Nitro pretty easily, but of course there is something bigger than Nitro afoot. Wolverine then proceeds to take on corporate America the only way he knows how... eviscerating it and knocking back a tall boy as he watches it bleed.

The story has a surprisingly political tone towards the end of it, and Wolverine is as bad ass as always and pretty enjoyable to read. The art leaves something to be desired–it's a little too cartoony for my liking–but it's not the worst I've ever seen. It was a very enjoyable read, and I'm glad I did it.
Was it Huberto Ramos? The man who somehow turned one of the greatest Green Goblin stories of all time into something that was avoidable because of how bad his art is/was?
Was it Huberto Ramos? The man who somehow turned one of the greatest Green Goblin stories of all time into something that was avoidable because of how bad his art is/was?

Why yes, yes it was. I'm impressed Funkay. I don't usually stop to see who the artist was, but you guessed it based on a weak description. You get awesome points.
Ramos' art is weak. It's too caricatureish for my taste and it's kinda difficult to make out some of his characters; exactly what an artist shouldn't have a problem with.

The Green Goblin story I spoke of though is a must read. Entitled 'A Death in the Family' (which is a kinda overused title in comics, but oh well) it's written by Paul Jenkins. It's from Peter Parker: Spider-Man (Vol 2) #44-47. Great stuff. The Paul Jenkins run in general is pretty freaking awesome.
Yeah, his art is REALLY cartoony. Wolverine is hunched over like an ape for most of the comic, everyone's eyes are like, animae sized, and the differences between characters are ridiculous. All people should look generally the same, right? Then why does Wolverine look like a gorilla and Tony Stark look like a giraffe? Charicaturish is a great way of putting it.
I can't remember if I told you this or if it was someone else, I think it was you but it can't hurt to bring it up again, but I got tickets to an advanced screening of Red State and Smith is gonna be there, and I'm super excited for that. I had to drop some serious cash on the tickets, but it should be worth it.


I want to go to that, but it's not coming anywhere near me, nor could I really afford it even if it did, so looks like I'm prolly going to have to wait till Oct. 19th when it hits theaters, which is fine as it'll be a nice way to spend my Birthday

Can't say I'm not teeming with excitement.

Sadly, the movie has gotten really negative reviews and publicity so far, but Kevin Smith movies are rarely welcomed with open arms. I'm going in with no expectations (other than the fact that I expect to enjoy myself immensely), so I'll let you know exactly what I thought of it.
The negative publicity mostly stems from Hollywood being pissed that he refused to sell it, and instead decided to release it on his own, now they feels Smith is trying to bite on hand that feeds him

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