Super Heroes and Villains

Batman Beyond: The Return of Joker was fantastic. Also, big props to Under the Red Hood, the opening 10 minutes left me gaping.
The first two Blade movies - Snipes is Sam Jackson cool in these movies and Kristopherson still walks off with the best quote (3:11)...
No, Batman couldn't beat any of the other super heros/villians straight up, but he doesn't have to.

If Batman could go against the likes of Magneto, Spider Man, Wolverine, etc. He would find a way to win. It's already happened in the DC Universe. Batman went head to head with Superman in one scenario. Mind you used kryptonite gloves or something like that, but he did it.

Batman is a genius and has a nack for finding out people's weaknesses. Example:


See? He would find a way to win.
Saying he would find a way to win is such a cop-out. Given enough time most heroes would be able to find a way to beat anyone else. It's the fact that they don't have much time that makes their victories heroic.

If Dr. Doom wasn't going to use his power to take over the world in a matter of days, Reed Richards could sit in the Baxter Building for a month building a device that would trap Doom deep in some other dimension, but he doesn't have enough time, so he has to make do with his teammates and whatever he has in the way of gadgets.

If Spider-Man had all week to fight Green Goblin he could easily set up a trap that would catch Goblin, but he only has half a second to dodge the Goblin Glider and fire a web at Osbourne's face.

If Batman had time to create some plastic weapons, isolate himself in a metal-free environment, and lower the amount of iron in his blood, then yes, he would be able to beat Magneto, but if he's just cruising along in his Batmobile to the scene of a crime, Magneto would make it explode, blowing Bruce Wayne to pieces. Magneto isn't going to send Batman a card saying, "Hey Batman, I hate you, do you hate me? Check yes or no. If you do hate me, let's fight on Friday at 8 PM. Don't find me, I'll find you LOL!"

Batman is a great thinker, planner, and a terrific fighter, but if he had to go up against someone with the power of Magneto, he'd be toast.
I think it was once stated on an episode of the Justice League that Batman had a way to stop all of the heroes if it needed to be done. Batman is beast.

Sure, if Batman was going to fight Magneto in a surprise bout where Batman has no idea who the oppenent is or what he can do, then Magneto would kick the shit out of him. However, how often does Batman go into a battle blind? He doesn't just pull up to the scene of a crime and fight. Most times, he knows exactly what's going on and who's behind said crime. A little research later and Batman is ready to kick ass.

BTW, I'm sure that Batman has many different suits for many different purposes. And many different weapons for many different reasons. It's already been said that he's like Stark. Doesn't Stark have a suit of armor for almost every outcome? Batman has many gadgets and many costumes for almost every outcome. I think that if Batman survived a first battle with Magneto. He would kick Magneto's ass in a second one.
If Magneto is in full villain mode, there won't be a second battle. In the past, Magneto has shown no remorse when it comes to killing or severely injuring his enemies.

As for Batman not having a lot of weapons for different occasions... what are you mental? That's half of what makes Batman as good as he is, he develops all sorts of new technology depending on who he's fighting or what the situation is.

Regarding the whole, how Batman would take out the entire Justice League... that's planning. I'm sure Nick Fury has about 20 different ways to take out any given super hero, and he's probably practiced them all too.

And finally, Iron Man does have many different suits of armor, but you really only see him use the one main one, the others are just there to show how much of a technological genius he is. I'm sure there have been some Iron Man comics where he busts out a special suit for one reason or another, but he's generally in his traditional armor. And the comparison of Batman and Iron Man really doesn't come from their powers, but the men behind the mask. Both are incredibly wealthy and incredibly brilliant. Both develop/help develop their own weapons, gadgets, and modes of transportation, and neither have actual super powers. I will say that I think Batman is a cooler hero that Iron Man (mostly because I think Stark is a reactionary guy and I didn't agree with his stance on the SRA), and I do actually think Batman would win in a fight with Iron Man, but they are still similar characters.
If Magneto is in full villain mode, there won't be a second battle. In the past, Magneto has shown no remorse when it comes to killing or severely injuring his enemies.

I don't know about the validity of this statement. Magneto, although he's fucked in the head a little, is relatively a good guy. His best friend is Professor X and there have been many occasions where Magneto has come to the aid of the X Men and the X Men have come to the aid of Magneto. I don't think that Magneto would just take Batman out for the sake of taking him out.

As for Batman not having a lot of weapons for different occasions... what are you mental? That's half of what makes Batman as good as he is, he develops all sorts of new technology depending on who he's fighting or what the situation is.

I think that we had a little miscommunication on this one. I said that he did have many different weapons and costumes. Read it if you don't believe me.

Regarding the whole, how Batman would take out the entire Justice League... that's planning. I'm sure Nick Fury has about 20 different ways to take out any given super hero, and he's probably practiced them all too.

Sure that's planning. That's what makes Batman such a kick ass character IMO. He doesn't have to be the strongest, fastest, or have the most super powers. He beats people by out smarting them. If he had the chance against Magneto to think, Batman would win.

And finally, Iron Man does have many different suits of armor, but you really only see him use the one main one, the others are just there to show how much of a technological genius he is. I'm sure there have been some Iron Man comics where he busts out a special suit for one reason or another, but he's generally in his traditional armor. And the comparison of Batman and Iron Man really doesn't come from their powers, but the men behind the mask. Both are incredibly wealthy and incredibly brilliant. Both develop/help develop their own weapons, gadgets, and modes of transportation, and neither have actual super powers. I will say that I think Batman is a cooler hero that Iron Man (mostly because I think Stark is a reactionary guy and I didn't agree with his stance on the SRA), and I do actually think Batman would win in a fight with Iron Man, but they are still similar characters.

I agree that they are similar and that Batman could beat Iron Man. I also think that Batman could take out Wolverine, Spider Man, most of the X Men, and many more. Alas, we'll probably never know though.
Well, we had a tournament last year that I think either Batman or some random Anime character named Monkey D won. Perhaps we'll have one again this year.

There was a Marvel-DC crossover series once, but Batman wound up fighting Captain America, whom he beat, which isn't all that surprising. Cap is a brilliant strategist, probably better than Batman even, and he's definitely more physically impressive than Batman, but Batman is more wily than Cap and he definitely has more firepower. I don't know exactly how Batman managed to beat Cap, but I would imagine he managed to separate Rogers from his shield, allowing Batman to hit him with some of his gadgets.

I think Wolverine would beat Batman. This is a debate I had with Razor in the tournament. I think Batman would only be able to incapacitate Wolverine for no longer than a few minutes before Wolverine would tear his way through. Batman's stealth game would be ineffective against Wolverine who uses his animal senses as an expert tracker in addition to his extensive work in black-ops. Batman's best bet would be keeping Wolverine at range, which is easier said than done. Batman would need some really heavy duty fire power to stop Wolverine, who despite weighing over 300 pounds is fast and agile. Once it comes to hand to hand combat, Batman is toast. You seem to know your shit, so I assume you know Wolverine isn't just going to run up to Batman and try to slash at him wildly. Wolverine is an expert martial artist just like Batman, and has fought against all types of opponents from big bruisers like Sabretooth to more skilled enemies like ninjas. I think Batman would be able to just barely hold of Wolverine before he got an arm chopped off.

Spider-Man would be a more interesting case. Spider-Man fought Super Boy in the DC vs. Marvel crossover and won, though I don't know much about Super Boy at all. In the Marvel universe, Spider-Man has managed to get the better of some foes that it really seems like he has no shot against. I think Batman would look better on paper if they had to fight each other, but I think they would eventually just find a way to incapacitate each other.

Going back to what I said earlier. Would anybody be interested in doing another tournament like Echelon did last year? I'd be more than happy to run it/help run it if Echelon still wants to do it.
Well, we had a tournament last year that I think either Batman or some random Anime character named Monkey D won. Perhaps we'll have one again this year.

That'd be cool

There was a Marvel-DC crossover series once, but Batman wound up fighting Captain America, whom he beat, which isn't all that surprising. Cap is a brilliant strategist, probably better than Batman even, and he's definitely more physically impressive than Batman, but Batman is more wily than Cap and he definitely has more firepower. I don't know exactly how Batman managed to beat Cap, but I would imagine he managed to separate Rogers from his shield, allowing Batman to hit him with some of his gadgets.

Cap A is a super human. Sure he is more physically impressive than Batman, but to say that he is a better strategist than the Big Bad Bat is a bit of a stretch, don't you think? All I've ever seen Cap do is throw his shield and some punchs and kicks here or there. I've seen Batman plan out an entire battle move for move and it almost always goes his way. So, IMO, it's not hard to believe that the Dark Knight could beat Cap A.

I think Wolverine would beat Batman. This is a debate I had with Razor in the tournament. I think Batman would only be able to incapacitate Wolverine for no longer than a few minutes before Wolverine would tear his way through. Batman's stealth game would be ineffective against Wolverine who uses his animal senses as an expert tracker in addition to his extensive work in black-ops. Batman's best bet would be keeping Wolverine at range, which is easier said than done. Batman would need some really heavy duty fire power to stop Wolverine, who despite weighing over 300 pounds is fast and agile. Once it comes to hand to hand combat, Batman is toast. You seem to know your shit, so I assume you know Wolverine isn't just going to run up to Batman and try to slash at him wildly. Wolverine is an expert martial artist just like Batman, and has fought against all types of opponents from big bruisers like Sabretooth to more skilled enemies like ninjas. I think Batman would be able to just barely hold of Wolverine before he got an arm chopped off.

As spry and as agile as Wolverine is, Batman is more spry and agile. Remember one time, Batman dodged Darkseid's Omega Beam and Darkseid was very surprised saying he's never seen something so agile before. If the battle did come down to hand to hand combat however, Wolverine would beat the holy hell out of Bats. However, Batman has more than enough gadgets to keeps Wolvy at bay for a period of time and if need be, make an escape.

Spider-Man would be a more interesting case. Spider-Man fought Super Boy in the DC vs. Marvel crossover and won, though I don't know much about Super Boy at all. In the Marvel universe, Spider-Man has managed to get the better of some foes that it really seems like he has no shot against. I think Batman would look better on paper if they had to fight each other, but I think they would eventually just find a way to incapacitate each other.

I think that this is interesting as well. Spider-Man wins in the agility and strength department and as smart as Spider-Man is, he isn't a battle strategist like Batman. Spider-Man would actually be able to dodge and stay away from most of Batman's gadgets, however I really do think that Batman could beat Spider-Man in a hand to hand battle. It would be close when you think about it. It would be like Spidy fighting the Green Goblin all over again. However, this one isn't a crazy mad man, this one is a brilliant fighter with a wider variety of gadgets to throw at Spidy. I'd love to see it.

Going back to what I said earlier. Would anybody be interested in doing another tournament like Echelon did last year? I'd be more than happy to run it/help run it if Echelon still wants to do it.

I'm interested.
Captain America is regarded as one of the greatest strategists in the Marvel Universe, if not all of the comic book world. He lead one of the most important teams in WWII in the Marvel Uni, not to mention the Avengers and the Anti-Registration forces during the Civil War.
Let's just take this to a whole other level!!!!

Dr. Manhattan would destroy them all with a wave of his hand.

I win.
Yes. I don't know if he plans on doing it again though, so I'm trying to be proactive. If he wants to do it I'd be glad to play some sort of helping role.
And finally, Iron Man does have many different suits of armor, but you really only see him use the one main one, the others are just there to show how much of a technological genius he is. I'm sure there have been some Iron Man comics where he busts out a special suit for one reason or another, but he's generally in his traditional armor. And the comparison of Batman and Iron Man really doesn't come from their powers, but the men behind the mask. Both are incredibly wealthy and incredibly brilliant. Both develop/help develop their own weapons, gadgets, and modes of transportation, and neither have actual super powers. I will say that I think Batman is a cooler hero that Iron Man (mostly because I think Stark is a reactionary guy and I didn't agree with his stance on the SRA), and I do actually think Batman would win in a fight with Iron Man, but they are still similar characters.

Right now, Iron Man will only be using the "Bleeding Edge" armor. Like I stated before the man is effectively a cyborg, needing his new Rand designed repulsor tech reactor to fuel his body's most basic functions such as breathing. In the past yes, he had a hall of armor, all that now though is mostly destroyed thanks to Osborn.

At this moment though, with the way the "Bleeding Edge" armor works, I don't actually think Batman could beat Iron Man. The armor itself is alive on Tony's skin and can morph in various ways so much so as to heal it self whenever damage is taken. The only way Batman could manage to beat Iron Man would be to stop his limitless power supply or to infect him with a virus like the Skrulls did during Secret Invasion.
Well, we had a tournament last year that I think either Batman or some random Anime character named Monkey D won. Perhaps we'll have one again this year.

Monkey D. Luffy, bitch!

Shit, I'm beaten!!!

Wait, didn't Dr. Doom take control of the Beyonder's powers during the Secret Wars?

He sneeked in to steal his power but the Beyonder regained by utilising Klaw. The Beyonder was a naive God type character - so his power was kind of omnipotent. He actually ended up losing because he developed human frailty and the Molecule Man transferred his power to another dimension creating a big bang that created a universe similar to our own. To my knowledge he is the single most powerful entity created in comic lore.
He sneeked in to steal his power but the Beyonder regained by utilising Klaw. The Beyonder was a naive God type character - so his power was kind of omnipotent. He actually ended up losing because he developed human frailty and the Molecule Man transferred his power to another dimension creating a big bang that created a universe similar to our own. To my knowledge he is the single most powerful entity created in comic lore.

I know who the Beyonder is.

So he can be beaten? BTW, how would one destroy Dr. Manhattan? He can re form after being blown up, he can control energy itself. He can also control molecules. Can he be beaten?
There were Dragon Ball characters in the tournament, but there power level was limited or something. I know next to nothing about Dragon Ball (Z) so I could be way off, but I think they said you could go above Sayin Level 2.

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